off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

I would welcome you to stay somewhere in my house but my mom would assume you were some rapist stalker.

11 years ago

RE: the kidwiththereplaceablehead

Sweet! Perhaps I shall visit Missoula then.

RE: auggziliary

That’s fine. It’s a common assumption.

11 years ago

Speaking of rape culture, have you seen this:

I’m especially fond of the guy who thinks that hidden cameras are not cool – but apparently raping completely intoxicated people is.

11 years ago

@pecunium, On r/mr some dude is hatching a plan to use that new law to the advantage of cis men! See here.

All a boy has to do to play on a girls only team would be to say he is a girl. He does not need surgery, to take hormones, look or dress like a girl in any way, or even get a letter from a doctor/therapist/parent. All he needs to do is say he thinks he is a girl, and by law, the school can not ask anymore questions or require proof. This will help boys who want to play sports in schools that do not offer mens teams. Obviously there is better solutions to the title 9 problem out there, but for a law that did not consider mens rights at all, the unintended consequence of it will actually be very helpful to high school boys.

Off to a wedding!

11 years ago

I don’t even… Is there anything these people won’t find misandrist?

11 years ago

Grey sky, I can’t bring myself to watch that video…

11 years ago

At my University, the justification for having an all male football team and no women’s football team was that women had a synchronized swimming team for which there was no men’s equivalent.

Obviously, this is unfair to men. Fight the power, r/mr.

11 years ago

auggziliary@ Well to break it down: They have to female actors pretending to be very drunk in bars, and a male actor pretending to drag one of them off; the idea is to see if people react.
The horrible part: It never goes as planned, because local men consistently butt in to try and drag the women off for real.
The uplifting part: Other women tend to intervene.

11 years ago

Two female actors. Two.

11 years ago

I believe that I have found the alternate reality that MRAs are accessing our internet from:

11 years ago

RE: cloudiah

*snort* Yeah, cis dudes. Good luck with that. I’m POSITIVE that you would take the transphobia like champs. Just… ugh. Thanks, dudes, for making shit EVEN HARDER on trans women and girls. Like they don’t get the shit end of the stick enough already.

I mean, my brother plays volleyball. There was no men’s volleyball at our schools in Texas. How did my brother deal with this? HE FOUND OTHER TEAMS. He didn’t try and pretend he was trans, Jesus!

RE: GreySky

No thanks, I’d rather keep my brains today.

11 years ago

I create now a new concept : “Manboobz and love”, stories about the effects commenting on Manboobz can have on your relationship.

I begin : a few months back, when I was still living in a boring Bostonian suburb full of boring calvinist-but-progressive libtards, I downloaded a software which permits me to recover everything I write in the comments box because, for some reasons, I was afraid that something can prevent you from reading all the shit I fancy to spew in the comments box, dunno why, probably because I was really bored back then.
Anyway, two weeks ago, I discovered that this little software saved not only the comments I had written but also the messages Ms. Brz has sent on facebook and in one of them she was complimenting a man I didn’t know on the size of his virile member while picking on the smallness (and weakness) of the dick of one of her ex-workers. I eventually discovered later that there was a half-dozen of other men and that there always has been other men since the beginning. It’s not even that she’s nymphomaniac, she primarily needed to compare all the time, to make sure that there isn’t a more handsome, a more clever, a more masculine guy out there waiting for her and she needed to do that while trying to transform me into a good beta provider she won’t be attracted to, something I’m unable to be. It’s probably the thing that saved me from becoming a cuckolded for life husband-provider raising kids who probably wouldn’t have been mine : I can be anything but a stable provider. Although, it’s Manboobz which really saved me : she was really a very good liar able to create fake stories on demand while looking at you with an innocent gaze to cover up cheating, if I had never written a comment on Manboobz, I would never have known the truth.

