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Equal pay: A Secret Lady Plot to Steal Men’s Money and Make them Fight Lions, or Something

Eventually, women won't have to do anything, and men will just carry them everywhere.
Eventually, women won’t have to do anything, and men will just carry them everywhere.

These women clamoring for equal pay — what’s their game? I mean, obviously they don’t want anything as straightforward as equal pay for equal work. What woman wants to work?

Happily, the smart lads in the Men’s Rights subreddit have it all figured out.

HilscherFarms 33 points What's the end game of "equal pay?"  What happens if a feminist's wet dream comes true and the 'pay gap' is closed through legislative fiat, with men working 25% longer hours and never taking a day off just to make the same salary as a woman? Not all men can or ever will drop out, so where does this inverse pendulum fall down and settle at?  I can't see how that works, but it seems like it's going to happen even on this side of the pond with the destabilization of American politics. The SCOTUS, Senate, and Presidency are now probably permanently out of the grasp of one side of the political spectrum and feminism has a heavy dominance of the remaining party. We could be in for another 'era of good feelings' in which those good feelings trample the rights of men even more than they already have.  I don't see how such a state of affairs could even be economically possible, but if it's attempted anyway, what happens? IcarusLived 51 points The end game is to force men into the difficult and dangerous manual labor jobs because they've been discriminated against heavily in education. Then when women are working the easy and safe air-conditioned jobs they will demand that women receive the same pay for the easy jobs as men get for the difficult jobs.  This will effectively transfer men's labor and resources to women without women having to give anything in return. This was the goal of Feminism all along.

Clever girls!

I do feel bad for all the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit, none of whom presumably work in air-conditioned offices. They probably all have to wrestle lions for a living, with their bare hands, in coal mines, blindfolded. (Them, not the lions.) It’s kind of amazing they find time to post on the internet at all!

h/t to TheBluePill for pointing me towards this manly wisdom.

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11 years ago

But what’s their game, man? What’s behind this? I mean, they’ve got us by the balls already, there’s got to be more to this than they are letting on.

11 years ago

@hellkell, we haven’t achieved total world domination yet. You still have to go sit in the street and cry in order to get money just for being a woman.

11 years ago

You can always sense the guilty conscience in this stuff. ‘If we’re not careful, they might do to us what we’ve been doing to them for centuries! After all, we can’t conceive of somebody being possibly less awful than we are.’

You see the same thing from racists. See any rant about the Coming Race War.

More wisdom from the comments:

The end game is not having to work for a living. The end game is for the men to be the mules that do all the work so that women can spend their days pretending they’re on an episode of Sex and the City.

Yup, women have spent generations demanding the opportunity to work for a living so that someday we won’t have to work for a living. Aaaand a bingo square for citing “Sex and the City,” the only girl thing any MRA has heard of.

It would be quite interesting for women to return to being the sole leisure class that they sprang so discontentedly from in the first place.

The sole leisure class! Not only did women not work before feminism, they were the only people who didn’t work! There were no working women, nor were there any male aristocrats or wealthy men of leisure! (This is what comes of not reading Jane Austen novels because they’re sissy.) And then one day, after lying around chomping on bonbons for, like, centuries, women rose up and demanded the right to work, as part of a sinister plot to…stop working and go back to chomping bonbons.

One of these days I have got to write my complete MRA history of the world.

You know , if men aren’t earning anything extra for doing the heavy lifting then I guess they simply won’t do it. They’ll take all those traditionally female jobs. So who’s going to do the tough shit ?

Strangely, none of the other commenters like the idea of doing women’s work. I mean, they’d totally love to because it’s so easy, but they can’t because the government will stop them and then men will be made legally second-class citizens.

No, really. Go look, it’s awesome.

All the commenters agree that equal pay for equal work is very unfair to men.

11 years ago

They’re still using SATC as a reference? Well, I guess that answers the question about how old the average MRA is.

Also, I never watched that show but didn’t all/most of them have jobs? I seem to remember that the redhead was a lawyer.

11 years ago

@katz: Seconded.

11 years ago

BTW, illustrative anecdote time: I used to walk, groom, and sometimes ride racehorses for money to finance my collegiate ambitions.

