These women clamoring for equal pay — what’s their game? I mean, obviously they don’t want anything as straightforward as equal pay for equal work. What woman wants to work?
Happily, the smart lads in the Men’s Rights subreddit have it all figured out.
Clever girls!
I do feel bad for all the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit, none of whom presumably work in air-conditioned offices. They probably all have to wrestle lions for a living, with their bare hands, in coal mines, blindfolded. (Them, not the lions.) It’s kind of amazing they find time to post on the internet at all!
h/t to TheBluePill for pointing me towards this manly wisdom.
Briznecko: Enjoy! 😀 They’re SUPER easy and the ingredients are very easy to come by.
Also, you can package them with other easy to make homemade sweets — melting semisweet chips and dipping oreos/pretzels/dried fruit in them is always welcome, especially if you drizzle a bit of white chocolate on top.
And they all keep well enough to be mailed!
(freshly-baked cookies are a sweet gesture, but those that get mailed are generally about as edible as sugary hardtack.)
Joe: you would know all about bullshit. Fuck off, we’ve bagged our asshole limit for today.
Ashley – what the others said in response.
Do you throw that sort of blame at women in blue-collar jobs?
Do you think uni is so affordable for everyone? Thanks, I couldn’t afford it thirty years back and I doubt it was anything like as expensive in Australia then as it would have been in the US more recently.
Also, blue-collar or non-post-uni work =/= someone who’s lazy or an idiot. You might try talking to all the doctors and PhDs here who’re stuck driving taxis because their overseas qualifications aren’t recognised here. Or talk to someone who’s intelligent and has plenty of interests but who, y’know, couldn’t afford uni, or had to take what work they could in an economy that’s tanked.
Because they aren’t allowed to believe there’s a real wage gap. Since their explanation for the “apparent” wage gap is that women are working fewer hours than men, then the imagined solution is that men get screwed, of course.
Naturally they don’t realize that when we figure for the wage gap we do actually correct for that.
inurashii: Yeah, that’s why I was hesitent to bust out any cookie or brownie recipies. I knocked it out of the park with my first care package (a really awkward and lumpy cat stuffed animal I sewed for him, he LOVED it), so I’m hoping to send tasty treats this time.
They’re not really sendable (sorry!) but some friends of ours went strawberry picking and gave us a nice big box, and I heartily recommend both this strawberry bruschetta and this strawberry coconut cake (I left the frosting off; I think it’s even better that way. In fact, I think next time they will just be “muffins” :D)
oh, also: pouring chocolate directly over gourmet coffee beans = coffee bark. People love it. Same goes for starlight mints and white chocolate.
Also pretzel sticks are REALLY good with a white or milk chocolate coating. If you use a spoon to coat them, then rotate the stick as you pulled back, you get this lovely twisting pattern.
Sorry, I’m on a roll. XD
oh also you can make shortbread; that travels decently cuz it’s dry anyway. You can also cover it in chocolate.
Pretty much my advice is cover everything in chocolate.
I got some nice care packages in college with cookies and whatnot; my family always sends them in a Pringles can covered in plastic wrap. They seem to keep pretty alright that way. Then again, maybe I just have low bonbon standards 😛
Weird! I was JUST looking up how to make chocolate/coffee treats. He loves chocoloate covered expresso beans.
By all means, continue! (Mayble it’ll keep Fucking Tedious Joe away)
BF carepackages are going from the US to Afghanistan, so it needs to be something that won’t turn into a hockey puck in the 1 1/2 weeks it takes for shipping.
You could always make an indestructible cookie recipe, like pfefferneusse or biscotti.
I’m not sure my beginners bakeing skills will be up to par for that :/
I’d have a care about chocolate covered treats, as unfortunately they’re likely to melt on the way.
RE: inurashii
Pretty much my advice is cover everything in chocolate.
You say this like it’s not the answer.
Hmmm….good point katz.
