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The Man Boobz Survey is up! Go take it! [UPDATE: Survey closes Thursday at 8 PM, EST]

Survey says: Actually, none of these are options on the Man Boobz survey
Survey says: Actually, none of these are options on the Man Boobz survey

Thanks to the hard work of Argenti Aertheri and the suggestions of various other Boobzers, the Man Boobz survey is now up and ready to be taken. It will give me — and all of you — a better picture of just what sort of people read Man Boobz on a regular basis. It’s completely anonymous. Go take it! It will only take a few minutes.

I will probably leave it up for a couple of days, and will report the results here as soon as the numbers are crunched.

I think pretty much any other question you might have about it will probably be answered on the survey itself, so hop to it!

Thanks Argenti!

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11 years ago

Just finished the survey, now I’m de-lurking to thank Argenti Aertheri for putting this all together!

11 years ago

Hyena Girl, I know what you’re saying, I’m a Jew and we’re only white when it’s comfortable for other people to think of us as white. 😛

11 years ago


Cats in a David suit
Married to a king
Sitting on hard MISANDRIST chairs
Female WHORE penguins
90% of our trolls

I chose cats in a david suit and a female WHORE penguin XD I hope these don’t contridict each other…


Welcome 😀 I assume you got your welcome package in the survey XD But if you didn’t someone else will hopefully link it to you? (I am lazy and have yet to bookmark it) um I’mkind of rambly today but welcome 😀

@Maude LL

I can’t put hypergamy, even as a snark. Somehow, I feel like a few MRAs would use it for PROOF of feminist seekrit hypergamous tendencies.

Whoops…I did hit it 😛 I also hit desiring the death of all men, so they’d have more bones to pick with me…


The question about Peach Freeze didn’t have an zero option. Is it bad that I’ve never had it?

I hit ‘oh no, my freeze peaches XD. cuz I’ve never done it but you can just hit one? idk kinda rambly today.


What is the difference between Social Democratism, Democratic Socialism and regular US liberalism? I’m one of those three but I’m not sure which.

I had no idea so I just marked them all… probably not the best idea. Welcome, btw 😀


Social democracy is a capitalistic system with a strong welfare state and/or government oversight in industry. Think of the Nordic countries, or to a lesser extent most Commonwealth countries.

Democratic socialism is democratically-elected true socialist system (i.e., with workers’ control of the means of production) or can refer to heavily democratic “botton-up” socialist systems. Think Chavista Venezuela.

US “liberalism” tends to mean a support of weak social democracy.

So there was a difference. Shows you what I know 😛


Yeah Social Democracy sounds right. No offense to any democratic socialists but it sounds too utopian and idealistic for my taste. SD appears more practical possible.

Hehe I’m up for the idealist utopia XD Though I’d be fine either way, cuz anything would sound great compared to what the US is now (don’t know your country sorry). Rambling, but no offense taken 😀

I”m going to post now before I get way too long and boring. Hi all manboobzers! Sorry if I started ignoring people in other threads? I was away for a couple days and will check back to see if I’m ignoring people, but had to do the fun survey! 😀

11 years ago


1. I’m middle class, but looks like in the U.S. I would be considered low class, by those ridiculously high income standards.

They seemed low to me 😛 Though I’m living with my mom, and going by her income, but she also has to support three people most of the time (counting herself).


Hello and welcome! 😀 You’re english (from what you just typed) seems good to me.


Welcome 😀

And yay for the survey Argenti 😀 It was a fun (late morning for me!) activity! 😀

11 years ago

Curses. Those last two comments by kittiwantsavatars are from Marie, danged wordpress changed my name 🙁

11 years ago

@SkyBison, nice nym. Yip yip!

@Argenti, sorry if this was covered in the other thread, but: why no blanks for the people who ticked “other” to write our “others”?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

First of, holy shit guys! We’re up to over 750 responses already! That means we topped the r/mr survey in, oh, 12 hours?

Second, thank you, and *passes out hugs*

Third, I can’t change the questions without wiping data, so unfortunately all typos and such are set in stone at this point. That means no bats and ferrets, my apologies to fans of bats, ferrets, and ever other critter that didn’t make the list!

