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Men’s Rights Redditor: Beware the stealth Sarkeesians infiltrating our industries!

Sneaky Anita Sarekeesian, trying to hide behind a stack of video games.
Sneaky Anita Sarekeesian, trying to hide behind a stack of video games.

So Angry Harry, the dotty old British uncle of the Men’s Rights movement, has a post up vaguely warning that the virus software company Symantec just might soon have some sort of shareholders revolt on its hands because it dared to put a bunch of men’s rights sites on a “hate sites” blacklist, blocking access to them for some users of Symantec’s Rulespace software.

That’s kind of an old whine at this point, but what captured my fancy was this recent discussion about Harry’s article in the Men’s Rights subreddit.


Oh, where to begin with all this? I’m charmed, of course, by the idea that feminism is just ruining things — ruining things! —  for all the nice ladies in the tech world. I mean, it’s not like feminists have anything to complain about with regard to sexism amongst male techies. They’re just complainy complainers. Ladies in tech are doing just fine, thanks! Don’t take their word for it. Take the word of some random dude in the Men’s Rights subreddit for it.

But the real treat here is Hamakua’s nightmare vision of an army of  secret “imbedded” Anita Sarkeesians infiltrating major corporations and … doing what, exactly?  Secretly making videos about sexist tropes in video games in hidden compartments underneath their desks, like that secret nap compartment George had built under his desk at work on Seinfeld?

Beware the stealth Sarkeesians!

(Found this through the AgainstMensRights subreddit.)

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11 years ago

I mean I know she raised a hell of a lot more than she had originally hoped for but 99% certain that it didn’t touch a million.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

Not even Double Fine Adventure, the thing that really made Kickstarter huge, made $10 million. I think that level of inflation would be like John the Otter saying he was threatened with a nuke.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Does anyone else see things like $money$ as a coding variable? *has been looking at way too much data lately, like the person who listed 57 religions*

11 years ago

The Fed was literally just printing money and sending it to Sarkeesian, is what I heard.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

I was thinking it was one of those obnoxious things people did during the days of MySpace. Something like “lOl i’M gEtTiNg $mOnEy$ BlInG bLiNg”
God, that was hard to type. Also, it’s supposed to have an obnoxiously-colored background and be one of those “shiny” gifs.

Ally S
11 years ago

Does anyone else see things like $money$ as a coding variable? *has been looking at way too much data lately, like the person who listed 57 religions*

Maybe he’s trying to read a PHP manual from MRA World? I mean, if everything else is backwards there, too, I wouldn’t be surprised if PHP and other web development technologies are messed up there as well.
*has been looking at way too much data, too*

11 years ago

Maybe a unit of $money$ is $0.62.

11 years ago

Wait, hang on, I’ve got that wrong. A unit of $money$ is of course $0.0158.

11 years ago

@Cthulhu’s Intern: like this?

11 years ago

@rabbitwink It’s less paranoia and more narcissism. Their Truth(tm) is so powerful that the feminist hegemony has to reveal its tentacles just to keep them down. Surely, that could be the only reason more people have not taken up the banner hard chairs, friendzones, and less than flattering depictions of males in sitcoms.

11 years ago

@Screaming Fist:

“Your posts are getting desperater, Futrelle. Continue your whining mocking, we all you see you us as you we really are.”

0/10, far too much correction required, and there is no such word as “desperater”.

11 years ago

Does anyone else see things like $money$ as a coding variable?

I just see it as “smoneys”, which means nothing, appropriately enough.

11 years ago

Ooh ooh, can any more astute Manboobzers recommend games that aren’t racist? Old ones are good, I still sometimes chase those down.

How do you define not racist? Avoiding implicit racism or just explicit?

Tetris avoids both. 🙂

11 years ago

Wasn’t “Desperater” the latest Depeche Mode album?

11 years ago

Tetris for the win! 😀

I just wish I could find a download of the original Welltris. Happy memories of ninety-minute lunches playing that game back in the day. (“Move it that way, no that way, whatdidyoudothatfor oh no it’s the bloke who made it DOOOOM”)

Screaming Fist
Screaming Fist
11 years ago

I’d ask if anyone has offered or has the least interest in filming a documentary of the Manboobz faithful, but I know the answer.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

*checks data* including lurkers, we’re in 41 different countries, so filming us would be a tad difficult. And every state except West Virginia *refrains from snark*

11 years ago

I filmed a documentary of the Manboobz faithful.

11 years ago

My documentary has multiple parts. This one won me an Academy Award:

11 years ago

Kimwipes: For delicate tasks, like playing with kittens.

11 years ago

My kickstarter raised $money$ ($4 billion) for this documentary about Manboobz:

Ally S
11 years ago


I’d ask if anyone has offered or has the least interest in filming a documentary of the Manboobz faithful, but I know the answer.”

lol wut

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Now now, only 254 of the 1,616 replies came from people alone with cats (yes, I said 1,616, and so far less than a dozen look like trolls [potentially as few as 3, I need to cross check the “did you really check all that? surveys])

11 years ago

Some outtakes from one of my many Manboobz documentaries:

11 years ago

See, we too could announce that there was a film in the works but it was super secret and you weren’t allowed to ask about it, but…why would we? If we want to look like we do things, we just do things. We don’t make up pretend things and swear that they’ll totally happen in the future.