a voice for men antifeminism douchebaggery female beep boop FemRAs GirlWritesWhat imaginary backwards land irony alert MGTOW misogyny MRA narcissism no girls allowed oppressed men radfems oh my reddit straw feminists transphobia zed

GirlWritesWhat’s delusional defenses of MGTOW misogyny. Also: Mary Daly, and why the moon is not a potato.

That's no moon!
That’s no moon!

So yesterday I had a strange conversation, of sorts, with blabby FeMRA videoblogger Karen Straughan, aka GirlWritesWhat, via private message on Reddit.

Given that, in the recent WoolyBumblebee controversy, she put herself in the position of defending Men Going Their Own Way against WBB’s mostly accurate attacks on them, I found myself wondering what she might think of my post yesterday on the MGTOWers who felt it was appropriate to let a four-year-old-girl drown because she might grow up to be the next Betty Friedan or even the next — gasp! — Amanda Marcotte.

I was especially interested in what she might have to say about MGTOW elder Zed, the friend and mentor of her A Voice for Men boss, Paul Elam; in the MGTOWforums discussion, you may recall, he was firmly in the “don’t rescue little girls” camp.

So I asked her about that, and asked why she was defending MGTOWers when so many of them don’t even think women should be part of the Men’s Rights movement at all.

Here’s some of what she wrote back:

You seem to be deliberately trying to evoke an outrage in me. First, Zed, “Paul E’s mentor and idol” would not save a child he doesn’t know. Then “MGTOWers…don’t actually think women should be part of the MR movement…”

Do you think I should be expected to die to save a boy I don’t know? Speaking as someone who almost died once to save my son and my nephew, why should I be expected to potentially leave my children orphans to save someone else’s kid? And the truth is, I wouldn’t be expected to do that. In reality, no one would have blamed me if I had chosen not to nearly drown to save my own kid and my sister’s kid. I like your quote mine: Men shouldn’t rescue 4 year old girls… Not what it actually is: Men shouldn’t sacrifice their lives or health to save 4 year old girls they don’t know or have reason to care about…

It’s an interesting way she’s chosen to, well, reframe the issue. Zed didn’t say he was only talking about situations where the rescuers life would be at risk. He said, simply and categorically:

When a female is in trouble, if I don’t know her, I don’t see her.

After demanding that I denounce a random radical feminist who said something terrible, she moved on to my second question, though not without accusing me of “needling” her by pointing out that MGTOWers hate women. Or, as she prefers to look at  it, they don’t “trust” women.

Do I have to list every single psychological lever you’ve attempted to apply in this message? Do you really think I’m going to react like a typical woman? “OMG, those MGTOWs don’t trust women!!! And that means they don’t trust me! I am a herd animal! I am incapable of ignoring naysayers! I can’t stand the fact that perhaps somewhere, someone doesn’t appreciate me!!! How dare they express themselves if it will hurt a woman’s feelings???????”

Woah, there. I think that might have been a bit more revealing than you intended it to be.

So your definition of “typical woman” is “herd animal?” I’ll take “internalized misogyny” for $1000, Alex.

Instead of me asking, “Why would I need anyone’s permission to make videos and assist a movement I believe in? Why would I take it as a personal failing that a man would not risk his life to save my child when I would not potentially orphan my kids to save the kids of some random person? Why would David Futrelle think my outrage over what a handful of MGTOW say about women in the movement should outweigh my own principles?”

Uh, you don’t need anyone’s permission to make your videos. Jewish people don’t need anyone’s permission to start making videos glorifying Adolph Hitler. Black people don’t need anyone’s permission to make videos on behalf of the Klan.

The question is why do you want to? Not just: why are you willing to make videos on behalf of a Men’s Rights movement driven by misogyny. But why are you willing to defend and make excuses for MGTOWers who not only hate women in general but hate you personally?

Why are you willing to lie — apparently even to yourself — and pretend that they don’t really hate women — that, really, it’s just that they don’t “trust” women because some awful woman has hurt them, or because some mean feminist said something insulting about their favorite video game, or whatever the excuse is.

And if you have any doubt that most MGTOWers really and truly hate women — hate hate HATE them — I invite you to read through the archives here. I suggest you start with MGTOWer extraordinaire Christopher in Oregon, and then move on to the posts dealing with MGTOWers in general.

And if you doubt that MGTOWers hate you, you personally, just go down to MGTOWforums, the biggest MGTOW hangout around, and take a look at the threads devoted to AVFM. A lot of the guys there hate AVFM with a passion — and they hate it largely because Paul give a platform to you and other women.

For someone so obsessed with me, you sure don’t know a lot about me.

Huh, wouldn’t that sort of suggest that maybe I’m not actually that obsessed with you?

