off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

LBT, where are you, regionally?

11 years ago

Guy comes in and comments that he and his buddies, they never have sex nowadays, because this whole sex thing has been ruined for them with all this consent talk, it’s so terribly hard to know whether a woman really wants to have sex or not so they feel it’s better to just abstain from it altogether!

Guy: “How DARE I have to make sure that the people I have sex with actually want to have sex with me!!??! Feminists just won’t let men be men hypergamy mammoths arglebargle!!!”

11 years ago

So, I’m trying to salvage the interaction with this client and get him back on track explaining what he needs, and now he’s all “lol, u seem angry” and “ur not warm now, u mad at me?”

11 years ago

RE: Gillyrosebee

Oh my god, I love hot springs! I’d even be in the area in the autumn. Unfortunately, resorts are probably out of my “bum with a backpack” budget. Shame, really, it looks really nice.

11 years ago

Be careful hitch hiking, LBT….

11 years ago

RE: gillyrosebee

This client doesn’t sound worth the business. Seriously, he won’t even tell you what he wants. He sounds like he’ll make hassle for you the whole job through, and probably give you grief no matter what cost you give him.

Right now, I’m in the Boston area, but I plan to travel all over the country. First leg of the trip will be across the midwest to the west coast, then I’ll work my way down and across the South, then up the east coast again. (Well, that’s the general plan, anyway…)

11 years ago

RE: auggziliary

I don’t plan to hitch if I can possibly help it. I’d rather not get axe-murdered.

11 years ago

@LBT, that’s awesome! And yeah, I’ve got crash space no problem. Just let me know when you’re in the area.

11 years ago

Make sure to let me know when you are in LA, and yes I have a couch (if you don’t mind being covered in kittens).

11 years ago

LBT, granted the last time I was there was about four years ago, but you could camp up on the ridge and come down to use the resort for a flat fee. We stayed for a week, hiking and hanging out during the day and using their showers to wash and change for the springs, then stumbling back up (only about half a mile, but the elevation really gets you) to our tents for the night.

11 years ago

@ Dvarg

My male privilege, let me show you it. What do you mean, my cock isn’t the center of the universe?

(Dudes who turn up in the middle of random feminists conversations to talk about how hard it is to get laid? Don’t do that.)

11 years ago

RE: thebionicmommy

Sweet! *checks map* I’ll likely be in your neck of the woods… sometime in the fall, maybe October/Novemberish. (As you can see, my planning is AIRTIGHT.)

11 years ago

…and I just realized I spent the last two hours (that I will not get paid for) trying to get him to just tell me what he needs…

11 years ago

RE: katz

I was considering visiting LA for Tarzana. (I know, I know, I just have to pay my respects to the Great One.) I’ll probably be there in the winter, and it’d be great to see you! *adds to map* As for the kitties… would I expect anything less, from a Manboobzer?

RE: gillyrosebee

I see! In that case, you’ve sold me. I’ll have to visit there and take advantage of the hot springs!

11 years ago

RE: gillyrosebee

Seriously, that client just sounds like shit overall, and if he won’t even say what he wants, can you imagine how he’ll treat PAYING you?

11 years ago

@LBT, that’s perfect because it is prettiest around here in the fall. The trees and the fall foliage are just gorgeous. Also the terrible heat is over by then but it’s not freezing cold yet either. We also do corn mazes and pumpkin patch hay rides in those months, and those are always nice.

11 years ago

Well, we’re in this problem because we agreed on the project and then he didn’t pay me. And now he’s late and boo hoo.

Trying to kick him to the curb and he’s not getting it.

11 years ago


I am so, so sorry.


Have a great trip! I’ve heard awesome things about… the place… in… The states?

I quite liked the falls and the Canadian border, admittedly, but your trip goes in the other direction, and where you go, I can offer no direction. Hope it all turns out neat though. Check in an tell us how it all works out time and again, yes?

11 years ago

I am so tired of guys like him that think it’s feminists’ jobs to help him find sex partners.

And not just sex partners, mind you, but and endless stream of “hot”, young, thin, sex partners with big boobs. For these guys, if feminists really cared about men, they’d prove it by showing them how to sleep with Maxim models.

She wants to exist in public without dealing with creepy compliments, but his desire to invade stranger’s boundaries come first.

Since these guys love sales analogies, this would be like a pushy salesman insisting that his desire to make a sale takes precedence over people’s desire to eat dinner in peace or walk down the street without being harassed by pushy salesmen.

11 years ago

Call them, I think, just to make sure, but if they will still let you camp nearby and use the springs for the day, I’d definitely go for it. If not, head for Bozeman and Yellowstone!

11 years ago

If you are heading south, there used to be a place in West Virginia, right up on the Appalachian Trail with Apple Blossom in the name. It was a dive, more a motor court even than a motel, but in the fall it was delightful! I’ll see if i can find the card (I almost always keep the cards!!)

11 years ago

OMG: I don’t know why I dove into the popehat comments. I found a dude more irritating, tedious and wrong, than Brandon.

It’s mind boggling.

But the commentariat there is taking him apart; not that he gets it.

And I have a 9 hour day at work tomorrow, and the bobbin of yarn I was reeling broke, and I can’t find the end, so it’s sitting there mocking me with it’s “ha ha, you can’t work with me, and if you try I’ll be ruined”.


11 years ago

(Dudes who turn up in the middle of random feminists conversations to talk about how hard it is to get laid? Don’t do that.)

Isn’t that how the “what about teh menz??!!” got started originally? Feminist bloggers having discussions about issues that affect women and then dudebros showing up and making it about them/their boners?

“Excuse me (a MAN), females, but street harassment pales in comparison to what I (a MAN) have to go through! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get laid these days as a MAN (I am a MAN)? Of course not! Because females (not MEN) can get laid any time they want, but only the top 10% of elite alpha male (MEN) underwear model multi-millionaire violent criminals are getting any sex, while good, decent, hardworking MEN like me aren’t getting any sex at all! Why aren’t you feminists talking about this? Why aren’t you feminists helping ME (a MAN)????”

11 years ago

pecunium, all my yarn sympathies. I just discovered that one of my cats has been nesting in a box of my yarn stash and it is now all higgeldy-piggeldy AND covered in fur!

11 years ago

The George Zimmerman stuff is pissing me off… Seriously, all the pro Zimmerman people have to say is “it’s the liberal media, you’re all so PC that you’ve made it into a race issue, people get murdered all the time so why do you care about this?”