off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

So, you’ve emailed David, that’s nifty. I think we all have.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Nope. Not my problem. Don’t know, don’t care.”

O: So much for the idea of Women being so “empathetic”…

“Fuck, that was easy. Got any more “serious questions,” fucknut?”

O: Yes – just how many swear words can you spew out of that hole in your head that passes for a mouth?

Just curious…


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“So, you’ve emailed David, that’s nifty. I think we all have.”

O: So what. Try again.


11 years ago

This isn’t a dating site, fuckwit. This is a misogyny mocking site. We’re not here to sort out the Oh So Important Issue of men’s boners, those MILLIONS of sadboners you seem to know all about and which are SO unresponsive to masturbation. Strange how you’re so anti-masturbation when you’re such a wanker.

You’re not entitled to sex. Nobody is. Your claim that nobody is entitled to food or shelter or any other necessities of life shows again what a scumbag you are. Fine. Go without all of them and see how long your obsession with getting your dick wet lasts. You might just discover there are more important things in life.

11 years ago

Fuck you, you fucking pestilent fuck. Now do be a dear and fuck the fuck right off. Fucking thanks.

My language is not the issue here, dude.

Where are women supposed to be more empathetic to the suffering of dudes who can’t laid? Not our problem, but turds like you keep trying to make it our problem. Why should we care?

Oh, because otherwise you’ll threaten coersion and rape? Fuck you.

11 years ago

Oooh, big tough man’s upset that a woman’s swearing at him!

11 years ago

I’ll let Ms. Millie Jackson handle the reply to OF:

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“No you’re not, Mr. “Game makes rape unnecessary.””

O: Yes, I am; and as for Game, it doesn’t – why does that bother you so much? One of the first things one learns in Game teaching and instruction is if the Woman gives any signal or sign, verbal or otherwise, DON’T try to convince her, DON’T try to cajole her, just bounce. End of.

“The only issue here is the issue of entitlement to sexual gratification, and the resolution is that people stop feeling entitled to sexual gratification, because said entitlement denies people the right to say yes or no.”

O: I think you mean “Men”, right? After all, we really don’t mean “Women” by your remark, although I know, for a fact that Women can be every bit as entitled to sex, and act very badly when they don’t get it. I’ve written about this, in fact.

Having said all that though, I do agree with you, and said as much above in my personal story from my past. I fully agree with the idea that no one owes anyone else a relationship, sexual or otherwise.

“Holy false equivalence, batman.”

O: How so? Are you going to seriously tell me that the Feminists’ stuff don’t stink just a little bit? Come on.

“No, you’re trying to filibuster. Unfortunately for you, this isn’t the Texas Lege, you’re not Wendy Davis, and this IS a mockery site. We don’t have a midnight deadline on making fun of you.”

O: Have at it! It only drives home the point all that much more – that you guys aren’t terribly interested in *doing* anything either…


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Fuck you, you fucking pestilent fuck. Now do be a dear and fuck the fuck right off. Fucking thanks.”

O: Zzzzzzz

“My language is not the issue here, dude.”

O: It absolutely effin is – dudette…

“Where are women supposed to be more empathetic to the suffering of dudes who can’t laid? Not our problem, but turds like you keep trying to make it our problem. Why should we care?”

O: For the same reason(s) why people like you keep trying to tell me why I should care about some Goth chick getting the business while walking down the street? *shrugs*

“Oh, because otherwise you’ll threaten coersion and rape? Fuck you.”

O: Yawn. Curb your #Outrage, please; that is soo overrated…


11 years ago

Why should feminists do anything to help men get laid?

ONCE AGAIN, you are back with your constant refrain of drawing false equivalencies and wanting others to do your work.

You want to help men get their dicks wet? Fine, go. Seriously, as long as it’s not coersive or rapey, I don’t give a blue fuck WHAT you do.

Just stop whining for others to do it. Man, that is unseemly.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

Millie Jackson! Wow, I’m impressed.

For bonus points, and next time, try hitting me with a lil Dolemite/Rudy Ray Moore…


11 years ago

For the same reason(s) why people like you keep trying to tell me why I should care about some Goth chick getting the business while walking down the street? *shrugs*

One’s about being a decent human being, the other isn’t. Guess which is which, you dishonest fuck?

Everyone has the right to walk down the street unharassed. Not everyone has the right to get laid.

11 years ago

OF: I really have zero fucks to give about points from you. I probably have forgotten more music than you know.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Also, if a woman is acting non enthusiastic and somehow gets offended by you asking, ditch her. This shit isn’t hard. You’re basically asking for loopholes in sex that make it ok to assault and rape, all because you’re putting your erection before everyone else’s well being.”

O: No, I’m not. Please see my quotes on this matter upthread.

What I’m asking you is how should these guys go about meeting and attracting ladies in the manner you and others here think appropriate?

You were saying…?

“Also are Orion and obsidian the same person? For some reason I thought they were. They both are man children though, so it’s easy to confuse.”

O: Can’t say I know the guy (Orion); and why do you say that I’m a child?


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“OF: I really have zero fucks to give about points from you.”

O: Which explains why you keep responding…riiight…

“I probably have forgotten more music than you know.”

O: I doubt it…


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“One’s about being a decent human being, the other isn’t. Guess which is which, you dishonest fuck?”

O: Wait – so you care about people unrelated to you, *all the time*? Really?

“Everyone has the right to walk down the street unharassed. Not everyone has the right to get laid.”

O: Well, that depends, now doesn’t it? After all, what that Goth chick consisders “harassment” another lady just might like – which is why I’m all for the passing of laws concerning street harassment, if only to see how it all plays itself out.

