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Equal pay: A Secret Lady Plot to Steal Men’s Money and Make them Fight Lions, or Something

Eventually, women won't have to do anything, and men will just carry them everywhere.
Eventually, women won’t have to do anything, and men will just carry them everywhere.

These women clamoring for equal pay — what’s their game? I mean, obviously they don’t want anything as straightforward as equal pay for equal work. What woman wants to work?

Happily, the smart lads in the Men’s Rights subreddit have it all figured out.

HilscherFarms 33 points What's the end game of "equal pay?"  What happens if a feminist's wet dream comes true and the 'pay gap' is closed through legislative fiat, with men working 25% longer hours and never taking a day off just to make the same salary as a woman? Not all men can or ever will drop out, so where does this inverse pendulum fall down and settle at?  I can't see how that works, but it seems like it's going to happen even on this side of the pond with the destabilization of American politics. The SCOTUS, Senate, and Presidency are now probably permanently out of the grasp of one side of the political spectrum and feminism has a heavy dominance of the remaining party. We could be in for another 'era of good feelings' in which those good feelings trample the rights of men even more than they already have.  I don't see how such a state of affairs could even be economically possible, but if it's attempted anyway, what happens? IcarusLived 51 points The end game is to force men into the difficult and dangerous manual labor jobs because they've been discriminated against heavily in education. Then when women are working the easy and safe air-conditioned jobs they will demand that women receive the same pay for the easy jobs as men get for the difficult jobs.  This will effectively transfer men's labor and resources to women without women having to give anything in return. This was the goal of Feminism all along.

Clever girls!

I do feel bad for all the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit, none of whom presumably work in air-conditioned offices. They probably all have to wrestle lions for a living, with their bare hands, in coal mines, blindfolded. (Them, not the lions.) It’s kind of amazing they find time to post on the internet at all!

h/t to TheBluePill for pointing me towards this manly wisdom.

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11 years ago

The lady wearing the hate looks rather smug. She must be busy grinding some poor man under the pointy toed shoe of oppression.

Ally S
11 years ago


“I think it’s flowers. I wouldn’t want to swear to it, because FALSE FLOWER ACCUSATIONS.”


11 years ago

I was going for a smug, HR lady working in an air conditioned office while making false rape accusations kind of look. Did I achieve?

11 years ago

If she’s from the time period I’m thinking she’d be wearing silky undies too.

11 years ago

Probably some sort of corsety-type girdle, too. And stockings with seams and suspenders!!

She looks late 1940s to me, anyone else got thoughts on that?

@Amnesia – GROAN 😀

11 years ago

Silky undies go without saying. She stole them from a coal miner. Deflowered? How can she ride the cock carousel without being deflowered? Of course!

11 years ago

Oh Kittehs, taken between 1945-1946, so good guess. I may ask you to help me figure out the dates on some photos taken between 1930-1949, because I don’t know fashion! 🙂

11 years ago

Oooh yes please! Email ’em to me any time.

11 years ago


Yeah, they are. If you want further proof that they are out of touch with reality watch GWW’s latest video. She is basically saying women in parts of the world who are basically, legally the equivalent of children and completely dependent on men for their safety and survival, are actually entitled. She then bizarrely seems to justify this by claiming women dont need to work because men only have the legal obligation to provide for women and children and women don’t.

Yeah…ever think that if women were allowed to be adults and work and support themselves that would free men too? as usual nary a word about how its the men who enforce this in those countries seeing is how they control the law, religious institutions and everything else. And how damaging it is to an adult to treat them like a child and force them to be under complete authority of their husbands, to deny them self-actualization That to her is female privilege. Because men have to work and give their money to their families and women dont.

Essentially its like arguing that children have privilege and adults are oppressed by having to provide for them. Or everyone’s pet cat here is privileged because their owners have to make money to buy food for them.

I just….cant even grasp how someone comes to this fucked up logic. She seems to think its an equal trade off because women are kept safe (except when they’re not) thus they are not oppressed. She also seems to think that because only men and husbands have a duty to protect their women and wives, women and wives don’t really need rights. Only people with duties need rights. So I guess this means because police officers have a duty to keep citizens safe, that mean they should have complete power over us and we should have no rights?

