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Penis size: The Real Story, via the Red Pill Women subreddit

Here’s an interesting, er, historical discussion I found in the Red Pill Women subreddit, in a larger discussion of vagina size:


The more you know!

The entire discussion is, of course, a gold mine of misogynistic nonsense. You can dive right in here, or see some of the more memorable quotes highlighted in this Blue Pill discussion.

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11 years ago

“But I’ve always had the impression from talking to various girlfriends that penis size really really doesn’t matter to them unless it tends towards really extreme ends of the scale – and that very big ones are actually more likely to pose compatibility problems than very small ones. Which is of course the precise opposite of what men are conditioned to believe, but there you go.”

oh my goodness, YES. seriously.
most of the women I know are far more concerned about cunnilingus skills than penis size. I’ve only had one female friend who’s complained that a lover was “too small”, but I feel like maybe she doesn’t know the imperial system very well because she was complaining that he was “only 7 inches”.
maybe this is TMI, (content warning?)
but I did mention Mr. Snide’s size to a couple of girlfriends beforehand, only because I was still a “virgin” (eyeroll) and was a little bit like THAT’S GOING TO GO WHERE?
… though since he’s the only man I’ve ever slept with I could totally make a killing writing a Christian sex book about how if you wait til marriage God will give you a husband with a huge cock… *evil laugh*

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

but I feel like maybe she doesn’t know the imperial system very well because she was complaining that he was “only 7 inches”.

…or she’s spent too long reading the kind of bad erotica where everyone has a footlong schlong?

11 years ago

When me and Husband lived in an apartment fairly close to the inner city, we once found a cat sitting outside our apartment door. He looked just like a chinchilla Persian… or rather, he didn’t have the extreme face shape that most Persian cats have, but he had the long coat which isn’t quite white but rather has a silvery sparkly shine to it, and turquoise eyes. He was skinny though, and his coat was all tangled up. He peeked into our apartment when I opened the door, but hesitated and went back out again when he saw the dogs.

Anyway, I found a tattoo in one of his ears. It was a bit hard to read what with all the fur, but I called the kennel club (the kennel club keeps a register of all tattooed or chipped animals – probably because it was first only done to dogs, and then gradually became more popular among other pets as well) and gave them a few suggestions for what the tattoo number might be, and eventually they found a match for the cat – silver-coloured long-haired cat owned by a family just a couple of streets away from us. We got their phone number and I called them, and was told the most interesting story:

Apparently this family already had two cats that were indoor cats, when Silver Cat showed up on their door step, very skinny and with a tangled coat. They took care of him, fed him and made him better, but then he ran away again, although they had tried to keep him indoors. He was gone for several months, and then he turned up again, this time badly injured. They took him to the vets and paid a pretty expensive bill to make him well again; and then, since they’d already spent so much money on him, they thought they were entitled to call themselves his owners, so they had him tattooed and registered themselves as owning him. He also got all the shots that cats are supposed to have (although he was already neutered, if I remember the story correctly).
They brought him home and once again tried to keep him indoors, but he ran away again. Eventually they gave up on trying to keep him as a proper pet, like their two other cats – they thought he was simply stray at heart. But time and again they’d get a phone call like mine, from someone who’d read his tattoo. Sometimes he’d stay for a month or two with someone else, before taking off again.

11 years ago

…or she’s spent too long reading the kind of bad erotica where everyone has a footlong schlong?

that’s the problem with being Canadian. We get the metric system drilled into us (ha) but then all “pop” stuff is imperial. no one talks about anyone’s “massive 17.78cm erection”.
I never understood that. actually I think that’s why I never really understood the obsession with length. like, dude, there’s only so far it can *go*.

11 years ago

On the topic of penis size rather than cats, have you seen this Cracked article ? The writer claims that it’s really dangerous to do what they call “the yawning position” because the guy might tear apart the woman’s womb with his penis. Um, NO HE WON’T. The reason being that it’s a fucking penis, not some kind of weapon you put in there. If you have sex with a guy who’s actually too well-endowed for the position you’re trying you may end up with a tummy ache after your womb have been smacked into – but you won’t be torn to pieces and end up in a hospital! Like, seriously? And presumably this was written by an adult?

11 years ago

Um, so, I used to have a boyfriend with a ridiculously huge cock, and in some positions it did hit my cervix. Which hurts, definitely, which is one of the reasons I don’t really want to date anyone quite THAT well endowed again. But “ripped apart”? It doesn’t have blades on the end, dudes.

