advocacy of violence alpha males creepy domestic violence douchebaggery evo psych fairy tales grandiosity heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism

Heartiste: Men need to be able to hit their mates in order to “retain” them

A better way to retain your mate: Be a sharp-dressed man.
A better way to retain your mate: Be a sharp-dressed man.

You may know Heartiste as a reactionary, misogynistic, proudly racist dispenser of manipulative, sometimes abusive dating advice to would-be “alpha males.”

Did you also know that he was an open advocate of domestic violence against women?

Well, I didn’t, until a friend pointed out a strange little exchange on his Twitter account the other day.

Last Tuesday morning, apropos of nothing in particular, Heartiste made the following pronouncement:

When someone asked what sort of threats he meant, he elaborated:

The latter three items on the list (“Abandonment. Shame. Ostracism”) are standard techniques in Heartiste’s dating strategy, but the open advocacy of violence is, I think, new.

In addition to being repugnant, Heartiste’s argument here doesn’t even particularly make sense. Essentially, he seems to be saying that men need to be able to hit women to keep them in line so that they won’t have to … hit women to keep them in line.

Also, the phrase “mate retention strategy,” apparently popular with Evo Psych types, gives me the creeps. I’m pretty sure the best “mate retention strategy” is to be the sort of person your “mate” wants to be in a relationship with.

I did a quick search for the phrase, and found numerous references to two academic studies. One suggested that some women fake orgasms as a “mate retention strategy.” Another possibly more revealing one claimed that men of “low mate value” often insult their mates to lower their self-esteem so they won’t feel confident enough to leave. That seems more or less in line with what Heartiste’s general approach. And certainly, by any reasonable definition of the term, Heartiste and his followers are some pretty “low value” people, both as “mates” and as decent human beings generally.

I also found this reference to research by Evo Psych big daddy David Buss suggesting that violence — surprise! — isn’t actually a particularly effective “mate retention strategy.”

Also, beating up your mate is, you know, just generally a pretty shitty thing to do.

If Heartiste takes his tweets down, I’ve got screenshots.

EDITED TO ADD: Heartiste has really been going wild with the Twitter lately.

Here he claims to have invented the term “hivemind.”

After I pointed out that this belief was delusional, he suggested that I kill myself. Very alpha!

He’s also been on a bit of a racist rampage, posting lots of stuff like this:

See also here, here, here, here, and here.

Phrasing your racism in pseudoscientific terms doesn’t make it right, dude. It just makes you a pretentious racist.

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11 years ago

Noooo borked the link:

11 years ago

Aregenti: already contacted the Dark Lord.

Greg: you don’t understand how this works. You make a claim, you back it up.

11 years ago

HELLKELL, SHOW, me proof that MRA sites advocate violence towards innocent people.

Why should any of us have to produce proof when you’ve categorically failed to produce any?
(but to answer your vapid question: does the name ‘Thomas Ball’ ring a bell?)

11 years ago

And the dimwit thinks MRAs didn’t praise Sodini. What a maroon.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Arrghhhh there’s an h in Pittsburgh! 7 years there and my grandfather always spelt it Pittsburg, drove me up a wall!

Also, another appeal to emotion. You’re at 7 points for the Spot! That! Fallacy! show. Current record holder is Obsidan at 20 pts. (2 for two appeals to emotion, and the 5 maximum for goalpost moving, and I give it 5 min before another for this whole make a claim insist we prove you wrong shit).

11 years ago

If I were Greg and I mugged (or claimed to mug, or had someone mug) everyone who’d ever annoyed me, I too would think that there was pretty much no violence on MRA sites.

Greg Wright
Greg Wright
11 years ago

Didn’t see anything on spearhead about voice boxes being cut out.

Ally S
11 years ago

Let’s not forget about Angry Harry, who expressed an apologetic attitude towards a man bombing his wife’s house and asserted that abused women like being abused.

11 years ago

Greg: did you look?

11 years ago

You win the prize for being the most gleefully pro-violence troll I think I’ve ever seen breeze through here. The prize is my undying contempt. Enjoy.

11 years ago

I don’t think Greg’s reading skills are quite up to par for such a simple task.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

hellkell — ok, I haven’t really formed coherent questions about presenting the data anyways, and I’d rather not be emailing him a ton!

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Wow, Greg, you sure did look hard, didn’t you?

11 years ago

Anything that Greg has not personally seen does not exist and is inadmissible as evidence. Anything that Greg decides is true is automatically true and needs no evidence.


11 years ago

She learned a valuable lesson that night. STFU or get jumped.

According to Greg, a woman talking shit about you means she should get beat up.

This is not abuse apologism at all/sarcasm

and now you’re bragging about it. Seems to me that you are a disgusting fuckhead who wants to see people beat up.

Wow… this is reaching disturbing levels of violence against women.


that is my thought exact. it’s like… ugh

BTW, ratchets aren’t human beings.

Okay, my racist vocab is off, but is “ratchet” a derogatory word to refer to a black woman you don’t like? Because if it is, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

HELLKELL, SHOW, me proof that MRA sites advocate violence towards innocent people.

How about you read the site (manboobz) too see all of the examples yourself instead of trolling?

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

@Argenti: I had just now finished my 2.5 minutes of searching, and found that link, only to find you had saved it.

*heavy sigh*

Howard Bannister
11 years ago


Urban Dictionary on “ratchet”

-has a weave reminiscent of a bird’s nest after a tempest hit the tree it was in, and is dyed at least thrice

I’m going to go way out on a limb and say, yeah, totally racist.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

(and it does get worse…)

If spotted, please report to the authorities, notifying them that they are possible smack addicts, or potential, degenerate Chaka Khan look-alikes.

Totally fucking racist.

Greg Wright
Greg Wright
11 years ago

@ Howard

I saw that foul screen shot about the voice boxes. That guy needs to be shot in the neck and left for dead in Death Valley.

That’s not how I get down. I only advocate for bullies getting beat or killed.

Anyone can post on an MRA site. I use to be a subcriber to TFL until they kicked off members for getting a girlfriend.

MRA is suppose to be about male pride, educating men on the legal system, and training men on the trade craft of dealing with female bullies. It’s not suppose to be about killing or hurting innocent people.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

@ Howard

I saw that foul screen shot about the voice boxes. That guy needs to be shot in the neck and left for dead in Death Valley.

But Greg is NOT an abuse apologist!

Greg Wright
Greg Wright
11 years ago

A ratchet can be a foul uncooth woman of any race. It isn’t just meant for Black women.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

MRA is suppose to be about male pride, educating men on the legal system, and training men on the trade craft of dealing with female bullies. It’s not suppose to be about killing or hurting innocent people.

Advocates killing people for having odious views.

Then says ‘this isn’t supposed to be about killing or hurting innocent people.’

Is totally unaware of irony.

11 years ago

Greg is down with people getting beat or killed for being “uncooth.” Greg: stand-up fucking guy.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Ok, guys? Who thinks we need non-David mods in various time zones and schedules so fuckers like this can get the banhammer faster?

Because THAT is the appropriate response to calls for violence. Not violence. Violence continues to never be the answer.

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