These women clamoring for equal pay — what’s their game? I mean, obviously they don’t want anything as straightforward as equal pay for equal work. What woman wants to work?
Happily, the smart lads in the Men’s Rights subreddit have it all figured out.
Clever girls!
I do feel bad for all the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit, none of whom presumably work in air-conditioned offices. They probably all have to wrestle lions for a living, with their bare hands, in coal mines, blindfolded. (Them, not the lions.) It’s kind of amazing they find time to post on the internet at all!
h/t to TheBluePill for pointing me towards this manly wisdom.
Looks like life is handing out shit like it’s free this week. Much sympathy to weeboy for shit colleagues and cellphone thieves, and Yellaine for jack-hole doctors.
I’m still on a roller coaster with kitty. She was having great difficulty breathing on monday, with fluid in the lungs. She was put on diuretics and antibiotics which cleared things up, but as of Wednesday night, she stopped eating. Now she’s at the vet getting rehydrated, and I’ll be watching her carefully over the next week to ensure that the problem with her lungs doesn’t return when she starts hydrated again. =/
Hope your kitty gets better 🙁 Jedi hugs from me if you want them.
But look at the bit you quoted:
Whoops. I guess I forgot to make a proper sacrifice to the blockquotes monster.
Here, o blockquotes monster, is a cat snuggling a human infant:
Goddamn it
(I have trouble with YouTube Playlists. Don’t mind me)
Late to thread, but snack:
Popcorn Squares
Make rice krispie squares but with popcorn instead of rice krispies!
3 Tbs Butter
10 oz marshmallows (approx 40) or 4 cups mini marshmallows
6 cups popcorn
1/4 tsp rum extract
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla and rum extracts.
2. Add popcorn. Stir until well coated.
3. Press mixture into pan coated with cooking spray or butter.
Microwave (microwave cooking times may vary):
1. In microwave-safe bowl heat butter until melted.
2. Add marshmallows, coating thoroughly with butter and heat on high for 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes. Stir until smooth. Stir in vanilla and rum extracts.
3. Follow steps 2 and 3 above.
I dunno why, but the rum extract makes or breaks this recipe – you can usually find it in a grocery store in the baking supplies with the other extracts.
Popcorn can be stovetop or air popped, doesn’t really make a big difference. If you really want, you can salt it a bit first, before adding it to the marshmallows (I like to do this, but that’s because I stovetop pop mine).
@emilygoddess: I sure wish my cats would cuddle up to my babies, but they both treat my bairns like cat kryptonite or something, and stay clear away.
On the bright side, me bairns aren’t getting scratched or bit until they’re toddlers and in the (hopefully brief) tail-pulling stage.
Free hugs on offer to anyone (including kitties) having a hard time.
Falconer, my friend just posted a video of her beautiful and extremely patient cat being played with by her baby boy. He’s not cruel or anything, just clumsy and grabby, but the kitty is adorably patient and affectionate with him. I wish I could share it, but there’s identifying info linked to her YouTube account and these are troll-infested waters… But yes, with most cats, it’s probably best that they just stay away from babies until they’re old enough to know how to treat animals. 🙂
While we’re sharing sucky things that happened this week, one of my co-workers tried to file a harassment complaint against me. Basically, she said it felt like I was threatening her job and was trying to find things to get her fired. Which… No. Just no. In fact, I’ve been trying to avoid her if possible, because she’s pretty much an introvert’s worst nightmare and I can only deal with her in small doses.
Thankfully, my higher-ups investigated the situation and concluded that I wasn’t at fault. So, yeah, jedi hugs to everyone else with sucky situations, and I’ll take a few for myself while I’m at it.
Falconer, your babies get more adorable every day.
Hugs for Amnesia! Wow, that’s a strange situation.
Thanks, katz!
leftwingfox — poor kitty! Wishing you both the best.
Falconer — squee, they really are adorable.
Everyone with gynecologist idiocy — if you’re in the US I cannot recommend planned parenthood enough. Seriously, they were awesome. And their website has a birth control method selection tool that should work anywhere there’s flash.
