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Equal pay: A Secret Lady Plot to Steal Men’s Money and Make them Fight Lions, or Something

Eventually, women won't have to do anything, and men will just carry them everywhere.
Eventually, women won’t have to do anything, and men will just carry them everywhere.

These women clamoring for equal pay — what’s their game? I mean, obviously they don’t want anything as straightforward as equal pay for equal work. What woman wants to work?

Happily, the smart lads in the Men’s Rights subreddit have it all figured out.

HilscherFarms 33 points What's the end game of "equal pay?"  What happens if a feminist's wet dream comes true and the 'pay gap' is closed through legislative fiat, with men working 25% longer hours and never taking a day off just to make the same salary as a woman? Not all men can or ever will drop out, so where does this inverse pendulum fall down and settle at?  I can't see how that works, but it seems like it's going to happen even on this side of the pond with the destabilization of American politics. The SCOTUS, Senate, and Presidency are now probably permanently out of the grasp of one side of the political spectrum and feminism has a heavy dominance of the remaining party. We could be in for another 'era of good feelings' in which those good feelings trample the rights of men even more than they already have.  I don't see how such a state of affairs could even be economically possible, but if it's attempted anyway, what happens? IcarusLived 51 points The end game is to force men into the difficult and dangerous manual labor jobs because they've been discriminated against heavily in education. Then when women are working the easy and safe air-conditioned jobs they will demand that women receive the same pay for the easy jobs as men get for the difficult jobs.  This will effectively transfer men's labor and resources to women without women having to give anything in return. This was the goal of Feminism all along.

Clever girls!

I do feel bad for all the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit, none of whom presumably work in air-conditioned offices. They probably all have to wrestle lions for a living, with their bare hands, in coal mines, blindfolded. (Them, not the lions.) It’s kind of amazing they find time to post on the internet at all!

h/t to TheBluePill for pointing me towards this manly wisdom.

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11 years ago

Because you’re awesome.

11 years ago

The “Join request” tells me it’s closed for now.
Is there another way I can join?

11 years ago

Stupid settings. Everyone should be able to join now. (I think. DeviantArt doesn’t exactly dazzle one with its intuitive interface.)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Llamas! Thank you!

Katz — my manboobz watch group, if you wanted to see who else to add:


Excel still sucks and yelled “fuck you Microsoft” at my mac is getting old fast.

11 years ago


Me too! 😀 Llamas for everyone! 😀

11 years ago

Argenti Aertheri

Freemage — who even lists abstinence? Isn’t it obvious that not having sex = not getting pregnant, and for when you do have sex the rate is the rate of whatever you do/don’t use? I get your point about rape, but, at least in the US, abstinence means no sex, period. Hence all the BS about abortion and rape — if it wasn’t consensual then the pregnancy isn’t her responsibility! (I say her because our republicans would probably give themselves whiplash reconciling the desire to punish women with the idea that some people who can get pregnant are not women)

The anti-sex conservatives–they invariably point to the ‘typical use’ numbers on those charts, then compare that to abstinence’s ‘100*%’ rating, as a reason we should us ab-only education. Which, of course, is stupid. Anyone who says they’re not planning on having sex, but who does, and doesn’t use protection because they got surprised by the decision, is a ‘typical user’ of abstinence.

I’m saying it SHOULD be on the list for that reason. Show how often couples that say they aren’t going to have sex at all end up getting pregnant. That will give the ‘typical use’ level of abstinence.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ah ok, I got you. Sorry, I thought you were talking about sensible people who don’t abuse data 😉

11 years ago

By the way, my DA is here, but I don’t use it that much. Drawing for a living means I draw much less for fun.

Btw, kitty is doing much better. She’s eating and drinking again. She’s also threatening to claw the crap out of me if I don’t feed her or pet her every waking moment. I think the vet gave her kitty cocaine. Now I just have to watch for relapses with her breathing or diet.

