off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

I did not know tricyclics are bad for bipolar. And even for unipolar depression, what works great for one person might not for someone else. So always ask a doctor if zie thinks the medicine is the right fit for whatever kind of depression you have.

11 years ago

And sometimes those guys will say that if feminists don’t help them get laid, then they will have no choice but to stop respecting women and use PUA crap. Yeah, well they weren’t respectful to women in the first place. If they had respect for women, they wouldn’t insist on derailing all feminist conversations to be about their boners.

Yes this yes. If you think women need to earn your “respect” by pleasing you sexually then you are already a misogynist.

11 years ago

God I hate how anti feminists never even understand our arguments. Like when a feminist says “women have the right to say no” their reactions are all “feminists hate sex”. Hell, some will even admit that that’s not what we are saying, they’ll say something like “now I know they’re not saying they hate sex, but c’mon guys, we all know what they really want: a dystopian matriarchy where all men have to be castrated.”
Then when feminists(or anyone) says “Contraception is good for preventing unwanted pregnancy” their reactions are “what, you want my daughters to be irresponsible whores? All you want is for everyone to have STDs and have ever child murdered brutally because abortions(or something, and yes I’ve heard this before).”

Seriously, it doesn’t matter. If I say “hitler sucked” while wearing a feminist tshirt, I guarantee there will be some reacting with “feminists love everything hitler did except being a man.”

11 years ago

Idk if I have bipolar. My therapist* suggested I might have that or schizophrenia once, and offered to prescribe ability. But then my mom flipped her shit since she thinks that I have nothing wrong with me, and that diagnosing me will suddenly give me that disorder.
*I keep forgetting what her technical job is. She prescribes mental medicines and used to be a nurse.

11 years ago

Viscaria, it reminds me of how racists argue that black people “owe” white people all the inventions, discoveries, and other achievements that they couldn’t make due to slavery.

11 years ago

Cloudiah, I don’t see the contradiction. They simple want women to not speak until spoken to, and to respond well if they are approached. Obviously women have to take responsibility if men harm them, but only bad men harm women. Women should be able to tell the difference, otherwise it is misandary. “Nice” men like them don’t harm women they just think about how women deserve harm for not satisfying them. It seems similar to what I was told was the Victorian attitude to children.

11 years ago

I am having one of those “seriously, wtf is wrong with everyone” kinds of days already, and poor sad lonelydude is just the icing on my cake.

Notice how if they want to go get a beer and some pizza with their friends, they don’t sit there and pine away, or talk generally about how well beer and pizza go together, they just turn to the nearest fellow lonelydudester and say “dude, wanna go get a pizza and some beer?”

If their fellow lonelydude says no, they don’t lament the fact that no one ever wants to get beer with them, do they? They don’t complain about how hard it is to find out if some other lonelydude wants or even likes pizza, right? They just ask, and if the answer is no, they ask other lonelydudes until they have someone to hang with or they get down to it by themselves.

11 years ago

I am having one of those “seriously, wtf is wrong with everyone” kinds of days already, and poor sad lonelydude is just the icing on my cake.

I just found out what Angel Corps USA is.

I have also just found out that the house I am house-sitting has a very, very well stocked liquor cabinet.

Wtf is wrong with everyone. Arghlebargle nargle.

Well, cheers to everyone!

11 years ago

I haven’t been freelancing for a while now, but earlier this week I got a ping from an old client. I decided to help him out if I could, and now I’ve been treated to three days of vague statements about what it is he actually needs (a substantial chunk of research and written work) while he ignores my questions about refining the work and keeps telling me he’s having some computer difficulties and will try to process a deposit payment tomorrow or some time, but that I should go ahead and get started…

Is it too early to start drinking? Housemate has a pretty well stocked liquor cabinet, I have at least two bottles of chardonnay…

11 years ago

Pro-choice means we are against all babies being born, ever.

11 years ago

Today, we bought a couple bigass maps, and we’re currently sitting with the USA one spread out on the floor, marking where we want to go.

Thus far, we’ve got South, east and west coast pretty well covered, but the interior is just a big blank. Help us out, Boobzers! Can anyone recommend some neat places to visit, especially in the Montana/Dakotas/Wyoming area? We will be restricted to bus, train, or hitch-hiking (god forbid), and we enjoy parks, hiking, different cultures. I’m also taking it as an opportunity to do research for my post-apocalyptic traveling exorcist serial, so great scenery and cultural spots are great, tourist traps not so much.

11 years ago

@grumpycat And it means that we think it’s TOTALLY THE SAME THING to give a girl emergency contraception on the day after unprotected sex experience and to kill a viable baby moments before natural birth (and that we are equally okay with both).

11 years ago

LBT, um, Fargo? It’s a different culture I guess.
Never mind don’t waste your money going there. Just watch the movie Fargo and you’ll already know everything about ND.
I just don’t know much about that area.

