Thanks to the hard work of Argenti Aertheri and the suggestions of various other Boobzers, the Man Boobz survey is now up and ready to be taken. It will give me — and all of you — a better picture of just what sort of people read Man Boobz on a regular basis. It’s completely anonymous. Go take it! It will only take a few minutes.
I will probably leave it up for a couple of days, and will report the results here as soon as the numbers are crunched.
I think pretty much any other question you might have about it will probably be answered on the survey itself, so hop to it!
Thanks Argenti!
Eurosabra — yeah, it was at the top of the religion page. And checking multiple is fine, I’m working on figuring out who checked so many that they had to have been full of it (e.g. nobody follows 57 belief systems)
Fuck you excel, fuck you M$, and especially fuck you for making office for mac a watered down version of office!!
In related news, this hissy fit brought to you by Argenti attempting to remove the 5 surveys that have been mathematically determined trolls (my mathematical method shall be included in the final report, right now it’s too mathy to make sense, or maybe I just need sleep)
I appreciate it too. it still seems kinda surreal, though.
Does this make sense?
Same here, I appreciate it too.
Talacaris — perhaps needless to say it, but me too. If I didn’t think you capable of it, I wouldn’t have asked you to do the smart ass section (and it’s totally fine that you can’t do it, no worries)
Thanks from me too, Talacaris, for trying with the stats, AND for not trolling.