off topic open thread

Long Weekend Open Thread



Like a lot of people in the US of A, I am taking a long weekend. Posting may be a little light for a bit. So here’s an open thread for everyone else taking a long weekend. Or not. Use this thread for anything that’s not personal. Like misogyny, politics, kitties, you know the drill. (Though kitties are welcome in all threads, of course.)

I am hoping my long weekend turns out a bit better than that of the people in the Australian movie of that name from 1978, which I keep meaning to see. Apparently their little beach vacation doesn’t go so well, and they are attacked by … nature? At one point, I believe, they face off against an enraged dugong. (No, really.) The movie was recently remade, but apparently the remake wasn’t as good.

Stay tuned for more reviews of movies I haven’t seen and that I’m just giving vague impressions of based on things I’ve heard somewhere.

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11 years ago

Ugh, sports bras. I hate them. Surely there must be a way to control bounce that doesn’t involve squishing the boobs flat.

11 years ago

RE: Falconer

D: Yeah, no, I’m no McCandless. I don’t plan to play Mountain Man–I’m not that resourceful. I just plan to be staying in national parks sometimes, so would like a tent–and I don’t plan to go exploring anywhere exotic. The foraging, I would probably more often be doing on an urban level–I don’t really want to play survivalist. (I’d die.)

RE: Obsidian Files

I just realized I’ve been mispelling your name all this time. Damn, sorry about that.

But teaching Seduction? Attractiveness? Grooming? Body language? Last time I checked, no Biology class, high school or anywhere else, was teaching that…

Damn, I KNEW I should’ve used my elective for Seduction back in school…

Also, I thought the reason online dating didn’t work for a lot of guys was because the sheer amount of creepers sending anon dick pics made a lot of people paranoid and uber-careful about who they picked.

11 years ago

Imma go play Skyrim, it may be monotonous as all hell, but at least I feel like I’m getting somewhere, as opposed to sitting here watching OF be all smug because us losers wait for people to say yes first.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

@Ally S:
“That phrase only means that personal issues involving the lives of women are oftentimes political ones as well because they relate to systems of oppression that affect women. It doesn’t mean that it’s totally okay to universalize an instance of personal experience.”

O: It totally means that it’s OK to universalize personal experience. The current issue of street harassment is a case in point. All Women don’t find the idea of Men approaching them on the street to be “offensive”, Ally. But the experiences of some Women, say otherwise, and so we now have a major issue brewing which, I think is likely to be addressed and resolved by way of the passing of anti-street harassment laws. It will be interesting to see what if anything happens after the passage of these laws comes into view.

“You still made her cry (even though it wasn’t your intention) and you still said that in front of everyone. It’s no surprise that the people around you saw that as insensitive or rude because, to a lot of people, what you said amounts to saying that you think she’s ugly (even though that wasn’t what you meant to say).”

O: No, I knew exactly what I meant to say and I said it, straight no chaser, looking her dead in the eyes and keeping my voice level and even, even “Guru style” monotone (for those who know their Hip Hop, you’ll know what I mean by that reference). I wanted her to stop and she did.


11 years ago

Haven’t caught up with the comments because I’m trying to catch up with the writing I didn’t do last night, and honestly, after following that fucking popehat thread until 2 am, I don’t have much patience anymore with people saying that shy, awkward people not being able to get a date without risking rejection is JUST AS BAD, IF NOT WORSE than people being groped, stalked, harassed, pestered, intruded upon, treated like a walking set of tits, raped, and murdered.

Obsidian Files, five minutes of watching television will give you at least five websites or phone lines that want to hook you up with somebody. christian mingle, eHarmony,, ok cupid, lava life. Fuck sake, call up your auntie who’s always trying to set you up with some nice girl she knows and tell her to have at it. Hire a professional matchmaker. Sign up for a singles event. Join a church or volunteer organization, and meet people who share your interests. It’s not that fucking hard.

And if none of those things bring you the mate you think you deserve, then something in you needs fixing. Every single person I know who’s signed up with eHarmony was in a committed relationship within a year. If you REALLY want a relationship, and you don’t have one, you’re not looking in the right places, and you have wrong expectations about what a relationship is.

11 years ago

Actually, I’d prefer squished flat, at least that way they would stay put!

11 years ago

I just find it so uncomfortable. Rather underwires than squishing for me.

11 years ago

Now I feel like I lectured y’all, LBT. Sorry.

11 years ago

Um, that “study” is that men get fewer unsolicited messages than women. Oh no.

I can 100% guarantee you that the number of heterosexual women who get sex or relationships from OKCupid is exactly equal to the number of heterosexual men.

“But teaching Seduction?” As in manipulating women who don’t want to have sex with you, to have sex with you? No, we don’t teach that, because by and large teachers aren’t creepy assholes.

“Attractiveness” do you really think it’s even possible for a person to reach the age of 4 without knowing what an attractive person looks like?

“Grooming” – um, again, men could actually Google “Men’s grooming tips” to get literally millions of them. They don’t need to get it from feminist blogs. “Body language” – our society provides lots of resources on this. Granted, the resources are mostly for non-NT folks, not for creepy assholes you think that if they hold their shoulders a certain way and try to box women into a corner they’ll get sex.

11 years ago

RE: Falconer

Yeah, no worries. I mean, I’m an ED boy; no way in hell am I trusting myself to go anywhere without a sturdy supply of food.

RE: gillyrosebee

O_o I never knew such a thing EXISTED. I mean, peanut butter is just ground up peanuts. (The GOOD shit, I mean.) How do you… what… SORCERY!

11 years ago

Well, you lectured briefly and on a subject that the recipient actually wanted to talk about, so compared to other people…

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“I just realized I’ve been mispelling your name all this time. Damn, sorry about that.”

