off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“It’s straight up bizarre how MRAs think that women choosing who to have sex with is some kind of bug in feminism. Even denserock here thinks that it’s some kind of unforeseen consequence that noone considered would affect men.”

O: Are you referring to me? Because if you are, I can assure that is not my position, and never has been.

“Dudes, women’s sexual agency is a feature, not a bug.”

O: Nor was this ever in dispute; strawman much?


11 years ago

The military, and the Marines in particular, have a certain way of approaching problem solving. That was my point, and was something I learned growing up.

Funny, because I’m pretty sure trying to trick a woman into sex through game would be classified as An Embarrassment to The Corps. Guess you were absent that day.

11 years ago


I hope to be in Yellowstone! I look forward to it immensely. As for Alaska… *wistful sigh* maybe someday, one day.

One of my aunts has an RV, and as a wee thing we went on many trips with her. It is indeed fun, if you can stand the cost!

Ally S
11 years ago

Generally, I prefer unscented. The one exception is peppermint. I ADORE THE SMELL OF PEPPERMINT. As for added colors and animal products, I don’t really care, but I am a bit picky just because my skin hates everything. I tend to stick to stuff that’s hypoallergenic and good for sensitive skin–last thing I want is to ENCOURAGE my skin to blister and ooze even more.

Peppermint-scented stuff is amazing. I especially love peppermint soap that isn’t too harsh – I just love that tingly* feeling. ^_^

*Not in the MRA/PUA/MGTOW way. >_>

11 years ago

OK, you guys–I just tried to explain OF to Mr. HK, and got an incredulous “Men’s Right’s… WHAT?”

It was hilarious. Also, OF is an embarrassment to at least one Marine.

11 years ago

Ally: I once encountered a peppermint body wash that gave tingles of the no fun at all variety. You gotta watch that stuff.

Ally S
11 years ago

Ally: I once encountered a peppermint body wash that gave tingles of the no fun at all variety. You gotta watch that stuff.

Yeah, that’s why I’m only talking about peppermint soap that isn’t harsh in that “holy fuck that feels like fucking acid and my eyes are dissolving” way. In general, even with the less harsh stuff, one really needs to use it sparingly.

11 years ago

@ Ugh

Did you just suggest that society should care how women feel about the sex they’re having, even if that means that sometimes some men will go unfucked? That’s misandry, that is.

11 years ago

RE: Ally S

Dr. Bronner’s forever!


Back before I hacked them off, I think I was a 30D. In my case, though, bras actually CAUSED me pain. Going braless helped. Too bad by that point I got dysphoria from all the bouncing and movement…

11 years ago

I like to do things along cost/benefit lines. Because, human beings are for the most part, cost/benefit calculators.

This is some primo-grade ignorance. If ignorance weren’t so easy to come by, you could bottle it and make a decent living from the sales.

Falconer: Don’t forget that everything about men and women will be used to prove the Theory of Game. It doesn’t matter why people get together, it’s gonna be because of some aspect that Game will solve for the dude who ain’t getting any.

Game cannot fail, it can only be failed. If you think it’s not about the Principles of Game, then you just betray your lack of understanding.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Dr. Bronner’s rocks! And I sold my mother on the stuff after a case of “I have no idea what your father got on his pants, but I can’t get it out”…the propaganda laden soap did the trick of course!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium! Can LBT and I borrow some floor space for me to replace his laptop keyboard? Fall sometime, have to ask him for more detail than that. (I’m sure I can handle the repair job, but I don’t want to subject him to my father, and hey, we’ll finally actually meet!)

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“RE: Obsidian Files

I can’t say I blame them, seeing how they were focusing on things like gaining the vote, the right to own property and get equal pay, things like that. Feminists had to figure it out for women, men have to do their own homework.”

O: They have – and then Feminists say “we don’t like it!”, and the guys ask what they should do, the Feminists say, “figure it out, not my problem!”. Very mature…

“I think “reign supreme” is a bit of an overstatement.”

O: I don’t; quick, name me another movement as large that is devoted to Men?

I’ll wait…

“Cold and lifeless? Sounds about right.”

O: LOL. Perhaps you missed the part where I said that Obsidian is *volcanic glass*? Yea, that…

“In a word, YES.”

O: That smacks of Malcolm X type talk, not something MLK would say…

“I’m surprised you call yourself an MRA. They have very little use for you–even less than than the novelty treatment FeMRAs get. That has to chap your ass, no wonder you’re so verbose.”

O: Actually, it doesn’t one bit. I talk a lot because I can. No other reason.

