These women clamoring for equal pay — what’s their game? I mean, obviously they don’t want anything as straightforward as equal pay for equal work. What woman wants to work?
Happily, the smart lads in the Men’s Rights subreddit have it all figured out.
Clever girls!
I do feel bad for all the fellas in the Men’s Rights subreddit, none of whom presumably work in air-conditioned offices. They probably all have to wrestle lions for a living, with their bare hands, in coal mines, blindfolded. (Them, not the lions.) It’s kind of amazing they find time to post on the internet at all!
h/t to TheBluePill for pointing me towards this manly wisdom.
Wow…they can’t even conceive of the fact that women can and do work as hard as men. I would “LOVE” to see these guys say this crap to nurses who sometimes pull 16 hour shift s.
We steal their money when we’re paid less, we steal their money if we’re paid the same….I sense a pattern here. Oh yeah, same as it ever was — women are to blame FOR EVERYTHING, regardless of circumstances.
But they don’t hate women.
25% longer hours and no vacation days? That sounds just horrible and…
Pretty sure my air-conditioned office is full of men who work the exact same hours I do. I guess I didn’t get the memo that I can go home two hours early every day and demand the same pay (and not get fired).
If men don’t get paid more for doing the same job, how will they be able to show they are superior to women?
Also, he doesn’t seem to understand what “equal” means.
Does that surprise you chibigodzilla?
Jesus, everything is a conspiracy(of evil ladies) to these people.
“Then when women are working the easy and safe air-conditioned jobs they will demand that women receive the same pay for the easy jobs as men get for the difficult jobs.”
Right. Because stevedores already make so much more money than file clerks do.
Well, it doesn’t really surprise me per se, but it seems like they usually take a little bit longer to contradict tehmselves.
and of course then they get mad when people call them misogynists
… Where the hell did all these binkies come from all over the floor?
As someone who was discriminated out of an education job because of who I was (trans*, not male), I have only the greatest amounts of fucks to give about their particular conspiracy theory of what they think will happen if they stop discriminating against women in every other field.
And that’s why feminists have been demanding equal opportunity for front-line positions in fire departments and police forces, and combat roles in the military. It all makes sense now!
They don’t hate “women” they hate the feminist system which is systematically oppressing men. As a result they are angry with the women who refuse to see the ways in which men are being hurt by the systemic dominance of women in civil life, and the ways in which the courts and laws punish men in private life.
It’s a sad thing, and deplorable, but the sort of backlash any oppressor group; and the go-along, get-along collaborators who refuse to work against this sort of grave social injustice has to accept as the natural outcome of decades of abuse and subjugation which men have been forced to endure since before anyone alive today can remember.
Man! That hurt to write. What’s most bothersome is that 1: it’s a clear statement of what they purport to believe, and 2: it’s probably more coherent a non-argument than any of them make.
For what it is, it’s downright pithy.
You can always sense the guilty conscience in this stuff. ‘If we’re not careful, they might do to us what we’ve been doing to them for centuries! After all, we can’t conceive of somebody being possibly less awful than we are.’
They sound legitimately scared to death that equal pay for women is going to result in women taking over the world and leaving them doing all of our slave work. Dumbasses.
Man, if feminism’s running everything, it’s not doing a very good job. Where’s my money for existing with vagina already?
They do like to get themselves in a tizzy about THINGS THAT AREN’T REAL.
I was trying to figure out where these manly men work that they don’t have air conditioning but do have computers, Internet, and tons of time to waste posting shit online, but then I remembered the recent poll showing that the subreddit is mostly middle-class guys age 18-24.
It’s not anti-male discrimination, kids. I’m a lady, and my college dorm didn’t have A/C either.
Yeah, where do these men live? In my area, most of the 18-25 year old men who are slaving away in sweaty factories are the ones who chose not to go college or pursue any other type of work that involves using your brain or effort to get into. These men are not forced into these positions. They chose it.
I am a woman who works in a non-air conditioned retail store and I left heavy boxes while my 20 year old male counterparts watch, where is their theory there? But hell, at least I’m not going to bitch about it because I know I could find another job or work for myself if I wanted.
Today I did a little thought experiment, like I did all the time when I was first figuring out myself and my politics. This experiment was: what IF women DID dominate everything in the world and these guys were telling the truth??
What if all the media oversaturation (billboards, magazines, music videos, etc) of sexxy (objectified, photoshopped straight into the uncanny valley, representative of perhaps 10% of the female population even before image-editing) ladies really WERE evidence of the matriarchy trying to control men by inducing nonstop boners??
What if all the evidence of female subjugation WAS in fact manufactured by the reptilian feminist illuminati??
And all I had to think about to end this thought experiment was three words: “fourteen-hour filibuster.”
I don’t think a matriarchal shadow government would EVER force one of its minions to stand in a back brace without eating, drinking, or peeing for fourteen hours. Not even to maintain an illusion.
Ashley, let’s be a little considerate of guys in blue-collar jobs, how about?