off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

Kittehs: The middle was the worst. Thats when the MRM talking points were being trotted out in force. I’m half of the opinion I ought to know who, “Jeremy” was.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“and a level of sly dishonesty I can’t attach to anyone.”

Owly? I mean, he was flat out LYING whenever he mentioned Title IX, statistics, or basically anything he ever said to me. But he wasn’t far enough from the possible that I could just dismiss him out of hand (also, mangling stats gets under my skin)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Was he 90% of the comments? 🙂

11 years ago

Which of the creepazoids on the popehat thread was that, Pecunium? The little I’ve seen of it there were a few who fit that description. D’you mean Obtuse Fistula, or someone else there?

Argenti – Noooooooo! 😀

11 years ago

Kittehs: The one with the fishy name. Do a search for Fallujah.

Not owly. This is sly dishonesty. The sort that slips just a little past the edge of vision, so that the poisonous aspects are inside something else which is obvious, and the unwary end up accepting his frame.

I know I’ve pissed him off (and at least one other Grifter), and I think it’s that I’m doing a better job that most at calling out his tricks, and nailing him to his words. I don’t think he’s used to people quoting him, much less requoting himl when he tries to gaslight.

Manboobz has been really god for polishing the countermoves one needs on internet assholes.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Also, for honing one’s bullshit meter in general.

Guys, I borked the data on heterosexual folks feeling accepted and reran that set…gay/lesbian acceptance by peers is just barely not statistically different from heterosexual, and bi/pan/omnisexual just barely squeaks into statistically signifacant. That’s BY PEERS, not here, here gay/lesbian acceptance is no different than heterosexuals and bi/pan/omnisexual folks feel MORE accepted. (And speaking for myself here, small wonder considering shit like “bi women kiss girls for male amusement” gets six degree of shot down)

11 years ago

Pretty much no level of self-justifying misogyny surprises me from geek circles, unfortunately. I feel like I should step in and back you up but…eh. I’ve been hearing this stuff since I had my first conversation with other people who liked fantasy and sci-fi at age 9, and there’s nothing new there. I’ve given up on hoping they’ll change. If believing that feminists are evil bitches helps them sleep at night, well, just wait and see the level of icy hostility you get if you try to creep on me while I’m trying to shop for books, assholes.

It’s always tempting to hit them where you know it will hurt (their weak spot being not so much hidden as marked with a giant neon sign), but unfortunately there’s no way to say “you are a physically repulsive loser with a personality to match and the idea of any woman wanting to fuck you is laughable” without creating collateral damage among guys who’re geeky and insecure but not giant assholes.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Like, I found three variables that are not “no difference” for acceptance at manboobz, and in all three cases it’s the minority group feeling MORE accepted. I really want to give you all cookies.

Pecunium, NO SPOILERS, but do you think I should replace // add cookies to the end of the graphs? (Please don’t give away the last “thing”, I want that one as a surprise)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

You make Ood look cute and have a worse personality? *makes tentacle face at the thread*

And I mean, uh, “altered”(?) Ood of course.

11 years ago

Gah, right, didn’t have to search. Another you’re-to-blame-for-his-later-rapes shitstain.

I wasn’t going to say this before, because it could be hella triggering.


Remember that filth Adrian Bayley? Dave posted about him a while back. He raped and murdered Jill Meagher in Melbourne last year. He’s now been sentenced to life with parole at 35 years (our “justice” system rarely gives actual life sentences, however richly deserved).

He put on a boo-hoo repentance act at his trial, despite having taken every precaution to hide his crime, and only confessing when cornered, and having to be persuaded by his counsel to plead guilty – the fake remorse got him his parole.

Now, the thing is this. He’s not a one-off. He’s a serial rapist. He’s been convicted several times. He’s broken parole with other violent crimes.

He’s been reported by nine women, that I know of. NINE. Nine rape victims who’ve spoken out. More than one conviction (I don’t recall how many).

None of it stopped him raping again and eventually murdering – something he’d been fantasising about in prison.

Our system totally failed to keep this filth where he couldn’t harm any more women. It’s failed again in not giving him a life-means-life sentence.

Yet fuckshites like Fishead and Fistula blame women, not just for their own rapes, but for all the rapes

If I believed in hell, I’d wish them to rot there. As it is, may they have the most devastating total self-awareness, whether in this world or the next.

11 years ago

Argenti, I thought the Ood were good guys?

Now if it was the Silence … and wtf is it with aliens in 20th-21st century Earth business suits? Imagination fail, attempt to say “o hai this is corporatism!” or the BBC being cheap again?

11 years ago

Actually the Silence might be the right comparison – face, personality and instantly forgettable.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

May you realize what an asshole you are sounds like an excellent curse.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

The Ood are…neither…in the form I mean. The ones with the communicator. The one’s that have been basically lobotomized. Natural Ood seem perfectly nice, definitely no enemy. Altered Ood have no personality (well, except Sigma, but he’s a weird one).

And I THINK the Silence may be a time // space // dimensional “men in black”. Because they aren’t up just here, probably. That ship upstairs from Craig is from River’s time (and that’s before/after Amy ends up in it and SO WHIMEY)

11 years ago

I think someone – was it Pecunium or maybe Falconer? – used “may you have total self-awareness” when we were doing strings of curses a while back.

Total self-awareness AND walking on all the legos would be good.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Aren’t up just here?

Aren’t just here.

No idea where that up came from!

11 years ago

Confession, I’m way behind with knowing about the Ood and the Silence. Didn’t watch much of 11, the only Silence one I remember is the alternative-history story, and I only remember snippets about the Ood from 10, with Donna. Dunno if I’ll look at the next Doctor – depends on who’s playing zir.

