off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

I was literally told by males in my department that to improve myself as a person and be “less selfish” I needed to 1) take up knitting, and 2) have a baby (I was told I’d see the error of my childish ways soon)…

WHAT THE WHAT?! I bet they would shit blue fire if someone told them that. Fuck those guys, kick ass. HAVE A BABY… I could power a city right now with the rage that kind of bullshit makes me feel. I’m sure their knitting, baby making wives are really fucking happy with the retrograde jags they married.

I’m sorry this is happening to you.

11 years ago

hellkell: I bet he’s another one who thinks we needs guys like him as allies. No, I like my allies less invested in preserving the status quo, thanks.

He does. And those who disagreed with him, soured him on the entire idea, so it it’s not fixed we know we can only blame ourselves for driving away the good guys who will save us.

He got told what a steaming pile that was.

Sleep has been good. When I woke up I realised there were some patterns to his shit: So long as it was only one person, he’d deny and gaslight. When it was more than one, he’d make an excuse; usually one about “heat of the moment”, and gaslight that (I saw his attack on the rape victim again, and he said it was because he was upset at being called a rape apologist, but the actual timeline shows him talking about it, and defending his asshole ways, quite calmly, well before he got called on it in a way he couldn’t dodge so well.

He’s an abusive personality. Being tired didn’t help.

By now it ought to be closed, and I can probably go see how it ended, though that’s likely to be rage inducing. There was lots of passive aggressive lying.

11 years ago

He is quite the shitstain. I hope he falls face first into all the Legos.

11 years ago

Knit and have a baby? Oh My Fucking God.

That sucks. Hugs.

11 years ago

Oh… as regards education. I’ve never finished my degree, so technically I’m only a HS graduate. (yes, I have more college credits than is believable, but they aren’t all in the right ticky boxes. I think I got an education, instead of a diploma).

Ally S
11 years ago

“Oh… as regards education. I’ve never finished my degree, so technically I’m only a HS graduate. (yes, I have more college credits than is believable, but they aren’t all in the right ticky boxes. I think I got an education, instead of a diploma).”

I probably end up going that way as well. I’ve done two years of community college, and I’m grateful for that, but going to university to finish my B.A. isn’t fucking worth it if it means two more years of being monitored by my conservative elders. If my father can drive all the way from San Jose, CA to Boulder, CO in order to walk up to my older sister and tell her that she must stop having a boyfriend and find someone to marry, he will surely be willing to go as far if I move to Santa Cruz and ask him to leave me alone after coming out to him. Not even distance deters him from trying to have as much control over his children as possible.

I can always go later. It’s not like I’m a failure at life if I delay university for a few more years.

Ally S
11 years ago

Correction: I can always go later if I think I need to. I apologize for sounding like I was passing a judgment on people who don’t finish their degrees.

11 years ago

Oh… as regards education. I’ve never finished my degree, so technically I’m only a HS graduate. (yes, I have more college credits than is believable, but they aren’t all in the right ticky boxes. I think I got an education, instead of a diploma).

My wife and I are very similar – I did finally focus enough to complete a degree (albeit well after my thirtieth birthday), but she still hasn’t made it over that particular finishing line, even though she’s more than bright enough. But although I was a dropout first time round, it wasn’t for the usual reasons: I practically lived in the university library, reading voraciously round the clock – it’s just that most of the stuff that I read was only tangentially related to my degree at best.

Incidentally, she’s got a science-research-related job interview later this week. She’s convinced that it’s already been earmarked for a particular individual (they’re asking for a somewhat unusual set of skills, which she coincidentally happens to possess), but she was pleasantly surprised to get shortlisted after convincing herself that her lack of a degree might be an insuperable barrier. But I’d have thought that sixteen years’ experience in precisely the right medical field should count for something.

11 years ago

B 2.0 revealed himself quite nicely in one of his walls o’ text (somebody teach the fool how to quote, yo) and summed up pretty much MRA/sexist douchnugget’s problem with women:

The problem is that they continue to act individually, with individual needs and wants.

It so perfectly encapsulates them.

11 years ago

Lol. Yeah! Damn those individuals, acting all individually and not monolithic in their needs and desires! It’d be so much easier for me if they all just acted the same! Then we could make rules about what is and isn’t going to get me laid.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“yes, I have more college credits than is believable, but they aren’t all in the right ticky boxes. I think I got an education, instead of a diploma”

Ding ding ding, we have a winner! I’m about a semester shy of a BS, and fuck my psych’s perpetual “you could surely find the money to finish” — 1) no I can’t; 2) wtf difference does it make when I’m totally fucking nuts; 3) so what? I need an upper level psych credit, a couple gen eds that I was told fulfilled multiple requirements and didn’t (as in, I already learned the topic, just not officially enough)…

But I certainly got an education *side eyes mac* and you call get to benefit from it 🙂

11 years ago

My drawing books are coming in the mail! I already got my nook charger and a little book called Cultures of Solidarity. (Short review: very dry but the subject matter carries the whole thing by itself. I read the whole book in two sittings)

Oh, and I’m learning how to drive. I kinda hate it, don’t see what the hullabaloo is all about.

11 years ago

My god, it’s still going.Thank got for sleep. I am much clearer than I was.

11 years ago

Argenti: I have something like 72 semester hours, and 100+ quarter hours.

11 years ago

Yay for other awesome people who didn’t finish their degree!
Technically, I’m just a few classes short of an associate’s, but those ones tend to be the classes that I’ve already failed at least once before, if not multiple times. DAMN YOU, ENGLISH 101!


Amnesia, I’d be happy to visit you! I got a buddy in DC (though she’s being really hard to get ahold of, so she may not be visitable), and the bus goes from DC to Richmond, so perhaps on one leg or another of the trip, we can meet up!

