off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Obsidian Files, you really don’t have to make things that complicated.”

O: Again – if you’re not a Man, you really do not know what you are talking about. Ask Norah Vincent.

“Suppose you really wanted to go bowling, but nobody else you like wants to go bowling with you. Would you drag someone kicking and screaming to the bowling alley just so you didn’t have to bowl alone? Would you take someone who might not put up much of a physical resistance, but won’t speak to you the whole time because they really didn’t want to come? You’d be a jackass if you did.”

O: No doubt; but are you really equating human mating with a night out at the bowling alley? Hmm…

“So what could you do? Well, you can always just go bowling by yourself. Or, if you really want to bowl with others, you could join a league, or meet up with people online, or see if anybody at the bowling alley would let you join their game.”

O: Yes, you could – and your chances for success would be higher than if you’re a guy trying your hand at online dating – again, I cite the researches of Jon Millward in this regard…

“Just use that same kind of logic when it comes to sex. Seriously, it’s not that different. Forcing someone to do something they really don’t want to do just to satisfy you almost never ends well.”

O: We don’t disagree; what I am asking you and everyone else here, is – what can the guy do to get dates and sex? We already know what he is NOT to do. Fine. Agreed.

Now…what DOES he do?

Your thoughts?

“Also, if you think not being able to get dates as a heterosexual male is awful, imagine if you were homosexual or trans or otherwise outside the gender binary where the options are a lot more limited just based on numbers. Do you imagine for a second that a gay guy should have as much right to having his boner pleased by someone else as you seem to think a hetero guy should?”

O: From what I understand, Gay Men have options like Grindr – something that is a nonstarter for the vast majority of straight Men, because straight Women do not like “hooking up” in such a manner.

Moreover, that trans/gay Men having difficulty in this regard, while no doubt regrettable, still does not negate the point I am making; even if the (straight) guy in question had much empathy for the other “alt” guys, that still doesn’t change the fact that the (straight) guy has a problem, and precious few options as to where to go to resolve it…


11 years ago

O: Tell that to the multi-billion dollar per year romance novel business

By that logic, the popularity of shooter games must mean that all men want to be shot with machine guns. Even the ones who don’t actually like those games.

11 years ago

Tell that to the multi-billion dollar per year romance novel business…

Wizards of the Coast makes millions of dollars each year with Magic: The Gathering. I guess lots of people really want to duel to the death and enslave other creatures to fight for them, then.

How do you know?

Jesus, this is really your entire argument, isn’t it? HOW DO WEEE KNOOOOWWW FER SUUUUURRE?

How do we know for sure that women on the street DON’T like to be shouted at?

How do we know for sure when a woman is into sex?

How do we know for sure that that cute girl at the library desk ISN’T into being given random and mysterious things by men who demand that she hold out her hand to receive them, all moist and warm, from their iron grip?

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“OF, if you have better things to do than holla at women, why are you so hell bent on defending it?”

O: I don’t smoke either, but I am a fierce defender of the right of others to partake if they so choose…

“No, it’s not a contradiction for me to care more about women being harassed than I care about dudes not getting their dicks wet.”

O: I didn’t ask you about that. I asked you about people you didn’t know at all.

“Have you ever been harassed? You guys think you’d like it, but you wouldn’t.”

O: Actually, I HAVE been street harassed, by God-awful ugly and/or old Women, numerous times, in fact. And do you know what happened? People – INCLUDING WOMEN – laughed.

Like I said – so much for empathy, when it comes to the lives of Men…


11 years ago

what do you recommend such guys as the one(s) you are discussing do? Where do they go to get themselves together to get dates? Where are the services/providers of services that specifically target and address Men along these lines?

A Google search of “Dating services” yields 684 million results.

Are you seriously arguing that street harassers are so stupid that it is the job of feminists to Google things for them?

11 years ago

so much for empathy

Knows he deserves empathy for being street harassed.

Wants to defend people who street harass women.

Only men deserve empathy, amirite?

11 years ago

You do realise all this capitalising of nouns just makes you look even more pretentious and stupid than you did already.

I repeat: this is not a dating site. It’s not a lonely hearts site. I’m with hellkell on this one: I don’t give a shit what guys do in their social lives (ooh, there’s a hint! Social lives!) as long as they’re being decent human beings. I don’t date, I can’t imagine ever wanting to, and I have nothing but scorn for some douchebag who comes here demanding we give the poor sad menz who’ve never grown up point-by-point advice on how to get their precious dicks wet.

11 years ago

“No, it’s not a contradiction for me to care more about women being harassed than I care about dudes not getting their dicks wet.”

O: I didn’t ask you about that. I asked you about people you didn’t know at all.

Reading comprehension fail part eleventy-three. Hellkell said nothing about people she knows being harassed. She was talking about harassment of women in general, ie. people she doesn’t know.

11 years ago

Again – if you’re not a Man, you really do not know what you are talking about.

Holy argument from authority batman.

I am a man, or a “Man,” if you will, and I say masturbation is perfectly acceptable and enjoyable and is a sexual pursuit that men can enjoy without having to pester women.

11 years ago

OF: I don’t personally know the multitudes of women being harassed everyday, but I do care about it.

So if your harassers had been pretty and young,you’d have been ok? So you deserve empathy, but no one else does? Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ.

Your world is a scary, fucked-up place. I’m glad it isn’t the real world.