The “my cock will destroy you!” thing is one of the weirdest and most offputting aspect of the way some guys see their own sexuality. Really, dudes, that shit ain’t healthy.

11 years ago

That same partner told me a story about someone else (it was a poly relationship). Aparrently he is much smaller than average (as I recall, she said he was a bit larger than my thumb), and there were positions that didn’t work; because he kept falling out.

His wife seems quite happy (and apart from that none of the people I know him to have slept with have any significant complaints), so it’s apparently not that grave a handicap.

most of the women I know are far more concerned about cunnilingus skills than penis size. I’ve only had one female friend who’s complained that a lover was “too small”,

I know a number of women who dislike cunnilingus; not all of whom are suffering from the, “it’s dirty” problem (I know several women who had that issue. I blame Massingil), but because of traumatic memories of abusive partners, or intimate rapists.

Mind you they don’t seem to care about penis size (well, one likes them slim, because she’s very fond of anal, and finds it makes things easier), but active engagement in the sexytimes.

11 years ago

WeeBoy | July 9, 2013 at 2:35 pm
Off topic (but about cats so not really): how does one tell if a cat is actually stray?

What everyone else said. Slowly it’s becoming so a majority of cats are microchipped, so you can take them to the SPCA/local vet to scan for a microchip and they can look in the NZCAR and preferably the AAR (SPCA used to use the AAR exclusively, now everyone uses the NZCAR so I worry about people not checking the latter) if he is.

Also, a note’s good – obviously you’d have to buy a collar, and get it on them. You can get little containers to write a note in from pet stores. 🙂

But aaaalso, I figure if a well adult cat is entire, that’s a good sign it’s stray. Down here you can loan a cat trap off the Cats Protection League if you need one, you can ask the SPCA about that. Obviously you can’t tell if a female is entire, but adult balls are fairly easy to see/feel.

Good luck!

11 years ago

The lack of balls wouldn’t tell you if the cat had been fixed and then later abandoned or lost, though.

11 years ago

Argenti Aertheri | July 9, 2013 at 2:55 pm
Since my mother is giving out free advice today, I got to the excited about being fed and petted and she thinks he’s probably a stray. So pin a note on him and if no one replies get him fixed? And honestly, if the SPCA might put him down, might be best to just let him go again after that’s done. (And hey, if you feed him, and pet him, well, cats do pick their humans!)

No no no no no. People are always stealing people’s cats. Of course a cat will hang around if you feed them! That is not a good reason to decide it’s your cat. You should see all the “strays” people bring into work to be scanned for a microchip, that people think are underweight that are if anything a little overweight.

I am still hoping my cat will come home one day (microchipped and registered with me). We had him from 5 weeks to 4 years along with his brothers, who all get on. He liked to sleep under the covers spooning with me. He obviously started hanging out with someone on our street for the last few months. He’d spend about 3 days with us, and 4-5 days away. He was a naturally skinny cat, and we put a note on him saying “we don’t mind if you feed him, but he is fed and looked after”, and someone read it.

One day, he didn’t come back. And that coincided with someone up the street moving out. I didn’t worry until too late, because he was hanging out elsewhere but coming home happily. I hate that person so very much. Oscar is my baby, and the fact he liked hanging out with you does not make him your cat. Maybe he got killed by a dog or hit by a car, but it’s really unlikely where we live. Doesn’t help that he looked an awful lot like a black Siamese/Havana.

Please don’t steal people’s cats.

11 years ago

CassandraSays | July 9, 2013 at 8:43 pm
The lack of balls wouldn’t tell you if the cat had been fixed and then later abandoned or lost, though.

No, it’s just that the presence of balls would make me comfortable to claim him. 😀

11 years ago

Dvärghundspossen | July 9, 2013 at 3:38 pm
On the topic of penis size rather than cats, have you seen this Cracked article ? The writer claims that it’s really dangerous to do what they call “the yawning position” because the guy might tear apart the woman’s womb with his penis. Um, NO HE WON’T. The reason being that it’s a fucking penis, not some kind of weapon you put in there. If you have sex with a guy who’s actually too well-endowed for the position you’re trying you may end up with a tummy ache after your womb have been smacked into – but you won’t be torn to pieces and end up in a hospital! Like, seriously? And presumably this was written by an adult?

