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The Man Boobz Survey is up! Go take it! [UPDATE: Survey closes Thursday at 8 PM, EST]

Survey says: Actually, none of these are options on the Man Boobz survey
Survey says: Actually, none of these are options on the Man Boobz survey

Thanks to the hard work of Argenti Aertheri and the suggestions of various other Boobzers, the Man Boobz survey is now up and ready to be taken. It will give me — and all of you — a better picture of just what sort of people read Man Boobz on a regular basis. It’s completely anonymous. Go take it! It will only take a few minutes.

I will probably leave it up for a couple of days, and will report the results here as soon as the numbers are crunched.

I think pretty much any other question you might have about it will probably be answered on the survey itself, so hop to it!

Thanks Argenti!

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11 years ago

Tarnishedsophia, maybe this list of gender-identity terms will help? (And now I kind of want to identify as “demigirl.”)

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

My only problem with the survey was the definition of economic classes being based mostly around level of income, which is sort of a liberal economics definition of class. I admit the other option would be a sociological definition which pretty much accepts Marxist/socialist definitions by default. OTOH I just want to make it clear that I don’t consider the choice of definition to be “objective” just because it’s based on numbers (and *some* amount of related stereotypes, like education > high school disallows you from working class background, or even that because you had college or university education it means you’re making more than 35K$ a year). I’m just aware of the fact there isn’t really an objective definition of economic class, so it is not beyond the pale to have chosen to go with the one that is more “mainstream US politics” than the others.

11 years ago

Awesome survey, Argenti, thanks! I wonder how many people will claim they are married to a king?

By the way, I am planning to make some freeze peach muffins sometime this week. No, really.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

I preferred picking middle class based on those definitions but I consider myself working class, and I’ve written short posts in the past about how middle class identity is mostly an American myth rather than an objectively existing economic class.

In Marxist/anarchist terms the middle class is composed of professionals, which includes doctors, lawyers, academics and the like. However there has been a process of “professionalisation” of many workplaces where working class jobs have adopted middle class values and posturing. Things like the IT/software development industry, for instance, which is very much proletarized in truth but where people self-id as professionals because of a cultural opposition to worker organizing and unions. This is where “college/university eduction” comes in, because it used to be that that educational track mostly led into academia in the past, where it is now a necessary component even of working class careers to differentiate yourself from the mass of the unemployed with a college degree.

11 years ago

Serrana: Holy crap. You must take pictures and post them. So that I may drool all over my monitor.

Also, Argenti: On the religious question, under pagan religions, what was the difference between “Other” and “Other Neopagan/Pagan”? I put the latter down, just hope I didn’t mess it up.

11 years ago

Hey! I’ve been a regular lurker on this blog for ages; I took the survey and just thought I would yield to the gentle invitation therein to come out of the shadows and comment. Love the blog, it’s hilarious even if it is sometimes pretty spooky to see how the people featured can be walking among us with such weird convictions about hypergamy and alphaness and ‘the female hindbrain’ and the like.

11 years ago

Good one!
Thanks for the hugs! *optional hugs back*

I think question #9 refers to identities loosely related to (US categorization of) trans*, with conceptual/categorization particularities or differences.

11 years ago

@serrana – “Awesome survey, Argenti, thanks! I wonder how many people will claim they are married to a king?”

Hey, shouldn’t there have been a “Married to Pierre” question for you?

@freitag – you’re gonna have to sue Dave. Or alternatively, your university. Because MISANDRY.

11 years ago

I particularly appreciate that all the snark got constrained to one section; it’s so tempting to put a snark answer in a serious question, but then everyone wants to pick it and it can seriously undermine the real data.

11 years ago

Argenti, you are awesome and your survey is awesome. That took a lot of hard work. Thanks!

11 years ago

Excellent survey. Should be interesting to see who is reading David’s little round-ups of the loopier parts of the internet/the asinine conversations about cats beneath them.

11 years ago

I can’t put hypergamy, even as a snark. Somehow, I feel like a few MRAs would use it for PROOF of feminist seekrit hypergamous tendencies.

11 years ago

Don’t want to add to the criticism of the survey, but there doesn’t look to be a question for country/location. Presumably David can get some idea of that sort of thing from the website stats, so probably not a big omission/maybe intentional? Iunno. I had fun and can’t wait to see the results anyway.

11 years ago

As a devoted Madokaist, observer of Jesus Yamato, Moriya shrine adherent, Favored One of Nyarlathotep, Follower of Godai the Rider, crusader of Getter, believer in the Crimson Dragon, cleric of the humanist Taijorokun, and worshiper of those who sway the Great Will I’m very upset that my long list of fake fake religions didn’t make it into your list.

Also if you got more than half of those references you have my admiration.

11 years ago

@serrana – “Awesome survey, Argenti, thanks! I wonder how many people will claim they are married to a king?”

Hey, shouldn’t there have been a “Married to Pierre” question for you?

Haha, I noticed the other day that Mr. S/the former Mr. Dammit kind of resembles Pierre. I think that’s why I proposed.

Sid, I most certainly will post pictures of my Freeze Peach muffins when I get around to making them.

As far as the class question goes, I wonder if Argenti was trying to collect data parallel to the MRA survey? Class is subjective – I almost answered a class lower than I am. Most surveys ask income level and education and leave it at that. It’s certainly an interesting question, though!

11 years ago

sredni_vashtar, welcome from a sometimes regular, sometimes lurker. Here is your official Manboobz Welcome Package.

11 years ago

The question about Peach Freeze didn’t have an zero option. Is it bad that I’ve never had it?

11 years ago

😀 A survey where I can actually select agender? So much love! And I adore all the political options. My only complaint is the lack of ferrets in the pets question.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

David: problem with your data is it counts hits rather than individuals, which skews numbers towards heavy users.

11 years ago

I was doing the survey, and on the last page I realized I am also David. Up to this point, I had never analyzed the weird feelings I had when reading posts, but it all makes sense now. I am also made entirely of cats, and I am made entirely of ferrets. Now I know who I am. Thank you so much, Argenti.

11 years ago

Hi, humble lurker here, I’ve just got a question I want to ask:

What is the difference between Social Democratism, Democratic Socialism and regular US liberalism? I’m one of those three but I’m not sure which.

I choose Social Democrat because the NDP was listed as this and I normally vote for them.

11 years ago

Whoa! This has got to be the most inclusive survey I have ever taken! The religion page was particularly educational, as it has so many religions and branches of religions I never even heard of! (Basement cat? Is that the enemy of ceiling cat? Is Armewgeddon upon us?)

I also liked how several questions like sexual orientation allow you to pick more than one and are also optional, as it helps when you’re not too sure or don’t feel comfortable.

11 years ago

Welcome, sredni_vashtar and Omnicrom! 🙂

11 years ago

BritterSweet – yes, Basement Cat is Ceiling Cat’s enemy. “Armewgeddon” love it! 😀
