off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Also, what makes you think PUAs haven’t raped women, and that some went to jail? Police aren’t going to ask what his favorite book is. And victims aren’t going to ask their rapist, “hey do you like Game, and is that why you raped me?” and then record it in surveys on rape.”

O: Good question –

1. The pickup community is quite the grapevine. If a PUA, especially one of any repute, had gotten locked up on rape charges, believe me, the word would have gotten around; and

2. Given the intense focus on the part of Feminists, if such a thing happened, they’d be all over it, and they would be quite keen to let everyone know that they finally “got one”…


11 years ago

Oh, sorry, I meant to ask if there was any correlation between education and feeling accepted.

Ally S
11 years ago


Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

*cocks head at data* …how is that significant? I need to drop the no replies and run this again…

11 years ago

Things we have learned that dude doesn’t understand so far today – the works of George Orwell, why people go to clubs, and the fact that not all crimes result in a criminal conviction.

Things we are confused about – why he hasn’t been banned for being tedious yet.

11 years ago

Oh no, Obsidian was right, Game is being adopted by more and more males, just look at the hats!

Ally S
11 years ago

Kitties and vacuum cleaners

11 years ago

Kitties and printers! Cuter and smarter than OF!

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Is being succinct against your religion?”

O: I’m descended from a long line of clerics…

“My “mating strategy” has always been to hook up with people who I find physically attractive. If that piece isn’t in place there’s not a damn thing they can do to change my mind.”

O: Nor should they. Have you experienced such a thing?

“(I’m not the only person who finds the “mating” thing creepy, right?)”

O: That’s not standard PUAspeak, if you will; I got that right from evolutioary psychologists themselves…


11 years ago

Hey, on the subject of leggings, I saw the most gorgeous pair of Fair Isle leggings a while back. Wish I’d asked the wearer where she got them. I can’t find any remotely like them in any of the shops around town. They would look so good under a dark brown skirt, or under the tunic I’m knitting.

11 years ago

Bearded dragons in hats, cuter and more date-worthy than any PUA!

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Things we have learned that dude doesn’t understand so far today – the works of George Orwell, why people go to clubs, and the fact that not all crimes result in a criminal conviction.”

O: Do single peope frequent bars and clubs more than do marriedss? And if so.not, why?

Orwell was a genius.

Is not a powerful way to combat the crime of rape to ssecure convictions on this offense? And if indeed Game materials and the like, as well as its practitioners, are “defacto rapists” – wouldn’t the way to combat that, to bring them to justice?

If not…why?

“Things we are confused about – why he hasn’t been banned for being tedious yet.”

O: I didn’t know “being tedious” was a bannable offence…


11 years ago

Enh, I have NO trouble believing a majority white space is racist as hell. It kind of comes with the territory.

Also, man, I took all the trouble of writing up a serious response about making life and dating better, and it just gets flat-out ignored! *sigh* Oh well.

And… Richard Dawkins! *recoils into the shadows* HSSSSSS! Next he’ll be invoking the name of Norah Vincent again! HSSSSSS!

11 years ago

Hellkell: yes, the blockquote monsters are active. They ate a post of mine in the Popehat thread (I’ve been told I have comprehension issues: also that using a persons stated positions is unfair: I can’t assume they meant it; I need to ask them what their position is: also, he tried to pull the, “you must be mentally unstable; suffering from PTSD: then when called said it was about some other person… all with a Tedium Potent enough to soporise even Brandon).

11 years ago

It’s significant to me, personally, because I didn’t go to college, I went to trade school. Which is why I don’t participate in the more intellectual discussions around here; I’m kind of out of my league.

11 years ago

becausescience: It’s also funny that this dude thinks that puas will leave alone married women, or women who don’t go to nightclubs. They have entire programs that are supposed to teach guys to hit on women outside of nightclub environments and probably many thousands of blog posts and forum threads where puas trade tips on how to hit on women online, at shopping malls, grocery stores, walking down the street, within their social circle, etc.

Daygame, right? how laundromats are great places, and dog parks, and waiting in line at the DMV (she can’t get away… captive audience).

Yeah, it’s all about the “offer, and if she says no, ‘just bounce'”,

11 years ago

I reckon ObnoxiousFuckwit should be put on the same limit Dave had for Schticky – three comments in 24 hours.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“I’m not wearing makeup to retain Mr. HK. He’s seen the merchandise sans product and didn’t run away screaming.”

O: That’s not what I said, but whatevs…

“EvoPsych, the just so stories for dummies with bad confirmation bias.”

O: OK, so now you know more than Prof. Buss.



11 years ago

@MordsithJ – same here, I didn’t do uni either.

11 years ago

I am considering buying these, because apparently my inner teenager still makes my purchasing decisions.

And also these, to wear to shows (not ones where I’m working).

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok now that makes sense. ‘Twas getting a statistically significant difference because of the spread of answers (i.e. more strongly agree, less agree, more sort of agree, less neither agree nor disagree, damn near exact numbers for the disagree options)

And this is why eyeballing your results is not optional!

11 years ago

OF: it IS what you said. You said if I wasn’t doing it to attract a mate, I was doing it to retain one. Fuckhead, I can read what you wrote.

And from the comments policy for your edification:

Beyond that: If you’re especially, or persistently, offensive, disruptive, or tedious, I’ll put you on moderation, which means your comments won’t go up until I get a chance to look at them, and maybe not even then.

11 years ago

RE: auggziliary

That’s awesome! One of the kids here is curious; do you know more details about the kind of work your friend’s sister does? (It was a dream job, back when we were a wee fifth grader.)

Back in Austin, there’s a zoo mostly devoted to abused or rescued animals. As a wee thing, there was a new baby tiger that we got to actually touch. Mega-adorable. The next time we saw him, he was HUGE. I kinda would like to revisit that zoo now, as an adult…

11 years ago

auggz – oooh, I’m envious!

Would the cat you saw be a serval, maybe?

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