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The Man Boobz Survey is up! Go take it! [UPDATE: Survey closes Thursday at 8 PM, EST]

Survey says: Actually, none of these are options on the Man Boobz survey
Survey says: Actually, none of these are options on the Man Boobz survey

Thanks to the hard work of Argenti Aertheri and the suggestions of various other Boobzers, the Man Boobz survey is now up and ready to be taken. It will give me — and all of you — a better picture of just what sort of people read Man Boobz on a regular basis. It’s completely anonymous. Go take it! It will only take a few minutes.

I will probably leave it up for a couple of days, and will report the results here as soon as the numbers are crunched.

I think pretty much any other question you might have about it will probably be answered on the survey itself, so hop to it!

Thanks Argenti!

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11 years ago

I’m pretty sure the blog author is a JOURNALIST! He does this in his spare time, and it’s not his JOURNALISM! Am I just up too late and having too much fun with capitalization? Shall we all be MRAs for a bit and have some random IMPORTANT capitalization?

11 years ago

Of course.
*more tea for Kittehs*

SUICIDE??? Wow. Just wow.

11 years ago

budding career in plant science

I see what you did there

11 years ago

@neuroticbeagle I did look, but I don’t have much stomach for DKM, and I’m not sure if his dolls having a life was in comments or on the forum. It did happen!

11 years ago

::sips tea::

If we’re talking about dolls with a life of their own, I can’t resist* showing this shot of >le petit roi et la petite reine from our trip to London in ’89.

How does one get down from here?

*ie. made no attempt

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Wait wait wait! One if DKM’s dolls committed suicide?! When did I miss this?!

*cocks head* let’s just say looking at the rest of the data I doubt this is MRAL. For one, they said they’re in a relationship.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Plants! Hi there, mention plants again when pecunium shows up, he’s been elbow deep in gardening for weeks now. And bonsai.

My plants are more normal, fish are my babies!

And I STILL haven’t taken my own damned survey!

11 years ago

Like others, I found the survey US-centric and thus exclusionary of non-US respondants, let alone those living in non-Western cultures. This is, sadly, very common in the progressive community. It’s great that such efforts are made to include every variety of transperson nomenclature, but when that is accompanied by a disregard for 95% of the world’s population it’s pretty jarring.

Anecdote: An ex of mine is a young, female academic in the social sciences in a developing country. I once asked her if she had a lot of experience of her contributions being ignored or diminished because of her age or gender. She thought about it and told me that maybe it had happened once or twice, but far more common was the huge blindspot western academics and journals have towards anything that doesn’t come out of their countries. It was a major eye-opener for me.

Nothing personal towards the person who designed the survey; this is a systemic problem and the nature of invisible backbacks is that they’re hard to see. And this problem is not going to stop my ongoing love of manboobz!

11 years ago

I just have to butt in to say I remember the dolls escaping! It’s one of my fondest Manboobz-lurking memories.

Here’s a link to the comment where it all started:

11 years ago

I remember the dolls escaping. I’m glad it was comforting for you, aj, and I’m sure a l

11 years ago

Hi there, “Post Comment” button. Anyway a lot of people found it extremely amusing. I found it disturbing as fuck and stopped reading the threads involved before the saga reached its conclusion.

11 years ago

Hmm, I don’t think it would have done much for me. Not disturbing, just that lengthy parodies of Meller wouldn’t really be my thing. Mind you I’ve skimmed it just now when I’m ready to fall over for sleepiness, and that usually raises my grump factor and diminishes the sense of humour. 😛

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
11 years ago

Thanks for compliments, and welcome package too. The sentiment is heartwarming.

I pride my written English skills, the result of wasting countless hours on the Internet 🙂 English is the easiest and funniest language to learn once you have the basic reading skills and an Internet connection. My spoken English isn’t nearly as good, partly because I’m a mumbling nerdy type regardless of language.

I’m very familiar with Pharyngula. Indeed, it was in June 2009 that someone on a Finnish forum linked to a funny post on Pharyngula. Then I found myself reading so many interesting English-language websites that linked to other interesting English-language websites… There was no return.

(I “dislike” cats in the same sense as PZ Myers, that is is not fawning over them. Obviously this makes me a bad feminist.)