“I don’t care if you grew up in a USMC household, so did I.”

O: I don’t care if you did, either; I didn’t mention it for your care or not. I mentioned it to answer your question, which I did.

“Married one, too.”

O: Good for you; so did my mom and grand mom.

“Like I said you have thrown out many words, but you’ve offered nothing compelling as to why feminists should care about dudes who can’t laid. “Feminism didn’t think about them” is not enough.”

O: Yes, it is. That my answer is unsatisfactory for you, is not a problem I can nor should solve…

“ONLY HAVE SEX WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE ATTRACTED TO YOU. That’s the solution. Just because you don’t want to accept that women can and will have sexual preferences you can’t control, doesn’t mean that the solution isn’t out there.”

O: I fully accept whatever mating decisions any Woman may make, for whatever reasons she may make. Moreover, clearly you’ve missed my earlier commentary, where I addressed the notion of “people who are attracted to you”; what if those people are unattractive to you? That happens to guys quite a bit, hence the Mystery Method: How to Get BEAUTIFUL (correct spelling that time!) Women into Bed…

“Works at doing what exactly?”

O: Devoloping confidence, learning how to talk to Women, listen to Women (yes, its true, it does), how to dress, lose weight/bulk up, make oneself over, become popular, etc, et al.

“If you want something that works at getting two people who want to have sex together to have sex, that’s what online dating is for.”

O: That’s what online dating *can* be for…not necessarily, since I’ve shown that it doesn’t work for most Men.

“If you’re looking for something to get a person who doesn’t want to have sex to have sex with you, then you’re a manipulative rapey asshole, and the goal of feminism is to make sure you DON’T rape or manipulate women.”

O: And by all accounts it seems that Feminism is achieving its goal.

Now what? What do the guys who want to be with beautiful Women, do to make that happen. since you and others are so dead set against Pickup?


“Ugh: I know, right? If we’d all just spread for the menz on demand, everything would be kittens, rainbows, and unicorn glitter farts.”

O: Not quite…


11 years ago

RE: Argenti/pecunium

I was always skeptical of Dr. Bronner’s, but then I actually tried it. OMG PEPPERMINT.

Regarding timing, I plan to set out on October 1st, but if that’s not doable, I can jaunt down in September. Also, I got crash space on Long Island, and I can get into NYC proper with the LIRR.

Ally S
11 years ago

RE: Ally S

Dr. Bronner’s forever!

Shit, you actually know what that is? I’m literally shocked. =O In a good way, of course.

I love that stuff, but only in moderation. Using too much can really hurt sometimes. X_X

11 years ago

Other than the entertaining commentary on the bottle (pure gold, that is!) what do folks like most about Dr. Bronners? Liquid or bar?

11 years ago

Present for those who like mint soap. This stuff is awesome, and all Pre de Provence soaps are super moisturizing. My skin tends to be dry and glycerine soaps make it unhappy, but this stuff is great.

11 years ago

That smacks of Malcolm X type talk, not something MLK would say…

Well, then. Women’s agency by any means necessary, and if you and your PUA crew of slimeballs don’t like it, lump it.

11 years ago

Cassandra: Pre de Provence soaps are the shit.

11 years ago

RE: ObsidianFiles

O: They have – and then Feminists say “we don’t like it!”, and the guys ask what they should do, the Feminists say, “figure it out, not my problem!”. Very mature…

If assholes choose to use an asshole way to deal with something, that’s still not the problem of feminists. Equating PUA with all men doing their homework is a false equivalence. I mean, I’m trans, so am coming from a different place, but I had to figure out my gender and my feelings about it on my own. I didn’t need Game to do it.

O: I don’t; quick, name me another movement as large that is devoted to Men?

Gay rights movement. The Robert Bly circles. And that’s just sticking with the past fifty years or so.

Ally S
11 years ago

That Pre de Provence stuff looks great. I really want mint soap that is actually moisturizing because the mint soap I have tried (even that lovely Dr. Bonner’s) does very little in terms of moisturizing my skin.

11 years ago

Does anyone else find it really creepy when trolls make smiley faces at us? I think it’s the combination of the attempts to justify rapey behavior and the pretend friendliness. It’s like being smiled at by a shark.

11 years ago

RE: Ally S

See, I feel the tingly cold and am just like, “interesting.” Also it means I smell like candy to my husband, which I deeply approve of. I’ve never used the bar, just a little jar of the liquid a visitor left at the house.

11 years ago

Cassandra: it creeps me out too, and makes me wish there was a way to disable emoticons for trolls.

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