These women clamoring for equal pay — what’s their game? I mean, obviously they don’t want anything as straightforward as equal pay for equal work. What woman wants to work?
Happily, the smart lads in the Men’s Rights subreddit have it all figured out.
Clever girls!
I do feel bad for all the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit, none of whom presumably work in air-conditioned offices. They probably all have to wrestle lions for a living, with their bare hands, in coal mines, blindfolded. (Them, not the lions.) It’s kind of amazing they find time to post on the internet at all!
h/t to TheBluePill for pointing me towards this manly wisdom.
@kittehs – I don’t want to fantasise about fucking people over, I want to actually do it. I don’t see many penalties for it. Like the guy at my work who broke his girlfriend’s spine, never went near prison, and now has a well paying job where he can laugh with another guy about that hilarious time they were sexually harassing that intern.
I’d dearly like to be avenged on scum too, but we can’t do it or we’re just as bad, and it escalates, and where does it end? Vigilantism? Generational feuds?
WeeBoy, that’s just awful. =[ Hugs if you want them.
I wasn’t thinking vigilanteism, just screwing over random people who may have something I want and don’t have. Sociopathy as a lifestyle choice.
You could always be a cat. They’re very good at it, plus they’re a lot cuter than sociopaths.
I just came across a video, and I feel like it could be a perfect illustration for a future post: a kitten stealing money.
Still completely OT and probably TMI, (feel free not to read) but I need to vent: fuck my doctor. Fuck this asshole for treating me like a kid for having anxiety issues, fuck her for making me cry in the middle of the consultation and not caring about it, for treating me like an irresponsible person for not using the pill (and I’m seriously doubting her competence since she told me it had a 20% effectiveness as a contraception, which I’m 99% sure is bullshit) And the ‘funniest’, even if not most relevant part: I am wondering if I should see a sexologist or a gynecologist to discuss my complete lack of orgasm her only answer was to get rid of condoms because:
– most men don’t like it (wtf my bf isn’t her patient and I already told her at this point he was completely fine)
– idk. I guess penises have magical orgasmic capacity that I have been deprived of so far, and the fact that oral sex, mutual masturbation or masturbation on my own give no result is irrelevant.
Btw, if someone have sensible advice I would like it, and as you can see she put the bar very low.
Oh, and the consultation ended with her not telling me a word about what I had (herpes apparently, fml, that mean I won’t even be able to kiss my bf this week-end) just giving me a prescription and I was too much of a mess to remember to ask.
I think she doesn’t view right to education and right to earn an income as basic human rights women should have because men have those rights in order to provide for women.
But who the hell are men (at least the ones making these rules) to decide that women must be dependent on men to survive? to make them the equivalent to children under the law? I bet that’s why it was “women and children first” she’s trying to convince us that women weren’t/aren’t oppressed and is doing a shitty ass job of it.
I’m sorry your phone got stolen, that really sucks. I completely understand what you’re saying, its hard to care when there are so many assholes out there.
Typical GWW craziness. There’s not a thing she can say that will surprise me anymore. No woman, ever, has the right to be upset about anything and men always have the right to be upset about EVERYTHING.
Yellaine – any chance of finding a new doctor, for starters? If so I’d say do. Worst thing having an idiot as primary *cough* carer *cough*.
20% effectiveness from the pill? Men don’t like condoms, so stop using them (um, how does she reconcile all this shit with having a go at you for not using birth control)? Did she get her qualifications from the back of a cornflake packet?
Can you put in a complaint about this imbecile to the head of the practice?
I’d certainly be looking at talking to specialists about being inorgasmic, though what specialists I couldn’t say.
Man Yellaine, that is awful. I wish I had some better advice for you besides trying to find a different doctor (what a bitch!). As far as not being able to climax, the only advice I would have for that is “practice” if ya know what I mean… I know you said that that hasn’t really done much either, but that’s the only thing I ever hear people say that helps. Just try not to see it as a goal to be achieved, just focus on enjoying yourself and seeing what kinds of things seem to work/not work.
BTW I don’t use the pill either, condoms are freaking FINE. My doctor told me to use a condom even if I’m on the pill for extra safety and STI prevention anyway. I wish I could give you my doctor, she’s awesome (and I have bad anxiety too, she’s really understanding about it). There are way better people for you out there.
Regarding the pill, pretty much all other sources except Yellaine’s doctor says it’s close to 100 % if you never forget a pill. And obviously it doesn’t go from super efficient to a crappy 20 % if you’d forget a single pill one day. Maybe 20 % is true for incredibly forgetful people…
I worked in a very nice white collar job, where I had many openly gay co-workers, (Beth had twins! Beth didn’t look pregnant to me? Oh, her wife had twins, they had twins!) I mistakenly moved to my hometown and took a job where I was pretty much still white collar, but my co-workers were mostly blue and pink. The guys who climb down sewer pipes, and the admin. assistants. Also, I smoke (please, understand that I have heard it’s bad for me before) and so I made a bunch of friends that were, I guess, below my level? The guy who’s my dad’s age and has been climbing down sewer pipes for 30 years had a “George W. Bush WINS” newspaper pinned to his bulletin board. When we were out smoking and I mentioned I was looking forward to getting my tax return, he expressed surprise that I would be getting one. How much money do you think I make? Of course I’m getting one! Obama only raised taxes on the really rich.
