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The Man Boobz Survey is up! Go take it! [UPDATE: Survey closes Thursday at 8 PM, EST]

Survey says: Actually, none of these are options on the Man Boobz survey
Survey says: Actually, none of these are options on the Man Boobz survey

Thanks to the hard work of Argenti Aertheri and the suggestions of various other Boobzers, the Man Boobz survey is now up and ready to be taken. It will give me — and all of you — a better picture of just what sort of people read Man Boobz on a regular basis. It’s completely anonymous. Go take it! It will only take a few minutes.

I will probably leave it up for a couple of days, and will report the results here as soon as the numbers are crunched.

I think pretty much any other question you might have about it will probably be answered on the survey itself, so hop to it!

Thanks Argenti!

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11 years ago

@Argenti I know Pagans claim Discordianism, but I’ve also seen Pagans claiming Shinto and Voudou as Pagan. Do Discordians tend to ID as Pagan?

Thanks for the Blackfeet example. I was thinking that describing a religion solely in terms of its mythology is incomplete (like how we don’t just refer to Christianity as “Biblical mythology”), and I was even going to point out that the line between “religion” and “the rest of the culture” isn’t always clear, but I see you’re (a) aware of that and (b) basing your decision on information I didn’t have, so my funny feelings about it are assuaged. And it’s nice to be able to discuss religion with people who’ve actually made some sort of study of it beyond “9/11 bad, Prop 8 bad, religion bad”.

11 years ago

historophilia: “people from Spain aren’t Hispanic, and a majority of that population would consider themselves white. But a US-centric point of view holds that Spanish-speaking=Hispanic.”

That explains why american tourists buy Mexican hats when they come here.

11 years ago

Sort of

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

…wow, we might be as white as them, but they’re definitely more cis, nearly 20% (so far) did not check that option!

40%~ so far disabled in some way. Yeah, whomever guessed we’re going to be less priviledged on other axes wins a prize.

Pecunium, you were right about splitting Catholic btw. And adding Quakers (I have no idea how my list had Shakers but not Quakers, that was just weird)

And my listing ALL THE RELIGIONS was apparently worth it, got a handful of people from the various indigenous religions // mythologies. (If it shouldn’t have had the mythology label, I blame the internet and apologize for my ignorance.)

I don’t want to say too much while it’s up, and risk biasing the results, but there are some interesting things in here. Sorting the religions, particularly which religions tended to change to which religions, is going to take me awhile. Most of the first two pages should be relatively easy though.

And what percent of us are David, that one is easy as freeze peach pie! (In both senses)

Apparently I need to hand out chair cushions post haste *distributes cushions* and aww, you need hugs? *hugs!!!*

You are all awesome, I can’t believe how much there is here already!

La Strega
11 years ago

I look forward to seeing to it.

11 years ago

arubakeru, are you in Spain? Sorry if you’ve said already…

(He visitado a España, y me gustaría mucho volver otra vez. Also, no he hablado/escrito en español en unos años)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“@Argenti I know Pagans claim Discordianism, but I’ve also seen Pagans claiming Shinto and Voudou as Pagan. Do Discordians tend to ID as Pagan?”

I for one do, and the only other place it’d fit would be the parody (there’s some debate on that, since, by nature, disagreement is good). Pagans claiming Shinto and Voudou would almost certainly piss off the followers thereof (had I done Catholic separate from Christian, then Voudou might’ve become an issue)

“That explains why american tourists buy Mexican hats when they come here.”

You can probably just blame US racism for that one.

11 years ago

emilygoddess, yes, I’m from Barcelona. You speak well 🙂 (“also” is “además”).

Si te apetece podemos hablar en castellano pero los demás no nos entenderían…

11 years ago

I put White – European as in my ancestry was European, that was probably silly of me >.> I also called myself a regular and semi-regular is probably more accurate at this point. I’m in ur surveys, skewing ur results.

Well done Argenti, this represents a lot of work and careful thought. Also fun!

11 years ago

Argenti: “You can probably just blame US racism for that one.”

I always thought it was ignorance more than racism, but it might be both.

