antifeminism boner rage evil old ladies evil sexy ladies homophobia imaginary oppression irony alert ladies against women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim PUA reactionary bullshit rhymes with roosh vaginas

Are Women Worthless Strumpets Because They Don’t Wear Men’s Suits to Work?

Why do the ladies get to stand in front? Misandry!
Why do the ladies get to stand in front? Misandry!

When you look at the above picture — a group portrait of the Congressional freshman class of 2013 — what’s the first thing that pops into your head? Maybe something along the lines of “there sure are a lot of white dudes in that picture!”

Not if you’re “Emmanuel Goldstein” over at Roosh V’s Return of Kings blog. No, he looked at that same picture and thought: American women sure are a bunch of worthless attention whores!

Why? Because some of the women in the picture have the temerity to wear … bright colors!

[N]ot one man appears in bright red, blue, pink or yellow. For the men, it gets about as radical as a light grey suit … The women, on the other hand, have never met a gauche shade of neon they wouldn’t wear. Why are American women so hell bent on attention whoring, precisely in the places where they say they want to be taken seriously? Why do women ‘fight for equality’ by swapping outfits with Bozo the Clown? Why are old white women so desperate to show us their wrinkly cleavage?

I’m not exactly sure how you’re defining “cleavage” here, EG, but I’m not really seeing a lot of it in this picture. Well, none, really. None cleavage. I see one outfit, possibly two, that might under some circumstances reveal a small amount of cleavage.

Not that it really matters, as EG’s outrage is purely for show.

He quotes the late paleo-con Lawrence Auster, who also professed to be similarly outraged by women and their terrible breast-baring clothes.

The way many women dress today, with half their breasts exposed, is an expression of total disrespect for men. Men are left with three possible responses. To grab the woman, which is illegal; to ogle the woman, which is socially unacceptable; or to affect not to notice the woman at all, which is emasculating. A culture that normalizes such female behavior—i.e. not only not noticing or objecting to it, but prohibiting any objection to it—is extremely sick.

Really? Men suffer because sometimes they see cleavage and they’re not allowed to grope or drool? Oh, you poor, poor fellows! Should I prepare the fainting couch?

EG then turns to Laura Woods, the self-proclaimed Thinking Housewife, who once declared

revealing dress in professional settings [to be] a last-ditch effort by women to salvage their femininity. They are living daily lives of masculine aggression and drive. They are pressured to destroy their inherent selflessness and desire to serve. They make their breasts appear overblown, near-to-bursting balloons as a way of diverting attention from what they have become.

Near-to-bursting balloons? Apparently Woods has been watching too much office-themed porn.

Naturally, EG agrees wholeheartedly with Woods:

Hers may be the most potent explanation yet. I have surmised as much about the ubiquity of the color hot pink, as a microcosm of this drive, and it’s popularity as a marketing tool to women. It is an impossibly ugly, tacky hue, yet women love it. These women are not feminine in any meaningful way, yet they think that having a vagina is something to be proud of. Wearing hot pink is akin to liking an anti-Kony group on Facebook to feel like you’re doing your part to fight genocide.

Wait, what?

Wearing hot pink is akin to liking an anti-Kony group on Facebook to feel like you’re doing your part to fight genocide.

I’m tempted to stop here, because there’s no way he can get any dumber than this.

But then I remember that I forgot to mention the one man who EG sees as the “male analog to the women I describe.” That is, the male analog to those whorish congresswomen and their oh-so-revealing pantsuits. His name, EG tells us, is

Buzz Bissinger, a GQ contributor who later checked into rehab for a shopping addiction. …  Oh, it turns out he’s had some homosexual encounters as well. I’d love to see a straight man test the bounds of ‘equality,’ and dress like these buffoons, and still keep his job.

Damn those bisexual men and their bisexual style privilege! Straight men truly are the mostest oppressed of the most oppressed!

Anyway, here are a couple of pictures of Mr. Bissinger, the male analog, evidently taken while he was on the job:


As you may have noticed, he’s not exactly the “male analog” to the pantsuited congresswomen above, given that in the middle picture there he seems to be wearing NOTHING BUT HIS UNDERPANTS AND SOME WRISTBANDS.

You don’t see that a lot in the Congressional Women’s Caucus.

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11 years ago

Jon Stewart already explained that libertarianism is about lying aryans and, um, Bert.

11 years ago

Also, Violet says “000000i8o9jh0 dfrnlp[-=def]6”.

11 years ago

Oh, speaking in top sekret cat code, huh?

11 years ago

Trotskyism – Cross country skiing/ Alternatively rushing to the bathroom on skis
Leninism – A fan of John but not so much Paul
Stalinism – What the Texas Senate Democrats did on Tuesday.

Dwarfism – Fan of a British Sci-fi TV series

Racism – Fan of white-haired guys in Johnny Quest

Positivism – people who suppose drugs can be delivered through needles in blood vessels

Relativism – a love for genetic and/or legal family. Broken up into General Relativism for all your relatives and Special Relativism for the family you actually like.

As far as a word for being attracted to your mate(s) and not much else fidelisexual? fideliphilic? (fidelis being latin for faithful). I am probably misusing the word.