From what I do know about Straughan (not much) this seems to be a standard ploy she pulls whenever someone calls her on her shit — to try to throw them off-balance and put them on the defensive by declaring them “stalkers” or “obsessed,” as she did with spermjack_attack, a Redditor who’s done some amazing takedowns of GWW posts and videos in recent days, like this one.

I responded by pointing out that

I often write about MRAs. You’re a prominent MRA, so sometimes I write about you. I should probably write more, given that you’re kind of a big fish in your tiny pond, but your videos are so fucking tedious and slow I can’t bear to watch them.

Which is true. That’s why, despite all the attention she gets from her MRA fanboys, I’ve written only three posts about her — compared with seven about the comparatively less important but much more entertaining Christopher in Oregon, mentioned above. Well, this will make it four posts about her.

Anyway, I also called her out on her evasive answer about Zed, so she tried again, this time with a new evasion:

Zed said categorically, “When a female is in trouble, if I don’t know her, I don’t see her.” Let’s parse that. He would not intervene. Why should he be expected to? Do you have any idea how small the burden is on women to intervene? If a woman were being assaulted and a female witness didn’t intervene, would this be shameful? How about if a man were being assaulted?

That’s an odd way of “parsing” it, since in context it was abundantly clear that he wasn’t just talking about adult women being assaulted. He was specifically talking about little girls. The whole point of his argument, which he repeated several times, was that he didn’t want to help little girls because, as he put it, they might “grow … up to be another Amanda Marcunt, or Jessica Valenti, or Betty Friedan.”

Karen, you can pretend he was talking only about adult women, but he wasn’t.

You can pretend that MGTOWers don’t hate women, but they do.

You can pretend whatever you want about the movement you’ve attached yourself to, but guess what — everyone outside of that movement can see it for what it is.

Most of the rest of her comment was devoted to trying to prove how “obsessed” I am with her.

If you are curious about me and why I might involve myself in a movement you believe hates women, you might concede I’d be curious about you and why you involve yourself in a movement that I believe hates men (or masculinity, take your pick). And yet how many times have I initiated contact with you? How often do I devote entire blog posts or videos to you?

Perhaps I’m measuring you by my own yardstick. Because as curious as I am as to why you would ally yourself with a movement whose foundational ideology is hostile to men (no matter how mainstream or seemingly benign), as much as I might lie awake wondering what motivates you, I am simply not obsessed enough by the question to PM you and ask. Or to read your blog (even when you’re talking about me). Or to devote entire blog posts to you.

If I messaged you over anything regarding that, I would consider myself obsessed with the psychological dysfunction represented by you. So you messaging me indicates (to me) a level of obsession on par with that. If you are the type of person to initiate private contact with people you consider opponents on a regular basis, then I’ve misjudged you.

Yes, I confess, sometimes I ask questions of my ideological opponents, publicly or privately, in hopes of getting an interesting response. I certainly got some revealing answers, and even more revealing non-answers, from Straughan.

And it was definitely more interesting than watching one of her videos.

Oh, and for some reason, before she closed up the debate, she decided she wanted to talk about Mary Daly, of all people, whom she seems to think has never been criticized by any feminists ever except for one by the name of, uh … Dr. Mindbeam? No, that’s really what she thinks.  Apparently, in GirlWritesWhat-land,  it was one big feminist love-fest for Mary Daly up until  Dr. Mindbeam came along in 2011 and wrote a blog post.

Mary Daly’s body was long cold before some random internet feminist named Dr Mindbeam finally excommunicated her on “no seriously, what about teh menz?” I haven’t seen any feminists who write under their real names do so.

Maybe you could educate me.

I mentioned Audre Lorde’s open letter to Daly calling her out for racism back in 1979. I suggested she Google “Mary Daly” and “transphobe” and read through some of the results. Might take a while, as there are 5000 of them.

But I’m not sure how one can “educate” someone like her, someone who has declared herself a “gender theorist” and who makes endless half-hour or even hour-long videos on feminism, without bothering to learn even the rudiments of feminist history first. (Lesson One: Feminists often disagree with each other.)

It would be like someone declaring themselves an astrophysics theorist, then declaring “the moon is a potato! I’ve seen no evidence indicating otherwise. If you think you know better, educate me!”

Her understanding of feminism seems stuck at the “moon is a potato” level, and I just don’t think there’s anything any of us can do about it.

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11 years ago

exactly! that is why it is so confusing to me.

11 years ago

Funniest conversation I ever had with a libertarian was during the debate about removing affirmative action at UC Berkeley. When I pointed out that the numbers said that if that happened the group who’d benefit most wouldn’t be white men, as he assumed, it would be Asian students, since they were the group applying who were coming in with the best grades from high school.

