off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

I have some things gelling in my mind, and I’m throwing them out here for your dissection.

I’ve had that Popehat thread on my mind this weekend, and I’ve been watching the US news about the assault on abortion access.

Pecunium said, in the Popehat threat, that the thing creepers do that is underlyingly wrong is that they assume consent (of course I’ll fuck you), when a reasonable person would assume non-consent (who the fuck are you? don’t touch me). Really, the only time a person can reasonably assume consent is in the emergency response mode. Assume an unconscious person would consent to your intervention to save his or her life.

Assume an unconscious person does not consent to your performing sexual acts upon them. Assume that a person you’ve never met before is capable of deciding whether or not to have sex with you, or even talk with you.

And then, Ami Angelwings wrote that brilliant piece on why creepers don’t like the term “creeper”. To paraphrase, they know exactly what it means, it means GAME OVER. It means, stop trying different cheats and angles, stop trying to twist rules of interaction, stop trying to re-define what words mean. You’re done.

So what’s festering in my back brain is this: anti-abortion activists are behaving like creepers. What they want outweighs, in their minds, what anybody else wants. They know that people have a constitutional right to abort. They’ve heard the “no”, and they don’t like it. So they’re creeping. They’re redefining words, they’re coming in the side door, they’re inserting legal cheats into trojan horse legislation (budgets, for fuck sake!).

They’ve heard the vast majority of Americans, of women, assert their bodily autonomy, and have decided that they can’t be trusted with bodily autonomy, because they’ll choose wrongly.

So it’s almost a coherent opinion that’s formed in my brain, and I’m interested in what the rest of you think about it.

11 years ago


If the female sex as a group were ever to have the tables turned, and expected to inititate romance, they would be horrified. The species would go extinct in a generation. Females can’t deal with it, coddled as they are

Boring troll is boring and generic, and should go somewhere else because zie is pathetic and will die alone.

Argenti you idiot, if you were paying attention you’d know that’s a stupid ccomment. But this is a blog full of “men” and “women” who arent the sharpest tool in the shed lol

Omigod, both men and women got scare quotes! I is excite! 😀

And no time to post more, can’t believe I missed trolly :'(

11 years ago

In dudespeak, when a woman calls a man “attractive,” she means “interesting.”

Funny, when I call a man “attractive” I mean “has a pretty face and/or a great body”. If I think a man is interesting the mysterious ladyspeak term I use is “interesting”.

11 years ago

Stop confusin’ the issue with secret ladycode, Cassandra.

11 years ago

Random music geek randomness – I have the new and really-final-for-real-this-time Ministry album, and it’s great! Won’t be out till September, but when it does come out, definitely buy it if you’ve ever liked Ministry in the past.

Ally S
11 years ago

I love mysterious ladyspeak, too.

Can anyone guess what “You’re a creepy misogynistic asshole” REALLY means? I bet no man can!

Ally S
11 years ago


Not pecunium, but…he can’t be serious about that horribly shitty “critique” of that study. He just can’t. Does the word “likelihood” mean anything to this dude? V_V

I’m already done. No reason to even bother responding.

11 years ago

Dude keeps conflating harassment with assault, and although a charitable reading would be that he’s just a complete idiot, I am not feeling inclined to be charitable. I think he wants the boundaries blurry and women blamed for not making them more clear so that it’s easier for people to get away with boundary crossing.

11 years ago

“Well if she comes into our guild and doesn’t do the girly things we want her to do, that’s her own fault for being in a man’s world.”
Oops. This is another one that’s fine. If YOU want to join THEIR group, they’re free to set any kind of entrance requirements they’d like, and then you’re free to accept or decline the offered terms. If the “He-man no gurls aloud” club says you can’t join in because you’ve got a vagina, that’s their choice and their mistake to make. If they say “well, you can join, but only if you sweep the floor after the meeting”, then you can join, but only if you sweep the floor after the meeting. And, if they say “you can join, but only if you sexually service each and every one of us”, guess what? And, if they can do that, they can also say “you can join, but only if you don’t object to sexist language and grossly distorted ideas about how the genders interact or should interact”.
YOU do not have an entitlement to join any group you want on any terms you choose.

So, yeah. Entitlement.

See what I mean? This is not a clueless dumbass, this is someone attempting to make it easier for predatory behavior to happen under the umbrella of “but that’s just how things are” and “it’s your fault for not being more assertive”.

Ally S
11 years ago

Shorter comment: People have a right to be sexist! Leave them alone and stop trying to make all spaces more tolerable for women!

11 years ago

He also keeps conflating the idea of using community pressure to control people’s behavior with the idea of making that behavior illegal. Again, I don’t think it’s cluelessness at work there. I think he knows exactly what he’s doing. And now I see why pecunium was so pissed off.

Ally S
11 years ago

On top of that, he’s all like “Why not just ban women from those spaces or stop holding those conventions? That’s the best way to reduce rape in such spaces!” (not verbatim, but you know what I mean.)

Pressuring someone to adopt the absurd conclusion is a telling sign of being self-serving and dishonest. And shifting the goalposts as well.

11 years ago

Yep. Whenever challenged he responds with exactly that pattern. I can see how it confused some of the more kind and gentle souls on that thread, but for those of us who’ve dealt with manipulative assholes before it’s pretty obvious what he was doing.

11 years ago
11 years ago

Seconded, Cassandra!

11 years ago

From a link at the bottom of that page, an extract from a dudely author’s attempt to write from the perspective of a female character.

