a voice for men antifeminism creepy drama kings fidelbogen grandiosity I am making a joke imaginary oppression MGTOW misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy straw feminists the eternal solipsism of the MRA mind the sound of his own voice whaaaaa?

More #Fidelbogenisms from @Fidelbogen, brave Counter-Feminist Tortoise-Fighting Ant Warrior of Truth

This is actually the picture of himself he uses for his YouTube vidoes.
This is actually the picture of himself he uses for his YouTube vidoes.

I know I just wrote about it, but our Counter-Feminist pal Fidelbogen’s Twitter feed is turning into the funniest thing on Twitter next to 80sDonDraper.

Seriously. Here are some recent tweets. And remember, Fidelbogens are incapable of humor. Fidelbogen is a very serious fellow, as you can see from the picture above, and from his stylish new Twitter avatar. All of these Tweets are in deadly earnest. You might say that Fidelbogen is as serious as an army of Counter-Feminist ants crawling into the shell of a tortoise in an attempt to, I guess, tickle it to death or something.

Dude, you know that “worker” and “soldier” ants are female, and that they’re all working for The Queen?

Fidelbogen: Defeating feminism with awkward metaphors since whenever he started.

Why does reading Fidelbogen always make me hungry?

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11 years ago

I…I don’t think ants work that way…

11 years ago

Let’s keep him around for when the computers take over.

He might Kirk them to death! Because I certainly can’t make head nor tail of any of this.

11 years ago

This one takes the cake:

Female Supremacism is a desire for Female Supremacy. When Female Supremacism finally has its way, Female Supremacy is the result

Um… yeah? Among the seven billion people on the planet I’m sure there are some female supremacists, and they would logically be committed to female supremacy. So… good on you for pointing out the trivially true?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Fidel is good, but he’s no @dril.

11 years ago


Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Female Supremacism is a desire for Female Supremacy. When Female Supremacism finally has its way, Female Supremacy is the result.#feminism

…this is… okay…

He was trying to say something about feminism, here, clearly, something definitional.

But it’s definition by fiat, just once again screaming ‘feminism is about female supremacy!’

…but he didn’t even get to the point of clearly defining it.

So it becomes so much babble. “Supremacism is when you want supremacy for something, and if you want supremacy if you succeed you’re supreme. Got it? #MRA”

Nothing but noise. #Fidelbogen

11 years ago

Now now, to be fair – “We must be incredible people!” sounds like a slogan straight out of a 90’ies self help book. You can just imagine the power chorus and close up of a man saying it atop a mountain while explosions happen in the background.

“It’s not enough to be a man. We must become SUPERMAN! #SuperMRA”

“We can’t defeat Feminism merely as Men’s Right Activists. We be… Masterfully Righteous Assholes! #Acronyms #MasterRace”

“Resistance is futile. So we must become the Borg! #Assimilate #Hivemind”

“It’s not enough to merely be good. We must be… God. #Ascension #Apotheosis #FulledByTenThousandBloodSacrifices”

“A credible man who became an incredible slave. An incredible slave who became an unfriendly male. An unfriendly male who wrote angry tweets against an empire. #WhatWeDoInLife #Echoes #Eternity”

“The fight against Feminism is best described by an overwrought metaphor, for which this statement is an analogy #LinguisticLayers #Dictionary #3rdGradeEnglish”

“Feminism must be taken off the road. Down to the MRA mechanic. Where we’ll adjust the TIRES OF MISANDRY and calibrate the BRAKES OF MISERY and maybe adjust the OIL LEVELS OF OPPRESSION! That car won’t get allowed to drive without top notch mechanical certification! #SafetyGuidelines #MRAMechanics #ProperService”

“The local city council has shut down the MRA Automobile Fixer, on account of too much misogyny and the spike of road accidents. #DamnGuidelines #200%Rise #BrakeFaults”

“We labor, like a growing army of ants. Like ants, we are lead from the shadows by a single queen, following hate-trails and desire-paths lead by others of our kind, to the mines of Manboobz, we were toil and troll #ChemTrails #Ant4Life #Pheremones”

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

“A credible man who became an incredible slave. An incredible slave who became an unfriendly male. An unfriendly male who wrote angry tweets against an empire. #WhatWeDoInLife #Echoes #Eternity”

I lolled.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Feminism has no internal brakes. This can no more be tolerated than a car with no brakes. So feminism must be taken off the road.

Yes, fidelbogen, but feminists can get our movement inspected for $12 at any mechanic’s shop. Then we take our certificate of inspection to the DMV to get a 2 year renewal on our license plates. If the brakes are actually squeaking, then the mechanic will not sign off on the inspection until the brake pads and rotors are replaced.

See that, fidelbogen? We belong on the road because our brake pads and rotors are new.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

…but for brake fluid we use the blood of credulous men?

Or something?

11 years ago

Does he really have nothing better to do with his time than scream into the abyss? I mean, really- who is his audience? He sounds like he’s trying to rally the crowd during a protest, except that there’s no crowd and no actual issue. Do these twit-turds actually provoke any sort of response?

11 years ago

…and how many times can I use “actually” in four lines?

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

He sounds like he’s trying to rally the crowd during a protest, except that there’s no crowd and no actual issue.

That’s the head of the nail, right there.

11 years ago

RE: Falconer

You jerk, now I’m going to be reading all fidelbogenisms in Shatner’s voice. You’ve just ruined Star Trek for me.

Also, I love how whenever an MRA talks about “female responsibility,” they mean women getting terribly hurt for bad reasons?

11 years ago

I bet he thinks he’s really clever, patting himself on the back for each tweet he makes.

…but for brake fluid we use the blood of credulous men?

Or something?

Nah, we use sperm. That’s why they’re scared of sperm jacking.

11 years ago

Feminism is a car? I hope it’s a cool one.

11 years ago

The ruling elite of planet Earth is a male elite — and feminism is their instrument of control. #feminism #MRA #MGTOW #antifeminism #avfm
3:41 AM – 23 Jun 2013

Fidel is going all Marxist here. He finally bought into the femino-welfaro-Marxist plot. We’ve got a new minion, hyark, hyark, hyark.

11 years ago

The idea that “women” are (or were) “oppressed” is an hypothesis derived by interpretation — a political fable, a just-so story. #feminism

We should have a chapter in the MRhistory book devoted to Fidel’s account of the historical non-oppression of women.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Feminism may be an anteater, but MRAs don’t shower so we are not vulnerable to their terrors. #itastebad

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