off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, Part Deux

Hugs if you want them.
Hugs if you want them.

An open thread to discuss personal stuff, continued from here.

No trolls, no arguments.

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11 years ago

grumpycat – internet hugs, and fuck birthdays that make people feel down!

Life’s not a pass-fail test. It’s not a competition, or shouldn’t be. It just is. We’re not required to do Great Things (even though we wouldn’t be allowed to vote unless we did, according to one troll). If society was saying “Oh, this person didn’t Do Stuff or Make Their Mark”, well, stuff that, it’s none of society’s business.

11 years ago

(PS I know you know all that, I’m in the mood to jump up and down on jerkbrains today.)

11 years ago

Thank you, kittehserf! Jumping up and down on jerkbrains sounds fun. I think it would cheer me up.

11 years ago

Jump on the jerkbrain? Can I beat on the brat instead?

11 years ago

@grumpycat, you know the best part of being an adult? You don’t have to go to any social engagement that you don’t wish to. Well, that and being able to eat dessert first, if you want. It’s a toss up, really.

I left my high school & I never looked back. Ok, I popped back to pick up the maths prize but other than that, forget it. I had nothing in common with anyone from there, I had no friends who stuck with me from there, I had no reason to give a damn what anyone thought about me. ‘Cos you know what – they were nothing more than a bunch of people that I happened by sheer chance to have to share space with for a few years.

So no excuses or reason needed to refuse to go, beyond the perfectly good reason that you don’t want to. That is reason enough. Great being an adult, isn’t it? *wanders off to rummage in the fridge for raspberries*

11 years ago

Thanks, titianblue. Raspberries are delicious.

11 years ago

Ew, that bites. It’s okay, grumpycatisagirl, yeah, the fun part about being an adult is that you’re Officially not obligated to put up with as much social crap. You are no longer trapped in a pressure cooker environment with the same kids every day. And as the old saying goes, there will ALWAYS be someone doing ‘better’ than you, and always someone doing ‘worse’ than you. It’s okay.

Like I’ve mentioned, I have considered going to my high school reunion, in a “lolz, that’d be so funny,” way, but I am a little curious about some folks who we were never close to, but were generally nice people. I want to know if they’re happy, or how they’ve changed. (For instance, I discovered one really nice girl from our high school is now a fashion designer in New York! How cool is that? Even though we never really knew her, we’re happy for her.)

I’m also curious to see an old bully or two, just because I’m curious how someone like that changes over the course of ten years. They can’t hurt us now, so there’s no fear involved. (I didn’t even EXIST during their time.)

11 years ago

::applaudes titianblue::

11 years ago

Dunno where that extra e came from but use it as you will.

11 years ago

So I’m trying to quit smoking because I am REALLY fucking allergic to Texas, and smoking isn’t helping. I’m using an e-cig, which isn’t bad, but I would cut a mofo for a Marlboro right now. I know this will pass, just gotta vent.

11 years ago

::sends waves of support to hellkell through the intertubes::

Reverting to the mention of dessert (someone mentioned it upthread, surely?) I saw a sign on a restaurant this morning, in big gold letters:

Life is uncertain.
Eat dessert first.

11 years ago

I would live at that restaurant, they have their priorities right.

11 years ago

Also, thanks for the support waves. Maybe we’ll get a troll I can gnaw on.

11 years ago

Oof, quitting smoking is rough, hellkell. Good luck to you!

11 years ago

They do indeed. Having it in gold paint on the window is pretty good too. 🙂

11 years ago

Good luck hellkell!

Also, I’m on vacation at Lake Tahoe with some relatives, and so far it’s not very pleasant. The first day started with me crying in the car because earlier that morning my father was yelling at me for making a programming mistake (he made me fix an error at the last minute before leaving for the trip). And yesterday my father kept asking me if I loved him – in front of almost all of my relatives – as some kind of joke. He knew he was making me feel uncomfortable, but he kept going until he manipulated me into telling him “I love you.”

