Thanks to the hard work of Argenti Aertheri and the suggestions of various other Boobzers, the Man Boobz survey is now up and ready to be taken. It will give me — and all of you — a better picture of just what sort of people read Man Boobz on a regular basis. It’s completely anonymous. Go take it! It will only take a few minutes.
I will probably leave it up for a couple of days, and will report the results here as soon as the numbers are crunched.
I think pretty much any other question you might have about it will probably be answered on the survey itself, so hop to it!
Thanks Argenti!
‘Ello ‘ello ‘ello. You probably don’t remember *me*, but I’ve been lurking from when you were active, felt faintly surprised when I realised you hadn’t been around. 😛
Ah! Ohhhhh. I hate that, where it can often be cheaper to buy than rent but you have to have the money in the first place. Yay you though! ^_^
I am not surprised! Surveys… loose lions… sounds logical to me?
Yeeeah, 20 of us! Hai other NZers! I can’t remember if I picked ferrets in a David suit. 🙁 I think so – since it makes me laugh every time I see it!
Who’s the best? Argenti’s the best. 😀
Thanks hrovitnir!
Fibromyalgia, skin blood flow, linkie for Fade.
Hi Discordia! Glad you’ve decided to be active again!
Hey, I’m still here too! I remember Discordia!
But what with my nym and all, I guess I can’t blame ya’ll for forgetting. 😉
Also, the past few pages make me want to turn my extra room into a guest room for traveling Manboobzers. Wonder if my landlord would be okay with that?
Okay, my newly articulated thoughts after the nights sleep.
That is a huge problem, though luckily I’ve yet to encounter anyone in meat space who’s told me that. Unfortunately, even people who know fibromyalgia is real (my check-up doctor, not my rheumatologist) still wind up minimizing it, like saying “Well, maybe if you just exercised more” or “even if it hurts you have to exercise more” and stuff that only succeed in making me work out to flares and then think I’m super lazy.
So, um TL;DR i’m glad there’s more evidence, but I also don’t think it will end all of the problems from minimizing-people (necessary clarification: I don’t think you were saying that, either. I was just adding my two cents).
@mildlymagnificent. thanks for the link, too!
Fade: I’m glad you don’t have a minimising doctor. My Rheumatologist is being a bit minimising of my problems,and it’s a known thing, and in his specialty.
You know you’re memorable if Amnesia remembers you.
So I’m going to have to calculate the averages and outliers for some of the data. Someone checked off 57 religions!
Guess what I just did?! Broke the headers!!
This is becoming a trend…
Ah. 🙁 You have my sympathies on there. I’m lucky that my rheumatologist was pretty good. Even when I brought up wheelchairs, she didn’t say “NO, THEN YOU”LL LOSE THE ABILITY TO WALK” or something, she just said the insurance wouldn’t cover it for fibro…
Fade — check Craigslist and the classifieds. My father found his father one of those walkers with wheels and a seat for $20 used.
Pecunium — I have a hard time picturing you getting all authority figure nervous arround doctors…or you want me to tell him off and you can take my psych? ^.^
Fuuuuuck, when’d it get to be 1?!?? My alarm is set for 5!!!
More importantly, sleeping pill? Wtf?!
Yes, I was working on the data, or rather, how to present the data on disability considering when you include combined options (e.g. Mental and physical disability // visible and depends on day/time/activity) you have 16 options for each question and 16*16 = holy shit I cannot present this visually without 90s website results. (As in, blinking in 16 colors.)
A stacked bar graph would work nicely for breaking down disability, wouldn’t it?
I was thinking about that, but it works out to 16 columns with 16 colors each and OMGS THE 90s CALLED! (17 once you count the no response category).
And yes, people did put no disability and then check yes X disability. So I’m not sure we actually have every option, but I wouldn’t be surprised any (as it is, I’m going to need to calculate for outliers since we did have a handful of Very Obnoxious trolls, just a few, but checking EVERY ethnicity box kinda fucks…fuck. One of Elam’s minions must’ve endeavored to fuck our shit up.)
Argenti, thanks again for all your work on this! Take as long as you need to get this together.
Also, everybodyI’m thinking of asking one more question in the form of a little poll when I put up the results of the big poll, specifically on whether people see themselves as feminists, MRAs or what. These are the categories I’m thinking of using.
Sort-of feminist
Radical feminist
Marxist/socialist feminist
Feminist and an MRA
Neither a feminist nor an MRA
Thoughts? Any that I should add? Subtract?
(For real, if you’re actually trying to get the trolls’ responses, you’d better add MGHOW, PUA, etc, for all those dudes who are all “I’m not an MRA!”)
David — it’s going well, besides my desire to scream at the handful of people who, well, gave results designed to make me scream. I just haven’t worked out how to present it (really though, only that one is bothering me much)
In any case, I’m going to bed, but sorta want a TERF option on your poll. And sorta don’t. In any case, trans* feminist should probably be on there.
I would suggest a “moderate MRA” option, but then they’d all pick that one, even Slavey and Meller.
Or Third Wave Feminist, Second Wave Feminist (the First Wave are all gone by long back). If I were hanging out for a sub-label I’d plump for ‘Intersectional’ before trans*.
MGHOW and PUA are necessary as katz says. How about ‘troll’ and ‘Red Piller’ for fun?
Done! I put down “urban” even though I could make a case for “rural”–I’m in a city, but it’s a very small city (<10k) surrounded by a bunch of farms and bedroom communities and woods and stuff. My income didn't quite agree with my class description, but it was close, and I followed directions and chose description over income.
‘Ello! I hope you took a welcome package from the introduction! The class question has been perhaps the biggest source of confusion and cross-cultural headaches, I’m going to need to write up a disclaimer for that data. In any case, looks like you’re response 1,648, or there abouts, so don’t worry about that or the rural/urban thing, with this many replies it all kinda evens out (I loooove the law of large numbers!)
RE: Argenti
Damn you, do you have any idea how hard it is to have Biff and non-violence in the same story? Getting Thomas laid is WAY easier.
Yes, that’s why I said it. You know you can ignore me right? As long as I get to read it when Thomas’s sexytimes are done I’ll be happy 🙂
Maybe he can solve something by, uh, disappearing into a crowd? Pretending to be someone else?
I’m running through oWoD stats mentally and getting nothing. Seduction sure isn’t his thing, but another facet of charisma that isn’t “go away before I bash your face in”? The oWoD three social traits are: charisma, manipulation (not usable here), and appearance. I guess his strong suit is the last one?