The trainer I worked for was a big name who had respect for all his employees (you don’t want to piss off someone who has up-close opportunities to sabotage the multimillion-dollar investments other people are paying you to maintain) — but he was never on-site and I had to work twice as hard as the guys who *were* there to get them to respect me too. They gave me all the hardest horses (except for the ungelded ones, because they thought those horses would “smell my period” and I guess go crazy at the prospect of interspecies breeding), they condescended to me, I suspect they purposefully abused my favorite horse in an attempt to make him turn on me, other trainers’ employees sexually harassed me, I had to work for at least eight straight hours starting at 4:30 am, it was grueling and dangerous, and there was definitely no air conditioning.

Despite all that, I actually liked the work and we all made good money, but my body broke down after a month and the assistant trainer had to convince me to leave in an ambulance for my own health. One of my coworkers, the raging Cajun who spent more money partying every week than I make in a month, sent me flowers and said I was much tougher than he’d ever thought — but the rest of the crew said “of course she quit, girls never last.” Apparently they never stopped to think about why that might be.

Tl;dr — before they keep complaining about women’s cushy jobs and how we don’t deserve equal pay, the manosphere can have my old job for a week and see how they last. Not really, though: I’d never wish that on the horses.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago


One of these days I have got to write my complete MRA history of the world.

OMG OMG yes yes this!!

11 years ago


Same thing they do to women in science. I’ve never heard more rape jokes in my life than I have since I started a doctoral progam. Philistines. And sadly other women often join in.

Every vile thing they do gets poo-pooed as just a form of hazing (all kinds of sodomy cases are getting downgraded to “hazing” these days). If you don’t “break down” for them they continue to escalate. It’s nice to have lots of lawyer friends sometimes.

Med school is apparently worse.

11 years ago

OMG OMG yes yes this!!

11 years ago

Yeah, where do these men live? In my area, most of the 18-25 year old men who are slaving away in sweaty factories are the ones who chose not to go college or pursue any other type of work that involves using your brain or effort to get into. These men are not forced into these positions. They chose it.

WEEEELL… Coming from a working class background here, and from a small town where most people worked at the local factory, I take issue with the idea that blue collar workers make a completely free choice to be blue collar because they don’t like using their brains or making an effort.
Firstly, for some people getting high grades is tougher than for others. Some people have reading difficulties, concentration difficulties and so on.
Secondly, if everyone around you is a blue collar worker, university may not seem like a realistic alternative, even if it’s technically possible for you to go there. Besides the more obvious pressures on working class people, like having more of a difficulty to achieve high grades because you don’t get the same help with homework from your parents and don’t start out with the same reading habits as middle class kids, and university being down-right expensive in some countries, there are also a million more subtle social pressures, like studying hard is seen as lame in certain circles, everyone simply expecting you to be blue collar like your parents, etc etc. All this should be obvious to a feminist.
Thirdly, I don’t think being blue collar generally requires “less effort” than being white collar. Seriously, I consider being a university professor easier than working at the factory where I grew up (I did work there two summers in my teens, so I know what it’s like).

AAAAAND getting off my soap box now.

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

@ Dvärghundspossen:
Thank you. People all too often forget that class often isn’t a choice and that many (if not most) people’s only “choice” is between the level of society that they were born into or dropping lower.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

Aren’t we taking all the airconditioned jobs because that’s where game programmers work and it’s all part of our end game (pun intended!) of taking over the video game industry?

Loading total feminism takeover…..56% complete…

Honestly, back to lurking again now…

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
11 years ago

And the sex robot industry, we’re programming all those too.

11 years ago

In my area, most of the 18-25 year old men who qre slaving away in sweaty factories are the ones who chose not to go college or pursue any other type of work that involves using your brain or effort to get into. These men are not forced into these positions. They chose it.

Unless you’re living in a very wealthy area, I highly doubt this. Very rarely do people choose factory work over getting a degree (past the age of maybe 20, because some people want to take some time off of academics before uni). Even if you live in a place like Canada, and have easy access to student loans, a lot of people can’t afford the time off to get a degree because they have families to take care of.

But hell, at least I’m not going to bitch about it because I know I could find another job or work for myself if I wanted.