As for getting laid – again, you’re conflating douches with decent albeit clueless guys. I am asking you about the latter. How do you suggest we address them, since you don’t think very highly of pickup?

Your response?


11 years ago

Obsidian Files, you really don’t have to make things that complicated.

Suppose you really wanted to go bowling, but nobody else you like wants to go bowling with you. Would you drag someone kicking and screaming to the bowling alley just so you didn’t have to bowl alone? Would you take someone who might not put up much of a physical resistance, but won’t speak to you the whole time because they really didn’t want to come? You’d be a jackass if you did.

So what could you do? Well, you can always just go bowling by yourself. Or, if you really want to bowl with others, you could join a league, or meet up with people online, or see if anybody at the bowling alley would let you join their game.

Just use that same kind of logic when it comes to sex. Seriously, it’s not that different. Forcing someone to do something they really don’t want to do just to satisfy you almost never ends well.

Also, if you think not being able to get dates as a heterosexual male is awful, imagine if you were homosexual or trans or otherwise outside the gender binary where the options are a lot more limited just based on numbers. Do you imagine for a second that a gay guy should have as much right to having his boner pleased by someone else as you seem to think a hetero guy should?

11 years ago

The clueless dudes are none of my concern.

And yes, I can manage to care about people unrelated to me. It’s not that hard to most.

Where are these women who dig catcalls?

11 years ago

You read it here, folks, OF said that being a decent person is just too haaaaard. It may result in boners being sad. Oh, the huge manatee!

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“You think romance novels are how women like sex? Those books are *fantasy*. Just like bdsm and role play are like living out a fantasy.”

O: Tell that to the multi-billion dollar per year romance novel business…

“If a woman is acting super ambiguous about enjoying it, and then suddenly gets offended because you asked if she was OK with sex, well first off, that probably means she’s ok with sex, secondly, so what?”

O: Well, for one thing, per you and others’ recommendations, the guy is supposed to listen to what she actually said – right? I know I would; it just ain’t worth it for me to try to figure out “what she really meant”.

“Also, what is wrong with masturbation? are you delusional? Most people masturbate and are fine with it.”

O: Again, if that were true, especially when it comes, pardon the pun, to guys, this entire issue would be a nonstarter, because most guys would be jacking off instead of being clumsy around Women in a vain attempt to pick them up, right? Clearly, in the minds of many Men, jacking off is a less attractive option to having sex with a Woman. Make of that what you will…

“Dealing with no sex is not the same as choosing to be abstinent forever.”

O: How do you know? Something that could start out under the rubric of it only being temporary, could very well wind up running on for years and years.

“You just choose to not creep out everyone with “how can I get laid when women think I’m a rapist?” and don’t blame all women or feminism for your “problem”.”

O: OK, no argument with any of that.

“There are like a billion ways to find dates without being a creepy asshole. Yet you think that the only way to flirt is through harassment.”

O: No, I don’t. I am asking you to list out just a few of those “billion ways” – please?

Come on, just a few.


Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“The clueless dudes are none of my concern./And yes, I can manage to care about people unrelated to me. It’s not that hard to most.”

O: Contradiction much?

“Where are these women who dig catcalls?”

O: Outside…

“You read it here, folks, OF said that being a decent person is just too haaaaard.”

O: That is a lie.

“It may result in boners being sad. Oh, the huge manatee!”

O: Personally, I have better things to do than “holla” at Women on the street…


11 years ago

OF, you may be confused. This a site that mocks misogyny, not 101 Dating Tips for Clueless Dudes and Sadboners.

Why should we give dating tips again? Do you think that we all were born knowing how to connect with people?

11 years ago

“Where are women supposed to be more empathetic to the suffering of dudes who can’t laid? Not our problem, but turds like you keep trying to make it our problem. Why should we care?”

O: For the same reason(s) why people like you keep trying to tell me why I should care about some Goth chick getting the business while walking down the street? *shrugs*

Once again we have it, ObtuseFuck thinks not getting laid is equivalent to sexual harassment.

11 years ago

I think you mean “Men”, right? After all, we really don’t mean “Women” by your remark, although I know, for a fact that Women can be every bit as entitled to sex, and act very badly when they don’t get it. I’ve written about this, in fact.

No, I meant people. Men and women can act entitled to sex. Men and women can commit sexual assault, sexual battery, rape, etc. It’s just, statistically speaking, the majority of people who commit sexual crimes are men, and so therefore you think you have grounds to nudge nudge, wink wink at me about what I really meant.

Having said all that though, I do agree with you, and said as much above in my personal story from my past. I fully agree with the idea that no one owes anyone else a relationship, sexual or otherwise.

… So why all the nudge nudge, wink wink say no more last paragraph?

And will you please for the love of god stop capitalizing “men” and “women?” They aren’t proper nouns, this language we’re speaking isn’t German, and this isn’t some epic saga legend thing.

How so? Are you going to seriously tell me that the Feminists’ stuff don’t stink just a little bit? Come on.

Some feminists’ stuff stinks. ALL of the manosphere’s stuff stinks ALL THE TIME. If you say there are moderate MRAs, we ask (as we get so weary of asking) where are they?

that you guys aren’t terribly interested in *doing* anything either

Did you miss that this was a mockery site, not an advocacy site?

11 years ago

OF, if you have better things to do than holla at women, why are you so hell bent on defending it?

No, it’s not a contradiction for me to care more about women being harassed than I care about dudes not getting their dicks wet.

Have you ever been harassed? You guys think you’d like it, but you wouldn’t.

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