More yay! Sorry for not responding sooner, it’s been a busy weekend, but that sounds awesome!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — I’ve only got a handful more than you then, and one is a math course I got a C in because I only snowed up for the tests and financial math and I aren’t quite so friendly. (It was weird, I totally could’ve skipped statistics, but the prof was engaging and, um, the girl who asked me to help her not fail was cute)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“I am much clearer than I was.”

Curse you and your AC! Real feel here is 103°! My mac is all cranky, I’m all cranky, both furry ones are making like long puddles (seriously, how does a tabby manage to stretch to 2′?)

11 years ago

I think if it’s all converted to quarter hours I have a total of 210, or so.

11 years ago

@gillyrosebee (and everyone else, from page 8)–
I’ve got this almond scented bar soap from our local organic co-op for every day use. Sappo Hill. My beloved is not allowed to use it because he uses a literal brush that just wastes soap so quickly. I liked the oatmeal cookie too (with real oats!), but it smelled like the breakfast I had just finished eating moments before. Unnerving.

Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint liquid soap in the summer works great for mosquito bitten skin because everything tingles. The mint also makes me cool in all the right places so that I don’t sweat for the first 2 hours or so afterward. hellkell’s comment about watching that tingling is true, make sure to rinse quickly.

Also, you can use it for washing all kinds of crap. Combined with vinegar, it works as an excellent kitchen counter cleaner. Cleaning used water bottles (even with iced tea or milk in them) works great, because you can smell when it has rinsed clean out. Ally S, LBT, and Argenti seem to like Dr. Bronner’s too.

Organic soap, and the kind I used as a kid (Zest Aqua) are the only kinds I can deal with on my skin without the smell overwhelming me and making me sick. It was pretty cool when I found out organic soaps worked for me because my beloved and I could finally smell different.

@Argenti and pecunium
Re: Germany / Deutchland (page 9). I never understood why English speakers had to make up different names for other people’s countries. I believe Japan is Nippon or Nihon to residents. And every time I hear about a country changing it’s name, I wonder if we just made up a new one for them semi-related to their actual new name.

I know it’s was a while ago (page 11), but I also appreciate the moderation (and hope for a ban) of OF. That was horrible and I’m sorry.

Also, CassandraSays, I liked the “talking about” vs. “talking to” comment.

I really liked Broadchurch. David Tennant and Olivia Colman are great.

My beloved hates to drive too! (I cannot drive at all, and haven’t tried since at least 2004).

I finally caught up, just in time to go to bed. Take care, everyone.

11 years ago

Re: Germany / Deutchland (page 9). I never understood why English speakers had to make up different names for other people’s countries.

Everyone does it. e.g. Germany is Allemagne in French.Greece calls itself Elleniki, in German it’s Griechenland

Germany calls the Capital of Russia, Moskau, when in Russian it’s Moskva.

Some of it is that some sounds don’t exist in other languages. Some of it is that we get names from the past (no one knows where “Greece” comes from, save that the Romans used it). Some of it is that one group has a name for it, and they share it, and it’s not the name the actual people who live there call it, but by the time it’s found out, it’s too late.

11 years ago

Thanks, T7G, I’m thinking I’ll have a look at it. 🙂

That popehat thread … the minute the men in there start rules lawyering you know they’re there in bad faith. They’re quite likely harassers themselves, but even if they’re not, they’re going on the assumption that women only exist to be hit on; that there’s no reason to talk to a woman if you’re not trying to get sex from her (yes I phrased that deliberately). Their whining about not knowing what’s welcome and how haaaarrrd it is and how they won’t be allowed to talk to women at all could be solved very simply:

1. Assume women aren’t there for sex and don’t want to be hit on.
2. Don’t hit on them.
3. Repeat.

But of course since they’re not talking in good faith, it wouldn’t work to tell them that, because womenthings don’t have any other reason to be out in public, do they?

There was one other there who I really side-eyed – name started with L – who had me this close to thinking “cool story, bro” despite how horrific the experience he described was.

@hellkell, good call on the Pillock pretending to be an ally and then getting the sulks when people don’t want to let him be the boss.

11 years ago

kittehs: It was a comment to that person which I flew past Argenti before I made it.

I think I can actually call a victory on Pollock. He’s pretty much quite the field, with the usual sorts of, “I see that you can never accept that anyone who disagrees with you isn’t categorically wrong in all particulars”.

I think it was my dissecting his grammar which did it. He has the, “you misunderstood me/you misquoted me/you took that out of context” thing.

So I broke down exactly what he said, and diagrammed it, and laid out his argument, and what it meant, and why what I said wasn’t wrong.

And someone else did that to his PTSD shit.

And he’s a lot less effective now.

Sleep helped a lot. Made it easier to see what the real flaw in his “plan” is.

“Give all agency to the men” married to, “blame the women if they are abused”.

Under the cover of, “Vigorous reporting”, married to, “thorough investigation”. When the agency isn’t in the hands of the victim, how is that gonna go?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“There was one other there who I really side-eyed – name started with L – who had me this close to thinking “cool story, bro” despite how horrific the experience he described was.”

Yeaaah, I replied to pecunium’s email assuming it was true, because doubting people saying they’ve been assaulted isn’t really my thing. But his statistically improbable experience isn’t a get out of assholery free card. Like, I’m sorry that happened to you, but the rest of your comment in based on so many assumptions I want to blow on your house of cards.

11 years ago

I just got to the part where Pillock feels bullied and won’t stand for it (after having the gall to tell rape victims the same thing OF did yesterday–is there something in the water). Can someone hand me my eyes? They just rolled out of my head.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Are they spinning rainbows? If so one of them landed inside my mac’s screen!

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