off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, Part Deux

Hugs if you want them.
Hugs if you want them.

An open thread to discuss personal stuff, continued from here.

No trolls, no arguments.

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11 years ago

::wracks brains for something to translate into Gallifreyan::

::Bingo! Find one of Louis’s poems!::

11 years ago

They look awesome weeboy. I shall have a think about something to translate too. Those would look really cool as papercuts too.

11 years ago

Thanks, cloudiah!

11 years ago

Yesterday I had a cyst removed from my earlobe. The surgeon said the local anesthetic would give a tiny sting. Tiny sting my AAAAAAGH!! But at least the stuff worked. The rest of the procedure went well. It was pretty weird and kind of scary, though. Since the surgery was right on my ear, I could hear the snipping and cutting. It sounded like cloth being ripped. After they stitched my ear back up, I asked to see the cyst. It looked like a little baby tooth.

11 years ago

Local anaesthetic via injection, BritterSweet? And zie said it’d just sting? Pffffffft not bloody likely!

Surgery with local anaesthesia is weird. I had a couple of papilomas removed from my feet when I was a teenager, one on the ball and the other on the heel (one each foot, great). The injection felt like it went all the way up my leg, and then I lay there watching SMOKE going up from my feet while the doc burned the things out.

Then I had to walk home …

11 years ago

@ auggziliary

That racist guy makes no sense. By his logic, if we avoid interracial breeding and only stick to mating with our own race, then *that* would be closer to incest than what he described.

11 years ago

@auggz – what BritterSweet said. Plus, if someone’s skin colour was the only way to tell if they’re not closely related to you, you’d have to do interracial sex.

Logic, he haz it gud.

11 years ago

Surgery with local anesthetic on both feet, and you had to walk home?! No way…

11 years ago

It was only a five-minute walk and since we had no car, there wasn’t any option. Didn’t hurt until we were nearly home and I thought I had a stone in my shoe. Took the shoe off and my heel was all bloody! I limped dramatically for the last few yards. 🙂

11 years ago

Kittehs, you should have called me! I would have flown there from the US, rented a car, and … maybe that is not realistic.

11 years ago

Especially since it was about 35 years ago! Where’s that TARDIS when you need it?

11 years ago

Sounds like you did the right thing, and didn’t need any advice. You used your words and asked her, and now you know. There is no magical way you can ask someone to go out with you and have them say yes if they would otherwise say no, so just asking, respecting their answer and getting on your life is the best way to do things.

(Unless the “magic” is cohersion/gaslighting of course, which is what those PUAs will tell you. But if you want healthy relationships, the cultural narrative that you can make someone like you is very unhelpful. But I’m sure you knwo all this if you’ve been reading here for any time at all.)

In short, go you!

11 years ago

I’ve started a tunic in dark brown Adorn Silky (4ply, 90% merino, 10% silk) yarn. It’s one of those trapezoid shapes, just two truncated triangles, so it’ll sit loosely and have points at the sides of the hem. I happened upon a cool variation of cable when I was doing a test piece last night: interrupting it with lines of reverse stocking. Not that broken cable’s original, but I haven’t done it before. It makes it look like the cable’s threaded through the main fabric. I spent the evening figuring out the stitches and writing the pattern, so fingers crossed* it works!

*possibly not the best phrase in this context

11 years ago

Misery- Sorry you got rejected, it sucks. But well done on fronting up and asking her, thats a tough thing to do.

Process your feelings away from her, don’t keep asking why. There is no satisfying answer. Tell yourself she doesnt want to go out with you cos shes not into men- shes not into you so from your POV its the same thing. Keep doing the stuff you enjoy doing with her (if you can handle it feels-wise) and hopefully she will recognise your awesomeness and emotional maturity and introduce you to her girlfriends who might be into you and you into them. Plus you get to have a cool friend. (I assume shes cool otherwise you wouldn’t have asked her out.)

11 years ago

Scrolling upthread, I love the way Falconer’s babies have that “Oh no Dad’s got that weird machine out again” look. 😀

11 years ago

Yeah, he wasn’t exactly aware of that problem. Also the other hundred problems with being anti interracial.

