These women clamoring for equal pay — what’s their game? I mean, obviously they don’t want anything as straightforward as equal pay for equal work. What woman wants to work?
Happily, the smart lads in the Men’s Rights subreddit have it all figured out.
Clever girls!
I do feel bad for all the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit, none of whom presumably work in air-conditioned offices. They probably all have to wrestle lions for a living, with their bare hands, in coal mines, blindfolded. (Them, not the lions.) It’s kind of amazing they find time to post on the internet at all!
h/t to TheBluePill for pointing me towards this manly wisdom.
RE: Argenti
Unstable Housing! Let’s see if I can hammer out Third Language before bed…
RE: Freemage
Aw, that is awful.
I wouldn’t know what conclusion to draw. What a terrible thing to happen to the man in his union. I don’t deny these jobs are dangerous but unfortunately there will always be accidents. I fully support women going into these jobs too, I don’t understand why MRAs think we are against it. Last time I saw a woman construction worker I did a happy dance internally. There are women’s construction groups too, this one for example http://www.constructionwomen.org/
The thing is, even for people who don’t have as many options career wise can do a job in retail or fast food…but I suspect a big portion of men go into laborious jobs because they pay more? retail and fast food may be safer but it pays shit and is really boring, plus customers can be rude and sometimes downright abusive.
I don’t know what they want anymore really.They bitch about women being encouraged to go into STEM, but they also complain about women dominating nursing and teaching. I’ve heard them complain about women in firefighting (also dangerous) bottom line is no matter what women do they complain.
Quackers: Some ‘service’ jobs–maids and other cleaning positions, for instance–are actually very hard on the body. You don’t die in an accident, but by the time you’re 55, your knees, back and wrists are pretty much wrecked. Shortens lifespans considerably.
Quackers — point was that despite the risks, and weather, and whatnot, he actually really likes his job. And reddit, but only because they have cats.
MRAs are out of touch idiots in other words.
LBT — no way am I getting to reading it tonight anyways, so sleep!
::sees title of post::
I knew it!
Um, bwuh? Not everyone can afford college. Everything about this statement is striking me as what-the-fucky, especially “work that involves using your brain or effort to get into” (oh hi, I have a brain that’s perfectly functional, and they aren’t really handing out the low paying jobs atm.) and “they choose it”. Those fools, choosing to not have the money to go to college. Or the time. Or whatever the fucking reason.
Mocking mras is all fine, tossing a bunch of other people under the bus while doing it makes me angry.
Well, Dvärghundspossen said it much better, but I’m still leaving my rant up :/
And, Ashley, I’m glad to see you apologized. that was good. Thank you. .
Sorry to hear that your coworkers were being asses 🙁 Hugs if you want them.
You lurk? But I see you here so often! 😛
And…making sausages does not sound like a good job. 🙁
That is, instead of whining about what if they someday get married, they should be organizing unions like the local plumbers union (they did everything you’d expect from a good union for the man’s widow)
I just read dustydeste’s comment about the snake in the rafters (belatedly!) and can only say, thank goodness I only eat virtual popcorn.
OT I found a pic that gives something of the feel of our garden at Home. Ignore the house roof, that’s nothing like ours, but tall hedges and flower beds feature a lot.
Lovely garden
RE: Argenti
Sleep is for other people! And tomorrow’s my anniversary; I want all the writing up so I have no distractions from treating hubby like a duke.
LBT — do you realize how much data I have? It can wait!
Seriously, somebody checked EVERY political view. I have to redo all my headers. Once excel starts working again that is. I have 20 surveys left, I thought it’d take an hour tops >.<
I’m a non-authoritarian authoritarian!!!
Have I already wished you happy anniversary? If not, (well, either way) happy anniversary! 😀 hope you have fun.
Forgot to wish you and Mac a happy anniversary, Rogan!
You’re treating him like a duke? Good plan. Kinging was a crap job sometimes. 😉
More happy happy for Kittehs and Rogan!
Fucking excel fucking…
Happy anniversary LBT!
Marching band kitties
cannot cope, too much cute, I’m meeeeeowlllltiiiiiing …
RE: Argenti
AHAHAHAHA I HAVE TRIUMPHED! And now I’m gonna just… collapse into bed and sleep the sleep of the just.
RE: Zombie Marie
Thank you!
RE: Kittehs
Yes. I’ve had difficulty juggling my time between kids, art, and hubby. Tomorrow will be ALLLLLL hubby.
RE: cloudiah
Wow, that is the most adorable thing I’ve seen in a while. My hubby was hypnotized watching it.
Hey! One of those kitties is on the phone!
I thought that video was adorable too, and now it is my gift to you. 🙂
And do you like my new hat?
cloudiah has turned into a hoomin! With a hat!
Are those flowers on it or fruit?
I keep meaning to actually put a real icon up for here. I mean, I’m an artist, it’s not like I’m lacking for pictures of appropriate faces.
It’s just… I’ve gotten so used to the random green pattern, even if it makes me look like a newb!
It is a very fancy hat.
I think it’s flowers. I wouldn’t want to swear to it, because FALSE FLOWER ACCUSATIONS.
So it’s possible your hat is deflowered?