off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, Part Deux

Hugs if you want them.
Hugs if you want them.

An open thread to discuss personal stuff, continued from here.

No trolls, no arguments.

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11 years ago

Kim, oh yes, the mighty Horse! What a cat he was. Loved Footrot Flats. 😀

Okay, time for me to head off on Teh Commute and hopefully get some knitting done that I don’t end up pulling out. Catch yez later!

11 years ago

I meant to say that Abutiu is definitely a heeler, no questions. She’s not AKC registered but I know her bloodlines; she was surrendered because she was too much of a dog for them.

11 years ago

Erf… need sleep… need to finish work.

Have Studio Killers on loop. One more loops, and Olgaf fox is in danger of being replaced with Goldie Foxx.

11 years ago

@Argenti (I think I have a lag in comments here), I fully support bans on leaving dogs out in extreme weather. I live in the mountains of the southwestern US; that translates to 100F temperatures in the summer, and well below freezing temps in the winter. I’ve volunteered with rescues here for years and every heat wave or cold snap (and these are not unexpected; they happen multiple times every.single.year) dogs die from being left outside without adequate shelter or water.

And yeah, they always like to argue that. I work with a rescue that focuses on dogs who are left chained out 24/7, often with almost absurdly heavy chains (seriously, you would not believe how many tow chains we pull off of dogs). And the same people are like, “Well, what’s too heavy?!”

I think anyone who can use a slippery slope argument to claim that it should be legal to leave a dog out with no shade in 100F weather or tie him out 24/7 with a fucking tow chain should spend a day or two suffering the same treatment. I’m usually not for the whole “an eye for an eye” thing, but I’d hope it might teach them some empathy.

11 years ago

Horse in action. I always loved Footrot Flats.

11 years ago

AK, I love the heeler a too but they are definitely all pigs. I remember when Halva managed to steal a whole roast lamb on the same day he’d got into a 5kilo bag of dry food and I brought round some scaps. The look when he realised he couldn’t fit another bite in was priceless. 😉

11 years ago

Kim , footrot flats was great except for the eventual soundtrack. Damn dave dobbin!,,

11 years ago

I really, REALLY hate to interrupt dog chat, being a dog person myself, but the TX House State Affairs Committee just approved the anti-abortion bill for a vote Tuesday. If anyone is coming in to town for Tuesday’s vote, get in touch with me.

/Also, my dogs and I are at the bar – schnauzer cattle dog and a mini schnau. But I’m going to log off and get sleep.

11 years ago

Yoyo, haha, I totally know what you’re sayin

Ig. The first week I had my Scooter dog, there was one day that he got into both the closet where I kept his bag of food and the mini-fridge in my apartment. I came home from work to discover that he’d eaten about 10 pounds of kibble, an entire rotisserie chicken, half a pot of pre-cooked rice, some leftovers from a restaurant, 1/4 of a birthday cake and an entire loaf of bread.

And the wildest thing? HE WAS FINE! If my German shepherd pulled that, we’d be in the ER with bloat

I worked as a farrier for awhile and it was a bit of a joke that heelers were the only ones who could eat horse hooves (they love the nippings). My clients brought their horses to me and my dogs cleaned up, and it was often said that any other breed would be sick from it..And sure enough, when I got my GSD I found he couldn’t even tolerate one horse’s leavings (if the horse was a bit long, anyway), much less what my heelers and their iron stomachs deal with. 😉

11 years ago

@reginaldgriswold, never apologize for interrupting with that kind of news! I’ve been following it but being in a rural area my internet sucks, I appreciate the notice. Thank you.

11 years ago

Wow, AK, Horse toenails? Talk about an iron stomache!
@Reginaldgrisworld, I wish I could be there to help. The comments on line from the forced birthers are hideous. Truly I have seen comments stating than women should be forced to carry dead and dying foetus because jeebus.