11 years ago

Regarding Spanish people… Something I’ve really realized is that racists in different parts of the world have different standards for being properly white. Because racists can’t just lean back and think “that’s nice, everyone is white here”, but compulsively looks for POC:s to hate, they move their goalposts depending on what the population looks like where they live. I grew up in a very rural part of Sweden where basically everyone was white, but was the racists content with this state of affairs? Oh no. They move the goalposts so that people with a more southern European ancestry, who have naturally black or at least very dark brown hair and tans easily, count as not-quite-white – to be properly white you need blonde, red or more light-brown hair and super fair skin.

This particular racist goal post was so obvious to me (I mean, not that I embraced it, but it was obvious to me that this is how racists regard whiteness) that I was shocked when I saw an American talk show where there was a KKK member who had a deep tan and black hair. My completely spontaneous reaction was “But… how come you’re accepted by the KKK looking like that?”. Then I thought some more and realized that racist standards are probably really different in the American south compared to rural Sweden.

11 years ago

I predict that, at the very least, the results are going to reveal that a very significant number of respondents are trans* and/or gender non-conforming. I mean, the number of de-lurkers here who reveal that they are trans* and/or gender non-conforming is pretty big from what I’ve noticed.

11 years ago

I’m never quite certain how to answer such question… I did write cis woman because I identify as such. Although I would change my body to a male one or at the very least an androgynous one if it was possible to do so at the drop of a hat and with no adverse consequences. But since I’m not terribly bothered by being called “she” or having breasts and a vagina, I call myself cis woman. Other people might have different definitions…

Although there’s just no getting away from the fact that people will answer differently depending on how they define various words to themselves, and as I said above, I think this survey is the best that could be had.

11 years ago

In personal good news, this survey came out just when I could put “employed” on it. I just received a job offer for a well-paying job in my field (biology) that will be fun and help me get into graduate school. I haven’t started yet, especially since I’ll have to move about 4 hrs away and I’m trying to find an apartment and a car, but I’m quite happy about it.

11 years ago


I once engaged in a “debate” with a Spanish neonazi and it seems so contradictory. I saw a video of him in his youtube account and he had dark hair and tanned skin. And even if he were blond, it’s probable that some of his ancestors were of various ethnicities (as mine are). He was an angry little douche who called me “marica” (fag) and other homophobic slurs in order to hurt my manliness, I guess? (I always use non-gendered language when I speak in Spanish on the Internet and people usually think I’m a man.)

11 years ago

arubakeru: You answered the question I was going to ask: You are in spain. That answers (to me) the question I was going to ask (in relation to your grandmother).

This article might help, as a starting off point.

(I’m not jewish, but I have a fair conversance with Judiasm, and Jewish Culture, for a non-jew. I also have resources in Jewish communities).

11 years ago

Pecunium, your links don’t work.

11 years ago

Carp! That link is fishy. Here it is. Marranos, Conversos,and New Christians

11 years ago

Hahaha, still doesn’t work!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Wordsp1nner — congrats!

“This particular racist goal post was so obvious to me (I mean, not that I embraced it, but it was obvious to me that this is how racists regard whiteness) that I was shocked when I saw an American talk show where there was a KKK member who had a deep tan and black hair. My completely spontaneous reaction was “But… how come you’re accepted by the KKK looking like that?”. Then I thought some more and realized that racist standards are probably really different in the American south compared to rural Sweden.”

Yeah I tan, have had like 3 sunburns and all of them were like, April and fuck why did I spend all day in the sun with no tan yet?! Hair’s brown with a touch of red, turns red when the dye fades out (not quite as red as pecunium though). But in the US? White.

Aaliyah — so far your guess is correct.

Pecunium’s borked link should be this —

11 years ago

“marrano” means pig/dirty in Spanish

11 years ago

Congrats to Wordspinner!

11 years ago

just thought you might find that interesting…

11 years ago

I did the survey. I didn’t answer the political belief question because honestly, I’m not very sure myself. I’m probably more of a social democrat, but that belief system is tainted for me because the the social democrat party in my country are that in name only (much like the socialist party).
I also didn’t answer the class one. I’m unemployed, but I am living with my mother who is middle-class, so I have a lot of advantages other unemployed people wouldn’t have, so I wasn’t sure what to answer.

But other than that, I really liked the survey, very comprehensive and very inclusive, kudos, Argennti.

11 years ago

Ok, it says that already in the article…

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