off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

My screen name, “Obsidian”, came from a fellow student of Game

Shocker. Douchey pretentious drivel leads to douchey pretentious nicknames,

Also, lol at “student”

11 years ago

Not only that, but she can select the hottest looking guys from the pile of profile pics and you won’t even come up

WAH women like having sex with people they find attractive, party twenty billion.

11 years ago

The universal “you” is an unattractive guy. I mean, obviously.

11 years ago

@LBT: That makes sense to me. It’s problematic to start changing your body without being clear about your reasons for doing so.

11 years ago

Just doing the simple math, it stands to reason that most guys just don’t have a real shot with online dating.

You have yet to explain how somehow there are more vastly more single men than women in the world, or how women as a group have heterosexual sex more often than men.

FYI, it’s about 50/50

11 years ago

It’s so horribly unfair that people get to have standards, innit?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Absolute bare minimum in my mind — tarps, rope, decent pocketknife, one of those snap together silverware sets, cook pan, water filter and bottle (I’m a nalgene fan, they’re basically indestructible and you can use a caribiner or rope to attach it to pretty much anything), compass, basic first aid kit (and knowledge), flint // fire starting device, and a sleeping bag or similar. Camp stove is nice, but expensive and the fuel can be heavy, another bowl might be nice, but again, heavy, poles to prop up the tarp tent are useful, but you can use sticks. Maps aren’t quite a Must Have, but fall under Really Really Should Have — don’t rely on your laptop for that, just in case the battery dies. Food stuff is also a Really Really Should Have, and at least something, anything with nutritional value, is a Must Have.

And water filter…the small ones are fairly cheap and lightweight, they take some time to filter water, but they work. (If you trust yourself with the really backwoods methods, I know pecunium knows how to do it without tools) Also a Probably Want, a cheap trowel, but you can improvise other ways of burying your (literal) shit.

Hit up the library and see if they have a Boy Scout handbook, they’ve got a shit ton of good info in there. An actual copy to carry with you might be good, if only for the shit ton of knots they have diagrams on.

And ikea has solar powered lights, idk if I’d go for those or a flashlight, but they do have the perk of not needing batteries.

…I think that’s everything. Sorry if I’m lecturing!

11 years ago


You see, the problem is that the only attractive men in the world are all Cylons. All human men are actually unattractive. Women have sex only with Cylons, ergo no human men ever get to have sex.

Fracking toasters.

Ally S
11 years ago

LBT said it way better than I could.

11 years ago

OF: you’ve used a lot of words, but none to tell us why it is feminism should care (and do anything about) the poor dudes not getting laid.

11 years ago

RE: Obsidian Files

I guess I just don’t see the problem, then. But then again, I’ve never really had these problems.

RE: Trip

ZOMG guys, I just realized, I can practice my tarp skills when me and hubby go celebrate our anniversary at FAERIE CAMP DESTINY! (Yes, that is its honest-to-god real name.)

11 years ago

The line is pretty hard to draw unless you’re acutely aware of the pressures society has on people who don’t conform to a body ideal. And that’s because the line can only be clearly drawn if you are able to say “Even if no one frowned upon me being like X, I’d still want to do Y for my body.”

And this is where it gets really tricky, because how can one really know how one would have reacted in a hypothetical situation where there were no body pressure in society?

Perhaps, if I had lived in Feminist Utopia, I’d have been perfectly fine with having a really thin and feminine-looking body? I have no idea, honestly.

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
11 years ago

This is a shameless plug, but if you enjoy mocks of misogyny, I did an MST of a very vile story that would be after a lot of MRAs’ hearts called, Billy’s Reward: It’s got entitled attitudes towards women (especially later on), hurting them and police officers, a thing for younger women and plenty of vindictiveness.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“Only because they don’t work. If it weren’t for that pesky detail, GAME ON, LADIES.”

O: But I thought the goal was reducing rape and street harassment? Here I am, a (Black) MRA Gamesman, who is on board with you on all of this – and because I don’t mouth “the right rreasons”, that’s just cause to throw my support to the curb?

Have you ever heard of the saying don’t let the perfect be an enemy of the good, HK?

“WAH. Why the fuck should it interest you? You think Seneca Falls was about boner pleasing? Please show me where feminism is supposed to give a flying fuck about the poor dudes who can’t get laid.”

O: I was born and raised in a military household, USMC to be exact, three generations of Marines. In that household, I was taught that if you’re going to offer a criticism, you also have to offer a solution.

I’m about solving problems, Hellkell. So what you will of the pickup community, but, as I’ve said earlier of Clarisse Thorn, the simple truth o the matter is that they have put their finger on the pulse of a very important issue in our time – that of how to navigate the very different sociosexual landscape. Feminists have never really considered how all of the many changes they’ve worked so hard to bring about, would impact Men. Sure, take potshots at the PUAs if you want, but so long as there’s no viable alternative THAT WORKS, the PUAs can and will continue to reign supreme.

