a voice for men antifeminism creepy drama kings fidelbogen grandiosity I am making a joke imaginary oppression MGTOW misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy straw feminists the eternal solipsism of the MRA mind the sound of his own voice whaaaaa?

More #Fidelbogenisms from @Fidelbogen, brave Counter-Feminist Tortoise-Fighting Ant Warrior of Truth

This is actually the picture of himself he uses for his YouTube vidoes.
This is actually the picture of himself he uses for his YouTube vidoes.

I know I just wrote about it, but our Counter-Feminist pal Fidelbogen’s Twitter feed is turning into the funniest thing on Twitter next to 80sDonDraper.

Seriously. Here are some recent tweets. And remember, Fidelbogens are incapable of humor. Fidelbogen is a very serious fellow, as you can see from the picture above, and from his stylish new Twitter avatar. All of these Tweets are in deadly earnest. You might say that Fidelbogen is as serious as an army of Counter-Feminist ants crawling into the shell of a tortoise in an attempt to, I guess, tickle it to death or something.

Dude, you know that “worker” and “soldier” ants are female, and that they’re all working for The Queen?

Fidelbogen: Defeating feminism with awkward metaphors since whenever he started.

Why does reading Fidelbogen always make me hungry?

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Also, you get a Welcome Package yet? If not, enjoy!

11 years ago

Ahh, I’ve gotten the delightful welcome package already! Thanks, though! I’ve been mostly lurking and occasionally commenting.
I can’t help but wonder if it’s a chicken/egg thing. Like, maybe they used to be decent writers and the other MRA’s were like “You WROTE SOMETHING ERUDITE AND THOUGHT-PROVOKING? Outta the treehouse!”

11 years ago

No, a lolcattery is where lolcats come from.

11 years ago

@Screaming Fist

‘Bogen can be a bit pompous and long-winded, but I have tremendous respect for his intellectual chops. He’s read every feminist text out there, for the sole purpose of knowing the enemy. The guy’s impressive.

Citation needed. And I’m not even going to touch the ‘intellectual chops’ bit with a ten foot pole 😛

Not everything, but he is immensely well-read in feminism dating all the way back to the First Wave (and earlier). I honestly think he can name (and then tear apart!) any feminist of even semi-prominence in the past hundred years.

Again, citation needed. Boring troll is boring. Is boring troll secretly fidelbogen? Or would they then be harder to understand…?

11 years ago

If fidelbogen is so well read, why can he not. fucking. write?

11 years ago

“Monologue with a gullible audience” is so right on. It’s actually sad to think there are people who believe this utter nonsense is intelligent. It’s not just that I see little value in his worldview; it’s actually just tortured aphorisms and attempted intellect. This strained poser certainly doesn’t come across like someone who’s well-read in anything. For someone who I would assume claims to oppose the Infiltrated! Feminist! postmodern wings of academia, he sure does speak and write like a parody of a first-year student in theory. Or like one of those theory-speak generators. When you’ve no depth, say it with pretense — someone gullible will fall for it.

I laugh at that hammy photo he uses pretty much every damn time I see it. When the gulf between self-perception and real-world effect is that large…

11 years ago

I would also like to play my cello with the rosin of boiled down misandry (or feminism? I can’t tell what he’s a-boilin’ in that hate cauldron). Which will produce the better sound?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

The misandry one, probably. In any case it’d be the stickier one, from all the wanking.

(Was that too crass? My brain is too jello to tell.)

11 years ago

“No, a lolcattery is where lolcats come from.”


11 years ago
Reply to  rabbitwink

Is the turtle in the oatmeal in the hate cauldron? In the observatory with the rope?

11 years ago

” In any case it’d be the stickier one, from all the wanking.”


I’d call that “horrid but true”.


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

No it’s mustard in the observatory!

11 years ago

I’m with Kittehserf.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Meep. Sorry. I’ll stick to PG jokes then. (And complaints about data)

11 years ago

Intellectual chops?

I prefer a bookish steak, m’self.

11 years ago

Argenti – don’t worry, it was funnygross!

11 years ago

I never would have thought to put mustard in oatmeal. Or turtles. Oh, the things you learn from MRA’s… Gentleman that they are=p

11 years ago

Jesus, why can’t he even make a somewhat decent metaphor? Like if you’re going to make a word salad, at least add some croutons. I mean, why a turtle and ants? Why oatmeal and not soup, or even “turd in the punch bowl”? If you’re going to make an unrelated metaphor at least make it catchy or at least sensible on its own.

11 years ago

If I declared myself a feminist for five minutes and defined feminism would that definition hold any force after the time was up?

Gee, I dunno. If I said I was an MRA and changed all the “movement’s” rules would they all stop being dicks?

I’m guessing not since a woman’s opinion doesn’t count.

11 years ago

“The neglected question of women’s moral accountability is the fat, disease-ridden fly in the feminist oatmeal.”

Wait, what is the question? Is this Jeopardy?

11 years ago

Like we haven’t been held morally accountable for male behaviour as well as our own for centuries, and aren’t still.


11 years ago

Maybe that’s the question!

11 years ago


Like if you’re going to make a word salad, at least add some croutons.

Though that’s a metaphor I like 😀 (metaphor right word?)

11 years ago

I laugh at that hammy photo he uses pretty much every damn time I see it. When the gulf between self-perception and real-world effect is that large…

The stupid black and white one at the top? It looks like he fancies himself as the Turin Shroud, doesn’t it?