11 years ago

@reginaldgriswold, Welp that’s terrible but not unexpected. Wish I could fly to TX. THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Fuck, even my Plan B is abortion mother (who took BC for years…I’m working on that contradiction) thinks being forced to carry a dead fetus is absurd. Now, she seems to think induced birth is ideal, but part of it is she has no clue what a D&X is, and I was an induced birth…she’s favoring what she knows, but is smarter than that lot!

And she, weirdly, respects my views enough that when one of the “crisis pregnancy centers” was fund raising and I googled and found that they do not give out Plan B or do abortion referrals and thus I could not in good conscience help their fund raiser (collecting spare change, and I had WAY too much at the time)…her response? She didn’t think I would. Nothing more of it.

Can’t sort BC from Plan B from vaccuum aspiration from D&C from D&E from D&X, is smarter than those fools.

(No autocorrect, I do not mean D&D!)

11 years ago

Hey! Is there room on this thread to reach anyone who might be interested in rehoming the horse I mentioned on the other thread?

To my knowledge, he’s not being abused or especially mistreated — he’s just nearing the end of his racing years and will need a new home before too long. I’ve been keeping tabs on him since I left the racetrack and have tried to contact several Thoroughbred rehoming organizations to see if anyone could help him out, but no luck so far.

Everyone who’s a regular here seems like nice people, so if anyone is in the market for a horsey friend or knows a sanctuary that might have room for one more, it’s worth a try!

11 years ago

Argenti, the contradictions in the forced birth crowd are head spinning. Even tho most later term abortions are for catastrophic birth defects there is no empathy in them. And they refuse to believe that many of us have had early term abortions and feel no guilt. I know what I did was the best thing for all.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yoyo — I don’t remember the exact percent right now, but more women have abortions than there are Christians here (not sorting out combinations, just looking at how many people checked the category, we’re 13%~ Christian [some with other things, some without])

I want to say something like 25% of women (and presumably other people who can get pregnant) will have an abortion at some point. So yeah, fairly common.

Hell, add that to the list of things I love about EA — she speaks very frankly about her abortion in her book.

Re: leaving dogs outside — I was going to say if you don’t want to be out, they don’t, but there’s always that one who wants to play in the snow bank or roll in the mud. So yeah, if they do want to go out in it, fine, but stay by the door! (Toy poodle, 1′ snow, most hilarious thing ever, he LOVED it)

11 years ago

This seems like a good place for a reminder to northern hemisphere dog owners: Put your hand on the pavement before you walk your dog on it. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them!

11 years ago

Hi argenti, in terms of terminations post 22 weeks, the figure for the us is 1.3%. So not a huge heap of women going “whoops my bra don’t fit, think I’ll terminate” snark.

11 years ago

AK- I live in the same region… got my butt saved by a SAR dog team after I wandered off the trail in a canyon once. Might’ve been someone you knew.

11 years ago

Oooh yay open thread.

I have some good news, I’ve been asked by the Feminist and Women’s Studies Association, a largely UK based organisation that promotes Feminist research and Women’s Studies internationally to write a regular blog for them, on pretty much anything I want.

They want a perspective from an Undergraduate Feminist and I’d been working with a member of them in our Women’s Studies department here at my University so she asked me to do it.

I’ll be doing a blog post this month so I’ll post the link here when it comes out of you guys are interested?

Also, I got the keys to my new house this morning and I’m moving in tomorrow. No more student halls! No more living with people who can’t seem to wash up after themselves or throw away their mouldy food! No more living with people who apparently don’t understand personal hygeine!

I get a double bed! And a bigger room! And enough fridge space! And I don’t have to share a kitchen with 14 other people! Yay!

11 years ago

Yay, Historophilia! Lots of good news!

11 years ago

If I ask for dating advice here, is that okay?

11 years ago

That’s great, Historophilia!

11 years ago

Misery, sure.

11 years ago

Oh there’s a thread like this. Nice. Confessions of shit that is going wrong are always needed. Me, had a minor operation give me bacterial meningitis while I’m waiting on a bigger operation in a few weeks. Relationship of 7 years ended thanks to my health causing neverending problems. And right now I wonder if I have pneumonia. That would be the cherry on top of everything and just my luck, so it probably is that.

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