off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Only place I could find that particular bivy tent it was $200. I did, however, find this — under 3 pounds, cheaper than the bivy sack that might rain on your face. Reviews say it’s rain proof, but does get the condensation if the flap is closed…and looks to have room for your pack.

This looks far less questionable than the one you found LBT (and go weigh that keyboard, bet it weights enough that ditching that will buy you 1 lb to carry a studier shelter)

Seriously though, you can adjust to carrying another pound or two, adjusting to a wet sleeping bag Every Fucking Night is another matter. (And looks like you can leave the outer cover off if you get to Death Valley when it isn’t death season!)

11 years ago

On the giant thread of geek misogyny doom…ugh, Evelyn. She’s the Ann Coulter of con-goers.

11 years ago

I’d have a look at the one-star reviews on the Eureka! tent, there. The one-stars all say it’s very difficult/impossible to set up on certain types of ground, and the tent poles snap very easily, often on first use.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh and duct tape. So, so, so many uses! Grab a roll, or, if you’re any good with the stuff, wrap a couple layers around your water bottle — you’ll at least have some if you need it, and it might insulate your water too 🙂 (probably not, but sturdy tape is definitely one of those things you do not want to realize you don’t have when you, say, put a tear in your sleeping bag)

11 years ago

Yeah, the “Nobody’s harassed me and anyway it’s just good clean fun!” bullshit. Blergh.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Well damn, I saw that it doesn’t work on rock, but really, nothing does unless designed for that and $$$. Missed that the poles were snapping for people who weren’t scout moms (sorry scout moms, but you’ll pardon me if I doubt your ability to keep kids from running into it)

Back to the googles!

11 years ago

In other important news, I got a new bra tonight!

Now as long as I can … fasten it … without … AAARGHbreaking my fingers …

Should be comfortable, though, apart from that. It’s smooth inside and has no underwires, Basement Cat be praised.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Let’s try this again! I can find exactly one bad review on this, and a few that say PUT IT ON A TARP…and every hiking/climbing site that mentions it seems to love it, so I’m inclined to think the person on amazon who managed to snap a pole was doing something wrong.

Also, baring a meltdown when I run it through my sandbox WP, It. Is. Done.

11 years ago

Charles Saatchi has released a statement about how disappointed he is in his wife for not defending the fact he strangled her. I can’t think of anything to say about his statement that verges on being polite or productive.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Polite and productive are both optional, and shit like that? Swearing about how wrong it is might constitute productive.

Also, It. Is. Really. FUCKING. Done! Just sent it all off to the dark lord!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

…some people take their football/soccer WAY too seriously [um, descriptions of violence that’ll get flagged by the NSA…yeah, it’s that bad]

I understand exactly none of the motivations of the people mentioned in that article.

11 years ago

Argenti, YAY for DONE!!

Pear_tree, yeah, words fail with that serially-violent piece of trash.

11 years ago

Well fuck, there goes my good mood. My flight home this morning got cancelled, next one available is in 6 hrs and I have work today… Oh, and I haven’t slept because silly brain wants to be insomniac, and I can’t sleep at the airport because I now have to watch my bags for the next 6 hrs… OTOH, I can catch up on that popehat thread that I’ve been trying to read but keep getting distracted by the most adorable 3 month old kitty jumping on me. Other than that, and OassholeFgofuckyourself, my weekend has been pretty fantastic, with completely by chance getting to head down to NYC to visit with friends, something I pretty desperately needed.

That’s all, I didn’t really have much to add, just trying to keep myself awake in the airport…

11 years ago

Yay Argenti! I could not figure out how to make Google search the US for me. If I go to I can search the UK, but if I go to .com it will not let me use the US version, keeps going back to NZ. >_<

The thing about duct tape and cable ties fixing everything is so true. And WD40 or equivalent, though not really applicable when you're living in a tent/-like-thing.