O: Not a problem at all.

But teaching Seduction? Attractiveness? Grooming? Body language? Last time I checked, no Biology class, high school or anywhere else, was teaching that…

“Damn, I KNEW I should’ve used my elective for Seduction back in school…”

O: Yea, I know, right? LOL

“Also, I thought the reason online dating didn’t work for a lot of guys was because the sheer amount of creepers sending anon dick pics made a lot of people paranoid and uber-careful about who they picked.”

O: I don’t deny that this can definitely play a role, but that still doesn’t account for Millward’s nor OKTrends’ studies, which clearly show that Women respond to the most photogenic, handsome and “hot” guys. In fact, the latter study showed that Women rated the vast majority of guys to be NOT attractive, resulting in them getting far fewer responses, if any at all.

For most guys, online dating is a nonstarter. It is, what it is.


11 years ago

But teaching Seduction? Attractiveness? Grooming? Body language? Last time I checked, no Biology class, high school or anywhere else, was teaching that…

Yeah, these classes do exist. Not in biology, of course, because they’re not about biology. Grooming is often taught in middle-school health class (along with the importance of hygiene and safe sex). But no middle or high school is going to teach a class on hooking up.

Look in your classifieds for classes about flirting, or singles events. One of those Tuesday night at the grocery store things. Events for people who want to meet other people, for sexual or romantic purposes. Speed dating events. How is it that I can reel these all off the top of my head, and MRAs think they don’t exist (and therefore feminists must provide dating advice for them)?

11 years ago

RE: Falconer

No, it’s okay! I’m gathering info right now, so it’s totally fine. And with me and Argenti exploring the more rugged and rural side, it was totally reasonable for you to assume.

And let’s face it, I find talking about my upcoming trip way more rewarding than OF. We seem to be mutually ignoring each other, and that seems to be working out great.

Also OMG, Argenti, these tarp sites are BOSS! 8D

11 years ago

I find the endless PUA whining about how outrageous it is that women prefer handsome men to men who are less handsome hilarious.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — you have email. And might want to think about adding bisquick or similar “just add water and heat” powdered food. Wild blueberry pancakes where the highlight of my Andirondack trip (besides the scenery that is). And hit up an army navy type store for a pan with handle (get one bowl shaped and it’s all the cookware you need), one of those knife/spoon/fork snap together combos, and a water filter — looks clean and is moving is generally safe, but if you’re stuck in the wilderness you do not want a diarrhea causing parasite (yes, that exists).

Pecunium should know more on where to find that stuff cheap, but I think he’s at work. I can email him though if you want?

11 years ago

“For most guys, online dating is a nonstarter.”

Again, I literally don’t understand how you can sustain this level of dissonance. If online dating works for heterosexual women, then it is also working for heterosexual men. Who do you think women are dating through OkCupid? Robots?

11 years ago

Also, on the principle that any topic is more interesting than the current one – anyone have a good recipe for Doro Wat? Since I am not a useless baby I’m already finding lots on Google, and I have a couple in actual cookbooks, but personal recommendations would be welcome too. Don’t worry about scaring me off with too much heat either, since that’s pretty much impossible.

11 years ago

It’s also hilarious how they have this faith-based opposition to online dating or single’s nights, etc. It’s like naturopaths complaining about vaccines.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“CS: Dudebro thinks that you can teach attractiveness?”

O: Thanks, but “Dudebro culture” is a White (and from what I can tell, largely Frat Boy) thing; I’m a Brotha. πŸ™‚

Anyway – what, you do NOT think attractiveness, cannot be taught? And if so…why?

“CS: This just in! The appropriate course of study can change your genes and reshape your facial features, as well as change your body type.”

O: LOL, not quite – but slimming down/bulking up a bit can definitely help, as well as learning appropriate body language, learning how to speak properly and so forth. You would think Women in particular would be all for these kinds of things, given all the concern over “creepers” and the like…right?

“CS: That’ll be $2000 for the basic seminar, extra if you also want the supplementary course on how to change your penis size.


O: LOL, I see you’re a bit wedded to the notion that some PUAs can and will charge you up. Actually, for very low cost a guy can get himself on track. I did it for under a C-Note, and let me tell you, it was an under a C-Note that was very well spent. Mainly just buying books, really.

Moreover, Women can and will spend easily as much to maximize their attractiveness, over the course of a year. Why no problem with that?


11 years ago

I like this analogy. Their belief that feminists have somehow caused their dating woes is like the anti-vax belief that vaccines cause autism because…reasons, you can’t prove they don’t, shut up I’m going to do what I want even if it fucks things up for everyone else.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I figure you can handle the urban side πŸ™‚

And anyways, packing light and saving your ass with just what you carried in is what I know, idk the urban side so well.

Oh and Indian MRE style packet food is really delicious. Comes in these metal-type pouches and can be prepared by boiling in water (sealed, so the water can be fucking gross and the food will be safe) or straight cook in pan/pot (or nuked, but that’s less relevant!)

11 years ago

Ugh, now he’s talking to me. If only garlic worked on assholes.

Obsidian Files
11 years ago

“I find the endless PUA whining about how outrageous it is that women prefer handsome men to men who are less handsome hilarious.”

O: There is nothing “outrageous” about it, and if anything, PUAs strive to make themselves as attractive as possible to the ladies. I think what you want to think you were responding to was my remarks to Dvar about the reasons why she had so many one night stands and why that is highly unlikely for most Men walking around to pull off.

Wanna try again?

Oh, and you left out the “CS”…



11 years ago

Oh god, OF is back? I’m kinda glad I’m away this weekend… Hope everyone’s weekend is great! I’m just popping in to say that. Might sporadically be on but it seems like y’all have your hands full.

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