11 years ago

So glad to hear kitty is doing better, leftwingfox! Hope she continues to improve, the little coke fiend. 🙂

11 years ago

Aw, Weeboy. 🙁

I actually buy all of my phones second hand because I am unwilling to pay new prices; TradeMe is the best. Might be worth having a look? There are some decent ones on there and mostly people are honest. Never been a drama for me to get a new simcard on the same contract: I am a bit hard on stuff. 😛

I’m paying $30/month with 2Deg, it’s been WAY cheaper than Vodafone (or Telecom, they were much of a muchness for me), but I’m guessing you won’t be able to afford the cancellation fees. :/

11 years ago

Do you get prepaid phones in NZ? I’ve never gone to contracts because they’re so damn expensive and Telstra are ripoff merchants (and nobody else has coverage where I am – in MELBOURNE ferchrissakes). Though I guess if the mobile’s your main/only phone, prepaid would end up pricier.

11 years ago

@Freemage: I totally agree.

When I went to school, as I recall, sex ed only presented us with the “perfect use” statistics for various birth control methods, and no statistics for abstinence. Maybe, if I’m to speculate a bit, because they expected that all teenagers have sex anyway, and everyone ought to understand that you’re supposed to use birth control methods the way it says on the package.

However, I can see the point in including “typical use” too, since real people can be pretty sloppy… and if you do that, AND if you actually talk about abstinence as an alternative to having sex with birth control, yeah, the “typical” abstinence-person should totally be in the chart.

11 years ago

So percent is bullshit. That’s functionally equivalent to using no BC at all. Your doctor has an agenda, and you need a new one.

Condoms, properly used, are up there with the pill; poorly used, for effectiveness.

11 years ago

Weeboy: That sucks. Re the insurance: they are iffy. They don’t give you a new phone, just a new to you phone. That’s not a real problem, but the way they work is problematic.

For my phone (an iPhone4s) the plan was $9 a month, plus a $169 replacement fee. When my phone was destroyed it would have cost about $200 on craigslist to replace it (for the same model). I spent about $300, to get double the memory.

I know that’s not much help, but what I’m trying to say is don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t get the insurance, it’s really a bit of a scam; except for the newest of styles, and the shortest (call it 6-9 months) of times.

An older model it’s almost always at least a slight loss to insure it. A newer model it becomes a loss to keep the insurance more than about 9 months.

11 years ago

Kittehserf | June 30, 2013 at 3:52 am
Do you get prepaid phones in NZ? I’ve never gone to contracts because they’re so damn expensive and Telstra are ripoff merchants (and nobody else has coverage where I am – in MELBOURNE ferchrissakes). Though I guess if the mobile’s your main/only phone, prepaid would end up pricier.

Yeah, we get prepaid. Do you guys text as much as us in Aussie? I believe it’s not so much of a thing in North America. It’s been so long I can’t remember, but initially I went with a plan because it was actually cheaper – I really hate talking on the phone, texts are my friend. 😀

The contract’s also good for me because we’ve got rid of our landline. And it’s much more convenient than having to top up at dairys and stuff; I am really good at leaving such things too late. 😛 I get 160 min anytime calling, infinite texts and 50Mb of data and I never go over.

For people from the US: $30/month is the cheapest plan you will find around. iPhones cost around the $1000 mark: the previous model of the Galaxy Note was around $500 second hand at cheapest. We have a small selection of phones available, and they’re expensive.

You can get iPhones and suchlike free with plans, but they are expensive plans. My boss got an SIII but he pays $60/month and I guarantee he goes over that with the amount he calls.

11 years ago

Phones are $1000 in NZ? Holy shit! My current one was $79. It’s very basic – no email, frex – but that’s all I want. I’m more inclined to delete as many applications as I can than to add any, let alone pay Telstra for them. I top it up when it gets low, but that can be well over a month and I never do more than $50.

Yeah, texting’s big here. I don’t use it unless I have to, because I will NOT write in text-speak.

My sister’s just had to get a landline, because the outer whoopwhoop Queensland place she’s living now (only an hour from the Sunshine Coast) doesn’t have any coverage. No net, no phone, nix. The Qld government actually provides satellite dishes on the houses to allow people to connect, but sis can’t get Telstra to cooperate about the $300 worth of call credit on her now unusable mobile. What a surprise, not.

11 years ago

Kittehserf | June 30, 2013 at 8:36 pm
Phones are $1000 in NZ? Holy shit! My current one was $79. It’s very basic – no email, frex – but that’s all I want. I’m more inclined to delete as many applications as I can than to add any, let alone pay Telstra for them. I top it up when it gets low, but that can be well over a month and I never do more than $50.