Not going to read the thing about football violence; it's so gross. Kind of related to that: if you like slightly of heavy stuff, This is England is a good movie. About a kid that falls in with some skinheads, at one point they basically kit up to go pick fights because the football's on. Also, if you like Snatch, it's funny/interesting to see the guy who plays Tommy play someone completely terrifying. (

I was brought up playing football, my father's European but not heavily into winning like some people. I like it because it's fun, and also because I hate the rugby culture over here. It's less violent, mostly, but just as pathetic. If I lived in the UK I probably wouldn't like football.

New bras are awesome! I went and bought four a few months back and finally threw out my munted ones. I was down to two, all stretched out, and the wire had just come out of one. Bought these Aussie sports bra underwire things, and they are so comfortable! Is your one comfy, Kitteh? I used to be more into pretty, now I don’t really care, though I like bright colours. 😀

That’s all, I didn’t really have much to add, just trying to keep myself awake in the airport…

That suuuuucks. Hope the next flight comes and all goes smoothly! I think that kittens are a bit more fun than that thread. 😛 I had a quick look but it was way too stressful for me. I need my abusers screened by the lens of Manboobz.

I was too late for the bullshit from our latest troll but I saw what he said to you and if I may add some belated FUCK YOUs to him and internet hugs (if you want them!) for you. He makes me sick. Honestly, I am so over concern trolls. Or whatever you call terrible people who make an effort to sound like they want conversation so they suck people in way more than the All Aggression All The Time trolls.

11 years ago

“My screen name, “Obsidian”, came from a fellow student of Game; he gave me the name because he felt that my nature/personality matched the volcanic glass that is its namesake”

Hard and brittle, shatters easily with very sharp edges. Hmmm, doesn’t really sound very complimentory.

I think we can all agree that if Game was just about men improving themselves via things like dressing better, losing (or gaining) weight and being more confident there would be no objections. I have read the book by Style and I know that this simply is not true. The main focus of Game is to use mind games and bullshit tactics. When I was reading the book I could hardly believe that any of the shit described in it would actually work on anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together. Maybe it works on women who are really, really, really intoxicated or something? This is problematic all by itself. But if it really doesn’t work on anyone, which is what I suspect, at least these Game fucktards making asses of themselves in public are providing some sort of service in the form of entertainment. I honestly think all this PUA stuff is just elaborate fantasy. Sad really.

“There was a very interesting story in the news, I think it was last year, of an Asian couple where the Woman had cosmetic surgery prior to meeting her hubbie, and never disclosed this to him; the hubbie, thinking that her beauty would be passed on to their baby, which they had, found out about the cosmetic surgery and was very, very upset about it. Clearly, she had deceived him, and he sought legal damages.”

It is very odd that I just read a very similar fictional story in the book called A Good Fall by Ha Jin. Only thing is the husband did not seek legal damages and all that, the story is actually very touching and sad. Almost seems like you or someone else comandeered a FICTIONAL story and turned it into a more palatable one about evil lying woman. Gross.

11 years ago

@gillyrosebee: Fortunately not. Most of their stuff was in a 1st floor storage locker, and their original place was a university residence. A few crowded and humid elevator rides and long walks down the hallway, but no impossible furniture.

The big issue were the 20+ boxes of books, research papers and journals that needed to be ferried down stairs one at a time at the end of the day. 🙁

Had plenty of snacks, rests, help and beer though, so it went well.

11 years ago


I used to be more into pretty, now I don’t really care, though I like bright colours. 😀

I should get some nice bright colored bras! They sound cute, but my only goodones are black. I have a cute pink one, but it gives not much support, so I just double up with it.

And I have been around recently, at least on this thread. I just have been kinda quiet recently :/ don’t know what to say.

Also, I’ve got a long vent, but I don’t want to derail, so mostly I”m curious if you guys would mind giving me some advice or here’s not the place. (I know I said this already, but nobody said yes or no, so…gah hopefully I’m not bugging you.)

11 years ago

I have a contribution to the bra discussion.

By virtue of my penis, this contribution is automatically the most important portion of the whole thing. Get your underwires outta here, gals.

