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The Man Boobz Survey is up! Go take it! [UPDATE: Survey closes Thursday at 8 PM, EST]

Survey says: Actually, none of these are options on the Man Boobz survey
Survey says: Actually, none of these are options on the Man Boobz survey

Thanks to the hard work of Argenti Aertheri and the suggestions of various other Boobzers, the Man Boobz survey is now up and ready to be taken. It will give me — and all of you — a better picture of just what sort of people read Man Boobz on a regular basis. It’s completely anonymous. Go take it! It will only take a few minutes.

I will probably leave it up for a couple of days, and will report the results here as soon as the numbers are crunched.

I think pretty much any other question you might have about it will probably be answered on the survey itself, so hop to it!

Thanks Argenti!

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11 years ago

Thanks Pecunium, it’s a very interesting site.

11 years ago

It’s odd that in the Bay Area (and in the UK) I’m often read as not white (sometimes Hispanic or Arab, often Persian which is weirdly specific – in the latter case it’s always people who’re Persian themselves reading me that way), but in Texas I was almost always read as white even with a dark tan.

Except when my family went to Mexico when I was 8 and the border guards didn’t want to let me back into the US because they were convinced that my parents couldn’t possibly be my parents, since neither of them were as “foreign” looking as I was and my accent didn’t match theirs since I had never lived in the UK at that point. They accused my parents of trying to smuggle me in to be a maid, it was pretty damn trippy.

11 years ago

I didn’t understand why there wasn’t simply the option communist. Some people prefer that simple label to any sort of labels that are linked to people having come up with those theories.

The Spider from Mars
The Spider from Mars
11 years ago

It would be interesting to see what the survey would look like if all the trolls who have been here participated. Perhaps that should have been added as a category?
Anyway, I’m delurking; have been reading this site for a few days after I had a strange experience. I am a man and I was walking with two female friends, and this guy walked up to this shouting that I was being dominated by women and I needed to take the Red Pill. Possibly he was angry because one of my female friends had pinched me on the arm playfully. So unlike most of you, I was introduced to the strange world of the MRA outside the Internet.

11 years ago

CassandraSays, it’s weird how people see others depending on the country. I have a friend that looks Arab too, but I didn’t realize it until we went to Greece and someone pointed that out. When I was growing up there was not a lot of diversity in Spain, so I never really thought about things like race.
It has happened to me too because I look “whiter” than most white Spanish people, and some people still ask me if I’m French (that happened to my mother as well), but when travelling to the North of Europe there is people much more pale than me.

11 years ago

Umm… does gender neutral count as trans? I know it’s a question of what I consider myself to be, but I’m not sure whether I consider myself to be trans or other… maybe I’ll just go with other.

11 years ago

Your story is better though, mine was boring haha 😀

11 years ago


That was an extremely awesome survey! I wish more surveys were that comprehensive and in-depth, although I am happy to say this is the second super-in-deph demographic survey I have taken on the internet. I do wish I could have pitched in to help with the Pagan section though – for example I had a problem picking one because while I am a Hellenic polytheist, I am not a *reconstructionist*. So I felt conflicted picking that option. ^_^; It’s nuances like that that are really difficult to know/find out if you’re not already part of the in-group you know?

11 years ago

Oh wow… white privilege twinge: I’m not at the top of the ethnicity list!! 😮

*pokes self with a stick*

11 years ago

Hi there BlackSphinx! Here’s your welcome package. ^_^

11 years ago

It might have been said already, but my mom insists that I comment that there was no “Episcopalian” option for raised-as religion. (“We’re way less conservative than Anglicans!”) ;p

11 years ago

There also wasn’t any “Anglo-Catholic” (think High Church Episcopalians/Anglicans who want to reconcile with Rome, but are, generally, more socially liberal than Rome can stomach, and too Religiously Conservative for the Anglican Conference).

Religion is hard to taxonomise. It’s splitting, and lumping.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Umm… does gender neutral count as trans? I know it’s a question of what I consider myself to be, but I’m not sure whether I consider myself to be trans or other… maybe I’ll just go with other.”

