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Penis size: The Real Story, via the Red Pill Women subreddit

Here’s an interesting, er, historical discussion I found in the Red Pill Women subreddit, in a larger discussion of vagina size:


The more you know!

The entire discussion is, of course, a gold mine of misogynistic nonsense. You can dive right in here, or see some of the more memorable quotes highlighted in this Blue Pill discussion.

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11 years ago

RE: Kittehserf

Man, my gay must’ve been a really short-run model. I think it was the fucking Sega Dreamcast of gays–not only did it fail spectacularly, it was hastily removed from all pop culture zeitgeist and never mentioned again.

Our headspace isn’t anything but what’s between our ears, but it’s… incredibly boring. Little tiny house made of adobe-domes. (Adombes?) Everything else just formless, shapeless black/brown Void that sometimes tries to anticipate your desires and mold itself to your will.

I suppose to most people that’d be kind of creepy, but it’s friendly Void, even if it’s dumb as a sack of hammers.

11 years ago

Yeah, “I don’t find cocks/labia sexually appealing” is a perfectly reasonable thing to feel/specify. It’s when that turns into “I refuse to even consider you if your labia aren’t perfectly symmetrical and of the exact skintone illustrated in this handy link/if your penis not cut/uncut/exactly 7.2 inches in length” that you’ve gone from a person with a preference to being a person with neither manners nor good sense.

11 years ago

RE: guffaw-ferrets

Since labia are not really instruments used in assaults, they’re just kinda there?

I’m sure they can be. Despite my own rape history, I rather dislike the trope that penises can be scary rape-sticks but vulvas have no fear component to them whatsoever. I’m sure if I’d been raped by someone with that equipment, I’d be petrified of it too.

(Yes, gay man who took years to move past terrors of dick. God must’ve really slapped his knee over that one.)

11 years ago

I keep wanting to make a joke about someone called Fritz with that, but I think I’d better not go there! 😀

“Plus, I personally do not see how “I find your uneven labia majora to be triggering” could even be a thing,”

First there was Pube Terror

Then there was (dramatic chord)


Yeah, no time travel involved, in the sense of going back in time. It’s just spending the night at his place. There is a touch of the timey-wimey about it, ‘cos we seem to fit a day and night into the seven hours odd I spend asleep here (once it was a whole week, which we spent on a holiday in Venice – whoot! New music by Vivaldi!).

It was a major lightbulb moment for me when I realised I was thinking, on this side of the veil, of Louis’s family in terms of how they were then, and failing to allow that they’d changed as much as he has. My attitudes here were way out of date, and a bit hurtful to my elder stepson, for instance. The same thing applied as I’d learned about Louis: no good judging him as he is now by what he was like then. His forty-one earthly years are only the first tenth of his life, and who’d judge a forty-year-old by what they were like at four? Took me way too long to work that out. 😀

11 years ago

@Wordsp1nner: Have you read Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance yet? We loved it.

11 years ago

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lois McMaster Bujold. I haven’t read Cryoburn yet, though. I started when I was in the middle of a week-long conference, judged I didn’t have enough time to finish it before 4 am before a 6 am wake-up call and flipped to the end. I haven’t had the courage to go back and read the whole thing; I just know it’s going to stomp all over my heart.

11 years ago

CassandraSays — yes, exactly! Well-stated.

LBT — true, but I guess the reason I’ve always found penises to be terrorsticks is … (TW) they can get you pregnant/physically hurt you worse. I won’t tell you how I know this, but you can probably guess.

Jedi Survivor Fistbump. Freshly baked e-cake that says “I’m Sorry About Your Trauma.” Because I am, and there is no really great way to convey that over internets.

Thread — yeah, I guess what I was trying to say is, I can understand “I’m so sorry, I have trauma, (I like you as a person but) we can’t bump bits”, … I can’t understand “ew that’s gross, your body doesn’t look like the artificially constructed standard I fap to in my head.”

So if there ever was a person who was like “I can’t handle super-dangly ladyparts because it reminds me of something truly awful (and not just like, ‘one time I saw a real live naked girl and it was terrifying, she looked nothing like porn’)”, I would obviously understand that. Most people who state such a preference, though, much less publicly, do not seem to be coming from such a place.

11 years ago

Excuse me: “ladyparts or whatever you want to call them.”

kittehserf — that’s very interesting! Do you ever wonder what you will be like 10 times the length of your life from now, or is it like a Pratchett concept of time (wherein all time exists at the same time in kind of a spiral shape)?

11 years ago


@Unimaginative: I made myself read the whole of Cryoburn, and loved it. It took all of my willpower on the last page not to jump to that last, terrifying sentence.

The portion of the epilogue devoted to Gregor is like a punch to the feels.

But before that, the book is a wonderful, Miles-filled romp.

I want more Ekaterin, though, dammit. Komarr and A Civil Campaign are my favoritest.