As for failure rates, wiki is your friend — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_birth_control_methods — perfect use failure rate on male condoms is 2% (female condoms don’t fare quite as well), typical use is 15% but that includes people who on,y sometimes use ’em.
Hence my they’re called condoms gif.
Oh, that’s for latex condoms, non-latex ones are less effective, but still way better than an 80% failure rate! (Fuck, no birth control has a 85% failure rate, why recommend any BC if it’s failure rate is only 5% less than not using any at all!)
FTR, the good old pulling out method is 18% typical use, 4% perfect use, making it actually fairly effective (note, use condoms! But if you can’t get one, coitus interruptus definitely does help prevent pregnacy)
Amandajane – unfortunately I live in New Zealand, where cellphone related stuff is ridiculous and expensive. I can’t change carriers because no one buys out contracts here.
Freemage – See above about the ridiculousness. Scaling down the plan isn’t a thing, I don’t have a choice to pay less than $50 a month, no matter what I use. So really the network would be happier for me not to have a phone. They don’t offer phone insurance either, otherwise I would have got it (I asked.)
WeeBoy: Okay, yeah, you have my deepest sympathies; lousy customer service always sucks to deal with.
Argenti: As always with that BC-comparison approach, it’s worth noting that they never score abstinence correctly. The claim is that abstinence is “100% effective”, and that’s true–for ‘perfect use’. But if “typical use” of condoms includes, “Well, we’re usually good about it but we were out and too horny to run to the drug store for more,” then “typical use” of abstinence includes, “Well, we were gonna wait like Jesus wanted, but damn, have you SEEN his/her ass in those jeans?” (Also, “typical use” of abstinence would include the possibility of non-consensual sex, because the real world sucks.)
Instead, they just pretend there is no ‘typical use’ column for abstinence.
Weeboy, the last time I had to deal with carriers I bought an absolutely dirt cheap phone, and then I bought a better phone for a deal via amazon and switched chips. It’s worked out pretty great for me–still cost money, but not near as much as the carrier wanted to tag me for.
So even if you have to buy a dirt-cheap no-good phone from them just to have any phone at all, that’s not the end of the road.
Argenti, natural planning methods (calendar for people with regular schedules and cervical mucus methods for those who don’t) have a failure rate of 6% and 5% respectively. And that’s with nothing other than abstaining on certain days… I dunno why that isn’t considered appropriate to teach in abstinence only education, but I suppose it would require some discussion of intercourse and education about how everything works – and everyone knows if you’re ignorant about things then you’re the best informed around!!
(I know a lot about the topic of contraception)
SittieKitty — because the point of that BS isn’t anti-BC but anti-sex. And natural family planning means sexytimes can commence.
Freemage — who even lists abstinence? Isn’t it obvious that not having sex = not getting pregnant, and for when you do have sex the rate is the rate of whatever you do/don’t use? I get your point about rape, but, at least in the US, abstinence means no sex, period. Hence all the BS about abortion and rape — if it wasn’t consensual then the pregnancy isn’t her responsibility! (I say her because our republicans would probably give themselves whiplash reconciling the desire to punish women with the idea that some people who can get pregnant are not women)
Argenti, I promise, it wasn’t me!! I was tempted (on a couple of occassions) to check all the things, but I didn’t do it! I limited myself to no more than three choices on any one thingie.
And that kitteh parade (once I got my brains funneled back in my ears) reminded me of this
Psst, Argenti, go look at DeviantArt.
I have a llama! Thanks so much katz!
Oh, haha, I didn’t actually llama you, but I did invite you to the new Manboobz group.
Can someone who isn’t a deviantArtist still view the Manboobz group?
Sure can. Nothing there but a few old Pierres, though, so far.
Anyone on DeviantArt who didn’t get an invite should apply and I’ll let you in. (I think I invited everyone but I’m very scatterbrained.)
I llamad everyone on my watchers list. ^.^