a voice for men creepy grandiosity hate irony alert johntheother lying liars mansplaining misogyny MRA rape rape culture straw feminists taking pleasure in women's pain the eternal solipsism of the MRA mind the sound of his own voice

John The Other debates John The Other on MRA misogyny, loses

John Hembling: Open mouth, insert foot.
John Hembling: Open mouth, insert foot.

So the other day someone asked the Men’s Rights subreddit “Why do people think you guys hate women?”

There were a lot of ridiculous answers to that question, but one of the most ridiculous (and one of the most highly upvoted) responses came from our old friend John Hembling, the blabby Canadian videoblogger and A Voice for Men “Editor in Chief” also known for some dopey reason as John The Other. He explained:

johntheother [-37] 29 points 3 days ago (36|7)  They dont actually think we hate women. The accusation is a derailing tactic, designed to push the topic towards a defensive posture, and requiring proof from us (MRAs) that "hatred of women" is a false claim.  When used, it takes the discussion away from real issues such as suicide rates, homelessness, infant genital mutilation and so on.  It's very very effective, because it plays on the fact that almost all men, including MRAs are basically decent. And the social stigma of a public perception of hatred of women is painful. To overcome this tactic, it is necessary to discard a self image relying on consensus approval. Tough to do because we are social animals. But to disarm the attack of "you hate women" it's necessary to develop a strong self identity which takes no account of consensus conferral of approval. Be the "bad man", and let only your own internal compas of right and wrong guide you.

Really, John? Because I have something like 1200 posts on this blog here that would seem to suggest that, no, a lot of MRAs (and PUAs and MGOTWers) really, honestly, sincerely, and sometimes even proudly, hate women. (Ok, a certain percentage of my posts are actually about kitties, but still, I invite you to spend a month or so going through the archives, John; you may learn a thing or two.)

But, actually, there’s no need to take my word on the subject. Because if you really want to know why so many people think MRAs hate women, I invite you to take a look at and a listen to this video by a prominent MRA. Seems pretty obvious that this guy hates women, wouldn’t you agree?

Oh, by the way, this guy is you. [TRIGGER WARNING for people who are not John Hembling and who might be disturbed by a smirking asshole literally laughing about rape. Seriously. This is bad even by his standards.]

Oh, another by the way:  Hembling complained about feminists “doxing” him long after he made the video that was excerpted here in which he gave out his name. That’s right, he put his name out in his own video, then complained that feminists were violating his privacy and basically terrorizing him by ever mentioning his name. Until he started going by his real name again.

Before I go, here’s another particularly inane contribution to the Reddit discussion:

AloysiusC 6 points 3 days ago (9|3)  Many of the female feminists have deep inferiority issues about their gender and, instead of addressing those issues, they take the easy path by blaming the world which results in them seeing misogyny literally everywhere. Not just us, but all of society. Basically anything that isn't explicitly celebrating women triggers their misogyny alarm.  There's more to it.  Because they see it as a competition between the sexes (that's what an inferiority complex requires), they cannot handle anything positive being said about men. This too is, to them, misogyny.  Meanwhile many of the male feminists also deep down believe women are inferior but they're motivated by a sense of guilt - and they project their views onto other men. They simply can't imagine a man not seeing women as lesser creatures because that's how THEY feel deep down.  Because of these motivations, there will never be a way to be an MRA without getting misogyny accusations - no matter how much we walk on eggshells.

Huh. MRAs certainly have a most unusual way of “walking on eggshells.” Indeed, to this outside observer it looks a lot less like “walking on eggshells” and more like “angry toddler having an endless stompy tantrum.”

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11 years ago


Nice dodge of the meat of the post. Very impressive. The judges give it a 8/10 although you get marks off for addressing half of the substantive remarks instead of ignoring the first two paragraphs, which go together, entirely.

I’d also like to know where I “ordered” Cassandra to leave the thread. I’ll have to provide that info to tech support when I explain that some weird browser glitch is hiding my comments from me.