People eat this shit up without even thinking about what they are truly saying and it spreads. I’m seriously trying to grasp this way of thinking (trying to keep an open mind to a sliver of truth) and all I keep coming back to is why not just treat women like adults who have the freedom to work and take care of themselves and their families in the first place? What is the benefit of treating women like overgrown children? Why did the men in power decide women should be treated like children, then MRA type men get pissed that they are “obligated” to care for them. If a parent said that about their child they’d be called a selfish asshole. Maybe if women were given equal rights to begin with men wouldn’t have to “take care” of them. Because going to work is so oppressive. Not having a wife still means you have to work to provide for yourself, its called being an adult. She acts like having a job is oppressive. Not to mention even though women may not have worked outside the home for money, they still did all the domestic crap with none of the privileges.


11 years ago

She had that postwar look, with the tallish hat and hair still longish. I has a pleased. Where’s the pic from, do you know?

11 years ago

I’m off shopping, have a lovely night everyone – and thank you for the birthday wishes, pics and vids. I’ve had a great day, even if it was at work! 🙂

11 years ago

Happy shopping, hope you find something lovely!

11 years ago

wow…that was long and rambley. Sorry.

I’m starting to think that MRAs think being treated like a child is the best way to live life. That’s what I’m going to read when I hear them talk about how lucky women had it. They were like children. Just sat at home, let your parents pay for your shit. The only thing they seem to forget is that you have no freedom, your elders make all the rules, you actually get treated like a child, and often disrespected or talked to condescendingly by adults who are higher on the social ladder.

Your life is in the adults hands. What a life.

11 years ago

Kittehs, it’s from a French magazine. Here’s another. I’m gonna send you a link to a collection that I’m not sure you’ll have access to, because I am not sure what the rights issues are.

CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)

“Equal pay: A Secret Lady Plot to Steal Men’s Money”

Welcome to the parallel universe of the Manosphere!

11 years ago

@argenti I don’t know the problem you are having with excel or your skill level. I offer my help if you need it. I work with access and excel all day for my job. I am not studied in statistics though. I am (was?) familiar with diff eq but not statistics. STEM is a weird path sometimes.

So ya, help if you need it, not that I mean to belittle or question your skills; comiseration if you are having those all too familiar issues with allowing human input into your lovely, beautiful data.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

opium4themasses — unfortunately it isn’t anything logical like a math issue or how do I do this? No no, it’s excel deciding it had too much data to function, crash!

I finally have the raw data split into chunks of 500 rows, tomorrow I’ll be dealing with each “set” of data (e.g. Gender)

Thanks though!

And yes, my lovely data has had human input, like the person with ALL THE POLITICS, or the one with all the employment options, or 58 religions. The math for determining outliers is high on my do to list!

11 years ago

I’m going to be very off topic and whiny, so feel free to skip.

I got a job and moved cities and with my first grown up pay check I bought a shiny new phone to replace the one which had been malfunctioning for a year.

Last Saturday, while I was volunteering, someone went into my bag and took my phone. Four days after I bought it. It’s been a week and I’m still crying about it. Why bother to work? Some bastard just helped himself to the only valuable thing I owned. I bought the phone on contract – I can’t afford to replace it. And the thought of buying a cheaper phone so I can pay way more than I’m using and not even have a nice phone makes me feel sick. I’m home sick and tired and someone took away my ability to call my mum or text my friends… I just wonder why trying to be a good person is worth it. Seems you get a better life just fucking people over.

11 years ago

And now I feel awful because some people don’t have enough food and are homeless and here I am crying about a cellphone.

11 years ago

Weeboy, that is a very very shitty thing to happen!

Have you reported it as stolen to the carrier?

11 years ago

Only people with duties need rights.

That’s so incredibly stupid. It’s true all over the world that certain groups of people don’t have duties, for instance, babies and people with severe dementia. Nobody uses that as an argument for human rights not applying to them.

11 years ago

Congratulations to Rogan and Mac too! (I’ve already congratulated Kitten. :-)).

And apology accepted, Ashley!

11 years ago

cloudiah, whoot! First thing that hat reminded me of was the really tall, extravagant hats Parisians wore during and after the occupation. 🙂

11 years ago

Katz – Yup, I reported it to the carrier and the police. The school I was at won’t do anything, and the chance I’ll get it back is about 0.

11 years ago

WeeBoy, that’s a really shitty thing to happen, I’m so sorry.

I just wonder why trying to be a good person is worth it. Seems you get a better life just fucking people over.

Well … think of this: look at all the douchecanoe trolls we get here, and the MRAs in general. They spend their lives trying to or fantasising about fucking people over. Who’d want to be like them in any way?

(I’m guessing it was a more or less rhetorical question and I’d be thinking the same, but worth answering.)

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