Also, ears are weeeiiiird. If you are squeamish about piercings and such then don’t read…
2 years ago, I got bored during summer break and did my second ear lobe piercing myself. I used a stitching needle. I thought it would be really easy, just 1, 2, 3, boom. I ended up spending 30 minutes on each ear because they’re so tough! It was like once I got through the top skin, the hole squeezed the needle and made it harder to push, or even remove.
I heard the needle push through 3 layers, top skin, then some fatty layer, and then the bottom skin. “Pop”…. “Fwa” …. “Pop”.
Then I spent another 15 minutes on each ear trying to get the jewelry in. The skin really does shrink around the holes. And the 3 layers slide around a bit, so you have to locate 3 shrunken holes per ear almost.

I don’t regret it btw, I learned a lot about skin, and also saved money. Despite being kind of weird it didn’t hurt besides a mild pinch.

11 years ago

Eek! What part of the ear was that, auggz? The lobe, I guess?

I think ears used to be pierced with a hot needle and a cork or something like that held at the back of the ear, so the needle could be stabbed through quickly.

Actually the bit of your experience that makes me squirm is the wriggling-the-jewellery-to-find-the-hole bit. I used to have to do that when I wore earrings and it was stomach-churning. Not that it hurt, but having the point inside my ear was just so ewwww.

11 years ago

Ehrmagherd, soooooo much to catch up on! Things have been crazy-making here (in the gaslighting sense) and so tonight I put my phone in the freezer and I am gonna get potted. I say we all have a party, byob, of course.

I will second (third? millionth?) the whole cancer sucks, though I am glad to see that some good things are happening for some folks, and extend my greetings and good wishes to Dalet.

Full disclosure: I have VPI pet insurance for my girls (who just turned 4 years old!!) and I’m very happy with it. Their policies cost me about $12 a month per cat, and so far I have gotten back more than I paid. The first year I sent in my monthly payment and only got the discount that my vet offers for their vaccinations (do ask the vet you think you will be working with – mine will fill out and file the paperwork for me so I am most likely to get the coverage when it is called for) but the second year Evie had an eye infection and then Adora’s front teeth started falling out and then she developed a bladder infection…

They are fine now, and in another month will be due for their next shot (and I’ll get the rabies vac free this year, because it is a booster and covered by their insurance!).

Yesterday I treated them to their typical birthday dinner of yellowfin tuna (I buy sashimi on the way home and we share, since my birthday is only a bit over a week before theirs) and so tonight they are being OMG SOOO NAUGHTY because there was no tuna when I got home tonight!

11 years ago
Reply to  Gillian

@Gillian, I wish I could get pet insurance for that little! I /would/ pay that, for sure. The lowest quote I’ve gotten was about $25, and that plan doesn’t cover very much at all.

If you guys don’t mind, I’d like to give an update, but first I’d like to apologize. I de-lurked, and all I did was talk about myself. If it makes sense, I just feel like, if I don’t have something worthwhile to say about every thread, then I shouldn’t pick and choose and should just stick to myself. I really just don’t know how conversation.

But since you guys sent me such wonderful messages, I just wanted you all to know that everything worked out with the adoption! Potential Kitty (a.k.a. Schrödinger’s Cat) is now Karma, the semi-longhair, caramel tabby, she who despises brushes, but loves tummy rubs. I took her home around dinnertime, and she’s been hanging out behind the sofa ever since. We clicked right away, and even though she’s semi-hiding I’m free to hide with her and lavish attention on her. I mean…she will come out eventually, right?

(Does anyone have tips on renaming cats? Does it matter, if they never really responded to their name? I feel a bit awkward having a cat named Karma, given that both I and her first owner are both white. Seems disrespectful, and I’d like to at least modify it, maybe name her after the Von Karma’s from Ace Attorney.)

I’m still pretty panicked, though. In less than twelve hours I’ll really have no choice but to let a confrontation with my mom happen, you know?

