advocacy of violence alpha males creepy domestic violence douchebaggery evo psych fairy tales grandiosity heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism

Heartiste: Men need to be able to hit their mates in order to “retain” them

A better way to retain your mate: Be a sharp-dressed man.
A better way to retain your mate: Be a sharp-dressed man.

You may know Heartiste as a reactionary, misogynistic, proudly racist dispenser of manipulative, sometimes abusive dating advice to would-be “alpha males.”

Did you also know that he was an open advocate of domestic violence against women?

Well, I didn’t, until a friend pointed out a strange little exchange on his Twitter account the other day.

Last Tuesday morning, apropos of nothing in particular, Heartiste made the following pronouncement:

When someone asked what sort of threats he meant, he elaborated:

The latter three items on the list (“Abandonment. Shame. Ostracism”) are standard techniques in Heartiste’s dating strategy, but the open advocacy of violence is, I think, new.

In addition to being repugnant, Heartiste’s argument here doesn’t even particularly make sense. Essentially, he seems to be saying that men need to be able to hit women to keep them in line so that they won’t have to … hit women to keep them in line.

Also, the phrase “mate retention strategy,” apparently popular with Evo Psych types, gives me the creeps. I’m pretty sure the best “mate retention strategy” is to be the sort of person your “mate” wants to be in a relationship with.

I did a quick search for the phrase, and found numerous references to two academic studies. One suggested that some women fake orgasms as a “mate retention strategy.” Another possibly more revealing one claimed that men of “low mate value” often insult their mates to lower their self-esteem so they won’t feel confident enough to leave. That seems more or less in line with what Heartiste’s general approach. And certainly, by any reasonable definition of the term, Heartiste and his followers are some pretty “low value” people, both as “mates” and as decent human beings generally.

I also found this reference to research by Evo Psych big daddy David Buss suggesting that violence — surprise! — isn’t actually a particularly effective “mate retention strategy.”

Also, beating up your mate is, you know, just generally a pretty shitty thing to do.

If Heartiste takes his tweets down, I’ve got screenshots.

EDITED TO ADD: Heartiste has really been going wild with the Twitter lately.

Here he claims to have invented the term “hivemind.”

After I pointed out that this belief was delusional, he suggested that I kill myself. Very alpha!

He’s also been on a bit of a racist rampage, posting lots of stuff like this:

See also here, here, here, here, and here.

Phrasing your racism in pseudoscientific terms doesn’t make it right, dude. It just makes you a pretentious racist.

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Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

See, I’m kind of pissed, because this summer I’ve had to deal with assholes catcalling me and giving me creepy leers from their cars, which is actually demoralizing (and dehumanizing) and Greggy here is making some damn hypothetical here to give excuses on why he should hit woman.

Seriously, should I be beating the shit out of every man that cat calls me? Should I have taken on the guy that called me a cunt at a party a few weeks ago? And then if I slapped him would he have been justified in beating the shit out of me? Where does the cycle end? Why don’t we all just shoot each other? That’ll REALLY teach ’em a lesson!

Professionals and bloggers don’t know crap about how to deal with abusers. That’s why the victim usually ends up dead, severly injured, or scarred for life.

Uhh, normally women who have been abused end up severely injured or scarred for life because, in self defense, they swung back, and their abusive partner used your mental gymnastics to claim “the bitch deserved it” and hospitalized her. The last thing you want to do to an abuser is give them an excuse to hit you more.

Alright. I’ll take your word for it. (not sarcasm, to clarify.) It’s just not something I’ve ever seen happen, and no way I was trusting Trolly on it.

I mean, it’s reality. There are shitty people out there, period. Doesn’t justify violence against them. Doesn’t mean that you should lump other people of their sex in with them just because you’ve come across some shitty people of that sex. That’s the problem with what this guy is saying. It’s not the acknowledgement of female abusers (I know of three off the top of my head in my own life) that is the problem, it’s justifying violence against them and generalizing an entire sex (and singling out people for their race and class) because of them. The truth is, I know those three white female abusers and they stick out like a sore thumb because they’re abusing people I love and care about, but I know way more women who aren’t abusers, so I know better than to think that they’re representative of women as a whole. I also know just as many, if not more male abusers. It’s not RIGHT what they’re doing, but when you abuse them right back, or escalate verbal abuse to physical retaliation, you no longer have a leg to stand on in saying you’re any better than that person.

