I know I just wrote about it, but our Counter-Feminist pal Fidelbogen’s Twitter feed is turning into the funniest thing on Twitter next to 80sDonDraper.
Seriously. Here are some recent tweets. And remember, Fidelbogens are incapable of humor. Fidelbogen is a very serious fellow, as you can see from the picture above, and from his stylish new Twitter avatar. All of these Tweets are in deadly earnest. You might say that Fidelbogen is as serious as an army of Counter-Feminist ants crawling into the shell of a tortoise in an attempt to, I guess, tickle it to death or something.
We labor, like a growing army of ants, to flip the feminist tortoise on its back. Some of us crawl inside the shell to madden it.#feminism
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 25, 2013
Dude, you know that “worker” and “soldier” ants are female, and that they’re all working for The Queen?
Fidelbogen: Defeating feminism with awkward metaphors since whenever he started.
Female Supremacism is a desire for Female Supremacy. When Female Supremacism finally has its way, Female Supremacy is the result.#feminism
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 25, 2013
@mensrightsrdt Maybe we can't be credible people. So we must be incredible people.
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 24, 2013
Feminism has no internal brakes. This can no more be tolerated than a car with no brakes. So feminism must be taken off the road. #feminism
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 23, 2013
A war against males is underway. By linguistic fiat, we have designated this realm of activity by the term "feminism". #feminism #MRA #avfm
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 23, 2013
If I declared myself a feminist for 5 minutes, and then defined feminism, would my definition still have force after the time was up? #MRA
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 23, 2013
The ruling elite of planet Earth is a male elite — and feminism is their instrument of control. #feminism #MRA #MGTOW #antifeminism #avfm
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 23, 2013
The world has no duty to make itself idiot-proof for the benefit of idiots who might just happen to be female. #MRA #MGTOW #feminism
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 23, 2013
The predictable consequence of a male-unfriendly world will be a world of unfriendly males. Don't say nobody warned you. #feminism #mgtow
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 26, 2013
Radical? Damn straight! "It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that STING!" #antifeminism #avfm #MGTOW #MHRM #nonfeminism
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 25, 2013
In times like these, we boil the pitch down to the rosin and we live passionately. My god, what a time to be alive! #MGTOW #MRA #feminism
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 25, 2013
Ladies, if female supremacy becomes reality, you'll be surrounded by a hostile slave population. Does that sound like a good life?#feminism
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 25, 2013
The idea that "women" are (or were) "oppressed" is an hypothesis derived by interpretation — a political fable, a just-so story. #feminism
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 26, 2013
The neglected question of women's moral accountability is the fat, disease-ridden fly in the feminist oatmeal. #feminism #MRA #MGTOW @avfm
— Fidelbogen – gab.ai/Fidelbogen (@fidelbogen) June 23, 2013
Why does reading Fidelbogen always make me hungry?
Looks to me like his beard is melting.
“…It looks like he fancies himself as the Turin Shroud, doesn’t it?”
“He’s read every feminist text out there, for the sole purpose of knowing the enemy.”
What are you basing this comment on?
” The guy’s impressive.”
He’s a crap writer, kid.
I didn’t think that ant business sounded right but I looked it up and ewwww.
Fire ants attack baby turtles in the most revolting way.
So MRAs are fire ants is a pretty good analogy, actually.
But wait, aren’t ants all working to support a breeding QUEEN? And aren’t worker ants female, while males are just drones, good only for breeding?
Somehow I don’t think MRAs would really like the implicaitons of being ants, even if some of ’em are nasty little carnivores.
Though I am amazed by some of his comments, such as female supremacy causing female supremacy (or whatever it was). I just don’t think it’s the way Screaming Fist wants me to be XD
These guys really do think a dorm-room philosophy poser is one of the intellectual giants of their movement don’t they?
HM – he is one of the MRM’s intellectual giants, but it doesn’t mean what they think it means.
Well, when your sphere of experience is smaller than a ball bearing, yes.
Does this have anything to do with that ‘disposable male’ theory? Because, you know, I’d imagine an awful lot of ants would die in the attempt. Is he trying to say they can only beat feminism with ridiculous numbers of MRAs self-destructing at the same time? Frankly, last time I checked, they didn’t have anywhere near the membership required for that.
With some of these, if I didn’t know Fidelbogen is a misogynistic idiot with exceedingly poor communication skills, I’d totally think he was a feminist.
My tired brain also screwed up the block quotes. Sorry.
canuck_with_pluck — it’d gotten to the point that I have to think of that data to deal with this data. And the blockquote monster appreciates the sacrifice.
If he’s read All The Things presented by feminists, perhaps he could start by imitating someone with a bit of style, like Sojourner Truth for a start.
She never pretended to erudition, but she managed eloquence just fine.
By saying that he’s read all of the books does he mean he’s read the blurbs on the back covers?
Nah, even that would have told him more about those books than he appears to know.
I don’t know which is more compelling- when MRAs take the assfax approach to political discourse or when they go for pure rhetoric sans even a single assfact.
Just picturing this guy sitting at a desk with his hand stroking his beard, thinking he is the most intelligent man alive as he types up these tweets.
Also wondering what flavor feminist oatmeal is.
So, maybe I just haven’t lived in the right place yet, but in my experience ants don’t normally go around trying to flip tortoises because, um, why would they want to do that?
Voight-Kompf proof that ants aren’t human! (I tried using another spelling of the second word but it wouldn’t get thru; presumably either because of the word’s presence in the title of a text by a very unsalubrious person, or because my comment was too short, or because WordPress thought I wasn’t typing in English?)
“because my comment was too short” prolly not
Well, probably not, but I was pretty shocked at getting that error message. Don’t they know who I am?
He looks like grumpy Jesus in the picture.
Grumpy ‘Bogen should be a meme.