11 years ago

@LBT, come to Joplin! I can show you all around to see the mineral museum, Bonnie and Clyde’s hideout, the Extreme Home Makeover houses, and the memorial at Cunningham Park to the 162. I know it’s not in the Montana/Dakotas region but if you’re in Missouri, make a stop.

For nature, I can take you out of the city to see some of the caves and hills of the Ozarks. And in Branson, they are trying to keep the moonshiner, hillbilly culture alive, but it’s kind of commercialized and tourist trappy nowadays.


God I hate how anti feminists never even understand our arguments. Like when a feminist says “women have the right to say no” their reactions are all “feminists hate sex”.

Ugh, that annoys me too. Or if a feminist says “rape is under reported”, their reactions are “How dare you say all men are rapists!” And if a feminist says “Abusers oftentimes boss their victims around” they respond “Feminists want men to go to jail if they ask their wives to cook dinner!” They can’t argue with the real, reasonable arguments so they have to exaggerate and make up fake ones to argue with.

11 years ago

Okay, this is getting scary now. I’ve got this guy texting me contantly and getting increasingly rude on the chat we’re running. All because I won’t send him an invoice until he tells me exactly what he wants me to produce and when he needs me to send it to him…

11 years ago

Seven texts in the last two minutes. That’s faster even than my fingers.

11 years ago

@thebionicmommy I wonder if this is the world that Frank Luntz created, where we have been so programmed to use slogans and dog whistle catch phrases that we literally cannot hear what each other are saying.

11 years ago

Wait where are you from, LBT? I always thought you were American…. Idk why.
This stuff is off the top of my head…
For hiking, the Appalachians are nice. Plus there’s “mountain people”, but their culture is more depressing since they’re really poor, have issues with meth, and a lot of them can’t read… Bluegrass music is pretty though.
Florida has awesome beaches but it can be touristy.
Chicago is awesome from what I’ve heard.
Also The Smithsonian museums are damn cool, I went to the natural history and the modern and classical art ones.
Colorado has good skiing.
Utah has good skiing and Mormons, but idk if you’d like them. They’re nice but their issues with sexism, homophobia, and racism bother me.
If you go to NYC stay out of Bronx because its somewhat dangerous.
New Orleans is also really cultured. It’s creole, which I guess is like French culture mixed with Louisiana culture. However New Orleans is also somewhat dangerous so be careful when you are there.
Texas has a lot of Hispanic/Mexican culture.
Alabama is beautiful but also has issues with poverty, racism, sexism, and homophobia. If you’re interested in the black civil rights movement then there’s a lot of stuff there about it.

As for the Midwest, I don’t know much. I do know that they have lots of Native American stuff there, if you’re interested. Also bald eagles.

11 years ago

LBT, visit the Badlands in South Dakota. Very scenic and unique.

11 years ago

Oregon has sequoia trees which are fucking awesome. That’s not Midwest I know, but theyre still cool for hiking.

Thebionicmommy, I remember when George Takei posted something like “if you talk to your daughter about being safe, talk to your sons about rape too.”
The comments were people saying “not all men are rapists!” and such.
When some lady said “not all men are rapists, but almost all rapists are men, so its still necessary to talk to boys about this”, the same people replied “just because all rapists are men doesn’t mean all men are rapists”.
WELL NO SHIT, that’s what she JUST said.

11 years ago

@LBT Pray, Montana! Not too far from Bozeman (also worth a visit) and some of the most beautiful land I have ever seen!!!

If you can swing it, this place is heaven

They have an open air hot spring and I always try to go in October, around Halloween. Lay in the water (@90-110 degrees) and stare up at the cold, bright, crystal clear

11 years ago

I just found out what Angel Corps USA is.

Goddammit, why did I look that up. WHYYYYYY????

11 years ago

RE: thebionicmommy

I’ve added Joplin to my itinerary! I know jack all about Missouri, so it’d be awesome to be with a local who knows the area, and I also hope to make it a “Meet Cool Online Peeps” trip. (So Boobzers, if you want to meet me/us, let us know! Crash space is appreciated, but not required.)

RE: auggziliary

Oh, I’m from the USA. Just in September/October I’ll be homeless again, so I figure I might as well make the best of it and hit the road. I feel it’d be better for me than quailing in spare rooms and shelters, waiting for better days. (So by the way, if anybody has a wee tent they don’t want anymore, I’m in the market.)

RE: altadenamusicproject

I was considering going there! Especially since camping in parks seems to be among the cheaper ways of roughing it. (Long as I can find a way to GET to said park.)

11 years ago

I just found out what Angel Corps USA is.

Oh, holy crap. Even the pages about it aren’t safe, so don’t even Google it.

I wish I could scrub that out of my brain.