If your chocolate treats have baking parchment between them, even if they melt then the chocolate should stay more or less where it’s supposed to be 🙂
All the BF has to do is let it cool and chocolate deliciousness can resume.
Oh, this conversation of blue collar jobs bring back horrible memories from the summers of 1994 and -95 when I worked at the factory!
It was a sausage factory. I worked in the basement, where the sausages were made (above ground they were packaged, and at the top floor were the white collar workers).
You worked three people at each sausage machine.
Position 1: Pushing sheep guts into the machine, which would pour mashed meat into the guts from an enormous funnel constantly pouring down meat, and then twist the guts back and forth to form a long string of raw sausages out of it. The twisting mechanism was like two jagged jaws of which you had to be very wary, less they’d twist your fingers when you pushed the guts into the machine as they twisted the sausages.
Position 2: Checking the strings of sausages for specimens of the wrong size, then cut them out of the string, and retie the ends of the sausage string to each other once the faulty specimen had been removed. To do this, you had a very sharp little knife. Since it was cold in the factory basement your fingers would be constantly numb, making you cut yourself once in a while, dripping blood on the sausages. We used to discuss whether it was theoretically possible for HIV to be transmitted via sausage, or if the smoking process would destroy the virus.
Position 3: You’d take the strings of sausages, now comprised only of sausages of the correct size, and hang them on iron bars protruding from a little wagon. Twenty sausages on each bar. When a wagon was filled, someone would take it away and roll it into the smoking room.
You’d do each position for like two hours, then a short break, then move to next position. The machines were so noisy that it was impossible to talk to each other, so everyone just had ear protectors with a radio in them, listening to radio for the entire eight hour work day. Everyone had to work at the same pace as the machine, and that was a fairly fast pace, making it incredibly stressful. There could be short breaks of a couple of minutes from time to time when the person at position 1 ran out of sheep guts, and went to a big gut barrel to get some more. And oh, when you open a barrel full of guts, it smells like SHIT. Come to think of it, some guts did have a little shit in them, but we made sausage of them anyway. All guts just went into the machine. We were required to sort of sausages of the wrong size, but nobody could see what the guts had originally looked like once they had been turned into sausage.
There was blood all over the floor, and you’d come home each day with bloods and guts here and there on your body, smelling like shit.
And oh, the pay was shit too.
RE: Dvarghundspossen
*shudder* That sounds awful! I’m glad you don’t have to work there anymore.
I feel lucky; the worst job I ever had was cleaning hotel bathrooms, and that was bad enough! Fortunately, I was in a position to quit after the first day; they hadn’t had a cleaner in a couple weeks, and apparently the dude before me had been slacking off…
Yes! Parchment paper should do the trick, and even if they turn out a chocolatey mess BF will still DEVOUR THEM ALL. Aslo they’ll be put into pretty ribbon-wrapped jars, so they’ll still have a nice presentation.
Or wrap individually in cellophane.
I’m never eating sausage again.
*lol* I became a vegetarian in -96 and a vegan in -97. Lots of people have asked me if it was because I became so grossed out by meat after working at the sausage factory. No, I wasn’t grossed out by plain meat after working there, so going vego (rather than simply giving up sausage) was an ethically motivated decision. Still, I’ve never felt tempted to eat sausages or similar products after my time at the factory…
Most people working there though DID eat a lot of sausage, despite being aware of the conditions under which it was made. As I said, the pay was shit. And the workers were sold wrong-looking sausages super cheap, so…
RE: Dvarghundspossen
It’s a rule of the universe, I think, that after working in any industry involving X food, you will never want to eat X food again after your departure from the job. (In part because you often eat a lot of it DURING your time working there.)
I worked in an industrial bakery for a while. Lemme tell you- it’s just as gross as any other industrial food setting. OK, maybe the smell isn’t the same, but the grease, the shoddy & crap ingredients, the sheer volume of bad-for-you stuff, questionable hygiene, the dangerous equipment, slippery floors, hot ovens, vats of hot liquids, the noise, the tedium…Ugh.