Clarisse Thorn, understands this, and she is pretty much persona non grata among her Feminists sisters because of it.



11 years ago


If only women just have joyless, unfulfilling sex with people they don’t want to have sex with people whom they’re not attracted to, everyone will be happier!

Well, not women, but since when do they count?

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

My water bottle is a Sigg, which is apparently the world’s toughest water bottle, and it has the caribiner top.

Although I plan to have most of what you describe, I probably won’t have all of it. I don’t plan to be in the backwoods all or even most of the time. My Inspiron also has NO battery whatsoever; it died a few years back and hasn’t been replaced.

As for battery-free light, I got that covered. Hand-crank flashlight, guys! Most awesome thing on earth.

11 years ago

Sure, take potshots at the PUAs if you want, but so long as there’s no viable alternative THAT WORKS

Works at doing what exactly? If you want something that works at getting two people who want to have sex together to have sex, that’s what online dating is for.

If you’re looking for something to get a person who doesn’t want to have sex to have sex with you, then you’re a manipulative rapey asshole, and the goal of feminism is to make sure you DON’T rape or manipulate women.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — you said you where planning to head down the east coast first right? Looks like your dell keyboard will make replacing the one on my mac look like a dream, and the replacement keyboard is $17~ on amazon and there’s one on eBay for $14~

We’ll have to figure out when to do this, but yeah, I can handle it. And my mother did want to go back to Boston when the weather was nicer…I doubt she’ll have the time off to do it, but I’ll ask when she gets home. Barring that, I’m on a bus line that runs to the Amtrak station (with a transfer, but they’re free here), or, with pecunium’s permission, we might be able to meet up there (he’s just outside NYC, and you should ask him about couch space)

Yeah…need to iron out the details, but I can do this.

11 years ago

you also have to offer a solution.

ONLY HAVE SEX WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE ATTRACTED TO YOU. That’s the solution. Just because you don’t want to accept that women can and will have sexual preferences you can’t control, doesn’t mean that the solution isn’t out there.

11 years ago

Here I am, a (Black) MRA Gamesman, who is on board with you on all of this – and because I don’t mouth “the right rreasons”, that’s just cause to throw my support to the curb?

In a word, YES.

I’m surprised you call yourself an MRA. They have very little use for you–even less than than the novelty treatment FeMRAs get. That has to chap your ass, no wonder you’re so verbose.

I don’t care if you grew up in a USMC household, so did I. Married one, too. Like I said you have thrown out many words, but you’ve offered nothing compelling as to why feminists should care about dudes who can’t laid. “Feminism didn’t think about them” is not enough.

11 years ago

My screen name, “Obsidian”, came from a fellow student of Game; he gave me the name because he felt that my nature/personality matched the volcanic glass that is its namesake; […]

Cold and lifeless? Sounds about right.

11 years ago

Re: diet and exercise, etc. For a long time I tried to torture my body into looking the way that I wanted it to (the way society told me it *should* look) via diet, exercise, “performance” undergarments and the like. Then I got sick. Now I am much more focused on how my body feels. I’d like to lose the rest of the weight I picked up while on the steroids, and I bet I’ll look good when I do, but I want to lose it because it keeps me from being as active as I would like to be. Sure I care about how I look, but I’m less obsessed with it than I used to be. I don’t diet anymore, though I am careful about what I eat because of how it affects how I feel now and how I would like to feel. It’s a struggle, but I’m happy with it most days.

11 years ago

Ugh: I know, right? If we’d all just spread for the menz on demand, everything would be kittens, rainbows, and unicorn glitter farts.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Yup, you remembered right. I actually planned to hit NYC first, because I got a buddy on Long Island (who I can probably crash with) and also, buses at NYC go EVERYWHERE.

Sweet! It’d be awesome to see you again. And anything that gives more life to my beloved BSOD has my everlasting thanks; luggging an external keyboard is ASS. The battery, I know, I just need to get off my ass and replace.

RE: Obsidian Files

Feminists have never really considered how all of the many changes they’ve worked so hard to bring about, would impact Men.

I can’t say I blame them, seeing how they were focusing on things like gaining the vote, the right to own property and get equal pay, things like that. Feminists had to figure it out for women, men have to do their own homework.

Sure, take potshots at the PUAs if you want, but so long as there’s no viable alternative THAT WORKS, the PUAs can and will continue to reign supreme.

I think “reign supreme” is a bit of an overstatement.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Awesome water bottle!

“As for battery-free light, I got that covered. Hand-crank flashlight, guys! Most awesome thing on earth.”

And it works? Mine always suck (but are the cheap kind, so wtf do I know?)

In any case, take a compass, pocket knife and first aid kit, they’re light, and are the things you do not want to have a don’t have it when you need it moment with.

And seriously, that dell looks much MUCH easier to work on that my mac, and the replacement keyboard is so much cheaper (that was my real concern, that the keyboard would be the $80+ mine was)

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