11 years ago


While I am charmed by it, it looks rather unpratical. I can’t even tell how much support it gives! XD Plus, all that beeping would give me a headache.

There should be an annoying-noise-free version for us nerds fake geek girls with headaches.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

“I wonder if anyone who checked Banjo actually doesn’t read Order of the Stick and just checked it because they thought it sounded funny. (I would respect that.)”

I know there are at least a handful of OoTS fans around here, and out of 1640 replies 24 doesn’t seem unreasonable. But hey, Elan made him from a bard’s sense of what’s “proper”, of course it’s funny!

I can’t remember if I checked Banjo, but I’m definitely an OOTS fan.

I took a long weekend. I was going to get lots of stuff done. Instead we ended up having a fire, and on a hot day that was just murder. I’m still tired.

11 years ago

Also, I’ve got a long vent, but I don’t want to derail, so mostly I”m curious if you guys would mind giving me some advice or here’s not the place. (I know I said this already, but nobody said yes or no, so…gah hopefully I’m not bugging you.)

Vent, please. I could use something to get my mind off of how shitty my day has been.

11 years ago

The bra sizing stuff that’s been going around the internet lately has been a godsend. I actually learned to size myself and judge for myself what a properly fitting bra looks like. Too often when you get sized at a store, their priority is to get you to buy something, so they’ll tell you something fits great when it doesn’t, even at the good places like Nordstrom’s or Lane Bryant.

I also learned that D, DD, or DDD cups aren’t “ginormous”, which is what I always thought. I have big boobs, but I always thought that DDD (or sizes larger than that) were hugely massive. Plus, I figured that stores didn’t carry larger sizes than DD or DDD since I had never seen them on the racks.

But D cups aren’t all that big. And stores like Nordstrom and Lane Bryant DO carry cup sizes larger than DDD, they just don’t always put them on the rack so you have to ask for them.

Anyway I went from wearing a 40 DD/DDD to a 38 G/GG/H (depending on the brand) and my boobs are so much happier. I still take my bra off as soon as I get home, but before, when I would take it off, it would almost hurt, because my boobs had been compressed against my ribcage all day, so letting them free would be painful, sometimes so much that I would cry out when I let them loose. Now, they feel fine all day, and when I take off the bra there’s no pain at all.

I’m not 100% happy with the bra I have now; I don’t really care for the silhouette. There’s a bra at LB where the cups fit great at 40G, but they don’t make a cup size bigger than G and if you go down a band size you have to go up a cup size. So if they made a 38H, that bra would have been perfect. I recently learned though that it is relatively easy to alter the size of a band, so assuming I can get hold of a sewing machine I may buy some of those and just make the band smaller so that it fits right.

Yay bras!

11 years ago

@Marie: But it goes so well with the little black dress! Maybe that’s more a testament to the versatility of the little black dress, but still!

11 years ago

Okay, I just watched the theremin bra video and now all I can think of is the virgin alarm from Spaceballs.

11 years ago


Vent, please. I could use something to get my mind off of how shitty my day has been.

Sorry your day has been shitty 🙁 Jedi hugs if you want them.

Basically my problem is it turns out my dad’s fiance is a massive homophobe, and now i feel suuuppper uncomfy around her, right after my dad and brother moved in w/ her 🙁 So I’m not really eager to be around her but my brother lives with her and I want to be around him. Also when we tried to talk to her about it she just kept saying ‘well there is no right or wrong they are just both opinions and gah Idk what to do.


I also learned that D, DD, or DDD cups aren’t “ginormous”, which is what I always thought. I have big boobs, but I always thought that DDD (or sizes larger than that) were hugely massive.

That’s what I thought too until I got properly sized. I always thought I was a B instead of a D because I wasn’t super huge…

Anyway I went from wearing a 40 DD/DDD to a 38 G/GG/H (depending on the brand) and my boobs are so much happier. I still take my bra off as soon as I get home, but before, when I would take it off, it would almost hurt, because my boobs had been compressed against my ribcage all day, so letting them free would be painful, sometimes so much that I would cry out when I let them loose.

Ow 🙁

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