$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women I am making a joke imaginary oppression irony alert lazy women eating bon bons misogyny MRA reddit

Equal pay: A Secret Lady Plot to Steal Men’s Money and Make them Fight Lions, or Something

Eventually, women won't have to do anything, and men will just carry them everywhere.
Eventually, women won’t have to do anything, and men will just carry them everywhere.

These women clamoring for equal pay — what’s their game? I mean, obviously they don’t want anything as straightforward as equal pay for equal work. What woman wants to work?

Happily, the smart lads in the Men’s Rights subreddit have it all figured out.

HilscherFarms 33 points What's the end game of "equal pay?"  What happens if a feminist's wet dream comes true and the 'pay gap' is closed through legislative fiat, with men working 25% longer hours and never taking a day off just to make the same salary as a woman? Not all men can or ever will drop out, so where does this inverse pendulum fall down and settle at?  I can't see how that works, but it seems like it's going to happen even on this side of the pond with the destabilization of American politics. The SCOTUS, Senate, and Presidency are now probably permanently out of the grasp of one side of the political spectrum and feminism has a heavy dominance of the remaining party. We could be in for another 'era of good feelings' in which those good feelings trample the rights of men even more than they already have.  I don't see how such a state of affairs could even be economically possible, but if it's attempted anyway, what happens? IcarusLived 51 points The end game is to force men into the difficult and dangerous manual labor jobs because they've been discriminated against heavily in education. Then when women are working the easy and safe air-conditioned jobs they will demand that women receive the same pay for the easy jobs as men get for the difficult jobs.  This will effectively transfer men's labor and resources to women without women having to give anything in return. This was the goal of Feminism all along.

Clever girls!

I do feel bad for all the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit, none of whom presumably work in air-conditioned offices. They probably all have to wrestle lions for a living, with their bare hands, in coal mines, blindfolded. (Them, not the lions.) It’s kind of amazing they find time to post on the internet at all!

h/t to TheBluePill for pointing me towards this manly wisdom.

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11 years ago

LBT, without being all “here, let me solve your problems,” why don’t you pick up some hours as a page? I know you usually need to volunteer for a long time first, but perhaps if you’ve got other experience you can bypass some of that.

11 years ago

RE: Freemage

Whoa, Houdini was a debunker? I didn’t know that! That just makes a cool guy even cooler.

RE: Argenti

Ooh! Well, if you want black and white, $15, color is $30. That’s generally per figure.

RE: katz

Lulz. I can’t even get a VOLUNTEER gig in libraries. Though now that you mention it, it might be worth trying again. It’d give me something to do, and if my brain freaks out, I can always quit.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lol, I just bought your orphaned IS prompts, and as not to confuse my parents too much (since it isn’t my Paypal account) I’m gonna have to wait on buying stand alone art I guess. Oh well, I’ll have 60~ pages of Biff soon enough, works for me!

11 years ago

Ashley: A++ apology.

Note to lurking yahoos who think their FREEZE PEACH is being trampled: that is how you do an apology.

11 years ago

Ashley – thank you! And top-class apology, too.

dustydeste – strawberries, mmmmmm. Mr K and I had our first strawberries-and-cream picnic of the summer the other night (night here, day There). Not that we went anywhere, we were just in the back garden. 🙂

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Holy balls! o_o So much money! Thank you! And with that, you hit homeathon up over the next fundraising bar, which means you get a bonus sketch! Since you’re requesting M.D. art, and Unstable Housing is M.D.-centric, would you like that?

11 years ago

Kittehserf – Oooh, I’m jealous of your back garden. We’re in an apartment, but hopefully one of these days we can get out to the park or the beach for a picnic if it quits being so dreary!

11 years ago

Ashley: Apology gratefully accepted!

11 years ago

wait wait wait. Wait. Wait.

Men are making equal pay to women but also are working more? Then… that’s not…. equal pay.

“What if things were equal, and things weren’t equal?” “Oh man, that’d totally not be equal. Damn feminists.”

11 years ago

Oh, vegan here.
Yes that is all.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — that’s what I was thinking in the first place 🙂

Gods save me. Google docs just spat an error — we can only paste 50,000 characters at a time. This is just the smart ass questions for talacaris to make funny correlations with. Do I want to know how many characters are in the full data?

11 years ago

My first job was at the Coffee Beanery, and I dealt with some serious gross, but nothing like the sausage factory! There are two things no one ever wants to see how they’re made, laws and sausages.

11 years ago

RE: Argenti

Ugh, I hear you on the tech errors; apparently Open Office interprets M.D.’s name as a roman numeral, so every time I start a paragraph with her name, it attempts to reformat it as an outline. EVERY. TIME. Goddammit.