He got confused, then upset, and then decided that high schools must be favoring Asian students in an unfair way for them to be getting better grades than the white guys who of course would win in any fair system.

11 years ago

Cassandra – that tinkling sound was my eyes rolling onto the floor.

11 years ago

Are you sure that wasn’t in Atlas Shrugged? I read The Fountainhead and I don’t remember that. Not that it isn’t a fucked up book, mind.

Quite sure, The Fountainhead is the only Rand book I’ve read and I distinctly remember that scene. It’s nearish the end, Roark and the newspaper dude are chilling on a boat.

A friend of mine whose judgement I trust insisted that The Fountainhead is actually a good book, even though she agreed that the rest of Rand’s work (and Rand’s philosophy) is garbage.

She was wrong. The Fountainhead is terrible. I read the whole thing out of stubbornness, and it was a poor life choice.

11 years ago

Yeah, Rand’s books and “philosophy” are complete shit. Uncreative, boring, sexist, repetitive, lazy(every book after anthem is basically Anthem: more Mary Sue characters and other bullshit), stupid, and horrifying.
I used to be a Randroid, so I’ve read all her of her books, 3 of her plays, a few of her philosophy books(Capitalism, Virtue of Selfishness, etc), The Philosophy of Ayn Rand(big ass book written by her buddy Leonard Peikoff), some atlas shrugged forum I lurked on(her followers are like everything bad about Rand but 10 times worse), and some interviews on YouTube.
Also encyclopedia dramatica’s page on her, which is pretty much the best TL;DR for her, if you dont mind trolley language.

11 years ago

Also yes, that scene was in the Fountainhead.
Roark and his BFF were chillin on a boat, and Roark was feeling all mushy inside since there was a sunset and Dominique was looking mighty fine, so Roark was like “You know you’re BFFs with someone when you don’t want them to die, right?” And his friend was like “Yes. We are BFFs”.

11 years ago

Libertarians, explained hilariously:

11 years ago

I think people are failing to recognize that in addition to being Libertarians, which is a very broad term, the members of the MRM are Propertarians first and foremost.

11 years ago

Liberterianism in North America has leaned much towards the “classial liberal” ideal: free market capitalism plus minimal government intervention. Most libertarians in this camp tend to be blind to the abuses of private social and economic power outside the state. This is compounded by a general ignorance of the actual greivences of disadvantaged groups.

This is why some “principaled libertarians” feel that the Civil Rights act is an abuse of government power. Discrimination is abhorrent, but using state power to prevent a shopkeeper from discriminating is a worse injustice. It’s bad business to discriminate; so without the Civil Rights Act, those people will go out of business.

I see it as a big pile of fail for several reasons:
1) The state is already defending the interests of shopkeepers through property laws, trespassing statues, and limited liability incorporation. Why is this acceptable use of state power, while ensuring economic access is not?
2) The Rich always have more control of the market than the poor. Wealthy bigots have more say over a market than poor targets of bigotry. This is a magnifying force: the more the minority is forced out of market participation, the less power they have to change the system through economic means. And that’s aside from limitations of opportunity, knowledge and availability when buying goods or services.
3)Let’s face it most of the people making this argument are either racist as fuck or don’t give a shit about minorities. “No blacks allowed” on the burger shop window will NEVER trump a delicious burger to them.

Closer to topic, Christina Hoff Summer’s “Equity Feminism” is cut from the same cloth. “Equity Feminists” seem to believe as long as government isn’t discriminating against women, then all the other private discrimination will disappear. If women are NOT equal after that, then it’s their own fault, and blaming systemic private discrimination, cultural perpetuation of gender stereotypes, or a disadvantaged starting position are all just “excuses”. *retch*

Ok, wow, that was a bit of a rant. 3 glasses of Grey Fox Chardonnay will do that I guess.

11 years ago

Oh gods, that cartoon is perfect, MordsithJ!

11 years ago

And MordsithJ just made my rant irrelevant via awesomeness. Time to finish the Chardonnay. 😀

11 years ago

I think people are failing to recognize that in addition to being Libertarians, which is a very broad term, the members of the MRM are Propertarians first and foremost.

Especially in the sense of women being their property.

@leftwingfox – how’s the kitty coke fiend today?

11 years ago

Can we PLEASE stop comparing the MRAs to the KKK? I feel like we’re Godwining like shit here.

The MRAS: assholes with keyboards who talk big and do little.
The KKK: PUBLIC FUCKING MURDERS and organized mass terrorism.

Can y’all not see the difference? Seriously, guys, WTF. I expect better of you.

11 years ago

RE: Jason

GirlWritesWhat has fired a shot directly into the exhaust port of the flying potato that is David Futrelle…

Yeah, well, I fired a gleaming unicorn horn into the blue cheese of FRANCE. So THERE.