She regarded her breasts as her second- and third-best features, having, as was often remarked upon by her admirers – many of her regrettably few admirers – big breasts. But then Odette was a very big woman, so it was natural that she should have breasts to match her great height and her equally great girth. Still, never being one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Odette gave a wiggle and was pleased to see that her untethered breast jiggled in quite a charming fashion.

Apparently he was very offended that female beta readers pointed out that this was not a realistic depiction of the way women look at ourselves in the mirror, and he feels feminism is to blame for this refusal of women to see ourselves from the point of view of a male observer and pretend that view matches our internal monologue.

See, this is why although I love some SFF I go out of my way to avoid most of the male fans (and writers too, really). It’s also part of why so many women love Pratchett, because he would never, ever write anything that stupid, because he is aware of the fact that women posess subjectivity.

11 years ago

That passage made me laugh, it was so stupid. I loved the comments about untethered breasts and Zeppelins.

Have you read Monstrous Regiment?

11 years ago

Also! One of the things that kept striking me when reading that thread was the fact that some guys get really offended when women point out that we can in fact often read both ill intent and the fact that certain men don’t understand that we’re people with a fair degree of accuracy. It’s like they think that years of experience in interacting with men and observing the extent to which initial impression A usually correlates with later actions B and C doesn’t in any way allow us to draw conclusions based on initial impressions with a higher degree of accuracy than, say, some dude who didn’t even witness the interaction in question but who’s convinced that our interpretation must be wrong because reasons.

11 years ago

For example, there are multiple male commenters here who I was able to identify as “man who sees women as people” fairly quickly, and in all of those cases subsequent interaction has supported that initial assessment. Men who don’t see women as people are usually just as easy to identify, and the identification process is even easier in meatspace where you can also use body language, tone of voice and so on as part of the assessment process.

But nope, obviously women have no way of figuring these things out and we are being cruel and unfair in treating the men who may as well have I DON’T SEE WOMEN AS PEOPLE written on their foreheads with a Sharpie with a certain amount of caution.

11 years ago

Also now I want to find all the omniscient breasts guy’s writing and re-write the particularly ridiculous bits with a male protagonist to illustrate how stupid they are.

“Rod regarded his reflection in the full-length mirror. He had always considered his impressive six-pack and even more impressive bulge to be his most important attributes, but upon further musing prompted by recent comments from admirers he had to conclude that his ass was in the running for first place too. Turning away and then twisting to gaze coquettishly over his shoulder, he admired his butt’s perfectly rounded shape. Granted that he was a muscular man – very muscular, full of muscles in fact – but still, his glutes were huge. Rod gave a quick wiggle and was delighted to see that due to the remarkable tightness of his glutes his ass remained ripple-free. Smirking in delight, he contemplated how he could put his personal bounty to use.”

11 years ago

It’s also part of why so many women love Pratchett, because he would never, ever write anything that stupid, because he is aware of the fact that women posess subjectivity.

This is also one reason I love Alistair Reynolds and can’t really stand Ian M Banks. I know some people here love Banks, and I’m not gonna go into an argument about who has the “right” opinion. I’ve also not read that much of Banks, only like three books before I gave up. With that caveat in place: Several sci-fi-geeks told me that if I love Reynolds I gotta check out Banks, so I did. But whereas Reynolds has plenty of female characters in his books and really write them as regular people, Banks, whenever he writes from a female POV, comes across a little bit like that quote. FAR FAR from THAT ridiculous, but still a bit in that direction, and it was enough to set off my feminist radar so that it interfered with my reading.

Although it’s even more ridiculous when an author, and males as well as females do this, tries to write a female character, from her own POV, and convey to the reader that she’s both super hot and completely unaware of the fact. That always leads to some very tortured writing along the lines of “she frowned at how her breasts were disproportionally large compared to her really slender body” etc.

11 years ago

Actually, when I had read “Revelation Space”, the first book I read by Reynolds, I thought to myself “this is great, lots of female characters and they’re all people!” right before I realized how sad it is that one notices this…

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Also now I want to find all the omniscient breasts guy’s writing and re-write the particularly ridiculous bits with a male protagonist to illustrate how stupid they are.

“Rod regarded his reflection in the full-length mirror. He had always considered his impressive six-pack and even more impressive bulge to be his most important attributes, but upon further musing prompted by recent comments from admirers he had to conclude that his ass was in the running for first place too. Turning away and then twisting to gaze coquettishly over his shoulder, he admired his butt’s perfectly rounded shape. Granted that he was a muscular man – very muscular, full of muscles in fact – but still, his glutes were huge. Rod gave a quick wiggle and was delighted to see that due to the remarkable tightness of his glutes his ass remained ripple-free. Smirking in delight, he contemplated how he could put his personal bounty to use.”

…I think I’ve met that guy.

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
11 years ago

But whereas Reynolds has plenty of female characters in his books and really write them as regular people, Banks, whenever he writes from a female POV, comes across a little bit like that quote.

I’m reading some Iain Banks right now, and there were some… oddities. It wasn’t quite enough to through me out of the book, and otherwise the characters seemed to be existing as complete characters. It’s just that around mirrors they seemed to temporarily become male.

There was some in-story justification for mirror obsession. Body-swapping, etc. But it came off as very, very male-gaze oriented.

With a character that a few chapters back we had learned was raped.

Everything else about the book had been just perfect up to that point. And then, thud.

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