Whaaaaaaaaat. People are weird, man.

Re: penis size, that discussion… *rolls eyes so hard* I am a fan of “average”, ish. Too big is no fun for me! I know a couple of women that like ’em big… but for most people it’s a preference, not a deal breaker anyway.

I also don’t like cunnilingus, and it does seem to be a sexual trauma thing. I’ve always had a high sex drive but tended to turn off when touched in the main erogenous areas directly. I’ve got a bit more comfortable with it, but I have a strange relationship with my vulva, and I feel like I don’t like being gone down on because it’s like the person’s not there with you any more? And I just lose sensation like a switch if I don’t really concentrate on relaxing. :/

This is one of the reasons I’m nervous of sex with women (only had drunken sex with women, not ideal). I’m keen to try it, but when it comes to things being done to me I am a big fan of penetrative sex. I know that’s totally doable with a woman but that requires discussion and possibly preparation. 😛

11 years ago

Hrovitnir – we had the opposite happen with one of our cats, Thomas. The people across the street got him as a kitten, though I’d bet it was because the kids wanted him. The adults took hardly any notice of him – how can you have a kitten waiting on the gatepost for you when you come home, and take no notice of him at all? I started to hate them, I tell you. They didn’t even name him.

Then they moved out, and left him behind.

We fed him for a week or so, and when there was no sign of those scumbags coming back, we took him to the vet and had him neutered (this was before microchipping).

I swear, I felt like doing violence to those people.

On the sex topic – (possible TMI!) – I like cunnilingus, but then I like everything Mr K and I do; I don’t enjoy it more or less than fellatio. I also like penetration, less for the inside feeling than for the pressure in front, and simply the closeness. Missionary’s by far my favourite position.

11 years ago

If we’re doing TMI anyway… I really dislike cunnilingus, and have always felt like I’m the only person ever for whom this is true… Anyone else have any experience with this and thoughts about wth this is the case? I feel like a freak sometimes…

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yeah stray or not, making him your indoor cat is a bad idea. I don’t see any harm in taking care of him like he’s your outdoor cat though — worst case is he’s got two human slaves! (Well, I guess he could get over fed, but cats are usually smart about that aren’t they?)

11 years ago

SittieKitty – no experience of it myself, but I would bet plenty of women don’t enjoy cunnilingus.

Oh gods, that just reminded me of the bit in Ted and Alice where Ted starts talking about cunnilingus (he’s an alien and all he knows about it is from women’s magazines).


11 years ago

Argenti Aertheri | July 9, 2013 at 9:16 pm
Yeah stray or not, making him your indoor cat is a bad idea. I don’t see any harm in taking care of him like he’s your outdoor cat though — worst case is he’s got two human slaves! (Well, I guess he could get over fed, but cats are usually smart about that aren’t they?)

Haha, sometimes… most cats if brought up free fed have a pretty good internal regulation system. Some do NOT. And some ex-strays retain a starvation reaction and will stuff themselves until they can’t move. 😛 But yeah, I wouldn’t worry too much about them eating at multiple spots – cats can always find somewhere with food.

Kittehserf | July 9, 2013 at 9:06 pm
Hrovitnir – we had the opposite happen with one of our cats, Thomas. The people across the street got him as a kitten, though I’d bet it was because the kids wanted him. The adults took hardly any notice of him – how can you have a kitten waiting on the gatepost for you when you come home, and take no notice of him at all? I started to hate them, I tell you. They didn’t even name him.

Then they moved out, and left him behind.

We fed him for a week or so, and when there was no sign of those scumbags coming back, we took him to the vet and had him neutered (this was before microchipping).

I swear, I felt like doing violence to those people.

🙁 This is also way too common. I once nearly stole a kitten and wimped out, I so should have. It couldn’t have been older than 8 weeks, and it was locked outside! Poor baby was mewling for humans; we were visiting their neighbours and it was following us, and it leapt across a 3′ gap about 3 meters high to follow us. I did come back but couldn’t find it. :'(

On the sex topic – (possible TMI!) – I like cunnilingus, but then I like everything Mr K and I do; I don’t enjoy it more or less than fellatio. I also like penetration, less for the inside feeling than for the pressure in front, and simply the closeness. Missionary’s by far my favourite position.

I’m kind of the opposite really. I have this incredibly strong block between sex and love, and actively dislike loving sex. Again, I can enjoy it sometimes, but in general they are two separate activities for me. It’s a bit hard on my partner, whose favourite thing is cunnilingus and is a gentle lover.

