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Penis size: The Real Story, via the Red Pill Women subreddit

Here’s an interesting, er, historical discussion I found in the Red Pill Women subreddit, in a larger discussion of vagina size:


The more you know!

The entire discussion is, of course, a gold mine of misogynistic nonsense. You can dive right in here, or see some of the more memorable quotes highlighted in this Blue Pill discussion.

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11 years ago

Oh lord. I wish I didn’t know what ‘miscegenation’ meant. I wish the damn thing would go extinct already, ugh.

Also, there was at least one Roman emperor who was obsessed with dick size. (Heliogabalus) Pretty sure NOT because of the thriving gay subculture.

11 years ago

LOL Magpie!

11 years ago

I came across a website once that had before & after photos of penii (flaccid and erect) just to show the difference. It was quite, um, eye-opening. Damned if I know what it was called, and I’m deeply hesitant to google it.

11 years ago

RE: Unimaginative

I once saw a series of photos of a dick going through the stages of erection.

Now, I’m a comics artist, so when I see images in sequence, I automatically read them as I would in comics, in rhythm and sometimes with music alongside. And… I couldn’t help it. As I watched the dick rise, the pacing in my head was just the right beat…

I heard Also Sprach Zarathustra.

And now I’ve ruined both that song and erections for you forever. I’m sorry.

11 years ago

@ LBT, I beg to differ. You have made both IMMEASURABLY BETTER!

11 years ago

@unimaginative Are you afraid of what might pop up?

11 years ago

Ha! I see what you did thar.

11 years ago

Cthulu’s Intern: And isn’t true that most statues from ancient Greece, Rome, and other European civilizations have small penises because the church cut them down because they thought it would make women too lusty or something? Yeah, more size obsession. But from men.

No. It’s because the Greeks and Romans thought that too large a penis was unsightly, as it ruined the proportions of the male form. (which I see others have said).

It’s also because they were showing flaccid penes. Their views on erect ones were that overly large was comical, but there aren’t as good referents for what they thought of as a good ratio to body size in erections.

Andrew Johnston: @pi male: What about the Lysistrata? All the art I’ve seen depicts the soldiers as having the largest genitals, while the angry old men have the smallest. The big dicks still make sense as it was a comedy, but I’ve always been led to believe that the underendowment and impotence on the senators was part of the joke as well.

I think it was meant to a a comic caricature: The old men were impotent. Their penes were the same size erect as they were flaccid. Also the soldiers were being pompous, and mock-worthy, so the resort to low-humor was in order.

11 years ago

2001 An MRA Odyssey a theme song for them.

Really though. The OP argument was “because assfax”. Awesome.

11 years ago

RE: Unimaginative

I can’t take that song seriously anymore. Every time I hear it, I just collapse in hysterics.

The worst part is that in most environments, I can’t even say WHY!

11 years ago

Dumb, dumb, dumb, DUH DUHMB! (dumb dumb dumb dumb)

I’ve seen bunches of that assfax citation in, of all places, skeptic blogs. MRAs seem to invade those a LOT. And they’ll trot out the most idiotic, misogynist crap, citing “my own observations” and argue them to DEATH. But anyone who counters their argument with examples, links, references, and whole bibliographies? Completely ignored. Because Manly Logic.

11 years ago

Wait, are we mentally synching the song up with the, um, unexpected moment when a grower is revealed? Because if so I kind of love you.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
11 years ago

“There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.” – Ezekiel 23:20

Wow, I didn’t realize that Ezekiel was pro-miscegenation work written by gay size queens in the 1970s. #TheMoreYouKnow

Um, Ezekiel 23 is actually a creepy revenge fantasy with shitloads of racism and slutshaming. The narrative is a screed against mainstream Israeli culture, meaning anyone who wasn’t rabidly nationalist in times of foreign occupation. Israel is likened to a whorish woman who lusts after well-endowed foreign men, then gets mistreated by her lovers and condemned by God and all decent men.

Sound any familiar?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
11 years ago

What I meant to say is, obviously the author of Ezekiel did have the concept (true or not) that women would lust after men with big cocks and “thuggish” behavior. Also, this was the only reason Israeli women might want to slut around with foreign thugs, becoming the very symbol for the moral degeneration of One True People.

Seems like some toxic tropes haven’t changed much in 2500 years.

11 years ago


And they’ll trot out the most idiotic, misogynist crap, citing “my own observations” and argue them to DEATH. But anyone who counters their argument with examples, links, references, and whole bibliographies? Completely ignored. Because Manly Logic.

Plus of course, anyone else’s experiences that contradict theirs are lies, irrelevant, such outliers they don’t affect the REAL TROOF of the manly manz universal fax, etc, etc.

@ArcticApe – yup, originality isn’t one of MRAs’ characteristics either (except perhaps when it comes to extreme stupidity).

11 years ago

Heh – just occurred to me, wonder if the author of Ezekiel was the OT equivalent of a NiceGuy(TM)?

11 years ago

What is bukkake? I tried to google it and nothing happened. The dictionary says it’s not a word. Just curious.

11 years ago

It might not come up if your work blocks stuff. It’s a type of Japanese pornography according to wikipedia. “Gross” is the word that comes to mind for me, though YMMV.

11 years ago

” I desireth to offer her a penis of moderate and just size, but she rebuffs me for another. Yet I remain, to receive her plaints of sadness and tales of ill behaviour. He cometh to her in baggy pants and ill temper, and yet she receiveth him. He smotes her with words harsh and judgmental, yet I sit aside her and witness to this abomination, but lo, she chooseth to lay elsewhere. When shall she lay with me? My patience grows thin, nigh, for I have put many a coin of friendship into this machine of love, and the receipt shows deficit. This slot for my ear gold shall become the slot for my penis, in time, lest I abandon my efforts! This bitch hath used me, for am I not listening? Am I not buying her coffees and answering her texts? I striveth to provide optimal reponse, yet her gash steereth her elsewhere, towards the alpha thug. She sayeth her needs lean towards the kind and the gentle, yet she refuses to provide a single fellatial moment unto me, the kindest and most gentle of men. Fuck her, for she claimeth one thing but acteth another. What sayeth ye? She chooseth him for fun? She chooseth me for companionship? Surely the gods have spoken against this, for it is known the meek shall inherit the BJ’s. Holdeth up- wha? She findeth me deceitful in my attentions? How may this be? The thug us at least clear in his agenda, and somehow I, Master Friendsman, am not? Forget ye the bra-groping incident, and the night of many cocktails, because, uh, um, and the Night of Rage and Beseechment. Cock-tease! Woman, thy name is frustration! For once I have successfully wooed thee with beta kindness I shall ignore thee and resort to lame expectations of sex, fitness and acceptance of my homoerotic male bonding rituals. I am no fit individual, neither in body, mind or action, yet I expect the fealty of a bonded animal unto me. Because reasons.”

11 years ago

PS it also has other meanings, like types of noodle dishes, which sounds more relevant to Cretin Opinion Bukkake! 😀

11 years ago

rabbitwink, you just won ALL the internets. With gold foil-wrapped bonbons.

11 years ago

Yikes no wonder. Hope the IT people don’t think I’m some kind of perv. Noodle dish makes sense, I was thinking stew or something.

11 years ago

At least it’s got that meaning as well, in case IT were sneaking a peek!

11 years ago

the most common reference to bukakke is when a group of sad, misogynistic businessmen all ejaculate upon a single female in the middle of their wank-o-sphere. Usually on her face.