off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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Ally S
11 years ago

“I leave you as I have now to think about what I can do with my newly acquired super-powers, it probably involves transforming women into objects because of my total incapacity at treating women as human beings.”

Yes, you are a misogynist. Being honest with yourself is nice.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“GODFUCKING DAMMIT THIS COMMENT DIED TWICE. Why the hell is my backspace key sending me back through Internet time instead of fixing typos?”

Shit, is the TARDIS emergency break on again?!

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

It was obnoxious as hell! I’d be typing along, and then suddenly SURPRISE YOU’RE ON ANOTHER PAGE. This comp is really shit, and the mouse is placed right by my fingers, so possibly I bumped it and then it’d think I wanted to backspace the page, rather than the comment box. YECH.

Also, dig it, a poet I really like wrote poetry about Frankenstein if he were trans! (She is what I want to be when I grow up, only prose instead of poetry.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Yes, you are a misogynist. Being honest with yourself is nice.”

Isn’t it just? I’m heartened to see that my using whichever bathroom was closest during stage crew is now totally legal in Cali.

11 years ago

I admit, it’s people like Brz that made me worry that when shit hit the fan, I too would turn into a massive asshole. I’ve lost a couple of friends who got really nasty when things got bad for them, and I worried I’d follow the same way.

Thank god that so far, I haven’t. Because eesh, who’d want to end up like Brz? I guess he IS a Super-Saiyan; he spends a lot of time standing in place, babbling on and on about how powerful he is and how awesome and staring at people, but not actually doing much.

11 years ago

The sudden geek reference isn’t really in keeping with the persona he’s trying to sell either.

11 years ago


What you need is a program to save your comments. That way, you can avoid these things happening, and even stumble across evidence of a partner being duplicitious that somehow convinces you of the sensibility of the more reactionary side of the men’s right “movement”.


11 years ago

and the blockquote monster prowls popehat too (have I mentioned how much gin I added to my tonic tonight?)

11 years ago

LBT, I’m seconding the recommendation for visiting the Badlands. They are absolutely stunning.

Also, depending on when exactly you visit the Dakota areas, I may have a couch in a crappy one-room college apartment to offer you (only if you are comfortable accepting this from an internet stranger, of course).

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

pecunium — not here you haven’t, no. But if you’re that into the gin, and can understand my crash course in stats, I think my job here is done! (Figuratively, I know I still have a chart request 🙂 )

11 years ago

I’m not trolling, I’m in front of an unsolved dilemma. I try to use my disgust aroused by the shit you spew as a tool for reflexion in order to find a key.

11 years ago

Holy fucking hell, pecunium! I’ve been reading that popehat thread for six fucking hours that I should have spent writing, and I’m only halfway through! I haven’t even got to your comments yet, but my eyes are already bleeding from the tedious “But it’s not FAYUR! That’s not what I said. You misunderstood me. You’re clearly not understanding my brilliant use of a specific, obscure definition of this commonly-used word.” bullshit from the creep-apologists.

11 years ago

I look forward to hearing about your many adventures!
I’m roughly in the middle between D.C. and Richmond, VA, so if you’re in the vicinity and need a ride/meal/place to crash for a few days, I should be able to help. It looks like you’d be heading that direction last, but that just gives me plenty of time to get the extra room ready.

11 years ago

Piss off, Brz. You’re a boring troll and even if you knew how to tell the truth, we’re not your therapists or your doms. Go shove your head back up your arse where it’s most comfortable.

11 years ago

I come bearing gifts.

And now I’d rather hear more about LBTs planned journey. Or recipes. Anyone bought any cool bras lately? Cat stories? Pretty much anything that won’t bore the crap out of me really.

11 years ago

I reunited a lost dog with her owner. She was a schnauser and I had to run after her for two blocks. Ironically my running shoes were in the back of the car.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Damn that key is lovely!

I have no recipes or such, but I will ask yet again what people want too we in the survey results. Like, seriously, last fucking call people. I’m only asking again because I spent all day on statistics and then FUCKING WORDING (thank you pecunium!)

What do you all want to see?

11 years ago

I have new bras! I went to a specialty store and bought four, but only have one, because they’re on back-order. I can’t wait ’til they come! (I have rilly big knockers, so bra-buying is always an adventure for me, and poorly-fitting ones are painful.)

I actually got fitted at a different specialty store, and the bras were lovely, but $200 each. The ones I bought are less pretty, but fit better, and only cost me $300 for 4.

11 years ago

Also, a new favourite recipe. Since I’m not doing grains anymore, here’s a grain-free pad thai. I added shrimp to mine (just before adding the zucchini).