Yeah, texting’s big here. I don’t use it unless I have to, because I will NOT write in text-speak.

Haha, I’ve never ever used text speak, even when you had to make separate texts to send more than one (rather than running together if it goes over). Full words *and* punctuation!

Smartphones are around the $1000 mark. You can get $79 type phones, but we’re talking oooooold school. Maybe not even a camera. Here’s Telecom’s site:

Do you guys pay lots for books like us? A regular paperback is $25 here, and I know they’re much cheaper in the US but what about Aus?

My sister’s just had to get a landline, because the outer whoopwhoop Queensland place she’s living now (only an hour from the Sunshine Coast) doesn’t have any coverage. No net, no phone, nix. The Qld government actually provides satellite dishes on the houses to allow people to connect, but sis can’t get Telstra to cooperate about the $300 worth of call credit on her now unusable mobile. What a surprise, not.

Wow, that suuuucks. Freaking phone companies. >:(

We never, ever used our landline, it was a massive waste of money. Some companies still want a landline number though: so behind the times. 😀

11 years ago

Yeah, books are stupid expensive here, too. My US friends can’t believe how pricey they are, tho’ I think your prices are worse. Paperbacks are anything between about $13 and $25 at main shops now, though the discount shops will do them for about $8. I’m seriously thinking I’ll get a Kindle, partly for space and partly for cost.

We use our landline at home, ‘cos Mum’s never got to grips with her mobile and has it turned on even less than I have mine.

My phone has a camera and a voice recorder, and various other thingies I never use. Those and calls/messages are the only things I want on it. I finally found out how to upload pics to the web last night. I’d rather be able to just send them to my hard drive, but I don’t know if this phone does that. My old one used to. 🙁

11 years ago

RE: hrovitnir

Not gonna lie, much as I liked my time in your country, I don’t miss the awful phone deals at all. The US spoiled me rotten, on that front.

11 years ago

LBT | June 30, 2013 at 9:02 pm
RE: hrovitnir

Not gonna lie, much as I liked my time in your country, I don’t miss the awful phone deals at all. The US spoiled me rotten, on that front.

Haha, yeah, we suuuuuck for electronics in general. We’re a captive market with minimal competition, and I *think* we have a high random tax on them (and books!) Even in Europe where the Euro was about twice the NZ$ at the time I was drooling over how cheap basic things like USB sticks – and clothing! – was.

Kittehserf | June 30, 2013 at 9:02 pm
Yeah, books are stupid expensive here, too. My US friends can’t believe how pricey they are, tho’ I think your prices are worse. Paperbacks are anything between about $13 and $25 at main shops now, though the discount shops will do them for about $8. I’m seriously thinking I’ll get a Kindle, partly for space and partly for cost.

We use our landline at home, ‘cos Mum’s never got to grips with her mobile and has it turned on even less than I have mine.

My phone has a camera and a voice recorder, and various other thingies I never use. Those and calls/messages are the only things I want on it. I finally found out how to upload pics to the web last night. I’d rather be able to just send them to my hard drive, but I don’t know if this phone does that. My old one used to.

Oh man, under $20 would be amazing. Sometimes you find good specials. I don’t buy books much, was brought up on library books, but my partner and I still have a wall and a bit of books. I just love books so much: Kindle’s are super clever and great for travelling but I couldn’t give up actual books.

Yeah, we only used the landline for our mothers and it wasn’t really worth $50/month. Haha.

11 years ago

For what it’s worth I linked my deviant art account. I’ve had it five years, and used it not at all (for making/publishing art: I have used it for commenting).

11 years ago

@hrovitnir – our lounge has two walls ceiling to floor of books, plus small cases in Mum’s room and the spare room. That’s the reduced version, we got rid of heaps of books when we moved house.

11 years ago

Kittehserf | June 30, 2013 at 11:34 pm
@hrovitnir – our lounge has two walls ceiling to floor of books, plus small cases in Mum’s room and the spare room. That’s the reduced version, we got rid of heaps of books when we moved house.

Mmm. <3 I regret the perfect-condition books I sold for far too little when I moved out of home. 🙁 I always liked to imagine the giant house I'd have when I was older as a child (and now!) and a big library figured heavily. 😀 😀

11 years ago

I moved with a lot of books. I have 6 1/2 full Billys and need at least one more.