off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

Still reading the giant thread of geek assholery and ran across this gem from the fishy dude.

The path to a reasoned resolution would start by asking all participants “What change do you want and what will you concede in order to achieve it” … that’s the opening question of any negotiation. When laid out like this, how many people are in the position “I want this and this and this, and I’m not willing to concede anything to get it”…

Gosh, it’s so unreasonable of women to say “stop harassing us at cons” without offering a concession in return. Hmm, I wonder what kind of concession would be best? Maybe an offer of free blowjobs to any guy who looks sad?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Here’s a concession — keep your hand off her ass and she’ll keep her fist out of your face.

11 years ago

I’m gradually coming to the conclusion that what infuriates some guys so much about the anti-harassment stuff is the fact that it’s finally occurred to them that women are not attempting to negotiate, and are not willing to compromise.

11 years ago

Argenti – that concession works for me!

Dang intertubes, I’m trying to send some coolth and they’re just not cooperating.

11 years ago

On comfortable bras, I’ve worn Hot Milk maternity bras for a few years. They have a nice deep band (I don’t like the curvy or nonexistent bands, they pull up) and are pretty. So they have a clip to undo the cup, big deal. The brand’s also making non-maternity bras these days. The one I bought last night is that type, but I haven’t worn it yet.

11 years ago

This Marlies Dekkers bra is very comfortable too, but it’s outrageously expensive – $145!!!

11 years ago
11 years ago

I linked to that somewhere too. Total winner.

11 years ago

That commenter ruled. The Fishy One really is the most willfully obtuse person I have ever seen. There were some other prize pigs, especially the one dude who wasn’t going to hear anything other than that harassers are just awkward and need help learning correct behavior.

11 years ago

Totally OT, but we’re watching a new Bizarre Foods that’s in HI, and they are showing my food nemesis, Ling Mui. AHHHHH!!!!

11 years ago

‘Scuse me, Li Hing Mui, the dried plum creatures.

11 years ago

@Marie, I don’t think it’s logically possible to derail an open thread. And I’m fairly confident that I speak for most of us when I say we’d MUCH rather listen to you vent than trolls blather on and on and on and ON about their idiocy du jour. (Does your dad’s fiancee know you’re gay? Would you find it stressful or amusing to just bring it up, and keep bringing it up, every time she says something homophobic?)

On hair: I always wanted long hair, and my mom always hacked it off (I didn’t figure out until puberty that you also have to brush the parts of your hair that you DON’T see in a mirror). So when I hit 18 or so, I started growing it out, and it got long enough to sit on (which is problematic, by the way. I had to wrap it around my neck to use the toilet). It’s very thick, and was very heavy, and I mostly just let it hang, or put it in a braid. But it was beautiful, and I miss it sometimes.

Right now, it’s a chin-length bob, and because I got an AWESOME cut (and I will cry if I lose my awesome, wonderful, talented hairdresser), it just falls right. I put most of it back in a clip when I’m cooking, but other than that, it just kind of sits where it’s supposed to. If you find an excellent hair-cutting artist, do whatever you have to do to keep him or her in your life.

11 years ago

The dude who was all “you don’t get to call yourself a liberated woman unless you’re armed to the teeth/trained to fight/willing to put up with people verbally harassing you without complaining” was a piece of work too.

Especially since he kept calling women who’re feminist/empowered/not doormats “you go girl”, scare quotes included.

11 years ago

Am I the only one who sees awesome comments on other blogs, newspaper stories, etc., and thinks “I should invite that person to play over on Man Boobz?” ‘Cos I totally want legionseagle to play here now.

11 years ago

I do it too, cloudiah! Legionseagle and W. Ian Blanton are more than welcome.

11 years ago

Heh, I bought a maternity bra once in high school, and my mom absolutely flipped her shit. Now I can buy whatever bra I want; TAKE THAT, MOM! Srsly tho, I’m going to go look into those now, Kittehs; they sound comfy.

11 years ago

Mr. “You Go Girl” is damn near every troll we get.

I’m rambly, one of my surgery incisions is acting UP, to the point where my doc gave me different painkillers (and I go back in 3 weeks and he’ll image the area if it’s still bothering me). Fucks–I don’t give them right now.

11 years ago

Aww, butts, they don’t appear to carry my size. That blue maternity bra is really pretty, though!

11 years ago


@Marie, I don’t think it’s logically possible to derail an open thread. And I’m fairly confident that I speak for most of us when I say we’d MUCH rather listen to you vent than trolls blather on and on and on and ON about their idiocy du jour. (Does your dad’s fiancee know you’re gay? Would you find it stressful or amusing to just bring it up, and keep bringing it up, every time she says something homophobic?

She doesn’t, and now I’ less thrilled to tell her :/ Idk what to do, but I’m glad you guys let me vent…

And yay for good hairstyleists 🙂

11 years ago

Yeah, that Jeremy skeeve. Pecunium said he kept thinking he should know who that MRAish type is. Mr Gun Boy would be quick to complain if a woman did shove a pistol in his face to get rid of him (as in chase him away, not actually shoot him, which would make complaining difficult).

@Unimaginative – “(Does your dad’s fiancee know you’re gay? Would you find it stressful or amusing to just bring it up, and keep bringing it up, every time she says something homophobic?)”

That reminds me of one of my mum’s great moments. A decade-plus ago I went through a time of wondering if I might be lesbian, having no attraction to men other than Mr K and being much more comfortable around women than men generally (and never having heard of things like asexuality). Anyways, Mum was totally cool about it. Once when my generally sweet but slightly clueless and sheltered aunt (she’s a 90-something nun) said something rather stupid about gay people, Mum’s reaction was just “You do know my daughter’s one.”

That threw aunty for six. 🙂

11 years ago

legionseagle and Ian W Blainton would be great Manboobzers!

@dustydeste, that’s a pain. D’you mind me asking what size you’re looking for?

11 years ago

So I’m watching the US news. On the one hand, we need to forcibly sterilize women prisoners because, let’s face it, any children they have will be nothing but a drain on society. On the other hand, we have to prevent access to birth control and abortion, ESPECIALLY for poor women, because every fetus is precious, and could grow up to do great things, if it’s eventually born. (Not really sure how the fetus is going to get that chance when it’s parent doesn’t want it, may resent its birth, may not have the resources to actually feed it…)

That sproing you’re hearing is my brain breaking under the cognitive dissonance.

11 years ago

In the Good News column, Rick Perry won’t run for governor of TX next year, hallelujah!

11 years ago

Kittehs – I’m a 36 or 38 K, depending on the stretchiness of the bra… needless to say I have a difficult time finding anything attractive in my size, so if you know of anyone selling anything pretty like that, please please tell me so I can at least gaze at it longingly, if not break down and actually buy it 🙂

11 years ago

It’s resolved in the simplest way, Unimaginative: punish women. Everything a woman does is wrong and evil (multiply when she is poor and/or a WoC), so punish her in whatever way applies. The contradictions aren’t cognitive dissonance: they’re the logical outcome of making sure women have no right choices available. “Right” and “wrong” simply swap around according to misogyny’s requirements.

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