That’s why the are you trans* question is separate, pick whichever you feel comfortable with (or just skip it, I don’t think I made that one required)

Re: white not on top — that chunk, like the rest, are alphabetical! Honestly alphabetical sorting was a hell of a lot easier than trying to make judgement calls on the order.

*smacks Christian list with a stick* cursed thing, why didn’t you have such large groups while having the handful of Shakers left on you?! Just go with other I guess, sorry!

11 years ago

I noticed that too! I’ve had people insist that Episcopalians are actually Anglicans before, which irked me on my granny’s behalf.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Pecunium — everything else I’ll apologize for but you made the Catholic list!

The sillies are setting in already, I need more coffee.

Sorry to everyone I missed, I readily acknowledge I am neither perfect, nor an expert on most of the topics listed (more like nearly all of them, I guess I sorta know the gender section fairly well)

11 years ago

I’m so glad I found Manboobz! I’m shy and socially awkward so it’s difficult for me to express my emotions without feeling that I’m being weird, but I’m having a happy day and I wanted to tell you all that I love this site and that I am learning a lot from all of you. Thank you! 😀

11 years ago

@CassandraSays: That sounds like a horrible experience! Train employees once threatened to not let our familly dog travel on the Eurostar from Brussels to Lille, and they had to relent once my 8-year old sister figured out what was going on and burst into tears. What happened to you seems like the kind of stuff that would give you nightmares way into your adult life.


11 years ago

Actually it was more Monty Python sketch than terrifying experience*. It was just sort of surreal, because at that point I was still on my mother’s passport and she was showing it to them going “see, check it out, there she is” and they just refused to believe it. Even weirder is the fact that other than the difference in coloring I look just like my dad.

*The fact that I wasn’t scared? Totally privilege.

11 years ago

I’ve seen “paganism” defined in such a way to include any polytheistic belief system. I suppose that’s where people are getting the idea that Shinto, Vodou, etc. are pagan.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cassandra — smuggling you as a maid? Dafuq?!

In interesting survey things that I can say without fear of biasing it, so far we have boobzers in…

Czech Republic
South Africa
New Zealand

Damn near ever US state, though I only sorta test it after my test data came from not-CT. Including Alaska and Hawaii though!

Nifty, we’re from all over the place!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lots of non-binary lurkers, aww. Guys, we won’t bite, your survey was made by a non-binary. They all respect my ze/zir pronouns, promise we’ll be good about it with you! And we have cupcakes!

11 years ago

Regarding Spanish people… Something I’ve really realized is that racists in different parts of the world have different standards for being properly white. Because racists can’t just lean back and think “that’s nice, everyone is white here”, but compulsively looks for POC:s to hate, they move their goalposts depending on what the population looks like where they live. I grew up in a very rural part of Sweden where basically everyone was white, but was the racists content with this state of affairs? Oh no. They move the goalposts so that people with a more southern European ancestry, who have naturally black or at least very dark brown hair and tans easily, count as not-quite-white – to be properly white you need blonde, red or more light-brown hair and super fair skin.

That’s really interesting. My hair has naturally ranged from very dark brown to orangish to almost dirty blonde depending on how much sun I’ve been exposed to, but nowadays it’s almost always brown to dark brown because I always wear hats outside. In the United States, I’ve never not been considered white (my heritage is mostly German) but I wonder if that’d be the case if I lived in Europe. Huh.

11 years ago

Yay survey! Obviously my idea with the white European/other didn’t communicate itself very well. In NZ the majority-white population is mostly mongrels with varying amounts of Anglo-Saxon/Gaelic/other European extraction. I feel like there should be different categories for generally white from countries like England/Canada/US/Australia/NZ vs white European, without making tooooo many options. Oh well. 😛

11 years ago

Anglo Catholic aren’t Catholics. They are in the Anglican Communion: which is it’s own brand of hard to ID, and not really my Baliwick.

11 years ago

@Amnesia: I think you’re on the safe side if your hair bleaches easily in the sun. But you know how some people’s hair stay really dark even if they’re out in the sun and get a deep tan? They’re the suspicious ones…

I should add that I actually think the goalposts differ between racists in, say, Stockholm (capital of Sweden with large black and arab neighbourhoods) and racists far out in the countryside who never encounter real POC:s that they can hate on.

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