Please gods let it be someone older, whoever they are!

Say, speaking of that, has anyone watched the series Broadchurch, with David Tennant in the lead? It’s starting here on Friday.

11 years ago

I kind of hope for them to get what they say they want, ie for all the women to leave their treehouse, make our own, and never go near them again. Wiscon isn’t full of that crap, right? So why not duplicate that environment and create lots of spaces where women fans, men fans who aren’t sexist assholes, queer fans, and basically everyone except the “my penis is the sun around which the universe revolves!” guys can hang out together and never have to deal with the assholes again.

11 years ago

It’s like wishing people who are reckless drivers “May there be a policeman in your future”. I like it. Good karma. And yeah, fuck that shit, fuck the victim-blaming. It doesn’t stop that shit from happening. It’s society’s job to stop violent crimes from happening, not the victims’. Society fails constantly and consistently at addressing this problem, not just in part because they don’t persecute promptly, but society has shit like this victim-blaming bullshit to help allow the violence to go unreported.

11 years ago

However, on a more depressing note, this comment…

First they came for the reeking misogynist neckbeards,
but I did not speak up, for I had showered and shaved that week.
Then they came for the Warhammer players,
but I did not speak, for I did not partake of table-top gaming.
Then they came for the Magic players,
but I said nothing, because srsly, what a money-sink.
And when they came for the moderately-socially-skilled closet nerd,
there was no one left to speak for me.

This is why I stopped hanging out in geek spaces. Even the guys who weren’t actively making my life miserable were making it clear that, if it ever came down to a conflict, they’d have the backs of the guys harassing me, and would be quite happy to stick a knife in mine. I don’t hang out with people who I can’t trust to be decent human beings.

11 years ago

it’s getting better. Scalzi’s policy is a step in the right direction. The spaces I’m in have some pretty vocal anti-harassment people. But it’s hard. I remember the vague sense of, “oh no, what if I date rape someone”. I never was afraid of a false accusation, just that I’d make a mistake and cross that line.

And I can understand that a lot of guys are afraid of that. They know they are clumsy, and they are afraid that well get them labelled as creeps. Well, it won’t.

But Idiots like Pollock (who doubled down on his, “I wasn’t talking about you with the fallujah/PTSD comment, never mind he was quoting my secondary explanation of how I do day to day risk assessment: and I’m the only out Vet on the thread: Yeah, he’s that stupid, or that arrogant, or both) are actively working to make harassment (and rape) easier.

He keeps a double standard (and proudly) where women are responsible for everything, and guys are sort of passive agents. That’s the thing I want to get clobbered. It’s one of the biggest things making it hard to stop the harassment (seriously, he tried to say a workplace Harassment policy was too restrictive, because women’s clothes were too sexually attractive).

It’s not just cons he wants this to be the rule for, he wants women to be … I don’t know what he wants. but it’s nasty.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“who doubled down on his, “I wasn’t talking about you with the fallujah/PTSD comment, never mind he was quoting my secondary explanation of how I do day to day risk assessment: and I’m the only out Vet on the thread: Yeah, he’s that stupid, or that arrogant, or both”

Lol, you have the perk of knowing people who don’t get their info from TV, don’t you know we’re not supposed to ever be functional at anything?! (I do not want to discuss how many times this week I’ve debated if shooting the person with the fireworks would be noticed over the fireworks [not that I would, but seriously, when you’re making a little girl scream blocks away, you needed to tone it down 5 min ago!])

11 years ago

Yeah, I’m reading that thread now, though skimming most of Pillock’s and the other pro-harassment scumbags’ stuff. Shitbags, the lot of them.

11 years ago

This is what I saw recently on bras (from discussion on page 3 of the comments). It’s about the “under arm fat” that is really drifted breast tissue. It also talks about how / why underwires help if the bra is the right size, and are terrible if they are not.

I haven’t had a chance to put this in to practice, yet, been bra-less for a few years. But this kinda made me want to try again.

On page one, you guys were talking about anti-depressants, and SSRIs in particular. So I wanted to tell my little story really quick.

One of the first anti-depressants I was put on was Paxil. It made me have panic attacks all the hours I was awake. I tried for 3 days before I stopped. This was back when I was a teenager.

More recently, 3 years ago, after telling my little Paxil story to every doctor I happened to end up with, another doctor thought I should try Gabapentin. I spent every day of 4 monthes thinking my beloved (who was working 6 to 7 days a week to support us) was going to leave me, and crying every time I heard Freedom 90 from George Michael. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good song, but I don’t think it requires helpless sobbing.

I have a good doctor now who agrees that while anti-depressants have shown to help some with fibromyalgia, I was clearly not one of them.

People are talking about walking the Appalchian Trail. I read a really good book, A Walk In the Woods, by Bill Bryson, where we tag a long on his trip. He has a few other travel books, and books on the quirks of English language (where I found him a billion years ago). In a Sunburned Country was also excellent. It was a neat adventure, and I liked that he acknowledged at least some of the issues facing Austrailan Aboriginals (perhaps Native Australians? You know, I am uncertain what the preferred collective term is. I realize there are many cultures, but there is a lot of common experience for everyone decended from Australian pre-colonial peoples.). Including the super-long Austrainlian government policy of child abduction and “reeducation” (all the way into the eighties, if I remember correctly).

I don’t know how important it may end up being, but do you have a battery operated radio? Perhaps even one of those emergency weather alert ones?

I’m on page 8 of the comments, and will try to get to the rest after I sleep some. Hope everyone is doing as well as they can be right now.

11 years ago

Hi, T7G! I’m just going to check that link you left.

Meantime, this one’s from the popehat endless thread, and it’s beautiful (it’s by legionseagle, in case that link goes awry):

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