There I am discovering that I lived for the past five years with a caricature of the hypergamous, narcissistic, unworthy and amoral woman people talk about in the manosphere.
I wasn’t a complete asshole before, I was a semi-asshole, a proto-asshole because I didn’t believe in anything which deals with the “alpha theory”. Now I start to think that there might be some truth in it, even if I still hold no desire of becoming an “alpha” male (I try to find an elegant way of being a cuckolded man).
It was the last piece of assholiness I needed to become a kind of a super-asshole like there are super-saiyans.
I leave you as I have now to think about what I can do with my newly acquired super-powers, it probably involves transforming women into objects because of my total incapacity at treating women as human beings.

11 years ago

Damn, dude, you are trying way too hard. Good trolling should look effortless.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cool story bro.

11 years ago

Cool story Brz.
Because every single woman is totally like your wife. Just like every black person is like that one family that acted totally ghetto that lived down the street. And just like every gay person is like that drug addict that hit on little boys. And just like every trans woman is just a dude with a cross dressing fetish but takes it too far. And every Mexican is like that immigrant that totally lived next to me and was a drug dealer for every other Mexican.

11 years ago

Not another imaginary girlfriend story. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

11 years ago

Yeah you put too much effort in to that story, man. I feel icky now since I gave you such a long reply.

11 years ago

Auggz, what has happend to your lemur? :O

11 years ago

Basically this isn’t that hard. You should have learned this in high school English class, or just common sense: some =/= all, and even if all were like “that” then that still doesn’t make them inherently like “that”.
Example: racist: “this annoying pack of n—–s used to live next to me. They robbed everyone’s house and had 7 kids, yet they never wanted a job because welfare, pimping, and dealing crack gave them enough money to get koolaid and fried chicken. These people are what made me a racist asshole, I know I was a bit before, but this was the final straw”.
(Holy shit that hurt to write).
Brz, this is what you are arguing, but with women.

11 years ago

Stuff Brz the Boring, here’s Maddie playing this morning!

11 years ago

So Brz is on some exchange, and has been for… five years? On this exchange he has brought his SO?

Cool story bro.

11 years ago

On the popehat thread… the Rebecca Watson Story (with strawfeminiss, “self declared who think any man who looks at a woman is a rapist) is interesting to see in the wild.

Upside, a guy who had the details wrong looked into it when challenged and apologised for not having the facts properly when he used it as an example.

11 years ago

Be fair, pecunium. How long do you think it would take Brz to finish a program that normally takes 2 years?

(In an imaginary world in which he wasn’t full of shit.)

11 years ago

GODFUCKING DAMMIT THIS COMMENT DIED TWICE. Why the hell is my backspace key sending me back through Internet time instead of fixing typos?

Anyway, yes, Brz, your totally-not-bullshit story is very nice. But you know, if you look for an excuse to be an asshole, you WILL find it. All it says to me is that you’re the kind of person who sees being an asshole an acceptable way to deal with shit.

11 years ago


As for the Midwest, I don’t know much. I do know that they have lots of Native American stuff there, if you’re interested.

This makes me uncomfortable. What, exactly, is “Native American stuff”?


But I feel hypocritical because I do think it’s unfair to have to choose between, say, shitty housing and no housing, or a shitty job and no job. Thoughts? It’s the difference that sex isn’t a necessity, or that sex partners are people and thus you can’t demand a supply of them that meet your requirements?

“Necessity” might be too strong, especially when compared to shelter or income, but I actually think sex is extremely important, inasmuch as it’s both a deep biological drive for most of us, and a form of companionship. It’s one of the reasons I so loathe the “just don’t have sex if you don’t want kids” argument. I think your latter notion is more on point: as important as sex is, you don’t get to have it at the expense of other people. And from what I’ve seen of “incels”, their inability to get the kind of sex they want is due to them being creepy, sexist assholes – in your “shitty work vs no work” scenario, they’d be that guy who turns down perfectly decent jobs (or gets fired from them) because he has no work ethic and makes ridiculous demands.


but for a law that did not consider mens rights at all, the unintended consequence of it will actually be very helpful to high school boys.

Yeah, I’m sure high school boys will be lining up for the chance to play on the girls’ team.

Bonus points: a law that applies across the gender board isn’t “considering men’s rights”. Unintentionally revealing that “men’s rights” isn’t really about equality, much?

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