And things didn’t work out with UCSC this year because of some mistakes I made in sending some academic records (not transcripts). I’m relieved though because 1) it’s not like I’m banned from the university and 2) I now have the green light to get the hell out of my dad’s house.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Personal stuff! Of the half good half bad variety. The tank swap, it be done. The pump, it be overpowered. The float switch is going off like every 15 seconds to prevent overflow, I timed it (and then ordered a much smaller pump).

Overflowed the tank twice installing the sump, the puffs spent like 10 hours in their respective buckets (and cake cover) with the plants and an airstone each, and I am a goddamned mess. I don’t even know how I got half…most…of my various injuries, but I’m going to be very sore for awhile!

It’s done though, substrate hasn’t settled, so I can tell if they approve, but the only remaining work is clean-up and figuring out where to store the 10g. I’d celebrate but I look and feel like I got stuck in a briar patch with the ability to bruise.

11 years ago

Dessert stuff! I’m in Edmonton at the moment, and a friend took me out for gelato this afternoon. This place:

The owner is apparently a bit obsessive and went off to Italy to learn to do gelato right. OMFG, he done good! I had fig & walnut gelato this afternoon in hot, muggy Edmonton, and I’ve been a happy girl ever since.

In short, if you are in Edmonton, go to Chocolate Exquisite and eat some gelato.

And congrats on the fish, Argenti. Um, I’m trying to imagine how you could have been injured, and there are many visions of eentsy little attack puffers dancing through my head.

11 years ago

Ugh. Necroing the thread for its intended purpose.

Our father sent us an email to the address I didn’t know he had, offering to pay us to clean their old house. Apparently they’re moving, and he says they’d pay “reasonable wages.”

I’m just going to listen to Tom Waits music and cry and wish I were strong enough not to let anything they do or say upset me. One day I will. But not today. Tomorrow, I’ll try again.

11 years ago

Ugh. LBT, that sucks so hard. “Apparently” they’re moving? And the way he lets you know is to offer you a shitty job to get them gone? Asshole.

Ally S
11 years ago

=[ I know what that’s like, LBT. Hugs if you want them.

11 years ago

RE: Unimaginative

I’m not in contact with them anymore. Just every once in a while I get a surprise email/text/call. This one was to inform me they’re moving. They live a few states away from me, so it’s not like I can just truck down there in an hour; it’d take a couple days of solid travel, at least. I don’t know if it was intended to be a shitty joke, or as a way to try and incentivize me to come see them, but it succeeded in upsetting me.

RE: Ally

Blurgh. I made another filter to get their shit out of my inbox. I just didn’t know he had that email address so blech.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — no-contact internet hugs? They’re available if you want them. And I will get brain bleach from the new tank once the dust sand settles and I can a tally see into it. I have no clue where skittish is, but not so skittish keeps coming up to say hey (taking a bit longer, but I figure they can’t see much better than I can)

Utterly randomly, is Sneak’s houseplant going to need a babysitter while you cross-country road trip?

“Um, I’m trying to imagine how you could have been injured, and there are many visions of eentsy little attack puffers dancing through my head.”

Not the itty bitty puffers, the itty bitty spaces I had to work in…explains much of the general scratches. The nice clean cut on my thumb? No fucking clue. Nor do I know how I seem to have rug burn on my ankle. And I can’t have done all this to my knee just kneeling. My arms though? Wedging them in and out of small spaces, occasionally with more regard for the overflowing fish tank than my arms.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Fear not, Sneak’s plant has a caretaker for the road trip. Just as well, really, that aloe is getting pretty big and would be a little inconvenient to move far.

And it’s okay. M.D. and Biff in a giant robot apparently helps my brain feel better, so I’m just word-doodling to self-soothe before I truck my sad ass to bed.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Unless you mean you have a sad, you’re not a sad ass. Upsetting family is upsetting and being upset is perfectly reasonable, albeit all kinds of fucked up (them, not you)

And ok on the plant, I could’ve found room if it needed it (I can always find room 🙂 )

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