Fourth, yeah, the class question…I wanted to give people something to work with since I’m in the US and everyone here seems clueless. But yeah, those definitions are from US sociologists. I don’t really think there’s any good way to get around people who’ll insist they’re middle class despite being flat broke, or whatever. I guess I could’ve worried better that the definitions are just guidelines. Sorry >.<

4b) I fixed working poor to match the radio box, as the definition isn’t part of the question (the whole thing is a series of widgets, that one is a text widget)

Fifth, the politics. Those shouldn’t be that US centric as I pulled them from here, wiki, and rational wiki, but my apologies if you got left out!

Sixth, yes the religion section is huge. That was the “someone save me from myself” point in making this!

Seventh, yes it records what country the replies are from. Which works hella better than trying to list all the options! It gets state wrong though, either I’m in Delaware (I’m not), or my ISP is (or mine’s in Cali and pecunium’s in Delaware, the states got weird with my test data).

Eighth, I forgot married to Pierre?!? I’m blaming everything missing from snark on y’all though, you had days to make suggestions!

Ninth, everyone asking what’s the question mean? Google if you mean “this term”, if you mean my intent, use whatever suits you, you aren’t going to break the results, not with this many replies.

Tenth, education wise I tried to make that as generic as possible term wise, but readily admit I really only know the systems in English speaking countries and I think everyone with suggestions is also in the Angelosphere, again, my apologies.

Eleventh — sexuality, feel free to use everything else, for, well, any and everything else.

Katz — affect vs effect, idk, either could work for the religion question…I went with affect because it does have the more active meaning, but yeah, I could’ve done effect (and frankly, I’m guessing either wording would’ve gotten more or less the same results since the difference is so damned confusing).

Sid — I stuck shit like satanism with paganism and wanted pagans and folks with the “left hand” religions to have a box (did you know they’re called that? Neither did I!) I’m wary on that one, I may end up separating the results by hand since which is which is fairly clear.

Ben — freeze peach was suggested last night and I added it with, more or less, what the person who suggested it gave me, sorry about the lack of 0!

Pecunium — you’d love to be an otter wandering the oregan area coast wouldn’t you? Enjoy that!

Katzentier — we don’t bite non-native English speakers, you’re welcome to comment if you feel comfortable, we’ve got a few non-native speakers!

J — oh I’m not terribly expecting many people in plenty of the categories. Like, some of the religion ones are culturally based in communities that tend to lack net.

Hyena Girl — meep, sorry. I got Roma as a religious group and forgot that Romany is more an ethnic category.

Dsfrogs — yeah I debated putting Jewish as an ethnicity, to cover non-religious Jews, but thought better of it.

Both of you I hoped checked whatever felt most comfortable.

Cami — non-Angelosphere answers are fine! I encourage anyone comfortable taking it to do so.

Fibinachi — you know how long I was asking input? That’s how long it took. This reply is coming when it is because I was out fucking cold!

Kittiwantsavatars // Marie // egads it did that again?? — snark options are check as many as you want for a reason 😛

I am, um, a bit worried. 400+ are lurkers and it looks like we’re getting google as a big hit for where the referrer came from. But I’m hoping it’s google reader…the data itself doesn’t seem particularly fucked. We are very white though. Mostly European it looks like. We’ll see what happens. Like I said before, with cookies on, and these questions, trolls shouldn’t be able to break it too much.

The ethnic categories, use them however works, I put in everything that got suggested, but yeah, we’re mostly Angelosphere and I think all my testers where.

The lack of write-ins is because the free version doesn’t allow that. I really REALLY wish it did, but I had enough issues finding free survey tools that didn’t sputter about the number of questions or cap the number of responses.

On that note, David, it’s KwikSurveys if you need a site for top troll.

Ok, caught up on comments, breakfast and then I’ll be back to take my own damn survey!

And we hit 790 while I was typing this!

11 years ago

Unsolicited update: A kitten just jumped into the toilet.

11 years ago

And I chose “Other US Liberal” and then came here and read the comments, and I think I’m more Social Democrat than US Liberal. Oops.

Me three.

11 years ago

@Argenti again

I was looking for Discordianism under “parody religions”, before I saw that you’d shelved it under Paganism. Not a criticism, just an observation – and I think the Discordians would just be happy that confusion had been sown 😉

Thank you for not listing Unitarian Universalism under Christianity. I hate it when people do that. And thanks for making the religion questions open to multiple answers! This Agnostic/Pantheist/UU/Pagan-Other Neopagan thanks you.