SittieKitty | July 9, 2013 at 9:15 pm
If we’re doing TMI anyway… I really dislike cunnilingus, and have always felt like I’m the only person ever for whom this is true… Anyone else have any experience with this and thoughts about wth this is the case? I feel like a freak sometimes…

You’re definitely not a freak! People who don’t like it tend to stay quiet because it seems strange but everyone’s different. Despite not enjoying it I would not want to sleep with anyone who was opposed to it, because they can bite me. It’s just like some people can orgasm just from vaginal penetration – they are very unusual, but that doesn’t make them freaks, just lucky IMO. 😛

11 years ago

I have this incredibly strong block between sex and love, and actively dislike loving sex. Again, I can enjoy it sometimes, but in general they are two separate activities for me. It’s a bit hard on my partner, whose favourite thing is cunnilingus and is a gentle lover.

D’you mean the style, or having sex with someone you love? I thought it was the second at first but I think I’ve misread you.

I’m the opposite. Unloving sex is just stuff to fantasise about, and it’s never me in those fantasies, it’s men. For the real thing, it’s gentle and loving, or more vigorous and loving, or just giggly. Rough, or any sort of restraint, no way. I don’t want it and Mr K actively dislikes the idea.

11 years ago

Kittehserf | July 9, 2013 at 9:44 pm
D’you mean the style, or having sex with someone you love? I thought it was the second at first but I think I’ve misread you.

I’m the opposite. Unloving sex is just stuff to fantasise about, and it’s never me in those fantasies, it’s men. For the real thing, it’s gentle and loving, or more vigorous and loving, or just giggly. Rough, or any sort of restraint, no way. I don’t want it and Mr K actively dislikes the idea.

Oh, definitely the former. Or not even “style”, it doesn’t have to be rough, I just don’t feel lovey when I fuck. Before, afterwards, any other damn time I can. lol So sex for me is funtimes, and love for me is snuggling, and the two do not connect.

It’s like rather than being triggered by rough sex I am the other way around. The first time my partner nearly made me orgasm by going down on me I had a panic attack. I am not very good at trusting people. :/

11 years ago

Bah, was meant to be in two parts, not two comments. Interesting you like to fantasise about men. I didn’t used to be into it, though I most certainly am now. 😀

When I was a young teenager my fantasies were very often about sex with multiple men, and I’ve always tended toward liking rough sex, though no no no consent play. *shudder*

11 years ago

hrovitnir – new avatar!

Oh, I get it now about the triggering/not triggering, thanks for explaining.

Yeah, it’s always two long-haired-moustached-feminine-young-men in my head, regardless of the sort of sex they’re having. That goes back even before I knew about Mr K! I never can figure out which it is, now – he caught my eye ‘cos I’m attracted to that sort of man, or I was attracted to that sort of man ‘cos he and I (grammar?) match and it was just a matter of time. 🙂

11 years ago

😀 Hmmm, nice.

I really don’t know if I’d still have the preference/kinks I have if I didn’t have trauma along with it, but that definitely is the biggest issue when it comes to sex. Stupid jerkbrain. 😛

Hopefully my new avatar is not too confusing – I can never figure out who anyone is when they change theirs. lol

11 years ago

most of the women I know are far more concerned about cunnilingus skills than penis size. I’ve only had one female friend who’s complained that a lover was “too small”,

I know a number of women who dislike cunnilingus; not all of whom are suffering from the, “it’s dirty” problem (I know several women who had that issue. I blame Massingil), but because of traumatic memories of abusive partners, or intimate rapists.

I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say that all women prefer cunnilingus, for sure! ha, I’m one of the ones that doesn’t as much!
it is funny though (less “ha ha”, more “weird/frustrating”) how there *is* that meme: “men” think penis size is what makes good sex, “women” think cunnilingus is what makes good sex…

11 years ago

I was mostly bored and disinterested in cunnilingus until my beloved. I was his first LTR and his 5th intimate activity. Before him, it was just nice that a lover wanted to, but I didn’t seem to get much out of it. Now, some times I want it, and some times I don’t want it at all. And that works for us.

11 years ago

Hrovitnir – your new avatar should be fine, I just had to take a quick look up to see you weren’t a new Manboobzer.

It just needs a little kitty face in the middle of the circle … 😛

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