It depends on what the person did. If the person did some extremely foul crap, then it’s okay to call DCFS on them or to get them jumped.

No, it’s ok to call DCFS on a person if they are abusing their kids. And, as someone else already pointed out, the fact that you chose to call them, not because they were being abused, but because she was disrespecting you, speaks volumes about you as a person. Had she never disrespected you, you would have just let her go on abusing her kids? Classy.

This thread grew ridiculously long while I was sleeping.

11 years ago

Late to the party here, but happy birthday Kitten!

11 years ago

Thanks, Dvarg! 🙂

Jessay (@jessay)
11 years ago

Being on welfare and instigating shit because you feel entitled to shit that doesn’t belong to you is being uncooth and demonic.

So those not on welfare who instigate shit are cool? What does welfare have to do with being an asshole? Nothing. You’re just on some classist shit. If someone is an asshole, they’re an asshole. No need to make low blows at them for being in a financially disadvantaged position.

For all you rag on people of lower income, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the abusive, manipulative heads of corporations and politicians who have created the class of the working poor which leads to the elusive “welfare queen” you despise so much. The people who do very little work and profit off the hard labor of those who can’t even afford the products they’re producing and selling. The ones who are forced by the companies they work for to get government assistance because, even though they could still turn a huge profit if they paid their employees a fair wage and offered health insurance, they employ them for just under enough hours to qualify for insurance. What about those people? Do they have the right to get in your face without getting hit? Or do you simply target the lower income people who couldn’t take you to court if they wanted to?

JFC, you’re a piece of work.

11 years ago

We’re thinking this is probably the Boston baby socking again, Jessay. Little tool trying out yet another of his “let’s pretend” personae.

11 years ago

I knew I had a cake picture somewhere. 🙂

11 years ago

Oy, weren’t you supposed to be going shopping?

11 years ago

Yup, that was three hours ago. Got the watch band I was after but the rest of the mall I was looking in was all sports clothes outlets. Blech!

11 years ago

LOL love it!

I reckon Mads would have the same expression if I knitted her a sweater. 😛

11 years ago

In my experience, dogs seem to enjoy wearing clothing much more than their feline friends.

11 years ago

oh, Mama dog says Happy Birthday to you and hi to the kitties.

11 years ago

Wow. I missed a lot after I derailed this thread into art…

I know we’re ignoring him, but I notice no one called out Mr. Asshole on the idea that rape should only be charged in instances where there is DNA and obvious trauma? Just wanted to say that was bullshit and that’s approx. where I stopped reading his shit, which means I missed most of the violent rhetoric (which I am a-ok with).

Happy belated Birthday Kitteh!!

And my deviant art page:

And I’m gonna rerail this back into art: holy crap!

11 years ago

Oh! And Amnesia, your art is also awesome. I like the person surrounded by glasses, and the insert of the girl at the window. Those are great!

11 years ago

I’m sure he’s not from California. In California it’s not DCFS, it’s Child Protective Services.

Whoever it is, is a liar.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

It’s DCFS here, I think (CT)

11 years ago

I’m sure he’s not from California. In California it’s not DCFS, it’s Child Protective Services.

Whoever it is, is a liar.

Alas, in LA county it appears to be DCFS.

Still pretty likely he’s not from California, though.

11 years ago

Thanks, SittieKitty! Art’s much better than that scumbag troll’s rantings, fersure.

Success story! I finished the jumper I was making for my hairdresser this week, and here she is wearing it.

11 years ago

Wow. I can’t imagine how long that must have taken Kitteh. That’s amazing…

11 years ago


What a nice jumper! 😀 Looks so cozy.

11 years ago

Okay, due to popular demand (and katz’s “JOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN UUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS” continually haunting me in my everyday life), I have revived my seven year-old deviant account that only had two pictures in it anyway. Now it has eleven. I guess it’s an improvement. *shrugs*

So, here’s my page:

11 years ago

SittieKitty, Marie – thanks! 🙂

It took a couple of months, maybe? I can’t remember when I started it, but it wasn’t until the weather cooled down, so probably April-May. I don’t do a huge amount of knitting per day, just on the train home and an hour or so in the evenings. Weekends I get distracted by this blog site you may have heard of …

11 years ago


Okay, due to popular demand (and katz’s “JOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN UUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS” continually haunting me in my everyday life), I have revived my seven year-old deviant account that only had two pictures in it anyway. Now it has eleven. I guess it’s an improvement. *shrugs*

Yay! 😀 Added.