I do have a question, though: why did you list all those religions as “[culture] mythology”?

11 years ago

I’m “progressive” which is sort of the US version of Social Democrats.

11 years ago

My religious upbringing (which has nothing to do with my spiritual practices today) consists of a parent who was and is a firm Atheist, and one who was Catholic but somehow also ended up following every New Age fad in the book. So I suspect my answers on the upbringing section are going to look kind of contradictory.
And though my CV shows strong neodadaist tendencies, I’m not a Christian one…what do I doooooo? Potato.

11 years ago

What might be interesting is to see the differences (if any) between the demographics of active commenters versus the demographics of people who read but don’t comment.

11 years ago

Took the survey, even though I’ve been mostly lurking lately. Just had to say, I was sorely disappointed that ‘godless heathen’ was not among the answers to the religion question (:
(or at least the joke question at the end)

11 years ago

Argenti: I did; my religion (or, one of them) is one, actually! 😀 Tends to throw the “paganism is all about rainbows and kittens and treehugging!” pagans for a loop. Overall, I was super super happy with the way you did that section. Thank you for devoting so much time to it. <3

11 years ago

While overall very inclusive, there are options missing in race/ethnicity: Putting me (White European woman, no history of genocide and eliminationism against my peeps other than misogyny) in the same category as Travelers (Irish travelers, Yeniche [German, Austrian, Swiss], Reisende [Norwegian, Swedish]), Sami people or Roma seems bizarre.

11 years ago

I discovered recently that some of my ancestors were Jewish but I chose white European because I assumed Jewish people are white (I’m sorry if I’m being ignorant…). Also one of my grandfathers looked Arab, but I don’t know if I’ve got Arab ancestors. I think it’s probable because the Moors lived in the Iberian Peninsula and my guess is that many Spanish people are a mix of various ethnicities, although most of us are white.

11 years ago

Argenti, you did an excellent job. ^_^

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Kat — I was trying to do an amalgamation of the useless “what color is your skin?” and “where are you from?” without it turning into, well, what the religion section turned into.

“I was looking for Discordianism under “parody religions”, before I saw that you’d shelved it under Paganism. Not a criticism, just an observation – and I think the Discordians would just be happy that confusion had been sown”

Hey! As a fan of Discordia I resemble that remark 🙂

Seriously though, that list is largely thanks to the internet, and apparently it’s considered a pagan religion.

“I do have a question, though: why did you list all those religions as “[culture] mythology”?”

Would you accept “because the internet did” as a viable answer? I was wary of it until remembering that a lot of native and indigenous peoples, at least in North America, don’t consider their traditional myths to be religion. It just is how the world is. Like, Blackfoot religion is not, afaik, a thing, but Blackfoot traditional mythos totally is. (Picking Blackfoot just because family rumor is I’m descended from them, and I know bits and pieces of the myths, but have heard jack swat about any of it being religion per se.)

Actually, as for both that, and the ethnic categories, ethnicity cross-culturally is Really Fucking Complicated. I didn’t want to collapse it to the right shitty r/mr question (the last one on page one) for obvious reasons, but trying to be inclusive beyond the limits of my knowledge, and the suggestions here, was over my head. Again, my apologies for any confusion or offense.

Moly Moon
Moly Moon
11 years ago

I was looking for Discordianism under “parody religions”, before I saw that you’d shelved it under Paganism. Not a criticism, just an observation – and I think the Discordians would just be happy that confusion had been sown

Ah, crap. Didn’t even look after I saw the parody category. Well at least I got church of the subgenius. I’m more into that lately anyway.

11 years ago

arubakeru, there are Jews in all kinds of colors. 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Broke 830, either we have a metric fuckton of lurkers, or this got picked up somewhere else >.<

Huh? Referrals from here are showing as google…maybe we really do have that many lurkers! Delurk people, we have cupcakes and freeze peach pie!

500+ of these clickied lurker, so yeah, y'all we don't bite, come say hi!

11 years ago

I say a big thanks to Argenti for all the hard work! Obviously there will be problems with the alternatives, but there’s no unproblematic way to do it, and I think your survey is probably about the best that could be had! Will be very interesting to read the results.

11 years ago


Ah, ok. 🙂 My grandmother’s second surname is Jewish, and she was really white with blue eyes. I’ve been meaning to look more into that part of my family, I think it is very interesting to find out about my heritage.

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