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Penis size: The Real Story, via the Red Pill Women subreddit

Here’s an interesting, er, historical discussion I found in the Red Pill Women subreddit, in a larger discussion of vagina size:


The more you know!

The entire discussion is, of course, a gold mine of misogynistic nonsense. You can dive right in here, or see some of the more memorable quotes highlighted in this Blue Pill discussion.

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11 years ago

It’s interesting that a “Red Piller” makes the point that culture would have an influence on that department, though. Usually they don’t like to consider such possibilities.

pi male
pi male
11 years ago

@Andrew Johnston: I have no idea how Lysistrata fits in here. I’m familiar with the play but I haven’t seen any artistic depictions of it. To be honest, the link I posted is pretty much the sum total of my knowledge of penile depictions in ancient greek artwork.

11 years ago

“I don’t need facts! Facts are for feminists! I do my OWN analysis of things and interpret them in a way that conforms to my existing biases, and then I make a bunch of shit up! That, my friend, is how to take the Red Pill!”

pi male
pi male
11 years ago

@namegoeshere: It’s simple really, if a woman has any preferences regarding men then it’s the poisonous influence of feminism (or in this case homosexuality) on society. If a man has preferences regarding women, no matter how oppressive, it’s just a fact of his righteous, divinely ordained biology. Science!

11 years ago

It’s interesting that a “Red Piller” makes the point that culture would have an influence on that department, though. Usually they don’t like to consider such possibilities.

Culture is only relevant when it supports red pill theory. With red pill theory, you can’t be bothered with formulating testable hypotheses, performing well designed experiments, etc (all of which are beta, btw). You start with the theory, and then you try to rewrite history, reality, science, etc. to conform to the theory.

11 years ago

Cool story MRAs. Homo sapiens has the biggest dick of all primates, which indicates that human females have been size-selecting for a couple of million years at least. It is not a feminism thing for once!

11 years ago

Actually, the fact that the original poster is a “RedPill Woman” gives us some insight into the mindset of such women. Given the undeniable homophobia of the post, it seems reasonable to posit that one thing that these women find attractive about the MRM is that it is so hostile to gays, and so prone to rigidly enforced gender roles. A world ruled by the MRM (*shudder*) would be so utterly hostile to homosexuality that these women would never have to worry about encountering a gay man (or at least, not being aware of it). If this hypothesis is correct, having one irrational, twisted hatred clogging your soul makes you more vulnerable to the appeal of other brands of bigotry.

11 years ago

my own analysis, this isnt a dissertation committee

God, you hear this EVERYWHERE these days it seems…

If it isn’t a proponent of “intelligent design” or an Alex Jones fan – it’s Fe/MRAs coming up with lots of nonsense to try and validate their wretched ideology. Whether it is evo-psych (which, unfortunately, is supported by people who should know better like Steven Pinker) or some diabolical form of social engineering that was done in secret, it’s never based on facts or any actual analysis or research. Such things are really code for “stuff I made up entirely on gut-feeling.”

11 years ago

The thing looks more capsule- than pill-like to me, too.

11 years ago

I think that Ezekiel quote needs to be embroidered on a throw pillow.

11 years ago

“Promote miscegenation”? Yep, she’s an asshole.

11 years ago

Even if one’s goal was to promote miscegenation by claiming that black men have bigger penises than white men, that tactic would only work if penis size was already something women cared about…

11 years ago


Or just the chapter and verse reference, so you think it’s something innocuous about love or something.


I believe the thought process of the imaginary gay men/feminists is that women must be encouraged to have sex with black dudes, for whatever reason, and since black dudes all have huge penises, the best way to do this is to convince women they like big cocks. Or something.

11 years ago

@lowquacks, you’re probably right, except for the suggestion that there was a “thought process” of any kind 😉

11 years ago

Oglaf addressed this issue a while back. My link-fu is weak, but I believe the pertinent strip is titled B.F.C.

11 years ago

The only artwork I’ve seen for Lysistrata is Beardsly’s, which isn’t exactly helpful for earlier references. Hmm, was that “is that a spear under your cloak” line the origin of “is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?” joke?

11 years ago

I clicked on that Blue Pill discussion, and I think my head is broken now. Wow, just…
It would be one thing if there was a legitimate, albeit misguided, discussion between actual Evo Psych “scholars”, maybe a cultural anthropologist, art historian, but no. This is like listening to a panel of the final recipients in a game of “telephone”, where no one understands polysyllabic words or is familiar in the most passing way with logic. It’s just cretin opinion bukakke.

11 years ago

I think that Ezekiel quote needs to be embroidered on a throw pillow.

Not a body pillow? 😛

@ Kittehserf: I think my favourite version of that is the scottish. “Is that a caber under yer kilt, or am I just happy to see you?”

11 years ago

To be fair to the FEMRAs quoted (see how awesome feminists are?), I think it’s true that in general being obsessed with cock size is more of a man thing than a woman thing. Which doesn’t mean that size queens don’t exist, or that the average woman doesn’t consider some guys “too small”, but the idea that bigger is always better even when you start getting into “is that a cock or a baseball bat?” territory? That really is mostly a guy thing, ime.

Not a gay guy thing, though, a guy thing in general.

11 years ago

“Bigger is better” is about the opposite of my feeling – I’d be more “You’re not getting anywhere near me with that thing.”

leftwingfox – LOL I should tell Mr K that one. Maybe he’ll decide wearing a kilt might be worth trying after all.

11 years ago

Also, why is it always women who are herd animals? By that logic men who love skinny tan women would mean that men are even more herd animal like, since skinny and tan being the standard of beauty came with Coco Chanel and other rich people who took relaxed outside.

Men don’t have preferences about women’s bodies. Men have facts. Tan women are objectively more attractive because they remind men of the color of beer, which men biologically find delicious, causing men to subconsciously want to drink the woman with a burrito. Thin women are objectively better because they’re signaling their willingness to give all their food to their children, while a heavy woman would just eat it herself and let the children starve. Therefore a thin woman will be a better mother to a man’s offspring.

And big boobs are objectively better than small boobs. In caveman times, busty women could use their cleavage to store berries and raise small animals for food, while flat-chested women starved. The same doesn’t go for penis size, obviously. Men with big penises would trip over them while hunting the mammoth, allowing fleet-footed small-penised men to make the kill, so small penises are better, not that women can have a preference one way or the other because evolution only cares what men like.

I am excellent at biology.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“I am hilariously excellent at biology.”


11 years ago

Argenti – seconded. 😀

11 years ago


Also I am considering taking up embroidery just for that Ezekiel throw pillow, now.

11 years ago

cretin opinion bukakke

The manosphere in a nutshell.