11 years ago

Care packages:

Chocolate needs to be in a ziplock (I have a letter which is translucent because it was in with a bar of chocolate).

Soap (no matter what kind) never goes in a package with food. You do not want to know how the Irish Spring flavor of Ramen tastes.

Skittles are evil.

11 years ago

It’s a rule of the universe, I think, that after working in any industry involving X food, you will never want to eat X food again after your departure from the job.

I still eat pizza.

11 years ago

I think I see the “men will work more” thesis.

They believe the :”women take off more time than men, and work less, which is why they are paid less” nonsense.

So if you pay women the same salary, and they get to take off more time, then men are “working longer”.

11 years ago

LBT: Yup. His knowledge of stage-magician trickery made him an awesome debunker, too. He’d show exactly how to emulate the spiritualist’s alleged powers, then devise a way to counter it. Testified in more than one trial.

Lemme tell you, if I hadn’t already been a feminist, the whole job would’ve changed my mind, anyway. Beyond the naming conventions (ie, women losing not only their last name, but also their first name upon marriage–“Mrs. Frank Hefflebottom” or whatever), the whole portrayal of women in the papers was profoundly fucked up.

Names of women were often omitted, shots of co-ed students invariably had the young women pose in frivolous postures. Hell, they even had the equivalent of TMZ–there was, far as I could tell, a photographer posted at the divorce court to get a shot of any woman coming out who seemed like she’d make a good story. (One woman filed for divorce because her husband wouldn’t even let her have fish on Fridays [they were Catholic], even though he got to eat meat regularly.)

And then, in the middle of that, there was the utterly glorious Amelia Earhart and her peers. I hadn’t realized just how many women took to the cockpit during the early years of flight, but they were all over the photographs of the airfields. (There were also a fair number of women mechanics in those days, too.) It looked like it wasn’t until the era of the commercial airliners that women got relegated to the stewardess role.

11 years ago

dustydeste – I should clarify, that’s the back garden across the veil, which is lovely. Louis did all the layout years’n’years ago. He’s had plenty of time to indulge his creative gardening, after all. 🙂

On this side, well, Mum and I have a back yard but a garden it ain’t. Only time we go out there is to hang the washing out.

I’ve never found a pic of a garden that looks really close to what ours at Home is like. Picture lots of roses (flame colours, this year) and hedges that need lots of clipping, plus scattered outdoor furniture and a genuine ruined wall we built. 😛

At the moment I suspect tonight at Home will look something like this. Not that I’m complaining!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Skittles are awesome.

LBT — hilari-fail. Not doctor MD but 1,500. Nice. Also, wrong. V.I.I. is not fucking seven, VII is.

11 years ago

I was trying to figure out where these manly men work that they don’t have air conditioning but do have computers, Internet, and tons of time to waste posting shit online, but then I remembered the recent poll showing that the subreddit is mostly middle-class guys age 18-24.

I’ve seen a couple comments from r/MR dudes saying they work in engineering or IT.

That’s some real oppression they got going on there.

I want to hear from actual men in dangerous jobs like construction and how they feel about their work, because I find it extremely presumptuous that MRAs have decided to speak for them. I’d like to see what those men would do if MRAs suggested they quit their jobs.

What a bunch of privileged, entitled twits.

11 years ago

RE: Freemage

I hadn’t realized just how many women took to the cockpit during the early years of flight, but they were all over the photographs of the airfields. (There were also a fair number of women mechanics in those days, too.)

What? Women being erased from history! NO WAY. I wish I could be surprised. (Though so cool that you found all these old photos.)

11 years ago

From the turn of the 20th century until WW2 women were making great strides in gaining social equality.

Then came the fifties, and a huge backlash.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Quackers — my brother does construction, plumbing. He was not there the day a guy from his union got decapitated. And defends reddit when I complain about these idiots because they have kitties. Draw your own conclusions.

11 years ago

Also: Women being shoved out of a field once it became popular and well-paid? NO WAY. *Sighs* Still, it was really cool.

There was one set of photos that pretty much told this incredibly tragic story. It was obviously one they’d followed for awhile, but I only had the images and captions to work with, no story-text. (WARNING: This is a very depressing story, for how short it is.)

Young girl, gets reported missing. Turns out, her parents (or maybe just her mother, wasn’t very clear) gave the girl to their Native American maid, apparently because they didn’t want to take care of the child.

So when they find her, the courts won’t let the maid keep her (an Indian keep a white child! Unthinkable!) but the original parents were obviously unfit. The last photo I found of her was of her alone on a chair, and I swear to God, the caption read, “… at the Chicago Home for the Friendless.”

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