11 years ago

@ Gametime218..Sup..Ya wanna know why I think Randian Obectivism caught on so well in men’s rights forums? It’s b/c Rand captured the boaredline insanity of classically stoic, productive & invulnerable at’all’cost masculinity & she turned it into a religion. Rand took the mantal of infalliblity from God & placed it on the heads of capitalist manly men. Fortunately for of most her readers, the momment one realizes that they aren’t as infallible as John Gault then the sooner they’ll see how they’ve only been intoxicated by narcissism.

I still do love her work. The Fountainhead for example achieves a modicum of moral plausibility if one were to see it as a horror story for would-be “trophie wives”. Atlas Shrugged is a straight-up ultimatum from the individual to the collective demanding recognition, respect and agency.

I would like to leave with 2 simple observations:
1) Libertarianism is to Objectivism as Marxism is to Communism. Utopian ideology vs practical application.

2) GirlWritesWhat would love to see more men adopt the an ideology that promotes self reliance & ambition as do I but, true objectivism is not in the MRM.

11 years ago

Wot you got against French cheese, LBT? 😛

11 years ago

Did she give you consent to share this conversation? She doesn’t strike me as the most upstanding person, but sharing a private conversation without permission is wrong, period.

11 years ago

For the very few here old enough to remember, “libertarian” in the 70s was the fancy schmancy term for raunchy, self-indulgent hedonism. Basically, no restrictions on drugs – esp heroin, along with sexual “freedom”. It was really about keeping government and other busybodies’ noses out of private, personal choices and behaviours.

(Though anyone who was actually there at the time might have noticed that the sexual “freedom” offered was pretty limited for women. The ‘freedom’ to say yes was more or less an obligation.)

11 years ago

ignotussomnium | June 30, 2013 at 4:02 pm
Are there any MRAs with education in biology or zoology? Because they always seem to pick up the same boring and often wrong animal analogies. How about we elaborate?

Humans are much like many other mammals. Similar to wolves, they often live in groups with one mating pair and their juvenile offspring.

As great apes like the bonobo and chimpanzee, humans do not form monogamous bonds.

Humans evolved as pack hunters in Africa. Much like the spotted hyena from the same region, human infants will attack their siblings shortly after birth.

We can learn a great deal about human behavior by studying other omnivores. Like the cassowary, females leave all child-rearing (including incubation) to the males they mate with.

I <3 you. This is what I think every time any munter makes ridiculous comparisons like that: only yours is so much more succinct and amusing that the rants I compose! 😀

CassandraSays | June 30, 2013 at 7:13 pm
Funniest conversation I ever had with a libertarian was during the debate about removing affirmative action at UC Berkeley. When I pointed out that the numbers said that if that happened the group who’d benefit most wouldn’t be white men, as he assumed, it would be Asian students, since they were the group applying who were coming in with the best grades from high school.

He got confused, then upset, and then decided that high schools must be favoring Asian students in an unfair way for them to be getting better grades than the white guys who of course would win in any fair system.

Gold. Making racist douchebag admit where he’s coming from = so much win.

11 years ago

Ayn Rand was Anne Coulter before Anne Coulter was cool.

11 years ago

Well Ann Coulter doesn’t hate religion like Rand, so I guess if you took Coulter and combined her with r/atheism, you’d get the perfect clone of Ayn Rand.

11 years ago


11 years ago

RE: itsabeast

Yeah, I’m not so cool with that either.

11 years ago

I have a male friend who is an EMT, and they are told, DON’T be a hero. If you place yourself at serious risk trying to help someone else and you fail, it will then be someone else’s job to save both the original victim AND your stupid ass. Before everything else, keep yourself safe.

As a first responder, I have to say: this. 😉 Unless you are trained to assess the risks and know what you’re doing, you should not risk your life to save another person. The reason for that is that every story like Mr. Patterson’s (where he gave his own life, but saved a child), there are several where it just winds up with two people in need of rescue. It’s not a moral decision, it’s sheer numbers. If you’re sure you’re capable of rescuing the person in need, then do it. If not, don’t be a hero because it will likely just wind up putting more people at risk.

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do anything; you should always respond to an emergency. Often all you can do is call emergency services, but that’s a lot.

11 years ago

There are right-leaning and left-leaning versions of libertarianism, though the current US usage pretty much exclusively refers to the right-leaning version, which is basically anti-government, pro-business, pro-pretentious, long winded diatribes in internet comments sections, pro-wanting all the benefits of living in a society while resenting being obligated to contribute to that society via paying taxes or being obligated to obey laws that they don’t see as having any direct personal benefit to themselves and only themselves.

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