11 years ago

Does anyone who’s been here long enough to remember B—-n and Some Guy Bored With Your Schtick think Obtuse Fuckwit is even more tedious than them?

Also, curious how Brz disappeared and hardly any time later OhFuckOff turned up on this thread. Two incredibly boring bonerdroners, or one?

11 years ago

Auggz, squee! Wish I could see a picture of him. 🙂

11 years ago

For the record, if OF was in fact harassed and just got laughed at, that’s not right either. See, OF? I don’t hardly know you, and can’t fucking stand what I do know, but I can have empathy for you.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“OF, you may be confused. This a site that mocks misogyny, not 101 Dating Tips for Clueless Dudes and Sadboners.”

O: There is no confusion; there has been much discussion outside of merely mocking misogyny, and Dave says as much in the sidebar on the site. Interesting how you and it seems, quite a few others, seem intent on doing nothing – kinda like the MRAs and the like you make fun of.

Two peas in a pod and all that…

“Why should we give dating tips again? Do you think that we all were born knowing how to connect with people?”

O: Apparently, since it is “you” that keeps saying how so “uncomplicated” the whole ball of wax is.

Nice to know you don’t have anything constructive to offer these guys, HK.

Nice to know, indeed…

“Once again we have it, ObtuseFuck thinks not getting laid is equivalent to sexual harassment.”

O: You are mischaraterizing my statement. I am saying, that there is room for BOTH, concern for the Woman who doesn’t like being harassed on the street, AND concern for the clueless guy as to how he can get dates.

Why do you persist in an either/or scenario? Is your empathy that limited – or are you just hellbent on being so niggardly and callous with it when it comes to guys?

“No, I meant people. Men and women can act entitled to sex. Men and women can commit sexual assault, sexual battery, rape, etc. It’s just, statistically speaking, the majority of people who commit sexual crimes are men, and so therefore you think you have grounds to nudge nudge, wink wink at me about what I really meant.”

O: I do, since I’ve experienced a bit of this “entitlement” coming from Women, firsthand…

“… So why all the nudge nudge, wink wink say no more last paragraph?”

O: See above…

“And will you please for the love of god stop capitalizing “men” and “women?” They aren’t proper nouns, this language we’re speaking isn’t German, and this isn’t some epic saga legend thing.”

O: Imagine if I asked you to “please, for the love of God, stop talking about your cat”? Absurd, right?

There’s your answer. Where’s your sense of tolerance for diversity, Falconer? *nudge, wink, nudge*

“Some feminists’ stuff stinks. ALL of the manosphere’s stuff stinks ALL THE TIME. If you say there are moderate MRAs, we ask (as we get so weary of asking) where are they?”

O: You’re talking to one – one who, has a demonstrated track record in terms of calling them out on their racism, over the top misogyny, you name it. And I’ve been doing it online, for years at this point.

Now, let’s address the Feminist side – where are the moderates calling their own on the carpet? Are they here, right now, busting it up with you and the Manboobz regulars, like I am?


“Did you miss that this was a mockery site, not an advocacy site?”

O: Did you miss that this was a site that does much more than merely “mocks” folks, Falconer? Perhaps you didn’t read what Dave says on the sidebar above?


11 years ago

Kitteh’s: LOL at “bonerdroners,” and yes, OF is way more fucking tedious than those old trolls. What a dubious accomplishment.

11 years ago

@Kittehs — I don’t remember B but I do remember Schticky.

If OF isn’t more tedious than The Boring Stick, it’s a dem’ close run thing.

11 years ago

OF: the sidebar says, “Misogyny. I mock it” And then proceeds to say where David finds the material to mock. Can’t you read, dipshit?

11 years ago

O: You’re talking to one – one who, has a demonstrated track record in terms of calling them out on their racism, over the top misogyny, you name it. And I’ve been doing it online, for years at this point.

Being pro-street-harassment IS over-the-top misogyny.

11 years ago

Misogyny. I mock it.
Misogyny. I mock it.
Misogyny. I mock it.
Misogyny. I mock it.
Misogyny. I mock it.
Misogyny. I mock it.
Misogyny. I mock it.
Misogyny. I mock it.
Misogyny. I mock it.
Misogyny. I mock it.

11 years ago

OF: this isn’t an advocacy site, no matter how off-topic we get.

And this:

Apparently, since it is “you” that keeps saying how so “uncomplicated” the whole ball of wax is.

Nice to know you don’t have anything constructive to offer these guys, HK.

Nice to know, indeed…

Is this supposed to be some sort of gotcha? Because you ain’t got shit, son.

Here’s some constructive advice for you: fuck off.

11 years ago

I do, since I’ve experienced a bit of this “entitlement” coming from Women, firsthand…

So why the hell do you want men to treat women the same way? You know it sucks. Do you really hate women that much?

11 years ago

Imagine if I asked you to “please, for the love of God, stop talking about your cat”? Absurd, right?

How dare you. HOW. FUCKING. DARE. YOU.

I don’t talk endlessly about my cats!

I talk endlessly about my babies!


11 years ago

How adorable, OF thinks he’s “busting it up” with us. If by that he means “being our chew-toy,” OK.

11 years ago



11 years ago

I wonder why OF feels such a deep compulsion for hellkell to Google “Dating services” for him. Like, dude, we know you can type, why don’t you do it for yourself.

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