all about the menz antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? drama kings entitled babies evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny no girls allowed playing the victim

The Last of Us: Has evil feminism ruined the zombie apocalypse?

A girl … in my video game?

So it’s true: Feminists have started ruining video games with all their feminism. At least according to some dude called pullupjumper on MGTOWforums who recently wrote a post warning his fellow red pill dudebros about a little game called The Last of Us, which is not only filled with zombies but, get this, girls.

For anyone who plays video games as one of their hobbies, The Last of Us is a pretty fun game…. but…. The feminist messages were close to ruining a game I waited a year for… The game’s setting is in a zombie apocalyptic world and the basic story (no spoilers) is that this guy has to take a 14 year old girl across the country during the zombie apocalypse. Almost as soon as the story started, I knew pretty much every female character in the game (except for the main protagonists daughter) would be portrayed as a”bad ass” character. The message was clear, women are as strong as men… Even when they are only 14.

Also, there were some adult ladies in positions of authority!

During the game , the two main characters meet different survivor groups. Every group leader was a woman. The only group leader who was a man, was a bad guy. The main protagonist even said yes ma’am, no ma’am to these women.


Now before you all go, but isn’t this sort of complaining a little hypocritical, given that all these video game dudes got mad when that chick Anita Sarkeesian who isn’t even a real gamer because of boobies made those videos she totally stole all that money for because IT’S ONLY A GAME, LADY JEEZ DON’T RUIN EVERYTHING WITH YOUR STUPID GENDER ANALYSIS.

Well, no, it’s not totally hypocritical because, get this, the girls in The Last of Us are portrayed as being unnaturally strong and capable.

What was pretty funny though is that the 14 year old girl is able to fire a rifle THAT IS BIGGER THAN HER and fire it accurately.

This is a clear affront to the extreme naturalism and realism of a game about a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE.

And clearly never before in video game history has any male character been portrayed as unnaturally strong or capable.

Yeah, this dude and his gun are totally realistic in every way.
Yeah, this dude and his gun are totally plausible.

Oh but it gets worse:

On the other hand, (not funny) another boy who was about the 14 year old girls age, was portrayed as weak, could not fight, could not shoot a gun and was just made to seem very weak. The Fems cant even leave their “girl power” out of the games.

A male character who is helpless and in need of rescue?



Happily, pullupjumper has an idea for a way to confront this creeping feminism:

Maybe, if any of you are interested, a couple of us can get together and start making our own games after these games become unbearable. What do you guys think?

Grimlock is right there with him:

I’m currently going to school for media arts and animation and am considering starting a small indy animation/film studio with a couple of guys from class. I also happen to be getting pretty good at 3d modeling … and even though i want to start with animation and film video games are my end game.

I don’t think I’d ever put an obvious message into a game, since I find pushing your belief onto others through mediums like videogames more than a little cunty, but will my games be misogynist? You better fucking believe it. Misogyny The likes of which will make duke nukem blush. I won’t need to tell you guys when I break into the industry, you’ll know it from the sheer uproar it’ll cause.

Misogyny … in video games? Now there’s a novel idea!

Oh, by the way, for new and/or extremely literal readers, I would like to point out that this post contains


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11 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if Pell is as incredibly stupid as he seems, or just sooooo desperate for attention he’ll make up the most wildly ridiculous examples of misogyny he can, to get a reaction.

Probably both, of course. It’s not like there aren’t easier ways to get attention than by being a laughable little turd.

Well, easier for most people, of course.

11 years ago

I guess you’re right about this, kitteh.

“Sometimes I wonder if Pell is as incredibly stupid as he seems, or just sooooo desperate for attention he’ll make up the most wildly ridiculous examples of misogyny he can, to get a reaction.”

But if he’s going to pretend to be a dumbass, isn’t it only fair that I get to treat him like one? 😉

11 years ago

Oh, absolutely! 😀

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

*the attention he thinks he deserves

And yes.

11 years ago

Heh – unless Pell thinks he deserves the sort of attention he gets here, he’s never gonna get it. Respect, admiration, whatever? Nope, nope, nope. Derision aplenty, but that’s all.