WeeBoy, I’m so sorry about your phone. Have you considered switching carriers? You can usually get a new phone just for switching (I recommend CREDO) so the stolen phone won’t matter so much, and they’ll buy out your contract.
I thought you might like to know that in the less than 24 hours since this post went up, that photo has become a meme… albeit one that places the image in a rather different and happier context.
Weeboy, sorry about your phone. That really sucks.
And Yellaine, jeez, your doctor is terrible, what the hell. You might want to try sending your story and your questions to Captain Awkward, who might have some good advice on doctors and orgasms both.
Carrie, that’s pretty cool. I found the pic on Pinterest myself, and cropped it so the proportions would work better for the blog. Here’s the original pic, with its original caption:
That’s horrible. Maybe the person who stole it need to feed their starving children…who only eat phones…no there really is no excuse. Some people are just horrible, but most people are good and you will feel better (not very helpful I know)
I have spoken to a dr about similar problems . She said it was probably down to the brain medications I was on so I had the choice of sexytimes or being mentally stable. THANKS FOR THE CHOICES!
Thanks for the support. She’s not my usual doctor because I recently moved but their are plenty enough doctors in this town that I will never step foot in her office again.
“Can you put in a complaint about this imbecile to the head of the practice?”
I’m not sure what that means.
I realize I was really unclear in what I wrote, because I just got out and was angry: she said that CONDOMS have a 97% effectiveness for STIs and 20% for preventing pregnancy.
And it took time to make her understand that pill is out of the question for me because I have depression issues and hormonal problems (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) so I don’t want to make things more complicated in my body by adding another hormone. Plus there is the little fact that there is no way I won’t forget to take it every three days. After a while she talked about IUD, which I have thought about before, but really, I’m fine with condoms and so is my bf, so why bother.
I will think about sending a message to Captain Akward, I really appreciate her advice in general.
Thanks again y’all.
@daintydougal: I have brain medication as well, so it probably doesn’t help, but the problem was there before. I originally thought about waiting to be rid of of the brain med before solving the other issues, but it’s been about a year and it does not look like I can get rid of them any time soon.
On the bright side, I don’t have a sucky choice! I’ve got either “have a orgasm-less sex life and be completely crazy” or “have a orgasm-less sex with a bit smaller libido and be mostly able to function”
@weeboy: you don’t have to win the Olympics of most miserable person to be angry or sad. Especially when it makes you isolated. Sorry for you, that really sucks.
I think possibly female sexual dysfunction just isn’t very important to some dr’s (much like mental illness yay). I was trying to explain that it was affecting my long term stable relationship and was there anything that could help. Answer: It’s your decision – either craziness or sexytimes. Is that really the answer? Also I’m on the pill and we don’t use condoms so your doc can stick that in her pipe and smoke it!
“No right to vote or own property? OMG STOP OPPRESSING THE MENZ!!!!!”
Yes! 😀
I suppose, though for a minute I forgot to mra-think and just thought she was a lady in a hat! XD
Sorry to hear about your phone 🙁 And you can still vent about your problems if you want! ::offers interweb hugs::
God. Sorry your doctor’s such an asshole. Jedi hugs if you want them. I don’t have any advice though 🙁
Although this is ALSO something that’s contradicted by, like, every other source out there.
Cloudiah’s is a NIZE HAT.
Happy anniversary to LBT & Rogan!
Have good sex!Happy belated birthday to Kittehs’!
Weeboy, I’m real sorry that someone took your phone. Hugs if you want them! Also kittens, donuts, and gluten-free donuts. And babies!
Yellaine, I’m sorry your doctor is such a jerk. I’m sorry you’re having sex problems, and I’m sorry that I have no advice for you.
Are they identical floor babies? Oh the tricks they could get up to!
I’m very sorry you got targeted that way. My advice is to try to go to a storefront for the carrier and try to haggle. Explain that your phone was stolen, and that you have a choice of either scaling down your plan (since you can’t afford the full price of the phone needed to use the services provided), or you need to get a phone at a discount. Given the choice of “less money every month” or “less money for this phone”, they’ll likely opt for the latter. Also, if it works, I’d suggest getting the loss insurance plan. They’re usually not unreasonable.
Not sure where you’re posting from, so some of this might not apply:
1: In the U.S., at least, most doctors are part of a partnership, usually called a ‘practice’. That’s what Kittehserf was getting at–this doctor needs a check on her professionalism, and if she answers to a boss, that boss should be the one to provide it.
2: If she’s not part of a larger practice, or they are unresponsive, there should be a medical licensing board of some sort you can file a complaint with–it may not be enough to actually get her license pulled, but it can serve as a way of putting her on notice that her caregiving is not up to snuff.
3: If you’re in the U.S., and on health insurance, contact the insurer. They should know that they’ve affiliated with an incompetent doctor. Hell, I’d say urge them to deny payment on the grounds that services were not properly provided.
No, sadly, they’re not identical.
They’re a boy and a girl! And they are both gorgeous.