11 years ago

Falconer: Some of the atheists in the Oak Ridge Unitarian Universalist congregation were demanding that the next pastor be an atheist, recently.

Hmrn…. based on that I suspect you know my stepmother, and some of my siblings.

I might have met them. Usually I have to be dragged kicking and screaming to church.

Last time I went to the UU, I went for the parenting group held after the service; I spent the service in the nursery with me bairns and several other kids; and Beloved and her mom went to the service.

11 years ago


Some of the atheists in the Oak Ridge Unitarian Universalist congregation were demanding that the next pastor be an atheist, recently.

Atheists and agnostics make up approximately 20% of UU membership. Combined with the fact that many UUs – including a lot of theistic ones – think it’s inappropriate to actually mention God during a sermon, I can see why some congregations would want an atheist minister.

Between that and the fact that the ministers I’ve met have included a Buddhist, a Pagan, and a non-specific Mystic who just got back from a few months with Sufi ascetics, you can see why the assumption that we’re Christian bothers me. Well, that and the fact that in the circles I travel in, people are deeply suspicious of Christians, and I’m not one, so…

I had to pause to collect my brains, because the thought that there were atheists who went to church stopped me cold.

Which is why, even though I’m pretty sure there’s no god(s) and think of myself as an atheist/pantheist, I still identify as religious.

11 years ago

Re Scientology: I know some “weak” scientologists who are also still practicing another faith.

re the Dolls, The storyline was that one had run away, the rest weren’t happy. It was tragic,and funny.

11 years ago


What the fuuuuuuck. Re: toddler. I mean, what? Slut shaming a 3 year old, for wearing clothes you put her in and wanting to move??? :’( A million hugs from me if you want them.

Yeah 🙁 Hugs accepted, should pass them onto her. Probably should have said something but my mind was too much in ‘wtf. no’ mode.

@Artic Ape

I might as well introduce myself in this thread, as a long-time Manboobz fan and an infrequent commenter.

Hello and welcome, if I haven’t said so already 😀 (though I may have. You’re name looks familiar, which I’m guessing goes with ‘infrequent commenter’.)

11 years ago

This is OT, but I just had a dream about watching a Man Boobz regular (some guy I couldn’t identify) having a lunch meeting with Paul Elam. He was complaining about how no feminist would ever care about financially helping him to start a project that helps men, but when the Man Boobz regular offered him a wad of cash, Elam angrily threw the money on the ground.

There was more to the dream than that, but I forgot it. It was amusing, needless to say. XD

11 years ago

I found the Doll mockery a bit problematic. Not to the point of ignoring the threads (because well meller needed smacking) but it seemed to border on making light of him in an abusive way.

11 years ago

There are also atheists who are Pagan!

*waves* I don’t have a fancy name for it, except I sometimes refer to myself as a “lapsed Pagan”. I still observe the seasonal holidays, and I find nature and the cosmos and science ridiculously awe-inspiring, I still have shrines to Athene and Hestia in my home – but I’m skeptical at best about the existence of god(s) and magick.

Ally S
11 years ago

Testing my new nym. (“Aaliyah” is my previous nym in case anyone’s unsure)

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Surveyed up! (and thanks for leaving it up into Monday!)

11 years ago

I am sorry if I stepped on anybody’s toes.

11 years ago

I’m an agnostic Pagan. I checked off “Other neopagan,” “agnostic,” and secular humanist, because if I ran the world, I certainly would not make everyone practice agnostic neopaganism.

And a belated welcome to Arctic Ape! I run into a surprising number of Finns online, and they all speak (or at least type) better English than 90% of the Americans I know. Make of that what you will.

Finland seems to be one of those countries that Americans have heard of and might even know the rough location of (“It’s in Europe, right? Like, the cold part?”), but otherwise know nothing about, even as they play Angry Birds on their Nokia phone on the way to the sauna.

11 years ago

The epic of the dolls begins roundabout here. Participants are Irene, a very effeminate doll with a Stockholmy devotion to Meller; Evan, a FTM trans* doll who is miserable but afraid to try to escape, and Aurora, a former Meller doll who successfully escaped some time ago. The forum thread is here.

I think, Meller aside, it’s a brilliant bit of storytelling just as an exploration of gender dysphoria and abusive relationships. And it’s funny as hell.

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