I also salted the zucchini noodles for about a half hour to draw out the moisture and make the texture more toothsome, and rinsed them really well before adding them.

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

I have a feeling that even if Treyvon Martian looked and acted like Carlton Banks, Zimmerman would’ve still gone after him and used the thug excuse.

11 years ago

I went bra shopping last night, but no luck. I was looking for not-underwire, reasonably light bras for warm weather. Much as I like the moulded bras I have, I’ve found the end of the underwire gets uncomfortable on the right, up near my armpit. There was a wire-free bra by Triumph advertised, but when I tried it, ewww! It gaped across the top, not a good fit at all.

I did find a cool top purely by chance en route, though – on sale, too. It’s a little more clingy across mah belleh than I’d have chosen, but eh, I like it and so does Mr K.

11 years ago

I HATE wires in bras. They inevitably get bent out of shape and poke through the material, and into skin. My favourite bras have a kind of a shelf in the cup to provide support, made of a thick band of fabric. But the biggest thing is that they have to be tight enough to make sure all the weight is resting against your ribs, and not on your shoulders.

11 years ago

@Katz: That’s great about the dog! Accept an internet cheer!

But I feel hypocritical because I do think it’s unfair to have to choose between, say, shitty housing and no housing, or a shitty job and no job. Thoughts? It’s the difference that sex isn’t a necessity, or that sex partners are people and thus you can’t demand a supply of them that meet your requirements?

I don’t think “you could always find someone to sleep with if you lowered your standards” is a fair response to someone who’s just “I’m so lonely… *sob*”, although it is relevant to point out to people who argue that women could get sex any time they wanted to, since that meme is only true if we assume women had no standards to speak of. But if someone merely goes “I’m so lonely… and I haven’t had sex for years… *sob*”, yeah, it’s probably left implicit that this person couldn’t find anyone zie’s attracted to who wanted to sleep with zir, and arguing that zie could always lower zir standards would be rude in that context.

Generally, I wouldn’t have a problem with a dude (or a woman or genderqueer or whatever) who merely wanted some sympathy for neither finding romantic partners nor sex partners for a long time. That could happen to anyone, since the universe isn’t fair, and it’s not fun. What made me so furious about these guys I mentioned in my post up the thread, and a lot of other guys popping up in feminists blogs whining about their lack of sex/romance, well, it’s not even that it’s off topic to start going on about their lack of sex/romance in a discussion about street harassment or consent (although that’s bad enough), it’s that they want to blame feminism for their lack of sex/romance. And it’s like they’re demanding that feminists go “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize all of this consent talk would make sex complicated for you – I certainly don’t want sex to be complicated for random internet dude, I certainly don’t want you to feel uncertain about yourself in sexual situations, so please, forget all about consent and just go ahead and stick your dick in whatever woman you feel like! Of course consent is important, but never as important as your boner!” Or “Oh sorry, I didn’t realize the only way you’d ever meet a woman would be through street harassment, and by condemning street harassment I’ve now doomed you to a life of solitude. Please go ahead and harass!”.


11 years ago

I’ve only recently reached a size where I need to think about what type of bra to wear in that respect, and it’s not because weight’s a problem. I’m a D cup and can go without a bra perfectly comfortably. It’s just that some styles work way better than others. Moulded bras suit my shape better than sewn ones, and I like the way they look on me. The underwire is just a pest, not in that the point digs in or comes out, but that the section at the side, also padded, where it sits seems to press/rub against everything – as much my arm as my breast. It’s most noticeable when I’m doing data entry at work (lots of using the mouse) or knitting.

11 years ago

Dvarg – and of course the “incels” like GGG never just say “I’m so lonely. They always do expect the HB10 who’s a virginal porn star and super chef. They do complain about women having actual tastes or standards in what we find attractive. They do expect women to take on any man (ie. themselves) regardless of whether he has anything attractive about him at all, but they don’t accept that they should then have the same attitude.

So like you said – if anyone was just saying they were lonely, that’s one thing. But that’s never the case with misogynists, and I definitely include “incels” in that category (not to mention the Really Stupid Liars category, since they often enough seem to own up to things like, well, yeah, I was dating six months ago, BUT I’M TOTALLY INVOLUNTARILY CELIBATE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN AND I’M GOING TO DIIIIIIE).

Dudes, if lack of sex was fatal and your lives are as sex-free as you claim, you’d have keeled over by now.

For that matter I wouldn’t be typing this, cos I doubt they’d accept sex in Spirit as counting. 😀

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