11 years ago

The above comment is not to be taken as an indication that I think golems are really real and there are many of them in Prague right now. Just so we don’t end up having to argue about that too.

…I think we may have discovered the interpretation-free text.

11 years ago

For crying out aloud, Nepenthe, you’re doing a great job of ignoring nuance and tone and all the rest of an online conversation here – your comments to Cassandra last night were very much “piss off if you don’t like it” and the fact that three people read ’em that way says the “Oh, tell me where I said that?” line isn’t convincing. You’re seriously talking like a troll now, and addressing katz as if she is.

11 years ago

I’m not so sure digital weed is a good idea. Do you know how hard that would make it to meet deadlines?

11 years ago

The only reasons golems aren’t in Prague is ‘cos they all turned into ring-tailed possum golems and migrated here.


11 years ago

Totally OT but I’ve always wanted to go to Prague. It’s supposed to be a great bar city.

11 years ago

And if we’re going with the “if I didn’t literally say those exact words, it didn’t happen” standard of evidence, such that “No one’s stopping you from leaving, you know” isn’t telling someone to leave, then you’re going to have to find a quote where someone literally said “atheists must be silent,” as you claimed about elebenty bajillion times yesterday.

(Disclaimer: It was not literally elebenty bajillion times. I am using a device known as hyperbole.)

11 years ago

When exactly did CassandraSays’ conversational preferences become so important here? If someone came in and whined on and on about how they hate when people post cat videos, would the person who suggested that there’s a wide world of non-cat video threads be yelled at for ordering them to go away?

11 years ago

I’m not so sure digital weed is a good idea. Do you know how hard that would make it to meet deadlines?

And then no one would ever remember to include their attachments!

11 years ago

Yes. I told CassandraSays to leave. Because she wanted the conversation to be over. That’s hardly an order or an exile or whatever bullshit you’d like to pretend it is.

11 years ago

Cassandra wasn’t whining. You really are getting objectionable about this, Nepenthe, and I’m not sure why. I seriously don’t see ATHEIST OPPRESSION OMG happening on this blog.

11 years ago

Totally OT but I’ve always wanted to go to Prague. It’s supposed to be a great bar city.

I went there when, ironically, I was a teenager. It seemed cool, but I’ve heard it’s an awesome place to hang out as a grown-up. Very young, very hip, very single.

11 years ago

Also rather tall people, though, right? I’m worried it would be like when I went to Amsterdam and felt like I was in a chapter from Gulliver’s Travels.

11 years ago

Looks like height is about an inch over US and AU; about 2 inches over UK and NZ. And…in the Netherlands, men are over 6 feet on average? Did not know that.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Someone pass the digital bong. I’m still fighting with excel over headers because someone is apparently ALL THE POLITICAL VIEWS.

Also, that possum thing is creepy.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I may come to regret this, but you’ll all know in a couple of days anyways…half the blog checked non-religious beliefs. (Including the person who checked fifty-fucking-eight religions/beliefs)

11 years ago

I guess I think of Czech people as tall because all the ones I know of are either models or hockey players. Still taller than me, though.

Holland is the land of the giants. I wandered through the airport feeling like a kid who’d lost her mom at the mall at Christmas.

11 years ago

I don’t have a digi-bong, so here is a song about weed instead.

11 years ago

Geez, I am an atheist because I find no evidence of God or gods in my own life and experiences.
I have no desire to argue anyone into agreeing with me who does not.

11 years ago

KFOG in San Francisco has been playing this one at 4:20 on Fridays for as long as I can remember.

11 years ago
11 years ago


Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Gotta have it’s own line!

And thank you, I’m 2 min from having all the data in a useable spreadsheet that can be math’ed and shit.

Well, 5 min because EXCEL KEEPS CRASHING!!

11 years ago

Oh, is that what makes it not work?

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I’m pretty sure, yeah.

I’m also completely beat. The data is all in one usable spreadsheet, will deal with it more once I sleeeeeeeep.
