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Penis size: The Real Story, via the Red Pill Women subreddit

Here’s an interesting, er, historical discussion I found in the Red Pill Women subreddit, in a larger discussion of vagina size:


The more you know!

The entire discussion is, of course, a gold mine of misogynistic nonsense. You can dive right in here, or see some of the more memorable quotes highlighted in this Blue Pill discussion.

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Hyena Girl
11 years ago

“There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.” – Ezekiel 23:20

Wow, I didn’t realize that Ezekiel was pro-miscegenation work written by gay size queens in the 1970s. #TheMoreYouKnow

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

“This isn’t a dissertation committee.”

This is my new go-to.

“Aliens have been replacing the brains of MRAs with mold and fungus!! Source? I don’t need a source! My own analysis! This ain’t no dissertation committee!”

“This lovely dessert I’ve made is objectively the best food in the world, and if you don’t like it you’re a commie pinko. Source? My own analysis! This ain’t no dessertation committee!”

11 years ago

I think my brain just broke.

11 years ago

I just… I…

Okay, I’m trying to think through the logic here.

“For women, a penis only needs to be BIG ENOUGH. But for gay men, obviously, it must be much, much larger, because the anus is less sens-no, wait, it’s because oral sex is eas–no, that doesn’t work, either. Still, it’s the fault of teh Ghey, and this ain’t no dissertation!”

11 years ago

Another prime example of how racism and sexism go together.

11 years ago

I love the ‘my own analysis [based on nothing]’ comment. Apparently evidence is just a sign you’re lame. Also, good ol’ cocktail of misogyny, homophobia and racism.

11 years ago

I’m happy to say that I had to look up “miscegenation”. The fact that anyone ever felt the need to have such a word speaks volumes about our forebears. The fact that it’s still in the vocabulary of these people speaks volumes more about them.

11 years ago

“There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.” – Ezekiel 23:20

I really want someone to put this quote on that thread.

I’ve never really looked around on the RedPill reddits, but I’m assuming they’re kind of race-real-y if they need to specify that white men suffer from this… why only white men?

11 years ago

Oh jesus I just looked up what “miscegenation” means

pi male
pi male
11 years ago

And what conclusions am I to draw when I see mixed race couples where the woman is African-american and the man is Caucasian? What about Latino/Pacific Islander mixed couples? Where can I go to find out what sort of bigoted judgement I should be making about the various interracial relationships?

11 years ago

Insecure, racist white guys. Yeah, keep showing your collective asses so we can use you as a lesson in how sexism and racism are devoid of logic… the homophobia too.
What did he write? “It NEVER came from women,” in reference to “cock size.” Honestly, how much do the rest of us have to pay for the overwhelming inferiority complex some of these tools suffer from?

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Done as requested.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

And isn’t true that most statues from ancient Greece, Rome, and other European civilizations have small penises because the church cut them down because they thought it would make women too lusty or something? Yeah, more size obsession. But from men.

11 years ago

Hyena girl, the Ezekiel quote might actually mean the opposite of what you think. That size might not be good. There’s some evidence that, in antiquity, smaller sizes were preferable so monsters, centuars, and sayters were protrayed as very well endowed while idealized male bodies were actually smaller. The part you quoted might actually be stressing the monstrous quality of the sexual act, rather than attraction.

Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

my own analysis, this isn’t a dissertation committee

“I can imagine that this is possible, therefore it must be true!”

11 years ago

auggziliary: Oh, now, don’t be silly. Women are herd animals, men are pack animals–that’s why men are alphas and betas and gammas and deltas and omegas and whatnot, because the penis makes you a part of the pack, and lets you determine your place in it (MRAs ignore the whole cis-/trans- thing, of course). Women are the herd of prey animals that the pack has to keep in line and cull the weak and vulnerable and oh gods I just made myself ill by realizing this really is how these shitheads think I’m gonna go make myself a sammich and think happy thoughts for awhile.

11 years ago

I love you Hyena Girl.

@ inkhat

It does say she “lusted” after them though, that sounds pretty good… it is true that the Romans thought portraying big penises (and big breasts) was vulgar, but isn’t Ezekiel old testament? Was this a thing all over the ancient world, or was it just a Roman thing?

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Oh yes, I know. However it was talking about a lady looking for size, lusting after it even, something that the OP clearly said that women didn’t want one bit until nasty mean gay size queens made us want that.

Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

And what conclusions am I to draw when I see mixed race couples where the woman is African-american and the man is Caucasian?

I believe the hateful stereotype there is that the white man has given up and gone after an easier, “lesser” woman, while the black woman is trying to ride her white boyfriend out of the ghetto.

Yes, I have dated black women before. How did you guess?

pi male
pi male
11 years ago

@Cthulu’s Intern according to this source Ancient Greek sculptors found large genitals to be unattractive for artistic works. There were however statues displaying ridiculously large dicks that were considered low-brow or comical.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

Ah. That does make sense. Don’t even remember where I read that thing.

11 years ago

Yeah, that was awfully stupid.

I do think, however, that all this joking and all this talk about bigger=better is a Bad Thing and ought to go. It’s a really crappy kind of body-shaming. What’s frustrating is that when you say this, there are always women who just can’t fathom what’s wrong with it, as if it was complicated (it’s not).

Just the other day a friend of mine, a trans man, posted on Facebook how he really felt shitty when people joked about how pathetic small penises are; for instance, jokes about how someone who gets a pitbull or a sports car must have a small penis. And then there’s this woman (not a friend of mine, just a friend of his) who simply refuses to see his point, and think that obviously it’s her god-given right to make small-penis-jokes on seeing someone in a flashy sports car… The suggestion that you might say of someone that he seems to have an inferiority complex without dragging his penis into it just fell flat.

I also remember several years ago how a feminist blogger I used to follow, a cis-woman who used to suffer from pretty serious bulimia and body issues (and she was a model too… while she was completely bulimic, since the fashion industry doesn’t give a shit about the health of their models – but I’m digressing), wrote a post on how it’s wrong to body-shame men for having small penises just as it’s wrong to body-shame women for being fat. And a whole cluster of her readers objected and were like “that’s totally different, because people seriously think it’s wrong to be fat, but people don’t seriously think it’s wrong to have a small penis – you can find all kinds of websites and magazine articles saying that size doesn’t matter, so if a man feels bad about his small penis he’s just being silly!” *facepalm* I still remember that argument years after just because it was so incredibly stupid.

The First Joe
The First Joe
11 years ago

“Insecure, racist white guys. Yeah, keep showing your collective asses so we can use you as a lesson in how sexism and racism are devoid of logic… the homophobia too.
What did he write? “It NEVER came from women,” in reference to “cock size.” Honestly, how much do the rest of us have to pay for the overwhelming inferiority complex some of these tools suffer from?”

danabanana is a racist woman, SHE has her own blog and shiz, there’s a link in the Blue Pill thread to it, apparently.

Assumptions. lol.

The First Joe
The First Joe
11 years ago

“And isn’t true that most statues from ancient Greece, Rome, and other European civilizations have small penises because the church cut them down because they thought it would make women too lusty or something? Yeah, more size obsession. But from men.”

lol, no. It’s true that churchy types entirely ground the dicks off statues in various times and places, because… god or something.

The “small penises” you see on e.g. Michaelanelo’s David are small… because they’re flaccid. There are two kinds of flaccid penii out there: “growers and show-ers” the former are smaller when flaccid & get bigger when aroused, the latter stay the same size and just get hard. According to ex-gfs reports: the size differential between aroused vs. non-aroused “growers” can be very… dramatic…

The more you know.

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