off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

The Business was a bit like that. Most of it was pretty good, but the ending…I actually threw the book across the room, and it’s not often that I abuse a book.

11 years ago

This is completely off topic, but my miniature pinscher has just joined Husband’s betting pool for soccer championships. Whenever there’s an international soccer championship going on, they arrange a betting pool. I thought one of the dogs ought to join, since Paul the octopus has shown that animals can do just as well or even better than humans in this area. My min pin got to bet by pointing with his muzzle at papers where I’ve written numbers and teams. Some of his predictions were a bit… surprising, as how the finals are to be played by Holland and Iceland but won by Germany, but whatever. Now I’m just gonna wait and see how he does in competition with the humans.

11 years ago

Cassandra, that’s excellent! Totally realistic male PoV. 😉

11 years ago

Ally: On top of that, he’s all like “Why not just ban women from those spaces or stop holding those conventions? That’s the best way to reduce rape in such spaces!” (not verbatim, but you know what I mean.)

It’s a debate trick. He’s trying to get someone to say that banning all women is unreasonable (it is), so he can say, well if they want to show up, that’s just what happens. They need to “grow a thicker skin”, and deal with it.

Yeah, I read every word the asshole wrote (some of it two-three times). Livid doesn’t begin to describe my state of mind; couple to fatigue and hints of despair.

Despair because there didn’t seem to be many people calling this shit out. Popehat has a large readership. New names kept showing up in the comments to that, but most were sort of neutral, or taking aspects of his side.


Oh… From a link at the bottom of that page, an extract from a dudely author’s attempt to write from the perspective of a female character. that fucker.

I read his blog: He has, “read extensively” about feminism to understand it, and create a “feminist paradise” for his varied explorations into political science.

And he has the tired old, “hate all men, live in a lesbian separatist land, etc.” and from that he decided he knew what women are really like.

At a guess, he never went to primary sources.

Cassandra: Also! One of the things that kept striking me when reading that thread was the fact that some guys get really offended when women point out that we can in fact often read both ill intent and the fact that certain men don’t understand that we’re people with a fair degree of accuracy.

Right… Women are too stupid to recognise habits of thought expressed in typical patterns.

Seannan did a really good post on how harassment isn’t easy to commit by accident*; and what constitutes both harassment, non-harassing (but perhaps moderately offensive) and the just plain asshole factor.

*the comments are safe to read.

11 years ago

I still haven’t read through that whole popehat thread, I keep getting distracted, holy god that person is so damn boring…

11 years ago

SittieKitty: That too is, I think, something of a rhetorical tic/trick. If he can just keep going, until his is the last word, he “wins”. In some ways this is true.

I think it was telling that when he realised he wasn’t going to be able to win on points he quit in a way that said it was just because I wouldn’t admit he wasn’t wrong.

11 years ago

I started skimming his comments at a certain point because seriously, so boring. Like pecunium, though, I don’t think that’s just idiocy. I think he knows exactly what he’s doing and is proceeding in a very calculated manner.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

You mean the thread that just induced a nap? My eyes just glaze over at Pollock’s walls of text. I know he’s just going to dismiss everything anyone said, claim they misunderstood him, and twist both their words and his last attempt. And it’s So Old.

Like I haven’t heard it all before. (EA time!)

11 years ago

Dvärghundspossen | July 10, 2013 at 9:30 am
This is completely off topic, but my miniature pinscher has just joined Husband’s betting pool for soccer championships.

That is awesome.

11 years ago

Dvarg – yay for min pin win!

Re the Pillock – can’t remember if I’ve said this already, but I think Ken White gave him too much benefit of the doubt at the end, when he disagreed with Sally Strange’s opinion that Pillock is a harasser himself. He seems to have far too much invested in it not to be, or at least a wannabe.

11 years ago

I think he cut him slack because he’s a regular, and it’s sort of like diagnosing someone on the internet. Absent more evidence, I wouldn’t say he’s a sexual harasser.

But, from that thread, and watching how he dealt with people who disagreed with him, that he is willing to harass people in other contexts.

He also made a joke about being, “that guy”, which if taken at face value was an admission of “not knowing” where the lines should be drawn in the past.

Certainly his idea on what constitutes harassment is large enough that, by his definition he might not be: and by most other people’s he would.

I would say he harassed me.

11 years ago

He also crossed the line regarding rape, in those comments.

I’m going with walks like a duck, talks like a duck – and the plausible deniability of someone who has something to deny. Like I said, he may be a wannabe than an actual physical harasser, but he’s way too invested in pushing against women’s boundaries. Fuck, this piece of shit was happy to agree with “scanty costume + not putting out = unfair/sexually harassing men”.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium, when’d you chime in? I still haven’t gotten to your comments.

Oh and my hanging plants nearly fell down, I’m on break between putting much longer screws in and re-hanging them. Because controlling an 18v drill above my head is totally what I wanted to do in this heat >.<

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

We can safely call Pollock a harasser. Or rather, a rapist.

Re: the number of men who’ll admit to rape if given a definition that doesn’t include the word rape (you all know that study, right?):

“Hell. I’m one of the 1 in 6. Have I ever persisted in pursuing a relationship despite repeatedly being rebuffed? Yes. I was young, stupid, and got bad advice. I hadn’t learned yet.”

Oh congrats, you’re a REFORMED rapist and thus your future behavior is a ok. And Hugo. Fucking. Schwyzer. is a REFORMED attempted murderer so I should get over it, he’s cool now! *gags*

One sec on the link, I’m afraid the iPad will eat this, it’s one of those days.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, defends ducks, attempts to having once been a duck = IT’S A FUCKING DUCK.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago


Not attempts.

Is still a duck.

Ally S
11 years ago

lol @ that one dude saying that walking up to someone and making sexual advances suddenly is just like starting a conversation with someone.

Ally S
11 years ago

I mean, seriously, saying “Hi, what’s your name?” to someone suddenly isn’t inherently invasive, whereas walking up to someone suddenly and saying “Fuck me now” is always invasive. What’s so hard to understand?

Answer: nothing. They just want to make excuses for themselves.

11 years ago

Oh katz. That biography is the second-funniest thing I’ve seen on this blog (after only the Big Book o’Learnin’, which was maybe not so much “funny” as it was “so horrifying that all I could do was laugh at it in disbelief”).

Either way, good job, excellent work : D

11 years ago

Argenti – gah, thanks for that link. I was skimming most of Eye-Glaze Pillock’s walls o’ text and didn’t see that one.

No way does that guy get the benefit of the doubt after that. Sort of thing I’d expect just from that one thread – that he sneaks something like that in, in some sort of underhanded bragging (if that isn’t completely contradictory). Sly’s the word Pecunium used and I think a lot of Pillock’s shit and attempted gaslighting fits that.

11 years ago

I think I linked that quote upthread. Best part was that dude seemed to think that statement made him look less bad, somehow.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Min pin is so far ahead of Husband in the game. Husband is embarrassed.

11 years ago


Furrinati mind power – doubt it if you dare.

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