11 years ago

I just wonder how much of the stuff he says about himself he expects us to actually believe. The immediate assumption is none because it’s all so obviously false, but instead of the expected “ha ha i troll u” response when called on it, he seems genuinely upset that we don’t believe him.

11 years ago

Yeah, that’s what has me wondering if he’s genuinely that stupid. If he’s not, if he knows we know it’s all rubbish, then he’s as weirdly dedicated to getting sand kicked in his face as Mr 90%.


11 years ago

… unless of course all the dommes in their areas have banned them already for being too boring.

Now that would be amusing.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Not boring, boorish. A boring client is still a paying client, and tolerable. I mean, obviously YMMV, but I don’t see being boring as enough cause to reject good money. Boorish, abusive, oh hell yes, but boring?

11 years ago

@Hrovitnir: I have four dogs: German Shepherd, Tibetan spaniel, miniature pinscher and Italian greyhound. Here are pics of them in our yard: and here are pics of them by the sea:
You can click on the pics to enlarge them. Some of the sea pics look like they’re just nature, but if you click on them the whole pic shows up and you can see there are dogs in those too.

Do you have any dogs?

11 years ago

Argenti – a combination, perhaps: boorish and boring. Booring. 🙂

11 years ago

PS given the chance I’d have rejected a few customers from various shops/ offices I’ve worked in for being intolerably boring. They outnumber the boorish ones, who’d also get the banhammer.

11 years ago

I now want to snuggle Dvarg’s Tibetan spaniel. That is all.

11 years ago

Friend of mine’s hubby is playing The Last of Us. The big complaint? The horses are done wrong (gaits are screwed up, and the saddles are deformed).

11 years ago

I personally get the sense that Pell is very young. Like, thirteen. He hasn’t figured out how to lie convincingly, is frustrated at his failures to convince us, and keeps coming back to try and figure out a new way. I don’t think he believes much of what he says either; he’s like a baby troll, trying to learn how to troll more effectively.

Considering his success, I doubt it’ll occur any time soon.

11 years ago

But he never learns. Sure, when I was 11 or so, I had a case or two of “lie my head off for no reason, don’t understand why nobody believes me.” But I observed that nobody believed me and drew the conclusion that, if you make shit up that you know nothing about, nobody will believe you and it will be awkward and embarrassing.

11 years ago

RE: katz

Well, yeah, but you probably also weren’t a troll-in-training. Pell seems to honestly desire true trollhood or something, thus his tenacity. Also, ain’t nowhere I said the boy was SMART.

11 years ago

I’m with LBT on this one. I’d be very surprised if he was over 15.

11 years ago

I’m kind of bemused by people like Pell. I mean, I believed all sorts of asshole shit when I was a teenager (I was a pro-life rape survivor, for one thing), but I generally managed not to SPEW it all on other people. But then you’ve got people like Pell, who seem to constantly, incompetently try to upset people. What the hell?

11 years ago

That’s the one troubling thing about him. OK, so he’s incapable of hurting anyone now, but someday he will be an adult, and I see no signs so far that he might turn into a decent human being at a later date. If anything he seems to get ragier over time.

11 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

*spreads hands* Well, I somehow got over MY anti-choice bullshit, and working on the racism. Maybe one day Pell will start gaining some self-awareness. Somehow, I doubt that that is something we Boobzers can really influence.

11 years ago

You didn’t spew your bullshit all over other people though. It’s the combination of the urge to do that and the refusal to go away when told to that’s a bad sign.

11 years ago

Somehow, I doubt that that is something we Boobzers can really influence.

No. One day, we will write a pithy limerick scathing enough to cause self awareness. We just need to think up a proper rhyme for orange.

11 years ago

I do wonder if the families of people like that can influence them. Is that always possible, or are some people just born to be assholes?

Of course there’s always the possibility that his parents are screeching assholes too.

11 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

Of course there’s always the possibility that his parents are screeching assholes too.

I admit, that’s my default assumption.

And ugh. This is just reminding me of my big stupid Southern days, back when I honestly thought that the Confederate flag was unrelated to slavery. *shudder* I really, really get the urge to punch my younger self then. WHAT THE HELL.

If I could remove my head from my ass then, I have hope for Pell too.

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