11 years ago

Re: penis size. I used to do phone sex (at a call centre!) and it was so, so common for male callers (mostly younger guys, not always) to tell me they had a 12 inch dick*. I mean, 12 inches. That’s an assorted sub, fer chrissakes. I would then kill their fantasy by telling them it was too big (in a nice way). I honestly felt bad about reinforcing their ideas about penis size – did not want to act like a foot-long was better than whatever they actually had. It is not easy to educate while phone ho-ing, but I gave it a go whenever I could. 🙂

Re: dreams – I don’t have lucid dreams; sometimes I am aware I’m dreaming, but I’m not sure that’s the same thing? I do, however, have full-on erotic dreams that go all the way, have had since I was about 10. Busband never has though, which surprised me bc at the time I thought all guys did (I since learned that nope, they don’t). I used to have some really serious issues/trauma regarding sex, so being so free in dreams always surprised me – maybe I felt safer there?

* It was also, sadly, not uncommon for a male caller to orgasm, and then yell at me/insult me/threaten to kill me. On a lighter note, it was also not uncommon for male callers to be simultaneously watching WWF wrestling while we, um, chatted.

11 years ago

YES! MOAR Ekaterin. I don’t understand why so many people say Bujold “writes like a man”, because she handles the romantic elements so extremely well, and men, in general, don’t.

Her books are always either punching me in the feels, or cuddling them with (non-allergic) kitteny fluffiness. I loves it!

11 years ago

Well … except the kitten tree.

11 years ago


‘one time I saw a real live naked girl and it was terrifying, she looked nothing like porn’

MRAs and MGTOW in a nutshell.

I haven’t thought much about what I’ll be like that far ahead! Kind of mind-boggling, isn’t it? It could be I won’t be hugely different. I don’t have trauma and a seriously crap earthly life to heal and leave behind as Louis did, and he’s … it’s hard to say “still recognisable” because in so many ways he isn’t. “Recognisably himself if one can imagine a person marked by a lot of sorrow and anger completely free of it, and happy” is all I can think of, awkward though it is.

Time as I experience it, or at least as the memories filter through to my consciousness here, seems to be linear, though Louis once memorably said in a journal entry “Time is a tangled skein, which I do not propose to try unravelling.” He said later the skein’s controlled by a CAT, which everything is.*

*Except when it’s controlled by ferrets, fish, dogs, rabbits …

11 years ago

Well … except the kitten tree.

Um, yes. Except that.

11 years ago

@Kitteh I’ve wanted to ask you what it was like, but wasn’t sure how to ask without maybe sounding impolite or something. I’m glad Louis is happy – I don’t know a ton about him but I can imagine his earthly life was complicated, to say the least!

11 years ago


11 years ago

It was also, sadly, not uncommon for a male caller to orgasm, and then yell at me/insult me/threaten to kill me.

Did you ever figure out why? Generalized misogynistic rage directed at what they see as a woman who can’t fight back? A bad attitude to sex workers specifically? Some sort of weird guilt thing?

11 years ago

RE: guffaw-ferrets

I’m sorry. You have my sympathies.

RE: Tracy

It was also, sadly, not uncommon for a male caller to orgasm, and then yell at me/insult me/threaten to kill me.

WTF? What assholes.

11 years ago

There are actually a lot of deeply disturbing concepts in Bujold’s various universes. But they’re always presented as disturbing, or presented so as to be disturbing, even if they’re not to the characters.

Like, in some books, bad shit is just bad shit (see Piers Anthony, and thanks to LBT for pointing that out). In Bujold’s books, bad shit is there to make you realize, “Holy shit, that shit is bad!” And she’s subtle and elegant about it. See, for example, the empire of Cetaganda. And the creation, obsolescence, and subsequent emancipation of the Quaddies. And I could go on and on and ON about Ethan of Athos, an entire planet founded by MGTOWs, and yet is sympathetic and kind of wonderful.

I often say, if I could write only half as well as she does, I’d still be a pretty good writer.

11 years ago

Tracy, thank you! Feel free to ask anything, it’s not impolite. (Ha, try and shut me up on the subject.) 😉

Complicated’s the word. Imagine being born to do a job, inheriting it when you’re eight, and coming to hate it, but not being able to abdicate because your heir was a total dipshit who’d’ve undone all your work and executed your best minister inside a year. Hmm, I think I just channelled George V then – “When I’m gone the boy [Edward VIII] will ruin himself within a year.” 😀

11 years ago

kitteh — controlled by a CAT/furrinati, eh?? That explains everything.

11 years ago

Yup. Even them as is hundreds of years old acknowlege the furry troof.

11 years ago

Speaking of writing, I’m within a hair’s breadth of finishing my first novel. Like, I just have to write the big climax, and then I’m done the “vomit it forth” phase. I just have to rearrange things, fill in the holes, scrape off the barnacles, and I’ll have something resembling a coherent story. This is awesomely exciting to me, because I’ve never actually finished one of the many novels I’ve started writing.

So, cool. Almost done.

And I’ve utterly chickened out. I haven’t even looked at it since Sunday. I’m having serious anxiety over finishing my novel. WTF?

11 years ago

I believe this particular comic is appropriate for this thread:
Questionable Content #1171

11 years ago

You got further than I did, Unimaginative. I chickened out of doing Louis’s and my memoirs over a year ago, and nowhere near that far into them. 🙁