I’m happy for you, genuinely. Everyone should be so lucky. However, most people aren’t. Most people who are unhappy at their job don’t stay because they’re lazy, the stay because the economy is shit.

So, while your bootstraps are quite lovely, I’m afraid they aren’t quite strong enough to pull everyone up with.

The First Joe
The First Joe
11 years ago

“If we’re not careful, they might do to us what we’ve been doing to them for centuries!”

I would like to meet these centuries-old men.

Oh, wait. Wait. I see what you did there: You were bullshiting!!

11 years ago

I’m pretty sure my duties as a nurse are more physically demanding than what the physicians are doing on a regular day in a hospital. But whatever.
We do have air conditioning though.

And even in this female dominated field men on average make more money than women. :/

11 years ago

Oh good, it’s Joe. Because one boring troll thread wasn’t enough.

11 years ago

Would it be worth mentioning that I have the most physical job in my company? I work for a small start-up, and the bulk of my job is assembling and shipping packages. Which means a lot of trips to and from the stockroom, carrying merchandise, sometimes climbing a stepladder to reach the big boxes on the top shelves, and then a lot of scampering back and forth from my desk to the table where I lay the items out so I can find them easily while I’m putting the orders together. And, of course, humping the mailbag out to the lobby once it’s full. It’s not heavy work by any means, but it’s still more physical than anyone else’s usual tasks. I’m actually losing weight because we’ve been so busy.

I’m a woman, by the way. There’s one other woman working full-time for us–the rest are guys.

11 years ago

*eyeroll* Tedious as Fuck Joe

Baking tips time! I’m looking for an easy cookie/sweet baked good recipe so I can send sweets to the BF. Any suggestions?

11 years ago

RE: The First Joe

Oh yeah! Well I know LESTAT! He’s lived for centuries. Just let me go and fetch him, and he’d be glad to explain the concept of ‘right to vote’ and ‘right to own property’ to you.

11 years ago

Briznecko — if you want something that travels decently, here’s a neat convenience-store ‘recipe’ that’s been a big hit:

1 bag of mini pretzels
1 large package of rollos
1 can of mixed nuts

1. Set out a baking sheet, cover it in foil, and preheat your oven to 250.
2. Lay out a bunch of pretzels on the foil.
3. Set a Rollo on top of each pretzel.
4. Put the tray in the oven for just a minute or two, until the rollos look ‘wet’
5. Press a nut into the top of each rollo.
6. Let dry.

Voila! Salty-sweet caramel nutty goodness. I call ’em ‘shriners’.

11 years ago

This is hilarious. Why would “equal pay” mean men have to work more hours for the same salary? Then it wouldn’t be “equal”. This seems to be a case of “That word does not mean what you think it means”.

And since when do the difficult and dangerous jobs pay more than the cushy office jobs? The difficult and dangerous jobs often don’t pay that well at all. The people who make the big bucks are the ones sitting in cushy air-conditioned offices on the other side of that glass ceiling women keep butting their heads against.

Men are discriminated against in education? I don’t think so. Studies show that, especially in the sciences and math, boys get more attention from teachers and are called on more often than girls, and girls are actively discouraged from going into hard sciences and technical studies.

My last thought is: wow, that lady in the picture has a tiny, tiny waist.

11 years ago

Oooooh! BF LOVES salty/sweet snacks! I’ll have to try that out, thanks inurashii!

11 years ago

Also, thanks to everyone calling out Ashley. I have a couple blue-collar relatives who had trouble in school (in part due to dyslexia) and I know for sure that they are neither lazy nor stupid.

I mean, one of my uncles made a freaking bunk bed/slide for his kids, modeled in the style of their favorite dollhouse. No way I could do that. He sure as hell deserves the money he’s making.

11 years ago

I’m pretty sure my duties as a nurse are more physically demanding than what the physicians are doing on a regular day in a hospital.

THIS SO MUCH. I’ve worked for years as a practical nurse (think that’s the right English term) with disabled and elderly people and BOY is that heavy work. Far less soul-crushing than working at the assembly line, since you get so much positive feedback from the patients and feel like you’re doing something important, but terribly heavy. And wherever I’ve worked in this job the practical nurses have been like 90 % women.