11 years ago

Dalet, no apologies! You had stuff to ask about (and it was CAT related) and this is just the spot to do it. Plus, not everyone has something to say on every thread; I’m pretty sure we all pick and choose. If we didn’t, we’d all be writing on all the threads all the time!

Yay for Schrodinger’s Cat Karma arriving! She sounds really pretty.
I wouldn’t worry about renaming her – I mean, it’s fine, we renamed all our cats. Most of them we never knew what their first names were anyway. One tip I know is that a name ending with an “e” sound tends to get their attention. Can’t remember why, but the funny thing is most of ours ended up with nicknames like that – Caitlin/Katie, Freya/Fribbie, Madeleine/Maddie, Magnus/Maggie and so on.

Not that there’s any guarantee any cat will take much notice of its name. Mads twitches an ear on a good day. 😉 Just go for a name that’s easy and you think suits her and see how it goes.

She will come out from the couch, just give her time to get used to the new surroundings. Fribs disappeared on her first day and we found her in a bookshelf!

Fingers crossed for her first meeting with your mother.

11 years ago

Dalet, fair enough. My girls were kittens when I signed them up, so maybe that’s the difference.

My last cat was a pedigreed show cat. I know, I’m laughing about it myself, only they were serious, and they dumped her because she started to develop a white star on her chest (she was a black Angora with green, not yellow, eyes and so was breed perfect) and was therefore no longer a ‘perfect’ example of her breed (the very idea of breeding cats when so many need homes makes me go a bit wiggy, but anyway…). She had one of those weird pedigree names that I can’t remember, and it was shortened to “Venture” for ease of referring to her. Only neither of them fit her all that well. Shortly after I adopted her, she started to follow me around and sit at my feet wherever I went, like a little puddle of shadow, and so from then on she was my Shadow.

Because I used her name only with a loving tone of voice and always spoke to her with those sounds, after a while she would consistently look at me whenever I used them, which is the best you can hope for with most cats.

Call her whatever suits your relationship with her. Speak the sounds to her with love, use the name when you stroke or skritch or feed her so that she associates it with good things and she’ll be fine with it.

Good luck with your mother. There is a lot of research out there that demonstrates pretty conclusively that stroking a cat can help with anxiety and stress related conditions, can lessen the stress and even the perception of chronic pain, and that caring for an animal can help people develop good coping skills, so maybe you could use that kind of an argument for why it makes sense for you to have her? I know that even in the worst depths of my depression, I have been able to take care of my cats. When I could barely stand to shower or even to get out of bed, I still managed to see to it that there was food and fresh water for my girls (even if that was all I could manage in a day), so it was good for me on the whole to have other beings to care for and look after.

And on those days that I couldn’t manage to function, they were happy to snuggle their warm little bodies next to me and purr, and you would be surprised how comforting that can be.

11 years ago

Dalet – Just wanted to second Kittehs on the “no apology necessary” bit! I mean, this is the personal stuff thread, after all! And you’re telling us about your cat, which is awesome, and, of course, cats are always on topic!

Also, if it comes to apologizing for talking about oneself, I should probably apologize too, since I’m well-aware that most of what I talk about is myself… but tbh, myself is most of what I’ve got to talk about, apart from snarking at MRAs, etc, so why not. I think it’s nice to have a community in which people can air their worries and their joys, and get consolations, suggestions, and congratulations in a welcoming and safe environment. (Oh wow, sorry for the word vomit, there, haha, purple prose, here I come!)

11 years ago

Also, if it comes to apologizing for talking about oneself, I should probably apologize too, since I’m well-aware that most of what I talk about is myself… but tbh, myself is most of what I’ve got to talk about, apart from snarking at MRAs, etc, so why not. I think it’s nice to have a community in which people can air their worries and their joys, and get consolations, suggestions, and congratulations in a welcoming and safe environment. (Oh wow, sorry for the word vomit, there, haha, purple prose, here I come!)

ME TOO to all of the above!

11 years ago

Ohai, Fribs the literary cat!

11 years ago


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