11 years ago

If a completely naked woman walked into my room right now, my first thoughts wouldn’t be “should I grab her boobs or not?” My first thoughts would be “why is there a naked woman walking into my room,” but I digress…

THIS! You know this tired old saying by victim blamers in rape discussions: “Obviously, in a perfect world, I woman should be able to walk naked down the street without getting assaulted, but since we don’t live in a perfect world, what’s wrong with teaching women how to reduce risk?” This presupposes that a woman walking naked down the street would be at maximum risk of getting raped, because thoughts of rape would naturally pop up in the heads of men seeing her.

Me and Husband talked about this once, after we once again came across this tired old meme, and we agreed that our thoughts would rather be along the lines of “WTF, a naked woman walking down the street? Is this some kind of art performance? Or is she super drunk or high? In a state of severe psychosis? Or what?”.

Seeing a hot woman in skimpy clothes would be more likely to lead to sexy thoughts… but that still doesn’t mean that now I’m suddenly forced to either group, ogle or suppress my sexual desires… Besides a million options like “go home and bake a cake” and other unrelated stuff, how about discreetly check her out?

11 years ago

Should be A woman, not I woman up there.

11 years ago

@opium – I can’t find any definitions in English for fidelisexual or fideliphilic (except “hi-fideliphilic” in a music context) – have you seen any?

I don’t think I’d opt for that one, for myself. I’m not thinking of faithfulness in the sense of chosen behaviour but of sexual attraction. Single-target describes it, but alas, that term only lives in TV Tropes land!

Heh, I was trying to think of a meaning for Trotskyism before and couldn’t come up with any. Nice one. 🙂

autosoterism – the art of drunk driving

bonism – the political and social beliefs of MRAs

catabaptism – the refusal of cats to get into water

panspermatism – the belief we are all descended from satyrs

psychotheism – the worship of Mother Bates

11 years ago

Fidelphobic – scared of Cuba.

11 years ago

That’s another reason not to use “fidel” anything – brings to mind Castro or ‘bogen, and either way, no thanks!

11 years ago

Single-target describes it, but alas, that term only lives in TV Tropes land!

If you like the term and you feel it describes you, just use it. The whole point is to not get stuck with a label you don’t identify with just because there isn’t a “right” word for your situation.

I’m still interested in “demigirl” but seriously I haven’t seen that word anywhere that wasn’t a list of definitions.

11 years ago

I love all these definitions 😀 They’re fantastic!

11 years ago

I just Googled demigirl ‘cos I’ve never seen it, and didn’t find it being used other than as a nym until the second page, where there was a letter from someone who was tossing up between using it and genderless to describe zirself. Is that the context in question, katz?

Single target certainly works better for me than monoamorous or monogamous, because they have the implication of one person at a time, as in serial monogamy.

I did like my bf’s suggestion “extreme monogamy,” though it does sound like one of those “ridiculously dangerous sports for eejits” things. 😀

11 years ago

My context is just between that and regular female. But I would feel odd using a term no one else actually uses even though I just said that was OK.

“Extreme monogamy” does rather evoke one of those couples who are constantly going skydiving and white-water rafting and stuff, doesn’t it?

11 years ago

Wouldn’t extreme monogamy fit one of those “trendy” preachers who do sex demos with their wives (with no actual nudity as far as I know, I think they just sit on a stage and talk about sex in embarrassing detail)? Like the ones who did one on the roof of a church? Can’t remember their names.

11 years ago

It does! Marital bungee jumping. Yoicks! Not for me and I doubt the Mister would be keen, either.

Yes, the trouble with finding a little-used term that describes something properly is having to explain it all the time. Not that it’s something I’ve had to deal with much, or not in recent years, but it’d be handy to have a recognised way of saying “He’s alive and all other people are dead, sexually, to me – get it?” without sounding nasty about it.

11 years ago

OT but why, why do Google and Bing have just “safe search on” or “safe search off” for their picture searches these days? What happened to the moderate option? Time was you could get returns with nudes without having porn, now it’s either No Skin or Great Big Bits Being Waved In Your Face With Every Other Pic.


11 years ago

I just wish they had a “not porn or anything, but things you just probably didn’t want to actually search for” option. I looked up giardia the other day and I’m still not over it.

11 years ago

Wouldn’t extreme monogamy fit one of those “trendy” preachers who do sex demos with their wives (with no actual nudity as far as I know, I think they just sit on a stage and talk about sex in embarrassing detail)? Like the ones who did one on the roof of a church? Can’t remember their names.

Or something they’d say at a neo-Calvinist youth group to try to make abstinence sound cool and relevant.

11 years ago

Or something they’d say at a neo-Calvinist youth group to try to make abstinence sound cool and relevant.

Ultra-hip monogamy, kids! The one where you don’t even have sex with your spouse!

Ha, what a surprise. Look up “mature couple cuddling in bed” and what do I find?
Adorable kitties.

11 years ago

I just wish they had a “not porn or anything, but things you just probably didn’t want to actually search for” option. I looked up giardia the other day and I’m still not over it.

Is it just me or does anyone else have no control over their need to go ahead and google something when it comes up like this. Thanks katz! It’s a good thing that there is nobody to see the stuff on my computer screen at work. 😛

11 years ago

What am I doing wrong here, the BQ monster keeps getting me!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Relativism – a love for genetic and/or legal family. Broken up into General Relativism for all your relatives and Special Relativism for the family you actually like.”

Thank you for that. I’m currently swearing at excel, so that was a much needed humor injection.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago




11 years ago

What am I doing wrong here, the BQ monster keeps getting me!

I’m such a dork.

11 years ago

Maybe I should make the slowpoke meme my gravatar. Gah!

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